
Stockholm major: A snowy shame, ENCE won the first victory with a 16-10 victory over GODSENT

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Stockholm major: A snowy shame, ENCE won the first victory with a 16-10 victory over GODSENT

Nuke(ENCE 16-10 GODSENT)

The pistol game began, ENCE as the defensive start, Spinx a CZ on the yellow room will be out of the yellow room GODSENT three people washed their heads, with the doto double kill, the two will kill the attacking side as much as possible, the next round GODSENT choose to be strong, a wave of acceleration directly into the A package point, ENCE has not slowed down, there are only three people left, they choose to protect the gun.

In the third round, dycha almost caught his back in the outfield, and as a result, dumau just came from the bandit house, knocked out dycha, GODSENT followed the trend under K1, but Snappi has been ambushed in the control room window for a long time, a wave of double kills will get GODSENT on the pipe, although the blood of the two teammates is extremely low, but b4rtin still stabilized the endgame.

With the help of economic advantages, GOSENT even took ENCE two and a half starts, the score came to 1-4, GODSENT two people were beaten in the process of touching the point, after losing two people they directly accelerated the iron plate, was stopped by Spinx double kill, the seventh round of the two sides in the field a change, GODSENT immediately formed a package clamp on the A point, although doto has quickly returned from the pipeline to fight off a person, but TAKO and Dumau have entered the state, combined five kills to win a set, Soon the ENCE economy will bottom out, GODSENT wants to continue to speed up without giving ENCE a chance to breathe, the field smoke bomb exploded after the GODSENT broke through in the direction of the police, and the number of people swapped after the doto double kill completed the endgame.

Stockholm major: A snowy shame, ENCE won the first victory with a 16-10 victory over GODSENT

In the ninth round, the felps of the single touch of the field were beaten by dycha, and at the same time GODSENT took control of the iron plate, trying to find an opportunity downstairs in the third floor, only to be combined by doto and hades to kill their attack on the iron plate, and after taking the half start of GODSENT, ENCE would reverse the score to 6-5. In the twelfth round, the Spinx Front Press yellow room just caught GODSENT preparing to explode point A, the direction of attack was recognized, and the rhythm was disrupted, and soon the ironclad CT also came to support the smashing of GODSENT's attack.

Offensive routines were explored by ENCE after GODSENT a point is difficult to find, frequent A-point attack is also difficult to break through the ENCE heavy defense, to the last leg of the first half, ENCE after continuous scoring began to become more aggressive, the result of each front pressure was GODSENT dead set up, soon the game came to the 2v4 endgame, doto continued to take the initiative to attack, after replacing a person in the yellow room also determined the direction of T's attack, in the face of 1v3 endgame, Snappi has no way, the end of the first half, The score was 9-6.

The second half of the pistol round began quickly, ENCE jumped around, paid a price to enter the B point to put down c4, it was obvious that their pistol felt bad, doto knocked out one person after the rest of the staff were dudded, GODSENT turned into two points, relying on the economic reward of putting down c4 on the previous hand, ENCE barely matched the spear in the eighteenth round, directly pulled A point after throwing props in the field, b4rtiN and dumua two people strictly guarded, ENCE had to go down the tube turn point, However, they failed to play less and win more endgames, and then ENCE repeated the same trick, this time GODSENT did not adjust the defensive position, and was rushed down by the ENCE wave.

After taking the ECO round of GODSENT, the score came to 11-9, and ENCE threw a set of props at point A to harass the outfield later, Felps fell in the outfield after replacing 1.9, but the CT of the package point failed to block ENCE's strong breakthrough, the dumau of the police guard gun was also surrendered, GODSENT entered the eco bureau, the four men held small pistols before pressing the bandit mouth, Spinx and Snappi each double-killed to take the eco bureau, the twenty-third round, the key long gun bureau, the dumau with the sniper rifle only did one for one in the outfield, ENCE slow touch K1 was repelled by TACO, and the big sniper of hades was also taken away by the felps hiding in the big warehouse Just when the form was not right, Snappi and Spinx successfully flipped the 2v4 endgame at the front door and the yellow room.

Stockholm major: A snowy shame, ENCE won the first victory with a 16-10 victory over GODSENT

ENCE won the ECO round of GODSENT and also got the match points. Match point game, ENCE wants to fight quickly, directly speed up the explosion of the bomb A zone, but the props do not seem to be perfect, the CT on the yellow room has not been beaten, b4rtiN's AK is in a crazy output, a wave of three kills to help the team to get a point, the next round ENCE returns to the outfield, with the help of props to get a numerical advantage, and then the bandit teammates are ready to attack point A, b4rtiN seized the opportunity to knock out the doto of the iron door to take props, but it was quickly made up, TACO felt out of the B pass, and it looked like it was going to catch the back However , Hades left a hand behind the iron gate to steal taco, and finally ENCE won the BO1 game.

Stockholm major: A snowy shame, ENCE won the first victory with a 16-10 victory over GODSENT

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