
94 people advanced to the rematch The second "Stage Rising Star" Young Outstanding Talents Selection Activity in Tianjin was launched

94 people advanced to the rematch The second "Stage Rising Star" Young Outstanding Talents Selection Activity in Tianjin was launched

On October 25th, the second "Stage Rising Star" Young Outstanding Talents Selection Event in Tianjin officially kicked off. The event was co-sponsored by the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Municipal Education Commission, the Haihe Media Center, the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, and the Northern Performing Arts Group, aiming to promote more new talents in stage art to emerge and grow into talents. The selection activities cover six major art categories of opera, opera, drama, instrumental music, vocal music and dance, making breakthroughs and innovations in many aspects, striving to excavate and cultivate a group of comprehensive young outstanding artistic talents who keep up with the development of the times, and promoting the sustained prosperity and development of stage art in the city.

Multi-format to build a dream Eclectic selection of talents

In the first selection activity, 23 outstanding young actors were awarded the honorary title of "Stage Rising Star", and through the integration of various resources to build a new talent publicity and display platform, a wave of continuous publicity and promotion of "Stage Rising Star" has risen in the city. In order to continue to expand the brand influence, enhance the sense of the times, and stimulate the innovative vitality of young talents, this year's selection activities draw on experience and continuous innovation, attracting nearly 140 young artistic talents from state-owned professional academies, private performance groups, and 13 colleges and universities to register for the competition.

On the basis of continuing the excellent results of the first session, this year's selection activities broke the restrictions of the system, academies and groups, and simultaneously accepted the registration of actors from social and private groups; at the same time, the registration channels of colleges and universities were increased, and the "stage rookie" selection was specially set up, and strived to reserve more young reserve talents for the city's stage art. In the preliminary selection, all the contestants were professionally grouped, and the expert judges of the corresponding art categories conducted a video review of the representative works submitted by the contestants, and 94 contestants were selected to enter the semi-competition.

Embrace the internet to find a breakthrough Like comments to help advance

In order to further explore the new path of the development of the art of the times, this event actively opened up Internet resources, and in the rematch stage, there were both professional control and escort of expert judges, and online links such as short video contests and live broadcast contests were added to stimulate young literary and art workers to strengthen their awareness of Internet communication, strengthen cultural self-confidence, promote cultural dissemination, and effectively improve cultural creativity.

The rematch will be from October 25 to November 19, and the contestants will release personalized short video content and participate in live broadcast activities through the personal Douyin platform, actively disseminate the correct value orientation, display professional talents and Tianjin cultural image, and compete online together. During the rematch, the Media Center of the Northern Performing Arts Group will also assist the whole process, providing more display platforms for the contestants through the official network live broadcast and other forms, and gathering influence for the main topic of "stage rising stars".

During the rematch, the online score of the contestants is calculated according to the new number of fans, likes and comments of the personal Douyin account, and the audience can understand the progress of the competition every day by paying attention to the official account of the "Northern Performing Arts Group" Douyin, and can also pay attention to the WeChat Mini Program "Xiaobei Theater" to like and comment points for the players they support.

Gathering the professional recognition of offline experts and the word-of-mouth support of the online masses, it is expected that more than 60 players will advance to the finals. The finals are scheduled to be held in mid-December, and the contestants will be presented one by one in the form of live performances, and the judges and the audience will be jointly scored. According to the ranking of scores, the honorary winners of the second "Stage Rising Star" and "Stage Rookie" in Tianjin were finally selected.

Cultivate a new army of literature and art in Jincheng to promote the growth of elite talents

The selection activities adhere to the focus on professional artistic literacy, and from the perspective of the contestants' basic artistic skills, stage expression, work understanding, program innovation, etc., excavate and display the youth power of stage art, cultivate and accumulate young talents for the development of stage art in Tianjin, and promote the formation of a new pattern in which talents emerge and artistic masterpieces are multiplied.

The "Stage Rising Star" selection activity is only the beginning of the selection of outstanding artistic talents, and more importantly, it is necessary to establish and improve a set of "stage nova" training mechanism. Combined with the growth law of young stage talents, the whole process and targeted support are given in professional training, stage performances, promotion and commendation, publicity and promotion. At the same time, we will actively integrate performances, media and other resources, and carry out multi-dimensional display and promotion of newcomers and rookies: let the rich and colorful culture and art use the influence of "new stars" and "rookies" to enter the public vision, expand the aesthetics of the masses, and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses; also let all kinds of learning, training, and practice improvement activities help "new stars" and "rookies" effectively enhance their theoretical literacy, professional ability and artistic level, and truly cultivate young talents with both moral integrity and art.

Attachment: The list of personnel in the second "Stage Rising Star/Rookie" Young Outstanding Talents Selection Activity in Tianjin

(Ranked in no particular order, alphabetically by last name)

Rising Star Shortlist: (57)

Opera group: An Haiyang, Chen Xiao, Cao Lushuang, Dang Liang, Liu Ying, Li Mengyang, Ma Yiyang, Pang Yannan, Si Weitao, Tang Yunlu, Wang Li, Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Yi, Xiao Yang, Xi Yuchen, Zhuang Jinzhu, Zhang Cuixiang, Zhang Qiting

Quyi Group: Cai Baoheng, Feng Yang, Shi Wei, Xia Yan, Yang Zening, Zhang Nan, Zhang Yao, Zheng Kun

Drama Group: Cui Wenjing, Guo Feng, Hu Bo, Liu Jiming, Li Haoming, Ma Huihui, Sun Jia, Wang Yong, Zhao Xue

Instrumental music group: Gao Song, Han Junyi, Li Xinrui, Li Peng, Liu Zhaozhi, Meng Meng, Yin Haifeng, Zhang Zhiyuan, Zhao Yue, Zhou Yi

Vocal group: Bai Huidi, Dai Yingnan, Li Wei, Song Kening, Zhao Tianjian, Zhang Yanrong, Zhang Kai, Zhang Bo

Dance group: Huang Shaoshuai, Joanna, Zhang Weilu, Tian Chao

Rookie Finalists: (37)

Opera group: Jia Yulong, Li Jingyi, Li Xuan, Tian Xin, Yang Lei, Yang Hanting, Zhang Shan, Zhang Xinran, Zhao Yipu

QuYi Group: Feng Rui, Liu Peng, Wang Rongbin, Yuan Shuai

Drama group: Dong Xu, Chai Tonghui, Xie Yuzhi, Xia Jiaxin

Instrumental music group: Kang Yunmao, Li Ruien, Liu Yuqi, Liu Yuhan, Meng Weiran, Tang Yuan, Tian Yuhan, Wang Yaozhang, Yang Qianye, Zhao Jianzhang, Zhu Xilong

Vocal group: Cai Peilin, Fan Zichen, Wang Anqi, You Jiahui, Zhang Xudong

Dance group: Chen Muning, Chen Yuhan, Tang Yifan, Zhao Leyu

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