
An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

author:Lin Xiaoye said the movie OFM

Author / Hayashi Ono

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

In the late 1980s, Popular Cinema introduced the film in detail with an entire cross-section, and at that time it was called "Psychopath". Friends who have done the media know that an A4 prime edition is 2200 words, a cross-page is roughly 4400 words, really admire the writing of the editors of that era, less than four thousand words, can describe a movie that readers have never seen at all, colorful, fascinating, addictive.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

So much so that later the film was translated into "Horror Story" and I couldn't accept it psychologically for a while. But now there is a sense that the latter is more clever, because there are no spoilers.

OK ~ Hoho has been a small editor of many classic movies, and today I am going to attack Hitchcock.

Regarding "Horror", the highest-grossing hitchcock work, Xiaobian today does not talk about the spring and autumn righteousness, does not talk about artistic feelings, and specializes in all kinds of behind-the-scenes tidbits, unpopular knowledge, and say something you don't know.

I. "Horrors" made Hitchcock rich overnight

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

At first, Paramount was not optimistic about this book, because its director was not picky, and had to praise Hitchcock.

Later, the "Godfather" series Coppola was still in college, and the original top pillar "Dragon and Phoenix" director Billy Wilder angrily left and left Fox to shoot Marilyn Monroe's "Passion like Fire".

At that time, "Battlefield Soldier Soul" became Paramount's highest input-output film, and director Billy Wilder did not get a dime. Paramount said to him at the time, "Oh, your original Ace of Inverted Buckles lost a lot of money, and you have to fill in the holes." "Heaven and earth conscience, now this movie is regarded as a treasure by countless audiences, but at that time it became Billy Wilder's disgraceful little tail, and it was carried out and beaten by the big boss.

At Hitchcock, the big boss was slightly softer, promising to invest $800,000 and pay $250,000.

However, Hitchcock was so skilled that he offered to give up his dead salary and only take 45% of the gross box office!

Paramount thought to himself that there would be no good harvest anyway, just do as you please.

Then everyone turned around and whispered that the director was stupid because Hitchcock had paid the novel's author Robert Bloch $9,000 out of his own pocket to secretly buy the film adaptation rights, and also went around sweeping away Psycho in the bookstore to avoid spoilers.

Not only that, on the first day of filming, Hitchcock asked all the staff to raise their right fists and swear that they would never disclose the content to the outside world. Paramount executives exchanged glances, and the director was stupid enough to go home!

However, after the release of the film, everyone was surprised, and it grossed $32 million at the box office! Hitchcock easily got 15 million! That's about $130 million today!

In 1962, american music companies merged with Universal Pictures, the new company named MCA Universal Pictures, Hitchcock sold the "Horror Story" television distribution to MCA, becoming MCA's third largest shareholder.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Alfred Hitchcock (August 13, 1899 – April 29, 1980)

II. The film has just been released, and the director receives a letter in a less friendly tone

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

The letter came from a fiery father, who said that his daughter watched "Devil" in 1955 when she was 10 years old and was too scared to take a bath, and it was difficult to heal, and now after five years of seeing "Horror Story", she still refuses to take a bath.

This annoyed Hitchcock, after all, "The Devil" was the last movie he wanted to mention at the moment.

This French film has the same theme, the same is the bathroom murder, Hong Kong and Taiwan directly translated into "Bathroom Love Murder", starring Monroe of Germany, Simon Signère.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Simone Signoret, German film star Simone Signoret (March 25, 1921 – September 30, 1985)

Show you the stills to see why Hitchcock hates this movie.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

1955 French film Les diaboliques (The Devil)

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

So don't rush to kneel when you see the masters, they also have times to learn from each other, but you have poor information.

Many years later, Hitchcock himself admitted that the reason why he switched to black and white after making the gorgeous color movies "Rear Window", "Ecstasy", and "North by Northwest" was precisely because he wanted to make a dark bar with "Demon". The French New Wave intellectual Henri-Georges Kruzzo was able to compete with himself in a restrained black-and-white film, and Hitchcock was not convinced.

