
"Tian Jing" is on the road

author:Qilu one point

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > on the road</h1>

Text by Shizuka Tazu

The length of life is long or short, and these are predestined by heaven. But the breadth of this life is in our own hands.

I have always liked to travel, and some people who like to travel are people who have not yet settled down in their hearts, people who are still wandering in their hearts, and people who have been searching for themselves on the road. That's right, going on a tour is a big challenge, and this process requires excellent physical fitness, great investment of time and energy, and a lot of capital reserves. Making fun in suffering is the best interpretation on the road, and going to every masterpiece of heaven and earth in the world of each party is the goal on the road

Different geographical environments, different terrain and landforms, have achieved a cultural accumulation of one side, and walking on the road is also taking a road of civilization. The ancients have clouds: the benevolent Leshan, the wise enjoy the water, the best place for tourism is the place where the mountains and rivers are dependent, there is water in the mountains, there are mountains in the water, the immortal qi of the mountains, the aura of the water, and the unity. The softest place in the heart of the beauty of mountains and rivers can write unparalleled landscape poetry. Every mountain and every river is like a pearl, and only by constantly walking on the road can these scattered pearls be worn together to enjoy the perfect consummation, retain the memory of every place they have traveled, and retain the deep cultural heritage of that side. This landscape of mountains and rivers, and the embellishment of green mountains and rivers, is the most perfect work of heaven and earth.

The places of this tour are Jiangxi and Anhui, and Jiangxi, which is full of red land, has been there before, and there is a feeling of revisiting the old place, which is intimate and natural. As we all know, Jiangxi is the birthplace of Chinese landscape ink painting, and it is also the hometown of the Bada Shanren, a master of Chinese landscape ink painting, and Wuyuan is the original hometown of our third-generation leader Jiang Zemin, and Wuyuan has the most beautiful canola flower base in China. There are the famous Lushan Mountains and "Lushan Love", there are the revolutionary base area of Jinggangshan and the bamboo where the great achievements have been made. There is a famous city of Jiujiang, because of Poyang Lake, it has become a city in the lake, like what people call the city in the lake, the lake in the city.

Anhui, where people pay the most attention to building houses after their founding, their own houses are beautiful, and the Huipai architecture there has always deeply attracted me. The mountains there are nature's finest works, magical, natural and misty. That mountain system is very surprising, there are Sanqing Mountain, Huangshan Mountain, Wuyi Mountain and other famous mountains connected into a magnificent mountain system, the excellent natural landscape on the mountain naturally bred the best tea trees, so Anhui's mountains and tea are famous in the country. There is The Huangshan Mountain, which is known for its four absolutes, there is a poem that says: The return of the Five Peaks does not look at the mountain, and the return of the Huangshan Mountain does not look at the Yue, which knows that the beautiful charm of the Huangshan Mountain is unparalleled; as the Jiuhua Mountain, which is the four famous Buddhist mountains, only the blood scripture that has been copied with blood mixed with cinnabar and gold powder for 28 years is enough to shock people's hearts, and the immortal flesh of the highly pious monk knows the immortal qi and aura of this mountain. It is certainly true that one famous landscape gives birth to one famous tea, and this tea is this square world, and this corner of the landscape is a beautiful green gem. They all say that drinking tea requires local water to brew local tea, and it is necessary to talk about good tea, good water, good tea set, good environment, and good mood in order to taste the deep taste of tea. Jiangxi's Yunwu tea; Anhui's Liu'an Gua Slice, Taiping Monkey Kui, Qimen Black Tea; Wuyi Rock Tea, Da Hong Pao, Anxi Tieguanyin and other famous teas are all from these famous mountains, and the mountains in the south are known for their dignified beauty and elegance, and the natural landscape is naturally very different from the north. We all know that the price of tea is directly proportional to the altitude of the mountain, and the tea of the high altitude mountain has a deep fragrance taste, because of the reason for the cloud, the high altitude tea has a natural natural fragrance taste, rather than a strong pyrotechnic taste. The fragrance of low-altitude tea is roasted, so we can taste the fireworks taste of this low-altitude tea. This surprising natural landscape has bred a deep cultural heritage on the road, we appreciate in addition to the eye-catching natural landscape, as well as the heart of the humanistic landscape, the two appreciate to the extreme to feel their own feelings, which will be a place to interpret thoroughly, walked, passed, some gains is a successful trip.

