
SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

author:Shanghai International Film Festival
SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

According to media reports, on the evening of March 29, 2019, Beijing time, Agnès Varda, the "mother of the French New Wave", died of illness at her home in Paris at the age of 90.

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

Born on May 30, 1928 in Brussels, Belgium, Varda studied at the Academy of Arts and Crafts in Paris, became a photographer after graduation, and made his feature film debut "Short Horn Love Affair" in 1954, which profoundly inspired the future New Wave of French cinema in terms of innovation in narrative style and audiovisual language, and was praised by film historian Georges Sadur as "the first work of the French Film New Wave".

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

Since then, Varda's film creation has opened the bow in the two fields of drama and documentary, including feminist classics such as "Cleo at Five to Seven", "The Fallen Woman at the End of the World" (won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival), and documentary masterpieces such as "The Gleaner" and "Agnès's Beach", and the exuberant creativity has lasted for more than half a century. In 2018, Varda won the Oscar Honors.

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

Shanghai audiences will not be unfamiliar with Varda, a legendary female director, and at the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival in 2009, she screened her "Short Corner Love Affair" and "Cleo at Five to Seven" in the commemorative section of the "50th Anniversary of the French Film New Wave". At the 21st Shanghai International Film Festival in 2018, Varda and Jean Genet co-directed and nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary, "Faces, Villages". At that time, Varda heard that the Shanghai International Film Festival was going to show her work, and was very happy to say that she would go to Shanghai to attend the post-screening meeting of the film, but finally cancelled her trip to Asia due to physical reasons.

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

Even in poor health, Varda continued to create, and her latest documentary, Agnès on Varda, was unveiled at the Berlin Film Festival in February, and the Shanghai International Film Festival received its mainland premiere rights in March. However, as soon as the plan for the screening was confirmed, the bad news came that the old man of the documentary had passed away. Varda's death also made the Shanghai screening of "Agnès on Varda" in June the best way for audiences to pay tribute to her and remember her.

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

Agnès on Varda records Varda's film lectures in various places. In the film, Varda not only reviews her most famous works such as "Cleo at Five to Seven", "Happiness", "The Fallen Woman at the End of the World", etc., but also tells about works that are not familiar to the audience, such as "The Whisper of the Wall", "Record Liar", "Dagre Street Style", etc. Through the memories and free talk of these works, Varda selflessly shared her inspiration and artistic creation process with the audience, and also showed her rich, cute and sensitive inner world.

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

Varda once said that "if everyone's life unfolds is a landscape, then my life unfolds is a beach", "Agnès on Varda" is like Varda's life beach, and the audience of the Shanghai International Film Festival strolled on the beach in June, picking up beautiful shells at any time.

At last year's 21st Shanghai International Film Festival, Varda was scheduled to attend the post-screening meeting of the film "Faces, Villages", but cancelled his trip to Asia due to health reasons. She deliberately recorded a greeting video for the Shanghai audience and hung a Chinese knot in the backyard. In the video, Rivarda says she loves Shanghai.

Stay tuned to us and get the blockbuster list of the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival for the first time.

Note: In case of change in the film schedule, the actual schedule shall prevail.

SIFF Documentary | Pay tribute to the Mother of the New Wave with her legacy

The 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival film list summary

Tribute to the Master 丨 Angelopoulos

Broadcast | Rebuild | Hunter | Beekeeper | Scenery in the fog | Crying Prairie | The dust of time

Tribute to the Master | Bresson

Death Row Jailbreak 丨 Pickpocket 丨 Gentle Woman 丨 Dreamer Four Nights 丨 Samurai Lan Shino 丨 Money

Diary of a Village Priest | The Judgment of Joan of Arc | Donkey Batsa | Mushet

Tribute to the Master 丨 Frederick Wiseman

Monrovia in Indiana 丨 Dance at berkeley 丨 National Gallery: Ballet at the Paris Opera

Tribute to the Master 丨 Casaveti

Shadow 丨 Face 丨 Husband Jun 丨 Affected Woman 丨 Premiere Night 丨 Female Gloria 丨 Love Torrent

SIFF classic 丨 film history recommended

Pandora's Box

SIFF animation 丨 Akira

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