
More than 80% of those surveyed are often plagued by sleep problems, who stole my sleep

author:Qilu one point

21 March is World Sleep Day, and the quality of sleep is about people's health. A third of a person's life is spent in sleep, but this is a kind of torture for many people, and if you want to sleep beautifully, you need to go through many twists and turns. Can't sleep, can't wake up and sleep well are the three major types of sleep disorders, among which insomnia is the main "culprit" of "stealing" sleep. According to the "2018 China Sleep Quality Survey Report", more than 80% of the respondents are often troubled by sleep problems.

The lips are upturned and the front teeth are out of the mouth

It was the trouble of sleep problems

Last year, 8-year-old Liang Liang was taken by his parents to The Qilu Hospital of Shandong University for treatment, compared to the child's dazed face, anxious parents are full of sorrow. "Children sleep at night because of nasal congestion, they can only breathe with their mouths open, they always snore, they often hold their breath, and sometimes they wet the bed." Liangliang's parents confessed to Wang Yan, chief physician of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, that every time they watched their children sleep, they were afraid.

From time to time, I was woken up, and Liang Liang also became a little irritable. Liang liang's parents had to take turns at night, pick up the child, and help him change his sleeping position. Countless times a night, bright parents also feel physically and mentally exhausted. "For this, I took my child to the hospital, some doctors said it was rhinitis, and many drugs used to treat rhinitis did not work."

Relatives and friends around Liangliang's parents said that it would be better to wait until the children were older. However, before they could relax and wait for the day when their children grew up, their bright appearance changed first, which made them not calm. "The child's lips began to rise, and the front teeth came out." Seeing this obvious abnormality, Liangliang's parents quickly took their children to the hospital again.

Wang Yan carefully examined the child and found that his tonsils were severely hypertrophied. At the same time, after polysomnography monitoring, the diagnosis of bright light is obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. Subsequently, an operation removed the hypertrophic tonsillar adenoids that brightly "caused trouble", and the night of Liang liang and his parents finally restored peace.

"Others have abnormal teeth development because they have obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. Parents think that it is simply a dental problem, to the hospital to insist on correcting teeth for more than two years without effect, and finally a detailed examination found that this problem caused trouble. Wang Yan said that fortunately, this disease is more and more recognized by more and more people, and there are 400 to 500 cases of minimally invasive surgery in the hospital alone every year.

"It will be when I'm about to fall asleep

Panic and trembling."

Ubiquitous stress has also made the sleep of many adults worse and worse. Every day, Linlin is most afraid of the darkness coming, "as soon as she lies down and is about to fall asleep, her body trembles, her heart trembles, and she feels like she is about to fall into the abyss." ”

The 42-year-old Linlin feels that her sleep quality has always been good, she and her husband opened a small shop in Linyi, the two children are well-behaved and sensible, usually only use her to pick up Xiaobao to go to school to cook, life is moving forward. This time, however, insomnia firmly dominated her night.

She began to think that perhaps the diagnosis of thyroid cancer two months ago had flooded her heart with infinite anxiety. "I always feel that I am going to die soon, dragging down my husband, children and parents, although I am sleepy and feel uncomfortable, but I can't sleep." 」 Lin Lin didn't know how long she had been sleeping, and when she woke up in the morning, she only felt dizzy and dizzy.

Lin Lin tried to sleep and count the numbers and sheep, but she clearly remembered how much she had counted, and the sleepiness still did not come. Later, she asked her husband to read books to herself, from essays and novels to boring professional books, all tried again and again, but she could not read her to sleep.

Linlin said: "Watching my husband sleep so soundly, I was inexplicably very angry, so I called him up to chat with me, sometimes playing cards with me until three o'clock." Fortunately, Linlin's husband has a good temper and has been with her to soothe her emotions. Linlin underwent surgery and began to treat insomnia, every month she had to come to a hospital in Jinan for treatment, and after taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, she was finally able to sleep for six or seven hours.

"Can't sleep all night,

Look out the window when the lights go out."

"At night, I watched the building opposite go from bright lights to slowly starting to go out little by little until the whole building was dark. After a few hours, the lights began to turn on again. Wang Qin, 63, described the insomnia nights she experienced, her brain was so awake that she couldn't sleep.

Since her daughter gave birth to a second treasure three years ago, Wang Qin has moved from Weifang to Guangzhou to help with the child. "The child's grandparents are more than seventy years old, and their health is not very good, so they have come to take it for a few days and say that their bodies can't eat." The daughter called Wang Qin for help, and Wang Qin was distressed and her daughter rushed to Guangzhou.

In the past, in her hometown, Wang Qin always had to get together with relatives and friends from time to time, but now she can only stay at home most of the time. "Every day, I take my children around the community a few times a day, and most of the residents of the community are southerners, and they can't understand what they say." Usually, the daughter and son-in-law are busy at work, get up every day to eat two mouthfuls of food and leave, often arrive home at seven or eight o'clock at night, the two are physically and mentally exhausted by the torture of work, and communication with Wang Qin is getting less and less.

What's more, once the child has any discomfort, Wang Qin's psychological pressure will increase sharply, and she often can't sleep for several days. Just a few months after arriving in Guangzhou, once a child had a cold and a high fever, she called her daughter to inform her daughter to go home, and took the child to the hospital with her daughter, she couldn't help but blame herself for sneaking away tears.

Although the child felt very tired after a day, Wang Qin could not sleep at all, often from the open eyes all night to dawn, even if sometimes can sleep for two or three hours, but also slept very shallow, a little movement will wake up. (At the request of the interviewee, Liang Liang, Xiao Hui, Lin Lin and Wang Qin are pseudonyms)

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Chen Xiaoli Wang Xiaomeng

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