
"This Killer Is Not Too Cold": A Killer's Self-Redemption


I saw the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" many years ago, and now that I look back, I can still vaguely remember the synopsis of the story, mainly about an Italian living in the slums of New York, named Leon, who is a professional killer. One day, Matilda, a neighbor girl who was killed by the evil police Stamfield, was taken in by Leon, and has been living and dying with Leon ever since. However, after Matilda fell into the hands of the evil police officer Stanfield for revenge, Leon had to detonate a bomb on his body in order to rescue the girl.

This Killer Is Not Too Cold is an action film written and directed by Luc Besson and starring Jean Renault, Gary Oldman, and Natalie Portman, released in France on September 14, 1994. In the film, the director expresses more criticism of some ugly things in reality, and in order to benefit the police can become murderous bandits, they wantonly slaughter under the banner of justice. And Matilda's unrelated family, who eventually lost their lives because of their greed. Of course, it is more about the fraternity, care, communion and dedication of love between strangers. The film is full of artistic atmosphere, and even the scene of the murder is as unique and beautiful as the artwork, and many scenes are classic and memorable.

Scene 1: The film opens with a wonderful assassination operation, showing the ruthlessness of a killer to the fullest, and the killer Leon is carefully deployed and calmly and fearlessly carrying out the action. However, such a professional killer with no friends, no relatives, ruthlessness, and killing without blinking, has become the loyal protector of the young girl Matilda.

Scene two: There is a more warm and eye-catching movie shot in the film, which always runs through the beginning and end of the whole movie, that is, the killer of the long shirt and trousers, Leon, always holds a pot of green bonsai in his arms, even if he wanders around and is desperate, he is always a perpetual youth who does not leave his body. The life of a killer who has lived alone for many years has made him feel lonely and lonely, and the only bright color in life is the pot of evergreen. He cultivated it as if it were his own life, and unconsciously, this pot of green plants became the only friend in his life- in his eyes, it was even another self, and this pot of flowers and plants was always so humane in the film "This Killer Is Not Too Cold".

Scene Three: At the end of the film, when dealing with the scene where the killer Leon is shot, the director uses slow motion and silence, and people see the blood spots that slowly expand his eyebrows until he falls to the ground, and Leon is happy at the last moment, with a smile on his face, and he does what he has always wanted to do. He exchanged his death for Matilda's life, weaving the purest fairy tale, heroic and poignant. What we see is the whole process of human nature from extinction to recovery.

Scene Four: At the end of the film, the little girl Matilda takes out the pot of evergreens from Lyon and plants it in a place that looks very sunny and harmonious. When Matilda planted the flowers, there was no tragic eye flow, no heart-rending cry, just a self-talk to the bonsai of Lyon: We are safe now, Lyon. Her calm contrasts strongly with the pathos of the story, giving people an emotional impact.

The director sets the story of the film in a city like New York, which has drifted with time, with desolate cities, desolate buildings and desolate crowds. The distance between people's hearts and minds is farther away than the distance of their bodies. No one knows how many lonely souls like Leon there are in this city, maybe he is another killer, or a wandering poet, a prostitute, a beggar, the city's repressed time and space transformation banished them to the cold corners of the soul, perhaps he lives by our side, how to find another comfort from the heart, this is a question that cannot be answered. Leon, on the other hand, was fortunate to have completed the redemption of his soul's path in Matilda's firm convictions.

Everyone has two sides, half angels, half devils, and we all want ourselves and others to be angels.

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