
Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

author:Wonderful worlds

Although living in different waters, it is likely that these two sea beasts have met, either in search of food or to fight for territory... Perhaps it would be more appropriate to use "without doubt". So when they encounter, who is more likely to survive the fight?

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Next, let's analyze the most likely results through a series of scientific data.

Also known as the man-eating shark, the great white shark is the most ferocious shark on Earth and one of the largest carnivorous fish on Earth. It has a blue-grey back and a white belly.

The shark has a huge torpedo-shaped body with huge, sharp jagged teeth on its jaws. The great white shark has a conical nose and a crescent-shaped tail.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

The saltwater crocodile, also known as the bay crocodile, is the largest surviving reptile on Earth. Their heads are also large and covered with oval scales, which is also their greatest means of survival and defense.

Adult saltwater crocodiles have a darker back , a white or yellow belly , and a flattened tail that is gray with dark stripes.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Adult great white sharks generally weigh between 680-1800 kg and can grow to about 4.5 meters, but the larger females in adult great white sharks are more than 6 meters long and can weigh between 1900-2300 kg.

Unconfirmed samples have shown the presence of great white sharks with a body length of more than 7 meters and a weight of more than 3,000 kilograms.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Adult saltwater crocodiles generally weigh between 400-500 kg and grow to about 4.5 meters in length, but males in saltwater crocodiles can grow to more than 6 meters and weigh between 1000-1300 kg.

It is speculated that the largest saltwater crocodile is more than 7 meters tall and weighs nearly 2,000 kilograms.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Great white sharks are found in all oceans, but are mainly found in the northeastern and western United States, Chile, northern Japan, New Zealand, southern Australia, Africa, and the coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea. They prefer temperate coastal waters where prey is abundant.

Saltwater crocodiles are distributed in the tropical and subtropical tropics and are common in western Australia, South Asia, eastern India, New Guinea and the Pacific islands. They inhabit coastal swamps, mangrove swamps and open oceans, as well as in freshwater areas such as rivers and swamps.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

In terms of longevity, great white sharks live almost as long as humans, and can live to 70 years or more in their natural habitat, as do saltwater crocodiles.

The great white shark is a warm-blooded animal, which is also a special adaptation that almost all sharks have, which allows the shark to save the heat generated by muscle contraction when swimming in very cold waters.

Although little is known about the social behavior of the great white shark, their solitary and territorial nature has been basically determined, and the great white shark enjoys absolute dominance within its feeding area.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Like the great white shark, the males of the saltwater crocodile are also very territorial, and they will defend their territory by fighting fiercely to drive out invaders, especially when other males appear.

Saltwater crocodiles are cold-blooded animals that use external temperature regulation to maintain their body temperature, so they sometimes bask in the sun and sometimes heat or cool themselves in the water.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Sharks have no vocal organs, which makes them more imperceptible to prey, and they are the most dangerous stealth ghosts in the ocean.

However, studies have shown that sharks are attracted to unfamiliar sounds on the outside that seem to make them less aggressive for a short period of time, which researchers speculate may be due to their curiosity about it.

Great white sharks are no exception, their predation is often overwhelming, and over the long years the great white shark has evolved into an extremely silent top predator.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Saltwater crocodiles, on the other hand, are less quiet, making a variety of sounds, including low roars, hisses, grunts, roars, chirps, and so on.

During courtship, female saltwater crocodiles accept only males larger than themselves and will emit a long, low roar to indicate their presence or indicate their size.

They make hissing or coughing noises to warn intruders to pay attention to their territory, while pups make low cries after hatching, including grunts or quacks.

Adult saltwater crocodiles also purr when communicating with their pups.

Other researchers have found that crocodiles also emit a "drum-like roar" underwater, but it is not clear what they are doing.

Overall, saltwater crocodiles are more "blatant" than great white sharks, and they are relatively more likely to attract the attention of other animals in the water.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

From the perspective of prey selection, the great white shark is a fish after all, so it mainly feeds on aquatic animals, including sea lions, dolphins, turtles, baby whales, seals and other sharks, and the great white shark is scavenger and can feed on whale carcasses.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Reptile saltwater crocodiles are more versatile than great white sharks, and they eat any food they can bite, including buffalo, monkeys, wild boars, wallabies, cows, birds, and even sharks.

