
Autumn fairy tales

author:You love to write homework
Autumn fairy tales

Autumn leaves

Walking down the street, a gust of wind blows, and the golden leaves on the plane trees fall one after another, much like dancing butterflies, sometimes unable to dodge, will float to the body of pedestrians, if inadvertently, will be startled by this sudden movement.

Day by day, the leaves of the plane trees on the ground are accumulating more and more, and what they walk on makes a "rustling" sound, like a low chant.

Looking at the autumn leaves on the ground, I would pick out a few leaves that looked clean and beautifully shaped, take them home, put them in a book, and make them into specimens.

When I inadvertently turned to it while reading a book, that mood was joyful.

A leaf knows autumn, the weather gradually becomes cooler, the cold winter is coming, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the cycle repeats, and the days slip away from us year after year.

Looking back now, there is a kind of heartache and pity, always feeling that I have achieved nothing in so many years, and I have spent my years busy all day.

Aren't many people around us like this? Isn't this the life of an ordinary person? This may be what people often call the sad autumn.

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