By the way, "Demon" is a pretty good treasure movie, with a Douban rating of 8.4! The ratings of major foreign movie websites are also above 8.0, and everyone can watch it when you have time.

Then again, when the Englishman Hitchcock was more sorry, he didn't have the trouble to get caught up in a pile of broken things, and he replied to the father of the daughter who refused to bathe, and the letter contained only a few words- "About the expensive money, you can take her to dry cleaning." ”

III. How much did the heroine Marion Crane steal from today?

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

It was said that Marion was sitting in her office worrying, and she was in her twenties and had not yet married herself, which was a very humiliating thing at the time. The famous child star Xiulan Dumbo was in a hurry to marry himself at the age of 17. Just when he was distraught, a drunken customer crashed into her and bragged to her that he had bought a dowry for his daughter for forty thousand yuan! This was simply adding fuel to the fire, so Mary Enton had evil thoughts and took the forty thousand yuan away and took it for himself!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Of course, the screenwriter is worthy of merit, and it is set for her, because her boss drinks privately with customers. As we all know, the infamous Prohibition in the United States was repealed earlier than 1933, but its total repeal was still in 1966. During this period, many states still strictly enforced it, which is why the film's story is set in The Texas Worth in the novel to Phoenix, Arizona in the film.

If her boss secretly drinks at her own cat's house, this is not illegal; but if she drinks openly in the office with customers in the daytime, this can be sentenced.

With this handle, Marion took the public funds in a big way, and it was quite established psychologically and in fact.

And $40,000 in 1960 is equivalent to $352,000 today! At today's RMB dollar exchange rate of 6.475, it is equivalent to RMB 2,279,200!

Nearly 2.28 million, enough to pay a down payment in Yanjiao, Beijing.

In order to evade police pursuit, Marion engaged in a second-hand car sale, and the difference of $700 paid when exchanging the old car for a new car was equivalent to about $6,100 today.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

IV. This little sister in the office is Hitchcock's daughter

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

As soon as Marion returned to the office, her colleague Caroline began to nag non-stop, showing off her mother, showing off her husband, and showing off her happy marriage. Such little girls are still full of office buildings today, looking up and not looking down, but they have changed their circle of friends.

The actress, Patricia Hitchcock, is the only daughter of director Alfred Hitchcock.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

The little girl was only 11 years old when she crossed the ocean with her father to Hollywood in 1939. As a little adult, Hitchcock began to praise himself as an only daughter, and the 1951 movie "Train Freak" Patricia that we saw was so many scenes that she almost became the second female!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

1951 Hitchcock film The Train Freak

However, after ten years, it is still not red.

This year my daughter is 32 years old!

This time "Horror" Dad personally appeared, as usual, played soy sauce, determined to be in the same frame as his daughter, just at 7 minutes and 04 seconds of the film, Marion returned to the office in frustration, and the passerby poking outside the door was Xi Fat himself.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Although Patricia did not become popular in the film and television industry, she did not worry about eating and wearing for several lifetimes with the large inheritance left by her father. Spelling acting? How about we spell reincarnation?

This little girl is 93 years old and still alive!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Patricia Hitchcock was born on July 7, 1928

V. The heroine was in a messy mood because her husband had a scandal with Monroe

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Janet Leigh

Looking back now, the heroine Marion's actor Janet Leigh also sacrificed a lot, which is probably the largest role in her career.

At the beginning of the film, the director specially designed a white Bar for her, even the handbag is white, suggesting that this person is pure in nature, and then driven by interests, and eventually blackened.

As a result, Marion's white Bar turned black, and even the color of her handbag turned black.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied
An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Before Hollywood counterparts really drilled the "Hayes Code" loopholes, it is not uncommon, such as "Under the Gaslight" Ingrid Bergman's pajamas, before the abolition of the Hays Code in 1966, it was already a breakthrough.

Seriously, I never understood how Horror got permission.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

1944 film Under the Gas Lamp

Here I want to tell you a little fun fact, thirty-four years after "Horror", the daughter of the actor Janet also paid tribute to her mother in the movie with a black Bar.

