
Yang Zaibao, son-in-law of Sichuan and a famous performance artist, died of illness at the age of 85

author:Cover News
Yang Zaibao, son-in-law of Sichuan and a famous performance artist, died of illness at the age of 85

Cover news reporter Doon Lake

On the morning of February 14, Qiao Zhi, a beijing cultural activist, revealed to the cover news reporter that Mr. Yang Zaibao, a famous performing artist, died of illness at 2 p.m. in Beijing at the age of 85 at 2 p.m. on the 13th.

Qiao Zhi is a good friend of Yang Zaibao, and he revealed to the cover news reporter that Yang Zaibao struggled with the disease for a year, and the illness did not disturb more old friends. Qiao Zhi wrote a memorandum for Yang Zaibao: "The good people of life praise the truth, goodness and beauty as public morality, and the stage tough guy needles fake evil and ugly big love the world."

Yang Zaibao, son-in-law of Sichuan and a famous performance artist, died of illness at the age of 85

Born in 1935, Yang Zaibao graduated from the Acting Department of the Shanghai Theater Academy. After the news of Yang Zaibao's death came out, many friends in the film industry posted condolences on Weibo.

Yang Zaibao, son-in-law of Sichuan and a famous performance artist, died of illness at the age of 85

Yang Zaibao and his wife Chen Liming

The cover reporter has interviewed Yang Zaibao face-to-face three times at the "Hundred Flowers Welcoming Spring" China Literary Association Gala. His wife, Chen Liming, is also a film actress, and although she was born in Guilin, Guangxi, her father was a native of Anyue County, Sichuan. Chen Liming has always insisted that she is an authentic Sichuanese. Every time Yang Zaibao was interviewed, he would affectionately use Sichuanese: "I am a true Son-in-law of Sichuan!" I love Sichuan. ”

Yang Zaibao, son-in-law of Sichuan and a famous performance artist, died of illness at the age of 85
Yang Zaibao, son-in-law of Sichuan and a famous performance artist, died of illness at the age of 85

Yang Zaibao has starred in the movies "Red Sun", "The River Gushing", "From Slave to General", "Blood, Always Hot", "Acting Mayor", "Wilderness", etc., and won the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards many times. On November 23, 2019, Yang Zaibao won the honor of "Lifetime Achievement Film Artist of China Federation of Literature and Literature" at the 32nd Golden Rooster Awards of Chinese Film.

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