
The TV series "Breakout" began to watch how Jin Dongyan Ni played

author:Bright Net
The TV series "Breakout" began to watch how Jin Dongyan Ni played

The TV series "Breakout" has recently been broadcast, although the opening of the foreshadowing is slightly scattered, but the "worldly people's hearts" displayed around the enterprise groups in the play have begun to appear, and the "big drama" around Jin Dong, Yan Ni and Huang Zhizhong's "brothers and sisters of Zhongfu Group" is worth watching.

Qilu Evening News Qilu one-point reporter Song said

The drama bone assembly has a look

The TV series "Breakout" uses a narrative technique of multiple threads going hand in hand, and judging from the episodes that have been broadcast in "Breakout", it is still in the stage of story preparation. In the first episode, Qi Ben'an (Jin Dong) suddenly promoted but was obstructed by his wife Xiao Fan, leaving a lot of suspense, it turned out that this promotion was hidden and dangerous, and there were multiple crises such as financial hidden dangers and casualties in Jingzhou Zhongfu. As the plot progresses, greater corruption also surfaces. On the first day of his appointment, qi ben'an was found by one person after another, and without saying a word, he pulled out a bank card and compared the number, and someone in the room had already laid out a camera. From Shi Hongxing's "one-handed sky covering", to the loss in mining, Qin Xiaochong's just released from prison, etc., these trivial clues cannot be connected for a while, until after 8 episodes of the plot, the first high-burning conflict content of "Breakout" finally arrives. The 500 million yuan of funds for shantytown renovation has disappeared, and an explosion has highlighted many problems.

Qi Ben'an's promotion brought out contradictions and conflicts and clues to watch, and for a time the workplace relationship was strange. In the play, Qi Ben'an, Lin Manjiang (played by Huang Zhizhong) and Shi Hongxing (played by Yan Ni) are three protagonists who are brothers and sisters, and later each of them has embarked on a leadership position in a state-owned enterprise. The "art of speaking" of these three "Brothers and Sisters of Zhongfu Group" in the official arena in the TV series is a scene worth watching.

Qi Ben'an has always been the role of the "millennium old man" in family and work, and he has always been satisfied with the status quo, and he has suddenly risen to the "number one", and in the play he has to face intricate contradictions and relationships.

Huang Zhizhong played Lin Manjiang in "Breakout", which was the first entrepreneur image he created. It is worth mentioning that Huang Zhizhong also recently played Yuan Longping in the hit drama "Meritorious Service", and the conversion of two different types of roles is surprising.

Yan Ni also contributed a very personal performance to the series, she played Shi Hongxing is a new and agile state-owned enterprise executive image, seemingly comedic careless, but in fact attaches great importance to power and status.

The human game is more life flowing

Zhou Mason's TV series "The Name of the People" became a phenomenon after it was broadcast in 2017, and "Breakout" took "people's property" as the theme and Jingzhou Zhongfu Group as the background, showing the difficulties encountered by state-owned enterprises in the reform breakthrough, such as the huge deficit of Zhongfu Group, the collapse of shantytowns, and the Jingzhou energy permeability accident. "Breakout" is still based on Zhou Mason's novel of the same name, but the audience may not find the familiar sense of dramatic conflict in "The Name of the People" in the play, and the game of human nature is depicted in a more lifelike form.

Eating is a very common thing, but eating can also be "not simple", and the several meals at the beginning of "Breakout" have vividly presented the relationship between the three brothers and sisters. In a dinner party in the first episode, the personalities of Lin Manjiang, Qi Ben'an and Shi Hongxing and the contradictions between the three of them are revealed. For Qi Ben'an's transfer to Jingzhou Zhongfu as a leader, Shi Hongxing was dissatisfied, so in the small talk after the three people sat down, she picked a "ugly thing that was beaten" of Qi Ben'an, which seemed like a joke, but in fact, it was to give Qi Ben'an, who had not yet arrived, a dismount.

Not only did he talk about Qi Ben'an's old ugly things, but in other things, Shi Hongxing always took the lead. For example, Shi Hongxing preemptively handed Lin Manjiang napkins, and took out a small book at any time to record the work explained by Lin Manjiang, these actions make people feel the strength of Shi Hongxing, and for the matter of Qi Ben'an stir-frying, Shi Hongxing also took the credit to himself, including the scene where Shi Hongxing and Qi Ben'an seized the office later, you can see that the two people who are out of the same door in this division have an undercurrent in the relationship.

From Lin Manjiang's point of view, this family banquet is a "Hongmen banquet" for Shi Hongxing. On the surface, he sent the two people away, but in fact, he beat Shi Hongxing and asked her to ease the contradiction with Qi Ben'an. Through this meal, the different personalities of the three brothers and sisters and the relationship between the three are vividly displayed, and the complexity and three-dimensional sense of the role should also be presented.

The reception banquet set up by the old lady for Qi Ben'an, the dinner party between Qi Ben'an and his wife Fan Jiahui, and the scene where Niu Junjie forces Gong Pidan before Cheng Duanyang's dinner are also wonderful, and the dramatic conflict of "Breakout" seems to be soft, but through the delicate technique of life flow, the state of the main characters in the play is fully revealed.

Source: Qilu Evening News

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