
Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

Source: CCTV

"I still have to say, I just did what I was supposed to do. I am a poor child from old China, and I can say that my life and everything I have been given by the Party. If we do not do our own work well, how can we repay the party's kindness? ”

This is the simple words spoken by Mr. Cui Daozhi, 87-year-old China's first-generation forensic technology police officer and China's chief trace inspection expert, on the stage of the third season of "Readers". From the day he joined the party on December 26, 1953, the belief of "always follow the party" was deeply rooted in his heart. After retiring in 1994, he worked for another 27 years, only to repay the society and the party for the rest of his life without reservation.

On the evening of October 9, in the second program with the theme of "Will you love ta for a long time", Cui Lao's life story of "established original intention and indomitable progress" touched countless audiences.

Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

The second guest of the "Reader" program Choi Do-sik

In the special year of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it is the glorious mission of television literary and art workers to deeply carry forward the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists. As a phenomenon-level cultural program of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, "Readers", which returned from a three-year absence, proceeded from the creative consciousness of "portraits of the times" and invited a large number of outstanding representatives of Chinese communists to enter this season's program, accompanying the audience to feel the richness and breadth of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists in their moving stories full of human brilliance and tension of the times.

The number of CCP members accounts for nearly half

Each story is promoting a section of the spiritual spectrum

Since 2017, more than 130 readers have stepped onto this cultural stage under the name of "Reading Aloud", allowing the audience to see more than 130 different landscapes and wind bones. These wonderful vivid faces bring together the puzzles of Striving for China, and also allow Readers to gradually achieve an upgrade from artistry to the times.

After combing through the guest lineup of this season's "Readers", i found a clear "spiritual genealogy" that connects several vivid faces: among the 48 main guests, there are 23 members of the Communist Party of China, accounting for 48% of the total.

Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

The first guest of the third season of "Readers" Zhang Guimei

From Yang Yuanxi, the first deputy chief engineer of the Beidou satellite navigation system and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who embodies the "beidou spirit of the new era", Zhang Guimei, secretary of the party branch and principal of Lijiang Huaping Girls' High School, who reflects the "spirit of poverty alleviation", Zhang Dingyu, the people's hero who conveyed the "anti-epidemic spirit" and deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, Zhou Jianping, chief designer of China's manned space project and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who interpreted the "spirit of manned spaceflight"... As well as many outstanding party members who are fighting in surveying and mapping, medicine, public security, agriculture, education, law, sports, culture and other major fields, every time the Reader tells a story about them, it is a cross-section of the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists.

What is the significance of the third season of "Readers" focusing on good communists? At the end of the first program, a share brought by Chen Eryang, a reader who walked into the reading booth, was enough to represent the voice of the program.

As a volunteer docent at the memorial hall of the "First Congress" of the Communist Party of China, Chen Eryang would strengthen his belief in volunteering every time he heard party members from all over the country revisiting the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag at the site of the "First Congress." Perhaps, in the course of my explanations again and again, seeds will be sown, and it will take root and sprout, and it will grow to the sun. ”

Only by not forgetting the original can we better move towards the future. The spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists, which was conceived and formed in the great practice of the past century, is the precipitation of history and the sublimation of faith, which is not only the source of the spirit that inspires generations of Chinese communists not to forget their original intentions, keep firmly in mind their mission, and struggle forever, but also a powerful engine that drives the Chinese people to be indomitable, ride the wind and waves, and move forward courageously.

"Readers" gives full play to the content advantages of cultural people, emotional people, and beauty, gives full play to the communication advantages of the phenomenon-level programs of the main station, and leads the audience to feel the pulse of the spirit from the brilliance of human nature. And this distinct theme line also constructs a solid core of the show beyond the first two seasons, making it effectively reveal bacon's responsibility for casting the soul, the pattern of inheriting the past, and the energy of cohesion.

Three-dimensional interpretation is the feeling of the country and the people

"Contribute everything" is the most moving confession on this stage

In the two programs that have been broadcast, Yang Yuanxi, Zhang Guimei, Yu Qiqing, Ru Zhengang, Zhang Dingyu, Cui Daozhi and many other outstanding party members have stepped onto the stage as "readers of the times".

Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

Dong Qing interviewed Zhang Dingyu

This is a group of star-studded faces who have honors such as "July 1st Medal", "Model of the Times", "The Most Beautiful Strivers", "People's Heroes", "National Advanced Workers", etc., or can be called industry titans and role models in various fields. Throughout their simple and unpretentious narration, the country, the people, dedication, and struggle are words that appear very frequently.

Yang Yuanxi, deputy chief designer of Beidou, was born in the countryside of northern Jiangsu, and "one heart for the country" is a word and deed given to him by his father, who was injured three times on the battlefield in the past. In the peaceful era of science and technology battlefield, Yang Yuanxi has worked hard for more than 40 years, not only changing his own life, but also changing the history of China's satellite navigation being controlled by others together with thousands of Beidou people.

Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

Yang Yuanxi, a guest of the "Reader" program

On the road to facing difficulties, he was driven by a strong sense of crisis: "So many important infrastructures are in the hands of others, how can the country's independent politics, independent national defense, and independent economy be talked about?" ”

In the early days of the establishment of Lijiang Huaping Girls' High School, the conditions were harsh and there was nothing to do. In less than two years, nine of the seventeen teachers had gone, and when Principal Zhang Guimei sorted out the files, he found that six of the eight people left were party members.

Zhang Guimei said: "During the War of Resistance Against Japan, there was a party member on the position, and he would not let the position be lost. This is the party's poverty alleviation position, and the six party members have lost the position, what kind of party members are we? Before they could find the party flag, they drew a picture on the wall, wrote an oath, and then raised their right hand and solemnly swore "to fight for the cause of communism all their lives"!

Since its establishment in 1954, 46 members of the "National Surveying Brigade" have died in their posts due to various reasons such as illness, freezing, car accidents, and river falls, and some of them even do not have tombstones. They measured the territory of the motherland with sweat and life, so that the lofty mountains, the wilderness Gobi, the rivers, lakes and seas, and the primeval forests had accurate coordinates.

Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

"National Testing Team" as a guest of "Readers"

Recalling the three petitions to the party committee of the mountaineering team to participate in the 1975 Everest mapping mission, Yu Zhiqing remembered that he wrote in his diary: "How many times can you fight in life, when will you not fight at this time?" "Loving the motherland, being loyal to the cause, working hard, and making selfless dedication are the beliefs engraved in the bones of the "national testing team".

When talking with Dong Qing about the past, Zhang Dingyu, a communist who had stepped forward at the time of the crisis of the Wuhan war and epidemic, calmly seemed to be talking about other people's things. Returning to the fireworks routine, the "people's hero" is an ordinary person, he told everyone: "Being needed, still working, busy every day, is my favorite thing." It's nice to be able to make a little sense to this society, to be able to help a little bit. ”

Ru Zhengang, a wheat breeding expert known as "Mai Dad", mentioned the most in the program as "ordinary people". As a child, his grandmother often told him that an older brother, who was less than 3 years old, starved to death in 1942 and was carrying a few grains of hard corn in his hand that could not be bitten. Since then, "let all people not be starved to death" has become the driving force of Ru Zhengang. In their home, his wife Yuan Lianzhuang studied Chinese cabbage, his daughter specialized in apples, and his son-in-law engaged in animal husbandry, all of whom were silently contributing to the people's eating and drinking.

Feel the spirit of the Chinese Communists from the "readers"

"Reader" program guest Ru Zhengang was originally Lianzhuang

There was no father at the age of 4 and no mother at the age of 6. For Choi Do-sik, the party is like the closest mother, "the party tells me to do whatever I want, I will do." Perhaps influenced by him, Choi's three children are now all on the public security front, and his eldest son said that the brothers had a mixed feeling of love and resentment towards their father in their adolescence, until they entered the public security team one by one, and gradually understood his father's never-ending professionalism and learned to become him.

Have a big heart, serve the country with sincerity, and serve the people wholeheartedly. Their bodies have concentrated on showing the unity of loving the party and the country, ideals and reality, and doing things and being a person, and clearly embodying the political character of loyalty, cleanliness, and responsibility. The group portraits of flesh and blood, the epic struggle with laughter and tears, and the figurative and vivid answer to the question of the times "why can the Communist Party of China", the advanced nature and purity of the party are fully displayed in the "Readers".

"Contribute everything" is the most moving confession on this stage. We believe that the vows of the heart again and again will also sow seeds, which will take root and sprout, and will grow to the sun and walk towards the light.

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