
True lies

author:007 Guardian

Life itself is a TV series in which each of us plays our part.

True, false, false, true. Whether it is a lie or not, we are paying a price for our words and deeds.

A cycle of cause and effect, accompanied by cause and effect.

God is the great writer who defines the role of each person, and the writer is the engineer of the human soul, defining a small society, human life.

Everyone has a complete literary dream in their hearts, and some of them are incomplete. Some people aspire to become a writer, but most people look at other people's stories, believe it, and become a bystander of life.

It is nothing more than words and words that cannot be left alone, because the world is made up of words. We have to learn to use words to change lives, to change what is in front of us, to change the world. So what did words create?

Civilization, ideas, governments, politicians, communities, tribes, sales, transportation, education, scientists, armies, etc., in short, all of them, but why are there so many people who are useless in reading? Isn't it ignorance?

Of course, man is not omnipotent, he is only the thinker closest to God, reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles. At present, it is popular, this set, but in the past it was not like this, just like me, my family, my family never accepted that I had the desire to read more books, nor did I pray that I would have more opportunities to achieve my dreams, which seems impossible, where there are parents who do not expect their children to become dragons and phoenixes, I do not know why in the new era, many people follow the ideas of the older generation.

This is certainly not to make you act recklessly, against the norm, and make a textbook on the antisocial side. I mean, when it comes to personality independence, we shouldn't rely too much on our parents at all. The older generation has suffered hardships, and they all want a comfortable life and do not want their future old age to suffer. However, what I am saying is that in the age of hard work, we know how to be cautious and cautious and move forward steadily.

But these are probably not the original family and school education can give you, it seems that in society, everyone has everyone's advantages, are fighting alone, deceitful, big fish eat small fish, is a common thing. Tit-for-tat confrontation is also a common thing, but as long as you do not harm others, interests are the first, at least within the principle, to achieve the end of the unscrupulous means, this is too much. Because this sometimes hurts people, everything is fair competition, and enterprises, it seems to be too much by these people who do not abide by social rules, so there will be anti-monopoly, the national regulatory system, right? Of course, when things happen, be more careful, everything is not strong, and other things are left to the relevant people to deal with.

The situation needs to be promoted, otherwise there is no fairness or justice at all.

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