
Bug Crisis Response Manual: "Deck" has a ferocious and gentle appearance

author:Information network

Original title: The seasonal insect crisis response manual is coming

In the summer heat, we really want to do nothing, with the air conditioning lurking on the bed sofa. In contrast to us, all kinds of bugs are becoming more and more active - mosquitoes buzz by the ears every night, mites are enjoying dampness, warmth and dander in the futon, deck bugs like to walk in the toilet, rice bugs in rice buckets are trying to eat and drink to transform into moths... Their presence, or affecting our lives, or directly endangering health, has to be prevented. The reporter interviewed Professor Shi Tongxin, deputy director of the Department of Dermatology of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, and Jiang Hongrong, chief of the Department of Disinfection and Vector Biological Control of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to create a manual for responding to the insect crisis, and asked them to put it away.

Common insects 1.Mosquito hazards: ☆☆☆☆☆

Don't look at mosquitoes are small, but their reproductive ability is very strong, and they can breed a generation in half a month. After being bitten and sucked by mosquitoes, the most common problem is that the skin is pimples, itching is intolerable, and what is more annoying is that they also carry pathogens that can spread a variety of diseases - Japanese encephalitis, malaria, dengue fever, Zika, etc.

Response: Director Jiang Hongrong believes that one or two mosquitoes appear in the home, generally flying in from doors and windows, belonging to "foreign households", but if there are more mosquitoes in the home, it is necessary to consider that there are mosquito larvae in some of the water, which are constantly breeding, and these water sources should be cleared in time. According to Professor Shi Tongxin, there are many kinds of anti-mosquito appliances, from mosquito nets to mosquito repellents, you can try it according to your own situation. The easiest way is to use the wind to prevent mosquitoes - mosquitoes are very sensitive to strong winds, and it is very good to go out and stay at the vent or bring a small fan with you.

Mosquitoes prefer four kinds of people: one is a person who sweats a lot and does not bathe frequently, the second is a person who has just finished breathing, the third is a person who wears black clothes or has a dark complexion, and the fourth is a child. These four kinds of people should pay attention to protection. Bitten by mosquitoes, some people almost do not feel anything, some people will have a large package, and even blisters, Professor Shi said that this depends on two aspects: from the perspective of mosquitoes, mosquito types are different, "attack power" is also different, the same kind of mosquito bite time, whether there is saliva into the human body, how much into the amount, will directly affect the degree of pimples. From the perspective of the human body, people with sensitive constitutions will themselves have heavy allergic reactions to external stimuli, and people with non-allergic constitutions are relatively light.

After mosquito bites up the knot, first can not scratch, skin damage in the season is prone to bacterial and fungal infections, there is no medicine available at hand, use a cool towel or ice cubes to temporarily cold compress, or wash with soapy water, has an antipruritic effect. If it is red, swollen and itchy, antipruritic drugs, such as calamine lotion, can be used. There is no skin damage and infection, you can use a little hormonal dermatitis, fluocinolone or elosone ointment in a short period of time, which can alleviate allergic reactions and irritation symptoms, as long as you apply a thin layer, use it twice a day, use it for three or four days, no more than a week. If an infection occurs, topical anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Baiduobang, are used. Those with severe allergies may also need oral anti-allergic drugs, such as loratadine. Of course, when it comes to medication, be sure to consult a professional doctor first and use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Common insects 2. Fly fruit fly Hazards: ☆☆☆☆

Although flies and fruit flies are both flies, they are strictly speaking, they belong to different families and are not a kind of insect, but their general habits are similar. They like to fly around, passing where they may take the bacterial virus here to continue walking, and then crawl through the food, people may be caught after eating, generally based on intestinal infectious diseases.

Response: Director Jiang suggested that the family does not want to have flies and fruit flies, and should focus on prevention. Entering and leaving the door does not let the flies take advantage of the opportunity to enter, garbage, Nissan Nissin, garbage is the most popular with flies, reduce garbage and storage time, it is equivalent to eliminating the breeding conditions of flies.

If there are flies in the home, you should use flies to shoot in time to eliminate, as for fruit flies, you can make your own trap tools - find a mineral water bottle, cut off the bottle mouth, put some fruit in it, it is said that the luring effect of banana peels will be better, you can also put yeast and pour a little water, the bottle mouth surface is covered with plastic wrap, with a toothpick to prick a few holes, the fruit flies fly in and can't run out.

Common insects 3.Mites Harm: ☆☆☆☆

× month without sunburn, × million mites sleep with you, similar words do you look familiar with? In recent years, because of the continuous media coverage, more and more people have begun to understand the small creature of mites. They are small, but they can make people's skin allergic and even cause respiratory discomfort.

