
Let's talk about Mr. DongGuo

author:The sound of the goose cuts

Let's talk about Mr. DongGuo

【Foreword】 Mention Mr. Dongguo, everyone will think of the famous fable "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf", this fable is well-known and familiar, once went to the middle school textbook, I don't know if there is still a middle school textbook now?

Is this Mr. Dongguo in history? Through some information, mr. Dongguo in the fable "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf" is fictional, a false figure that the author imagines to live in the east of the city, but there is indeed a Mr. Dongguo in history, but this Mr. Dongguo is brilliant, is a person of the Western Han Dynasty, the following are introduced separately.

Let's talk about Mr. DongGuo

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[Mr. Dongguo in the Fable] "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf", this fable was written by the Ming Dynasty man Ma Zhongxi, his writing skills are not enough, a few words can describe a thing, or a scene like a painting, vivid, let's take a small part of it, appreciate his language art:

Jian Zi was angry and drove away. The dust covered the sky, the footsteps thundered, ten steps away, and there was no discernment between people and horses", which means that Zhao Jianzi shot a wolf, and the wolf escaped, and Jian Zi was angry and drove the car to chase it. The dust raised covered the sky, and the sound of the horse's hooves was like thunder, and ten steps away, the people and horses could not be seen clearly.

Look at another passage: "It is a book, an empty sac (pronounced tuó, bag), and a wolf in it." Former Yu (worry) Trek (stepping, stepping) Hu (here refers to the chin), Hindsight (pronounced zhì, pressure) tail, three nazhi and not ke (success)", this means that the wolf came to Mr. Dongguo and asked Mr. Dongguo to save it, so Mr. Dongguo took out the book (from the bag) and slowly filled the wolf into it. The front was afraid to step on its chin, the back was afraid to press its tail, and it was not successful to install it again and again.

Let's talk about Mr. DongGuo

Such language abounds in the article, if you are interested, then look at this fable, here will not be repeated, the following mainly talk about Mr. Dongguo in the article.

As mentioned earlier, Mr. Dongguo in this article is a fictional character, an inker (Mo family scholar), his characteristics are: benevolent, confused, pedantic, stupid, friend or foe, when the wolf begged him to save him, he actually like protecting his own child, carefully hid the wolf, deceived Zhao Jianzi, when the wolf was rescued, the fierce face was revealed, to eat him, he was smart, tricked the wolf to ask the three elders, to see if he should eat or not?

The almond tree and the cow, combined with their miserable lives, thought that man was too greedy, and said that he should give his flesh, and just when he was desperate, a witty old farmer saved his life.

Of course, such a pedantic person in life does not exist, the author is reminding us that we should distinguish between friends and enemies, in order to correctly establish their own outlook on life, do not learn Mr. Dongguo, good and evil are not distinguished, almost lost their lives, this is the fable of Mr. Dongguo, let's look at another Mr. Dongguo.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the general Wei Qing was the elder brother of Empress Wei and was given the title of Marquis of Changping. He led the army to attack the Xiongnu, made a battle achievement, and after returning, Emperor Wu ordered a reward of thousands of pounds of gold. When the great general came out of the palace gate, Mr. Dongguo, a Qidi man, as an alchemist (referring to a person who was engaged in medicine, divination, stardom, and similar occupations), waited for an errand at the bus office, stopped general Wei's carriage and horse on the road, and said to him: "There is something to tell the great general." General Wei stopped in front of the car, and Mr. Dongguo leaned over the car and said, "Madame Wang has recently been favored by the emperor, and her family is poor." Now that the general had received a thousand pounds of gold, if he used half of it to give to Madame Wang's parents, the emperor would be very happy to know. This is the so-called ingenious and convenient strategy. General Wei thanked him and said, "Sir, fortunately, I have told me this convenient strategy, and I will definitely follow the advice." ”

Let's talk about Mr. DongGuo

So General Wei used five hundred pounds of gold as a gift to Madame Wang's parents. Lady Wang told Emperor Wu about this. Emperor Wu said, "The Great General doesn't know how to do this. Asked where Wei Qing had obtained the plan, he replied, "I got it from Mr. Dongguo, who was on a waiting trip." So he ordered that Mr. Dongguo be summoned and appointed as the lieutenant of the county.

The above story is a passage from Chu Shaosun's supplementary "History of History" (Funny Column Biography 66), which is similar to the story in Sima Qian's "History of the General of Wei's Horse Riding Column", which shows that this Mr. Dongguo did have his own person in history, and also entered the official field with his own ingenuity, which is not the same as the fable Mr. Guo in the Middle East.

[The revelation left to us by Mr. Dongguo] The above story enlightens us that we must not be like Mr. Dongguo in the fable, too pedantic, conformist, and inflexible, nor can we be like Mr. Dongguo of the Western Han Dynasty, too cunning and cunning, but we must be honest and trustworthy, down-to-earth, clear and clear, upright, step by step, take every step of life, worthy of the virtue of the country's cultivation, worthy of the grace of parenting, and do our best to do more for the country, for the society, for the family, for the children Fang will not do nothing all his life, "regret and uselessness will not be great, and there will be no day."

There is a Dongguo Town in the Salt Lake District of Yuncheng, and there is a pristine scenic spot in the south of Dongguo Town, called Jiulong Mountain, which is a branch of Zhongtiao Mountain, and it is said that Zhao Jianzi once hunted here, and the story of "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf" was created based on this.

Let's talk about Mr. DongGuo

There are also sculptures of Mr. Dongguo and the wolf in the scenic area, as if they are telling the ancient fable like people.

The scenic spot has a good ecological environment, rich tourism resources and cultural scenery, convenient transportation, and the world's first martial temple - Guandi Temple, Dead Sea, Shundi Ancestral Temple is not far away. It integrates history and culture into natural landscapes, allowing people to taste the ancient ancestral culture of Hedong while climbing mountains and wading through water, leisure and entertainment, and getting close to the wonderful poems of the sages and sages, becoming another good tourist place in Yuncheng.

Jiulongshan Natural Scenic Area is located in the hinterland of Zhongtiao Mountain in Dongguo Town, on the south bank of Yanhu Lake, at the intersection of Yunsan Expressway and South Ring Expressway, 15 kilometers away from the city. Its original name was Jiuli Mountain, named after the hometown of the ancestor of the Miao Li people, Xuan You.

In front of the mountain, there is a stone stele of "Mohe Village Neolithic Ruins", which records that this place is a human settlement site 7,000 years ago; a hillside pottery kiln is the site of a human settlement site 5,000 years ago; and the "Yusaka Ancient Salt Road" is known as the first road in the world, and has been listed as the fourth batch of provincial-level cultural relics protection units in Shanxi.

The tomb of Xuan You, the stone carvings of the Northern Wei Moya Cliff, the city wall of the Song Dynasty, the ancient beacon tower; the yuan, Ming, Qing and other ancient temples are all over the place.

Kowloon Mountain is majestic and tall, and the clouds are steaming. Ten kilometers long deep valley, the river is long and endless, the ponds are connected. Dozens of scenic spots such as "Three Pools Reflecting the Moon", "Nine Dragon Flying Waterfalls", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Blue Sea Islands", "Yin and Yang Realm", "Tongtian Road" and so on are picturesque.

【Postscript】Some information comes from the Internet, if there is any error, please correct it.

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