
Why is the word plate called "Half Of It"? Chairman Mao's handwriting is really fresh

author:Chinese Mao calligraphy

The world knows The Tang poems and Song poems, but few people know about the songs in later generations. Chairman Mao's handwritten book "Half a Child", who understands it. Let's first look at what kind of word this is:

"Half the Child, The Bride"

Qing Dynasty: Feng Yunpeng

Hours of solitude do not care,

Sleep all night until dawn.

Since there are people with the same people calling for the secretary, how can they be peaceful?

Half misty, half awake.

Let's look at Chairman Mao's inkblot again:

Why is the word plate called "Half Of It"? Chairman Mao's handwriting is really fresh

The author Feng Yunpeng, the word Yan Hai, a word Yan, and the word Jiufu, the number of the red snow word person. A native of Zilang, Tongzhou (present-day Nantong, Jiangsu). Poet, calligrapher, collector and archaeologist of the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty. Engraved in the Qianlong to Jiaqing period, Feng Yunpeng's "Red Snow Words" appended to the "Words of the Word", is Feng Yunpeng's own xiaokai book, titled: "Northern Half of the Child.

"Half of it", the name of the song. It belongs to the Beiqu Xianlu Palace, and is named after the repetition of the last two words "half of the child".

Savor, a loose song of only 33 words, written very vividly and interestingly. The first two sentences of this song write about the bride's sleep with no love when she was alone, and the "unconcerned feelings" at this time secretly posted the "total concern" of the following article. The last two sentences write the most real and direct experience and emotional experience of the bride and her husband sleeping together. "How to be peaceful" seems to be overwhelmed by its "calling" annoyance, but in fact, it always feels true. The language of this song is concise, frank and subtle, and the image is interesting. Extremely vivid and delicate to create the image of a pure and affectionate, innocent and ignorant bride. At the same time, it also indirectly shows the image of the same naïve, curious and caring groom. "Half misty, half awake", carefully considering the meaning of the words, not evenly distributed, but focused on depicting the situation of not being able to sleep peacefully. As a southerner, Feng Yunpeng chose a very slang colloquial song card "Northern Half" in the north to express a fragment of ordinary people's lives. It also demonstrates the author's extraordinary ability to master language.

Yuan Ming, a representative poet and essayist during the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods of the Qing Dynasty, wrote "Suiyuan Poetry". He once inscribed a poem to comment on Feng Yunpeng's "Red Snow Words": "Feng Jun is good at making long and short chants, and does not care deeply about the words. Qi Yan can shock the talents, and the laughter and cry are all into the hearts of the beauties. He pointed out that Feng Yunpeng's lyrics are shallow and deep, the subject matter is strange, and he is good at depicting the characteristics of women's mentality. It is also appropriate to use it to evaluate this song "The Bride". Mao Zedong liked Yuan Ming's poems of peace and love and "Poetry of Suiyuan", and also praised this sincere and interesting "New Bride", he not only circled this song, but also wrote it himself, which is enough to see his appreciation.

We often think that, according to Mao Zedong's personality, his favorite poems must be magnificent works, and we will not be interested in some minor love tunes of children's love. In fact, for poetry, he likes both boldness and elegance. Mao Zedong was also a funny and humorous person in life, and he also liked Feng Yunpeng's kind of "sincere and interesting" prose works.

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