
Long Bin went to Songkan Town to carry out the "June 1st" Children's Day condolence activities

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Guizhou Channel Original draft

According to the tongzi county people's government network, on the occasion of the arrival of the "June 1st" International Children's Day, Long Bin, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, led a team to Songkan Town to carry out the "June 1st" Children's Day condolence activities, send holiday blessings to the children, extend cordial greetings to teachers and students, and extend festive greetings to the children and teenagers of the county through them.

At the Tea Shop Primary School in Songkan Town, the Young Pioneers tied red scarves to Long Bin and his party. Subsequently, Long Bin and his party visited the campus environment and learned in detail about the school's infrastructure construction, school management, and teacher allocation. During the condolences, Long Bin also sent holiday gifts to the children, and put forward earnest hopes for the children, hoping that they would study happily, grow up healthily, develop good learning and living habits, strive to be good students with all-round development of morality, intellect and body, and be a pillar of talent for building the motherland and contributing to society in the future.

Long Bin pointed out that the high-quality development of Tongzi is inseparable from the guarantee of education, and high-quality education should start from basic education. In recent years, while making all-out efforts to promote economic and social development, the county party committee and the county government have conscientiously implemented the party's educational principles and policies, with the goal of running education to the satisfaction of the people and the balanced development of compulsory education as the focus, actively promoted various reforms in the field of education, the educational layout has become increasingly rational, the optimal allocation of educational resources, the marked improvement of school-running conditions, the marked improvement of the quality and management level of schools at all levels in the county, and the achievement of healthy and rapid development of education and tangible results.

Long Bin stressed that education is an important way and core measure to block the intergenerational transmission of poverty, and it is our efforts to let children grow up better. The balanced development of compulsory education is a major event in Tongzi County at present, and all levels and departments in the county must attach great importance to it, and they must link up and coordinate their advancement. Schools should attach great importance to the work of left-behind children, do a good job in emotional counseling for left-behind children, and give more care and help in learning and life, so that children can truly appreciate the warmth of the school family and better promote their healthy development in learning, life and physical and mental health. It is necessary to further optimize the management method of nutritious meals, give priority to the procurement of local ecological and safe high-quality fresh ingredients, strengthen the supervision and management of the production process, and ensure that students can eat safe and secure nutritious meals. It is necessary to strengthen the daily management of schools, improve teachers' professional ability and teacher morality, strictly control teachers' access gates and education and training, and provide good teacher support for the steady improvement of education quality.

Du Zhong, deputy county magistrate, and responsible persons of county government offices and relevant departments directly under the county government accompanied the condolences. (Tongzi County People's Government Network Zeng Jing)

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