The daughter's name is Jamie Lee Curtis, and the film is called True Lies.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

We just relished the wives dancing in front of the governor in the hotel, but we didn't know the intentions of director Cameron and the actress.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

COS mother – Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis's courage was a little lost to her mother.

The bathroom scene was larger in scale, and it took seven days and more than seventy shots, and finally Janet's skin was loose, and several plaster stickers attached to her body slipped and washed away, and it was very hard to shoot. But all the hard work is very worth it, and this "bathroom murder" has become the most classic horror scene in the history of cinema, bringing great psychological shock to the audience with its extraordinary audiovisual effects!

By the way, the knife-and-knife sound effect here is just a knife piercing into the papaya foley, which is already the limit of horror for the audience at that time. In addition to the little girl who resisted bathing after watching the movie, there was also an elderly man who was also disgusted, this old man was Walt Disney, the president of Disney at the time, after which he refused Hitchcock to shoot on his ground, "Hmm, who made him make that disgusting movie!" ”

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

And Janet Leigh starred in "Horror Story" and took a $25,000 salary, the reason why she fought so hard was because she had a premonition at the time - her husband Tony Curtis's long-term meal ticket was almost gone.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Once an enviable model family, Janet Leigh and her husband Tony Curtis

In 1959, a year before the release of "Horror", her husband and Marilyn Monroe co-produced "Passion like Fire", during which a scandal spread out, and in 1960, it was very popular and stormy.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Stills from the famous 1959 comedy film "Passion like Fire"

In 2008, Tony Curtis published a biography that was basically a roster. The old man proudly wrote the previous red faces into the book, one of which was Marilyn Monroe. However, to people's surprise, Marilyn was related when she was still wearing a red hair and ponytail when she was a teenager, and "Passion like Fire" is just a recurrence of old love and a double.

Janet Leigh and Marilyn Monroe's sexy contest kicked off, but it took less than two years to close.

On May 19, 1962, Marilyn Monroe went to the Kennedy birthday celebration to sing, and died on August 5. Forty days later, on September 14, Janet Leigh officially divorced her husband, Tony Curtis!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

At the 33rd Academy Awards in 1961, Janet Lee was nominated for Best Actress for Horror

Tony Curtis has since been married five more times, and his last wife, Jill Van den Berg, is 46 years younger than him! After his death, the entire estate was left to this wife.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Tony Curtis and his last wife, Jill Vandenberg Curtis

VI. The real Norman prototype in history, one person supporting half of the American horror film

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Edward Theodore Gein (August 27, 1906 – July 26, 1984)

The perverted male protagonist of "Horror" Norman Bates is based on Edward Theodore Gayne, the originator of the murderous maniac in American history.

Not only that, but Edward is also the prototype for "Bison Bill" Jim Gambo in "The Silence of the Lambs". Audiences generally believe that "Bison Bill" is derived from "Green River Killer", but in fact, "Bison Bill" comes from three prototypes. Among them, the location of the body dumping method is derived from the "Green River Killer", and the stripping of the woman's skin to sew clothes for herself is derived from the prototype of "Horror" Edward Theodore Gayn.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied
An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Edward Theodore Gaine

Edward Theodore Gein, nicknamed Ed Gein, nicknamed the Plains Butcher and plains ghoul.

He grew up on a farm near Plainfield, Wisconsin. He had an alcoholic father who was a leathersmith and carpenter, a strong mother and a cowardly brother. The domineering mother, Augusta, was a religious fanatic who often warned her son of the heinous crimes of premarital sex, repeatedly instilled in him that "women are tigers" and hated all the "fox spirits on the farm who tried to seduce their son." In 1940, Ed's father died, and four years later, his brother Henry died in a swamp fire that has long been suspected by police of his younger brother Ed's deliberate murder. When his mother died of a stroke in 1945, Ed became even more eccentric. First, at night, ten nearby deserted graves were cut open, the skin of the deceased was cut off to make lampshades, chair covers and clothes, and then the body was buried back in disguise, and then he danced alone under the moon in those unique "clothes".

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

On December 8, 1954 he committed his first murder. On the night of November 16, 1957, he killed a supermarket lady and dragged the body away, but was witnessed by the son of the deceased. The police searched Ed Guyn's home and found the headless body of the supermarket lady in the stable, only to arrest him. In court, Essée Gein confessed to his crimes.

