
Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

author:Shangguan News

Caterpillars falling from park trees,

Centipedes hiding in shoes,

A wasp hiding in a quilt that has been sunburned...

Nowadays, all kinds of insect bite injuries are not uncommon,

If you accidentally provoke the "Bug Squad",

What should I do?

Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

(Image from the Internet)

Worm Bite Raiders strong push collection,

Be prepared!

Bee Sting Raiders

Rinse wounds, squeeze out venom, apply baking soda!

When living at home, when collecting clothes quilts for drying on the balcony, be careful to carry bees or wasps. In the wild, try to wear long sleeves and hats, avoid using strongly scented cosmetics, such as perfumes, etc., and spray some anti-mosquito potions.

Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

What should I do if I am attacked by a bee or a horse bee?

1. After being attacked by the swarm, do not fight back too much, find a safe place to crouch down, cover important parts with clothing, and avoid provoking the swarm.

2. After the horse bee stings, it will not leave the thorns on the person, but the bees will leave the thorns. Therefore, after being stung, it is necessary to first check whether there are any stinger residues in the wound. If poisonous spines remain, they should be taken out with forceps.

3. If there is a clean water nearby, immediately rinse the wound repeatedly with water, and squeeze the wound nearby with your hands, squeeze out the venom, pay attention to squeezing the wound until the bright red blood flows, and then apply the wound with baking soda to reduce the redness and swelling after poisoning. Do not wash with dirty water, and do not use mud on the wound surface, so it is easy to infect the wound.

4. If there is fever, dizziness and headache, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting and other systemic symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time. In the event of delirium or cardiac arrest, on-site CPR should be performed immediately and 120 should be dialed. Horse bee stings are prone to precursors or shock and require timely rescue.

Cryptoptera dermatitis raiders

Don't shoot directly with your hands!

Cryptoptera prefers to inhabit moist grass and other places during the day, and has a strong phototropism at night. Although it does not bite, it has a strong acidic toxin in the body, which will quickly release venom when slapped on the skin, causing allergic dermatitis, appearing cord-like or patchy edematous erythema, blisters or pustules, itching and burning. The severity of dermatitis is related to how much venom the skin is exposed to.

Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

How to prevent Cryptoptera dermatitis?

Don't shoot it directly with your hands, the easiest way to deal with cryptoptera is to use your fingers to bounce it away, blow it off, or shake it to the ground.

1. After contact with the venom of the insect body, it should first be rinsed with soapy water or running water, and then it can be used externally with calamine lotion, menthol cream or glucocorticoid ointment. In severe cases, oral antihistamines such as loratadine may also be added, or glucocorticoids may be used as a systemic option.

2. At the same time, to avoid bacterial infection, fever, headache, nausea, lymphadenopathy and other systemic symptoms, you should go to the hospital in time.

A guide to caterpillar dermatitis

Remove the poisonous hair with scotch tape!

Mulberry caterpillar dermatitis refers to the inflammatory reaction of the skin caused by the poisonous hair of the mulberry caterpillar after contact with the human body. Mulberry caterpillar is the larvae of the mulberry poison moth, the insect body has countless poisonous hairs, the center of the poisonous hair is a hollow pipe, the poisonous liquid, the poisonous hairs are detached and flutter with the wind, and the disease can occur after contact with the human body.

Spiny caterpillar dermatitis is an inflammatory response caused by the poisonous glitch of a thorny caterpillar that injures the skin. Common in China are yellow and green spiny caterpillars. Skin lesions mostly occur in the face, neck, hands, forearms and other exposed areas, the skin is stabbed by the sting, burning sensation, followed by redness or large swelling at the site of the stab, generally mild systemic symptoms, severe may cause death.

Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

What should I do if I am stung by a caterpillar?

1. As much as possible, use tape or scotch tape to repeatedly remove the poisonous hair from the rash, and rinse the local area with soapy water or alkaline aqueous solution in time to neutralize the toxin.

2. Topical calamine lotion, zinc oxide lotion or 1% peppermint solution can also be applied to the affected area with purslane mashing to reduce inflammation and itching.

3. If the symptoms are severe, seek medical attention in time.

Centipede bite raiders

Don't try to squeeze out the venom, don't use iodine, disinfectant water!

The centipede venom is acidic, and the wound from which the centipede bites is a pair of small holes. The main manifestations of centipede bites are local acute inflammation: redness, swelling, pain and itching, and in severe cases, local skin necrosis can occur; more severe cases can see body numbness, headache, dizziness, fever, nausea, vomiting and other systemic symptoms, and even life-threatening.

Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

How to prevent centipede bites?

Residents of old residential areas should try to avoid wearing slippers barefoot to places with moss, and do not easily move bricks, otherwise they are likely to move out of a nest of centipedes. Centipedes love moisture, so do a good job of indoor moisture protection, keep it clean and dry, and avoid accumulating items.

1. Once you are stung by a centipede, do not try to squeeze out the venom, squeezing hard will speed up blood circulation, resulting in the spread of venom, causing the wound to swell and spread.

2. The venom of the centipede is acidic, such as being bitten by the centipede, it should be at the upper end of the injured limb 2-3 cm, tied tightly with a cloth belt, relaxed for 1-2 minutes every 15 minutes, ice can be applied around the wound, the swelling is obvious can be sucked out of the venom with a suction device or cupping can, and the wound should be rinsed repeatedly with an alkaline solution (soapy water, etc.) immediately to neutralize the acidic venom.

3. The traces of centipede bites are a pair of small holes, and the venom flows down the small holes, so it must be rinsed repeatedly with an alkaline solution, and avoid rinsing or rubbing the wound with iodine tinctures or acidic drugs.

Tick bite raiders

Don't slap, don't pull hard, don't pinch!

In recent years, the number of patients who have been bitten by ticks in Shanghai has gradually increased. When working in the field and traveling, be sure to do a good job of protection, wear long-sleeved pants, spray insect repellent, etc., and pay attention to check whether there are unexplained wounds on the body.

Horse bee stings, centipede bites, tick bites... How to resolve the real-life version of the "bug crisis"?

How to control tick bites?

When you go out, you can apply insect repellent water to avoid sitting on the grass or touching wood and deciduous piles for a long time. When walking in the wilderness, wear long sleeves and long pants and tuck your pants into your socks. After returning indoors after outdoor activities, take a shower in time and carefully check your arms, behind your ears, legs, knees and hair. Pay special attention to checking pets and young children.

1. Tick front end has barbs, found that there are ticks on the body, do not use slapping, hard pulling, pinching and other ways to stimulate it, to go to the hospital in time to deal with.

2. If it is inconvenient to seek medical treatment, you can apply alcohol to the tick body, so that the tick head is relaxed or dead, and then use the pointed forceps to remove the tick, pay attention to pull out vertically upwards, do not shake left and right. Cigarette butts and incense sticks can also be used to gently blanch ticks on the outside of the body, so that the head slowly withdraws on its own, and then clean the wound and hands with alcohol or soapy water to disinfect.

3. Fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms after being bitten by ticks, especially if the body temperature is higher than 38 ° C, go to the hospital immediately, and take the initiative to inform the doctor of the affected area and treatment of tick bites. It is important to be wary that ticks have a certain probability of causing fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, or infected with the virus they carry, which can be fatal in severe cases. Therefore, after being bitten by ticks, it is necessary to observe closely and seek medical attention as soon as symptoms such as high fever occur.


Popular science source:

@Shanghai Xinhua Hospital