
The ovaries are the source of female beauty, four factors may lead to premature ovarian failure, we must pay attention to prevention

author:Seek medical advice

The ovaries are the source of female beauty, four factors can lead to premature ovarian failure, be sure to pay attention to prevention! The ovaries are a symbol of a woman, but also the secret of women's eternal youth, ovarian problems, everyone's female body will definitely be harmed, especially premature ovarian failure may lead to female lifelong infertility, the following to explain to you the causes of premature ovarian failure.

Causes of premature ovarian failure:

1 Psychological factors Now many female white-collar workers because of work causes sometimes the mood will become very poor, and the bad light may lead to a decrease in immune activity in the body, strong emotional fluctuations or sudden huge mental stimulation can make the central nervous system change, resulting in menstrual disorders, causing premature ovarian failure. Frequent business trips, changes in the environment, emotional tension, etc. can also cause menstrual disorders.

2 life and eating habits of women are best to sleep before 11 pm every night, if the sleep is insufficient or the quality of sleep is not good, it is easy to lead to poor immunity, resulting in irregular menstruation, premature ovarian failure and other phenomena. Long-term consumption of drugs or malnutrition may also lead to premature ovarian failure.

3; Menstruation, marriage and childbearing history; Menopause is earlier in menarche and later in menopause. Menopause time is related to the initial number of follicles and the rate of follicle failure. Repeated egg retrieval for fertility or the use of ovulation-stimulating drugs can also lead to premature ovarian failure.

4 Genetic history and surgical history Some women have premature ovarian failure due to genetic reasons, and past surgical experience may also lead to premature ovarian failure.

Prevention of premature ovarian failure:

1, supplemental phytoestrogen: often drink milk, more intake of fish, shrimp and other foods, these foods are rich in phytoestrogen can make up for the lack of estrogen secretion on the female body caused by the impact. In addition, under the guidance of a doctor, you can take drugs that nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish qi and blood, how to shou wu, cooked land, astragalus and so on.

2, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits: vitamin C, E and carotene are the best elements for anti-aging. Carotene can maintain the health of human tissues or the outer tissues of organs, and sisters who often have "acne" should be regarded as "good friends", while vitamins C and E can delay the aging of cells due to oxidation, so that the youthful appearance can be as "enduring" as possible.

Most of these antioxidants are hidden in fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which not only helps eliminate the free radicals that promote our aging, but also promotes the health of the large rectum and helps detoxify.

3, more intake of protein: protein is related to the construction and repair of our human tissues and the maintenance of immune function. However, it should be noted that terrestrial animal meat is usually accompanied by a lot of saturated fat, which makes you gain weight, so it is recommended to reduce the terrestrial animal meat food, which can be low-fat dairy products, legumes and fish and shrimp as the main source of protein.

The ovaries are the source of female beauty, four factors can lead to premature ovarian failure, be sure to pay attention to prevention! Ovarian maintenance is very necessary, correct understanding of the causes of premature ovarian failure, and take precautions in life to completely get rid of the unnecessary harm caused by the disease, so as to ensure everyone's safety and health.