This trip to Hongcun is my favorite place to travel, I like him not because of his international fame, not because it is Chow Yun Fat's resort, not because it is the filming location of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", I like him just like, it is a nostalgic complex, it is a kind of nostalgic complex, it is a love that has no reason, like everything in the outside world is irrelevant, like is only about the heart, in line with the appetite of your heart. All the buildings in hongcun this ancient village are Huipai buildings in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which makes people look at the calm mood of the ming and qing dynasties, the purity of the white walls and black tiles, the exquisite carved stone windows, wood carved lintels, brick carved house tiles can be seen everywhere, through these details we have a better understanding of what is the shining lintel, what is the door to the door, the beauty of the details and the exquisite beauty make people feel admired. Here the blue sky is washed, reaching out as if you can pick up a few clouds, I was surprised that the years are quiet and good, a corner of an ancient village far from the hustle and bustle of the city, let people see the peace of mind, all the impetuous smoke quietly escaped, the high courtyard wall and the impetuous reality outside the invisible isolation, this distance in the heart infinitely elongated. Watching the lotus flowers of the lake quietly bloom that is quiet and noble, and we can only look at her from a distance, appreciate her, do not disturb her, quiet and elegant let her bloom, only in this way can we appreciate the beauty of the full distance, the heart will have a full yearning, the corners and corners here are full of isolated primitive romantic aesthetics. I really want to find a farmhouse in this place for a while and feel the hongcun at night. It must be the stars sprinkled all over the lake, and the small lake at this time is like a carefree sleeping child, quiet and serene, with a leaf boat on the lake, and the lotus flowers shyly fan the eyes to experience this quiet beauty. I only hope that this perfection can become an instant eternity, the picture will be still and stagnant at this moment, and the whole village will be idyllic and warm, roaming by the lake, blowing a refreshing wind, asking the wine to the sky with a wisp of heart, sending a trace of acacia to the moonlight, and precipitating the ancient emotions and memories of that yellowing. The color of the lake must be beautiful to the extreme, and even the best Chinese painting master must not be able to paint this perfect crystallized scenery, and it is the most beautiful scenery that can naturally enter the depths of the heart. But the reality can only be a quick glance with the tour guide, only the strange love is shallow.

Walking on the road of Hongcun, I deeply experienced the small bridge and flowing water in the poem, all in the bluestone slab road, natural calm, I wonder if Dai Wangshu's "Rain Lane" was suddenly inspired here, that quaint, that pure, that unworldly, let me linger on the back and forth. I am looking forward to the beauty of Tiangong zuo to give some hazy smoke and rain, holding up a landscape ink painting oil-paper umbrella on the lonely and long bluestone road, feeling the hazy beauty of a smoke and rain in jiangnan. It is as if in an instant, through the time and space of history, and feel the charm of the ancient city with a modern atmosphere. In this ancient culture is becoming more and more museumized, it is really surprising that the unique and profound cultural heritage of Hongcun can be well preserved. I wonder how hard the people in this place can keep these complexes very well, but I have not found a satisfactory answer, the reason I can find is that the current global communication is smooth, there are fewer and fewer unique things, this place can be retained in addition to the success of the application, more perhaps the reason is that this place is relatively closed, only relatively closed can leave a uniqueness. Just as people can only have their own personality if they have proper loneliness.

Walk on the road, feel the wisdom of the ancients, walk on the road, and experience the breath of modern life. At this moment, I felt the wind blowing, I felt what it was like to be relaxed, although the tired and laborious body would become stiff like a stone after lying down, the body was tired but the heart was so long away from relaxation, painfully and happily indulging every sensitive nerve of his body to feel the classical beauty of this village. There is nothing to keep, give yourself a moment of freedom, and breathe in this quiet and quiet air. I kept asking myself in my heart what kind of life we were so busy running around for? The kind of life I want I found the answer here, nothing more than to seek the calm and stability in the depths of the heart, and then with that peace and quiet step by step on the unknown road, I always firmly believe that the sunshine that belongs to me is the clarity that comes from the depths of the heart.

"Tian Jing" is on the road

About author:Tian Jing, born in 1979, graduated from the department of Chinese of Shan Normal University, a national second-level psychological counselor, deputy secretary-general of the Boshan District Writers Association, a teaching expert in Boshan District, and an outstanding psychology teacher in Zibo City. He has published primary school students' learning gardens, published works on aesthetic education, published a collection of "The Covenant of Landscapes and Rivers" published by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and published hundreds of thousands of words in major newspapers, books, and public accounts for many times.

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