
The "Central Broadcasting Network Review" mobilized the respondents to say that "I am satisfied" is extremely bad

The "Central Broadcasting Network Review" mobilized the respondents to say that "I am satisfied" is extremely bad

How well the service or creation work is done, and the relevant departments carry out "telephone surveys" is a convenient and effective method. It is worth noting that in some places, in the face of the "telephone investigation" of the superiors, a strange phenomenon has emerged, that is, trying to get the respondents to answer "I am satisfied" can be described as extremely bad and bad.

Nowadays, there are many "fraudulent calls", and some citizens who receive strange phone calls will hang up immediately when they hear that they are "engaged in investigation" to avoid being deceived. At this time, as the government departments and units under investigation, it is necessary to remind the masses to cooperate with the investigation by sending text messages and other means. But this can only be a reminder, not an inducement or even a command. In some places and departments, the "reminder" is to mobilize or even ask the public to answer when they receive an "investigation call": I know, I participate, I am satisfied.

Sending a group mobile phone text message to "remind" the masses is still good. Some directly issue "red-headed documents" to let the units in charge and communities do a good job of organizing and mobilizing; some are at intersections in the streets and alleys, playing recordings on a loop, reminding passing citizens over and over again; and other places in bus stops, subway stations, and other places, spending money to set up huge billboards to remind citizens to affirm the work they have done.

It is said that the mobilization of respondents to answer "I am satisfied" is extremely bad, first of all, because the masses know whether the masses know about a work, whether they are involved, and whether they are satisfied or not, only they know; how the masses judge the effectiveness of the work of government departments has their own standards, and it is also their right to say good and say bad. If they are clearly unaware of a job, have not participated in it, and they cannot be satisfied, but they have to "ask" them to answer "I know, I participate, I am satisfied", it is difficult for strongmen; if this is not "please", but becomes a "command", it is rape of public opinion.

It is said that the mobilization of respondents to answer "I am satisfied" is extremely bad, and then it is because some localities and government departments do their work carelessly on weekdays, ignoring the complaints and needs of the masses, and when they want to be "investigated" by their superiors, they are sincerely afraid. There was nothing they could do but to distort their minds, induce the masses or order subordinate departments to "discuss merits and say good things" for themselves. This is naked deception, and the masses can see it clearly. For those places and departments that usually do things honestly and honestly, and do not understand or are unwilling to "do work" when they are investigated, it will also cause unfairness, and will also affect the authenticity and fairness of the investigation results.

It is also because the energy and money of some localities and government departments are not spent on practical work for the people, but on opportunism. The so-called "usually do not burn incense, but climb to the offering table when busy" is actually a typical formalism, and what supports it is bureaucracy, which the masses have long hated.

It is also extremely stupid to say that the respondents are mobilized to answer "I am satisfied" because it is extremely stupid. How well a local and government department is doing its job, the masses have this account in their hearts. If the work of government departments is really well done, and it is too late for the masses to find a way to "publicize it", how can they deliberately not say good with a clear conscience? If the work of the government departments had been done very poorly, or even done without doing so, the attitude of the masses may only be: If you do not remind me that this is an "investigation telephone", it is okay, you remind me, I am dissatisfied, and I will take the opportunity to spit it out; it may even be that some people originally wanted to say "I am satisfied", but they were "reminded" and "harassed" again and again, and they would say "I am not satisfied".

Government departments, especially window service units, to serve the masses, should make efforts to do a good job in service work in peacetime, rather than begging for money after the fact, or even opportunistic and fraudulent. Usually, when the work is done well, the masses are naturally comfortable in their hearts, and if someone comes to investigate, if they do not intend to make bad mistakes, they should say "I am satisfied." The word "satisfied" was actually written by the service department itself, and the masses only answered truthfully.

This is not to say that the government department cannot remind the masses, but at least it should remind the masses: If you receive an investigation call, please be patient; for our work, I hope you can answer truthfully.

In order to ensure the authenticity and fairness of the investigation results, the higher-level investigation departments should not "know nothing" about those who play tricks and do false work, but should listen to the "reactions of the masses" more. Those places and units that deliberately mobilize or even order those under investigation to answer "I am satisfied" should not be left unchecked, but should be seriously investigated and dealt with, and even "vetoed with one vote." (Special Commentator of CCTV Yi Qiyang)

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