
Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

author:Purple romantic private dish

Autumn favorite bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dry, drink every day is not greasy!

Hello everyone! I'm purple romantic, and it's time to share food again. The cool breeze rises, the most beautiful autumn on earth, autumn has arrived, although the temperature drops in the morning and evening, but the sun is very large during the day, and the temperature is still very high. Autumn is a season when it is easy to catch fire, so drink more soup and water in your diet, which can not only replenish the water lost by the body due to the heat, but also moisturize and remove the fire.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

At the table in autumn, every day I will cook a pot of soup for my family, and today I will share with you the soup that my family often drinks in autumn: loofah lean broth.

Loofah is a common ingredient on our table, now the loofah is sweet and delicious, cheap and delicious, spend three yuan can buy a large root, tender and smooth loofah with lean meat to cook soup, light and delicious nutrition, it is so delicious!

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

Loofah is a treasure all over the body, loofah nutrition is very rich, contains a lot of vitamin C and vitamin B1, often eat loofah can whiten the skin, has the effect of beauty and beauty. Loofah taste sweet and cool, is a kind of cold vegetable, eat loofah has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat and moisturizing.

Loofah is also a good helper on our way to weight loss, 100g of loofah calories are only 20 calories, fat content is only 0.2 grams, loofah is rich in fiber, eating loofah can promote intestinal peristalsis, eliminate intestinal fat, discharge toxins, so eating loofah can also lose weight!

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

The taste is sweet and delicious loofah lean broth, the family likes to drink, really every day will not be tired. Because it is pure lean meat, the calories are not very high, friends who lose weight can also drink, now share the method with everyone, like friends hurry up!

【Loofah lean broth】

Ingredients required:

1 loofah, 150g lean meat, shredded ginger, 1 chives.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

1. Prepare the ingredients, peel the loofah and cut the hob pieces, put a spoonful of salt, grasp and mix well, the loofah put salt can prevent oxidation, the loofah will not turn black.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

2. Slice the lean meat and add ginger shreds.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

3. Put a little salt in the lean meat, a spoonful of cooking wine, I don't like the white color of the lean meat, so I also put a spoonful of soy sauce, put a spoonful of olive oil, a spoonful of corn starch, an appropriate amount of white pepper, mix well.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

4. Put a little olive oil in the pot, add the green onion and stir-fry, add the loofah and stir-fry.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

5. Pour in an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil over high heat.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

6. Loofah boiled soft cooked, put meat slices, meat slices cooking time is not too long, meat slices can change color, about a minute or so.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

7. Put the right amount of salt, loofah and lean meat have been put in the salt, so do not let go of the amount of salt.

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

8. Sprinkle with chives and you're ready to go!

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

9. No need to put chicken essence, the taste will be very delicious!

Autumn loves this bowl of soup, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious to go to autumn dryness, drinking every day is not greasy

Loofah is tender and sweet, the meat is tender and smooth, the color of the loofah is emerald green and good-looking, such a bowl of soup, nutritious and delicious, relieve the heat and relieve the grease, hot autumn, drink a bowl, don't mention how comfortable it is! Friends must not miss it!

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