Response: Professor Shi said that the warm, humid environment is very popular with mites, so Qingdao is a good place for mites in the season. The places where mites are easy to breed in the home are mainly carpets, mats, bedding, etc. To deal with mites, maintaining hygiene is the key, these household items should be cleaned frequently, washed and thoroughly exposed to the sun. Air conditioners in the home often use dehumidification functions to keep the environment dry, which is also a way. The most common health problem caused by mites is skin allergies, which also manifest as scattered pimples, usually found in the trunk area. Handled in much the same way as mosquito bites.

Common insects 4.Cockroach hazards: ☆☆☆☆

Citizens who have had cockroaches at home must be impressed by this product, reproductive ability, vitality is not generally strong, running around in the home. Cockroaches are similar to flies, because crawling everywhere will also be contaminated with viral bacteria, infecting diseases, and also dominated by intestinal infectious diseases.

Response: To control cockroaches, good cleaning work is the key. Director Jiang suggested that the food residue at home should be thrown away in time, and the debris such as cartons and mineral water bottles should not be piled up everywhere to avoid creating a comfortable living environment for cockroaches. When you go shopping, check carefully to see if you have cockroaches. Before returning from the trip, also thoroughly clean and check the suitcase to avoid bringing home cockroaches from the hotel.

Cockroaches are found at home and can be purchased for cockroach paste. Director Jiang reminded that it is best to look at the composition of the ointment when purchasing, usually containing sulfluramid, imidacloprid, and sulfluran cyanide.

Common Bugs 5.Deck Bugs Hazards: ☆☆

This season, many citizens often see a bug with a tail with "small scissors" in the toilet at home, which is called "deck", and people have a scientific name that looks quite tall, called a salamander (qúsǒu). Deck worms mainly crawl around at night, and the tail "scissors" can clip people.

Response: Although the deck worm looks fierce in appearance, it is actually a relatively mild animal, and the tail "scissors" clip people in self-defense, but there is no poison, so there is no need to be too nervous to see. In the past few years, there have been news that a deck worm crawled into the ears of a pregnant woman, which is purely isolated, and as for the online circulation that it can bite through the eardrum and live in the brain, there is no scientific basis.

Deck worms like a humid environment, do not want it to appear at home, try to keep the bathroom, kitchen, balcony dry, with a mop to thoroughly clean the corner gap deck worm easy to lay eggs roosting place, afterwards with boiling water to boil a mop, you can also use insecticide appropriately.

Common insects 6.Caterpillar hazards: ☆☆☆☆☆

We Qingdao people call this kind of bug "bar chi hair", the appearance is generally very "ostentatious". It's okay not to provoke it, because the hair has a toxin, once it is stung, it is itchy and painful, and the sourness is enough for you to remember for a while!

Response: Caterpillar stings are mainly hair problems, containing toxins that can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. If you find bugs on your skin, don't shoot them and shake them off gently. Do not scratch the affected area, it is best to use adhesive tape to see if you can stick the remaining hairs down. As for the red, swollen bumps, they are treated in a similar way to mosquitoes.

Common bugs 7.Ticks Hazards: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Over the years, many citizens have talked about tick discoloration. In the summer, passing under the grass and trees, I also worry about whether I will be bitten by ticks. Professor Shi told reporters that in fact, from the germination of grass and trees, ticks have appeared, and the outpatient clinic can encounter the number of tick bites. Ticks mostly appear in wild grasslands, animals also have, tick bites themselves are not strong, but some pathogenic bacteria it carries can cause typhus, tick paralysis, tick bite fever, fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Lyme disease, etc., which can seriously cause death.

Response: Professor Shi said that after finding tick bites, do not pull hard, so as not to leave the mouthparts in the skin and cause infection and other problems. It is best to rush to the hospital as soon as possible, if you can't catch up, you can use oil, toothpaste and other items to paste the bugs, the surface is covered with plastic wrap, wait for 30-60 minutes, the bugs are suffocated, you can automatically fall down. The bite site is treated in the same way as a mosquito bite.

After the ticks are removed, it is not possible to see whether the bugs carry pathogenic bacteria at that time, and they must go home for close observation. If it is just a simple bite, the tick does not carry any pathogenic bacteria, generally it does not matter. However, if you carry pathogenic bacteria, the incubation period is about one week to half a month, and once you have fever and other discomfort, you must go to the hospital infection department as soon as possible.

Qingdao Evening News/Pocket Qingdao/Qingdao Network reporter Zhang Yan

[Edit: Yamai]