On January 16, 1958, he was taken to the State Hospital, and in 1978 he was quietly transferred to the Mendota Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center. On July 26, 1984, Ed died in his sleep lying in the mental ward for the elderly.

Shortly after his death, his tombstone was stolen. Later, a good man made his own wooden cross and wrote his life and poked it there.

In fact, Ed Gein's biography is written all over the Hollywood screen, and he single-handedly carried half of the Hollywood horror movies!

This includes --

Psycho (1960)

Three pieces of meat on a Meat hook (1972)

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Deranged (1974)

Maniac (1980)

Motel Hell (1980)

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Ed and His Dead Mother (1993)

《人皮杀手》In the Light of the Moon (2000年)

House of 1000 Corpses (2003)


An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

The author of the novel, Robert Bullock, won the first-mover advantage, and in 1958, as soon as Ed Guyn was arrested, he immediately decided to write a book, which was printed in 1959. In his later years, he wrote a bunch of "Horror" derivatives in one breath, the first season and second season of the American drama "Bates Hotel", etc., and he earned a lot of money by such a reportage for a lifetime.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Robert Bloch, a book by Horror Story, April 5, 1917 – September 23, 1994

Psycho now seems to have little intentions, and the male protagonist Norman is portrayed as short and clumsy, almost falling into the trap of medieval knight fiction. The author's luck lies in the fact that the novel inexplicably pokes a person in tears, and this person is Hitchcock.

The reason why there is such a strong sense of substitution is because Hitchcock himself has such an imperious mother. Since beating him in adolescence, he has to report on time every morning, report what he has done and thought the day before his mother's bedside, and not only honestly confess but also repent in time.

So you see "Horror" as a masculine work, and there is nothing wrong with the shouts of men!

Hitchcock's second creation is even more clever, first of all, he is bold in the appearance of the male protagonist, overturning the original work, spending $40,000 to invite a young talent - handsome and elegant moon-like calm beautiful man Anthony Perkins!

VII. Anthony Perkins didn't mind the solidification of the image, and he was admitted to a mental hospital anyway

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

At 7:59 a.m. on September 11, 2001, a middle-aged woman named Bellin Berensen rushed to Boston Logan Airport to board Flight 11 and rush back to Los Angeles the next day to pay tribute to her nine-year-old husband. Although at this time she had a lover who was more than ten years younger than herself, the two of them opened a small bar in South America together, and their lives were peaceful and comfortable. However, within an hour, the Boeing 767 airliner crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York, and everything was in vain.

Even so, Belling is the most envied woman for fans, because she married a ruyi langjun, with unparalleled love and a happy marriage in the world. As she herself put it, "I have an ideal husband, two angelic children, we are happy every day, and there is nothing unsatisfactory in life." ”

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Anthony Perkins came from an acting family, and his father, Osgood Perkins, was a veteran Broadway star in the 1930s, but unfortunately died of a heart attack at the age of 45!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Osgood Perkins (16 May 1892 – 21 September 1937)

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Childhood anthony Perkins

In Horror, Marion talks to Norman in the living room, and Norman says of her mother, "After my father died, she had to raise me alone. I'm only five years old and must be tiring for her. ”

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

It's a portrayal of the actor himself, who in real life is the only son of his parents, and like Norman, he lost his father at the age of five. Since then, he has been raised by his mother.

Anthony Perkins has always been director Hitchcock's first choice, not his thoughts, because he received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for the movie "All Seas" at the age of 24.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

After filming Horror, Anthony Perkins underwent two decades of psychiatric therapy. However, this does not mean that he has no breakthrough in acting. A year after the release of "Horror Story", he quickly won the Cannes Film Emperor with "When the Sun Comes Again"!

And he wasn't even thirty years old!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Goodbye Again (1961)

If the image is solidified, Anthony Perkins does not mind, he has an attitude with the heroine Janet Leigh, and he has one such work in his life, one word - value! What do you want?