It can be said that the saltwater crocodile is completely free of picky eating problems.

Crocodiles are relatively common and very ferocious, which is almost the consensus of people, for example, there was a crocodile in Africa that was "wanted" for killing hundreds of people in a row, which eventually caused a large number of wild crocodiles to be hunted and killed, and also caused human crocodile hunters to suffer casualties...

In fact, crocodiles attack humans in part because of their instinctive sense of territory, because of their camouflage patterns, people often mistake crocodiles for rotten wood floating in the water.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

"The world's martial arts are only fast and unbreakable!" Sometimes speed can determine the outcome of a battle.

Great white sharks can swim at a high speed of 25 km / h and can also swim more than 1200 meters underwater. Of course, the great white shark is not the fastest of its kind, and it can only sustain this speed for a short period of time.

In contrast, saltwater crocodiles can be called "turtle speed" on land, but they can swim at a speed of about 24-29 km / h in a short period of time in the water, which is about three times the speed of the fastest human swimmer.

However, usually, saltwater crocodiles roam the water at a speed of 3-5 km/h.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Great white sharks have different hunting and attack methods from saltwater crocodiles.

The great white shark's blue-gray back allows them to blend into the seafloor, and its white belly makes it difficult to spot in the sun.

They are ambush predators, able to use sudden speed to knock their prey out of the water or even into the air, and then open their mouths to bite their prey.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

When hunting, saltwater crocodiles will patiently wait for potential prey under the water near the water's edge, and once the prey is in range, they will unexpectedly jump out of the water to bite the prey, or shake their powerful tails to knock the prey down, and then drag them back into the water until they drown.

However, saltwater crocodiles do not swallow food underwater because they cannot breathe underwater, which will drown themselves.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Between these two top predators, the giant mouth full of sharp teeth seems to be one of the keys to who can win, so let's take a look at the next comparative analysis, and then you decide "who can win or survive"?

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

An adult great white shark has about 5 rows of about 3,000 teeth, and the first two rows of teeth are used to catch and cut prey.

Adult great white sharks can eat about 14 pounds of meat in one bite, and it is estimated that the bite force of a 6-meter-long great white shark is estimated to be 4,000 pounds per square inch, which is about 20 times more than the bite force of humans.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

An adult saltwater crocodile has 66 teeth, 18 on each side of the upper jaw and 15 on each side of the lower jaw. Although far inferior to great white sharks in terms of the number of teeth, their strength cannot be underestimated.

It is estimated that the bite force of a saltwater crocodile more than 6 meters long is estimated to be 7700 pounds per square inch.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Seeing these amazing data, some people once joked that if you have the power to push a pickup truck, it is possible to escape from the mouths of these two fierce beasts...

Back to the point, considering that they are all ambush predators, the outcome of the battle depends on who sees whom first, because they all have the advantage of sneaking a bite at each other.

But under fairly normal circumstances, the great white shark will first spot the saltwater crocodile, because the saltwater crocodile usually cruises on the water, which gives the great white shark the opportunity to knock it out of the sea and leave a deep laceration on the saltwater crocodile's abdomen.

The severely injured saltwater crocodile will then be torn to shreds by subsequent attacks by the Great White Shark.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

Another possibility could be when a saltwater crocodile bathed in saltiness was enjoying the scenery along the coastline and then spotted ripples from a cruising great white shark.

So the saltwater crocodile dived into the water and prepared to attack the great white shark. While saltwater crocodiles may not be able to inflict huge bites on the great white shark, the tail and fins of the great white shark are relatively fragile, and the saltwater crocodile's blows to these weak points will make it incapacitated and bleed heavily.

Eventually, the great white shark will be dragged to the shoreline by the saltwater crocodile as it feasts as it watches the sun rise and set.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

In reality, many crocodile and shark clash results seem to prove the above speculation.

For example, in 2013, a huge crocodile head was found off the coast of St. Lucia, South Africa, and it was estimated that the crocodile may have been 3.5 meters old, and researchers speculated from the neat section of the head that it died from a great white shark attack.

For example, in 2014, a tourist was on a tour of the Adelaide River in Australia when he photographed a large crocodile climbing up the river bank with a bull shark, although the bull shark looked only about 1.5 meters.

Great white sharks can grow to more than 2,000 kilograms, more than the largest saltwater crocodile, what will happen to their encounters?

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