
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews

author:Small bench cinema
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews

Harry Tasker is an agent of a spy organization code-named Omega who is fluent in six languages and can manipulate multiple high-skilled espionage tactics. He was being commissioned to investigate a case of smuggling nuclear weapons orchestrated by an Arab terrorist organization. For reasons of national security, Harry has been hiding his true identity from his wife Helen for 15 years, always thinking that her husband is an honest computer operator, and Helen is a little tired of his ordinary work.

For the sake of the mission, Harry is forced to pretend to be on good terms with a woman, which makes Helen jealous, and she begins to mess with Simon, a car dealer, during which she listens to the exciting romantic story of Simon, who claims to be a "spy".

With the help of his partner Jeep, Harry uses his spying to spy on his wife to make Simon, a fake agent, look ugly. Once, while Harry was posing as a Frenchman and threatening Helen, a group of terrorists rushed in and kidnapped them as hostages on a tropical island in the Caribbean Sea. There Harry is tortured, and eventually he and Helen manage to escape from the cage, but during the shootout, Helen slows down and falls back into the clutches of the devil. With Jeep's help, Harry returns to the island with a determination of revenge. Helen is saved, but cunning terrorists kidnap her daughter Dana and threaten to detonate a nuclear warhead in miami, a tourist resort. Harry grabbed a Sea Harrier vertical take-off and landing jet and rushed to Miami, eliminating the terrorists with a crooked missile and rescuing his daughter Dana.

A year later, Harry accepted the task of "Omega" again, however, this time his partner was replaced by Helen.

A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews

Viviandsc wrote in 2009 (Douban)

The weather was too hot, I had to carry the mattress to the north study, there was no TV to watch, opened pps to find this baby film that never had a trace of disgust, and began another anti-terrorist yy journey with dinner.

Although I have endless love for this film, I don't often come to see it. Looking back, every time I look at it, there is a feeling of infinite memories.

The first time I saw this film, I didn't enjoy it in the cinema when it premiered in China. In September 1995, I went to a friend's house with my parents and my parents in the first year of junior high school, after all, the uncle was the first to get rich under the inspiration of Grandpa Deng's good policies, and the not very spacious home had a set of cutting-edge panasonic home theater system. In this living room of less than 15 square meters but fully armed with large and small stereos, our children had just watched "The Lion King" with enthusiasm, and the adults came in and began to play this "true lies" that was very exciting and shocking as soon as they listened to the opening song.

It turns out that 6 adults + 4 children, in this small room, are overwhelmed by the deafening sound of gunfire, stimulating tense storyline, funny dialogue ~ The first time I saw Arnold was not as muscular as later thought, the brain water was less, the words were very handsome and witty; the wife's legs were really long and the figure was really a classic dance posture, eh thirsty death Oh; the little girl is very powerful, the terrorist is very powerful, the fighter jet is very powerful, the horse is also very powerful... After I got home, I dreamed of fighting terrorism for many days in a row.

Since then, I have fallen in love with a film (american movie^++^).

After that, there was no chance to revisit it, and gradually forgot.

After high school, into a period of total entertainment sanctions, except for the occasional TV on the weekend, mom and dad forbid you to do anything very entertaining, and they also locked all the discs in the cupboard. Until one day I went to the computer city to change this set of "true lies" pirated VCD, hidden under the sheets, that day the second old went out shopping, I was very happy to lie on the sofa at home to relive the good memories of 95 years. So the scenes from that memory reappeared.

That afternoon, the whole living room was the sound of me laughing.

Later, the storyline was also written as a restored novel, copied in a notebook, and read it with the dead party sitting with him. The two sat in the back of the classroom and secretly had fun....

However, the good times are not long, the novel is only restored to half, because the mother washed the sheets, seized my dish, a bloody storm will come ~ ~ Gaga ~ ~ questioned by the father, where did the dish come from, do not say I will put the dish to death. In order to save me from dying, I made up another true lie, saying that this set of dishes belonged to me at the same table, could not be executed, and had to be returned, so my father asked me to take the same table home and confront him.

Dad: (Doubt) The disc is yours?

Table Mate: (Face does not change color) Yes~

Dad: Do you have a disc player at home? (Really critical question)

Table Mate:... No ah ~ (I pour... )

dad:... Then your disc is in my house, I keep it! (I also.... Does that count as imprisonment... )

Later, the same table was let go, the disc was locked by Dad, only half of the novel was still in my bag, and occasionally it was taken out by two of us who had no heart and no lungs in class.

But Dad ignored a very important problem -

- I have a computer in my room.

- There is an optical drive on the computer.

- The optical drive can read the disc.

- For a dollar you can rent a DVD from an outside disc store.


Poor parents.....

Since then, whenever I have time, opportunities, and ideas, I will go to the rental disc shop to get a film that I have recently been interested in, and no matter what new film is introduced in "Watch movies", I will move back home to watch it.

And all this, the more I practiced, the more skilled, completely escaped the eyelids of my parents, and accumulated a large amount of movie data in my brain. It is said that if it were not for the powerful sanctions overhead, I would not have practiced such a mysterious espionage kung fu.

In 2001, the college entrance examination ended, and we went to college even more amazingly.

We have read countless films and we have not felt fresh about the replacement of VCD and DVD. Since then, the whole box of DVDs accumulated has become a symbolic collection, most of which are destined to be seen once and then put on the shelf, and a few unfortunate comrades have not opened the envelope since they were taken home, and the best level is only placed on the table next to the disc player, and can be thrown in every three to five to read and turn around. As for those more and more blockbuster action movies, it is no longer a favorite, and every time I see Brosnan say "I am Xiaobang, Zhan Xiaobang" will feel that the overnight meal will rush up. In addition to the reprint, it is still a reproduction.

In 2005, I graduated from college, went to work, lived in a single building, equipped my machine, and began to watch movies single. Old memories resurfaced, pushing me to the disc house to find a "true lies" special collector's edition d9. Growing up, I used to be embarrassed to drip fast forward when I watched Jamie Lee Curtis dance, but now I am very calm and look at it with a big mouth. Unlike the home theater memories of 10 years ago, when I think of this movie, I am always accompanied by single times such as summer, air-conditioned room, sitting cross-legged in bed, holding dinner, and drinking soft drinks.

Four years later, last night, after sending away the batch of 05 college graduates who had ended four years of hard work, I returned to my and my husband's love nest in the four bedrooms and three halls upstairs and downstairs, washed off the hot sweat, drilled into the mosquito net in the air-conditioned room, opened the book, opened the pps, selected the true lies, the two curled up together, cross-legged, holding dinner, and began to watch movies.

Well, my husband is watching it for the first time, without thinking about anything, wondering why the terrorist is so mentally retarded, wondering why Arno is so powerful, what is the necessity. All you have to do is look at the humorous tango, the classic chase of the horse and the motorcycle, the thrill of the missile blowing up the sea road, the colorful life of the husband and wife, and the fun behind the lie. As long as you remember, this film has been 15 years on the line, hehe~

A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews
A classic among the 90s action movie classics, true lies are the most interesting reviews

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