In fact, to sum up, Hollywood actors who have played perverted murderers over the years have a fate, especially relatively successful, such as "The Silence of the Lambs" Anthony Hopkins, the image solidification, which is not bad, and "Bison Bill" Ted Levine simply has no way to go and no drama to shoot.

It is difficult for the audience to forget the smirk on Norman's face in the last scene in "Horror Story", which is an indestructible nightmare.

Speaking of which, the screenwriter's psychological skills are also quite solid, and psychopaths do have a characteristic that can be identified from the crowd, that is, normal people behave out of will, while schizophrenics behave out of fantasy.

At the end, Norman still fantasizes about himself as a mother, and his soul possesses the final monologue, which is chilling!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

In 2005, the American Film School ranked Norman Bates as the second of the fifty greatest film villains.

IX..Bathroom Murder Background Music, Do You Know What the Name Is?

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Bernard Herrmann (29 June 1911 – 24 December 1975)

The soundtrack of "Horror Story" if you give up the context and listen to it in isolation, it seems as if you have not given money.

Many passages are actually pure strings, saying good ups and downs? Where are the percussion instruments? Shouldn't the piano intervene in a night of thunderstorms? The murder scene in the bathroom is so spectacular that several violinists pull only one note to mimic human screams.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Behind-the-scenes composer Bernard Herman also proudly gave the song a special name, "A Return To Pure Ice Water."

Bernard is the old man you can look down on him, his list of works is more frightening - "Citizen Kane", "Jane Eyre", "Kilimanjaro's Snow", "Vertigo", "Ecstasy", "North by Northwest", "Birds"... He was Hitchcock's royal musician and composed a song for Taxi Driver before his death!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Before the filming of "Horror", Hitchcock told him that you can play as much as you want, that is, the bathroom murder scene should be muted, and no music is allowed. However, independent musicians are independent musicians, and people who have their own ideas secretly make a song of pure water, which moisturizes Hitchcock.

Before the film's release, Hitchcock added Bernard's salary, essentially doubling it — to $34,501!

When you go to people's homes, the brain body is upside down, and the musician earns more than the heroine.

Immediately, the theme song of "Horror" floated in the major theaters in the United States as the warm-up music of the film, accompanied by the countdown of the announcers: "Dear audience, there are still ten minutes before the start of "Horror Story"..."

Thinking about the movie-going atmosphere of that era was really good, people watching a movie ceremony was full of feelings.

Today, Bernard Herman's pure string music in Horror is ranked fourth in the AFI 100 film score.

X: Finally, let's talk about this spooky gingerbread house

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

The Bates Inn in the film has now been removed, but remains on Universal Pictures grounds and is a regular stop on Universal's trolley tours.

Every time you walk here, the tour guide will use a loudspeaker and shout, "Do you know how the scream of the heroine of "Horror" came from?" It was because director Hitchcock suddenly switched to cool water, and Janet Leigh, who was frozen, screamed and was captured by the director..."

Hope Wen Shengyi, people's background music name is ice water okay?

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

Stills from the American drama "Bates Inn"

The story was listened to by tourists from all over the world for decades until actress Janet Leigh died of illness and was not corrected by herself.

Earlier this building was specially built by the "Horror Story" crew, not a set, it was really built brick by brick, the carpet wall tile interior was unambiguous, the details were in place, and it could live in people.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

In the scene where Detective Milton is killed, the overhead shot is done by hanging the photographer with a fishing net on the roof of the ceiling, and you think about how strong the building is!

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

The Bates Hotel shape is derived from a painting in Hitchcock's memory, the 1925 painting "House by the Railroad" by the American painter Edward Hopper.

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

《House by the Railroad》Edward Hopper 1925

The painting was purchased in 1930 by the Museum of Modern Art in New York and is the museum's first collection.

On the screen, a lone building stands alone under the afterglow of the setting sun, pushing open the window, and the only scenery in front of us is a cold rail, which does not know where to take us.

In the dark, it seems to be the same as the main theme of the movie "Horror", heralding the restlessness and restlessness, struggle and fate, prosperity and desolation of postmodern industrial society...

An American girl refused to take a shower after watching "Horror", and director Hitchcock replied

(End of full text)

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