
——Pills, sub--

author:Da Dong understands

# @ Da Dong Da Understand One Dish a Day (356) #

Balls are found in all regions of the world. In China, the common people are familiar with the practice of pills.

Beijing has lamb balls and dried croquettes; Beijingers learn to make lion's head in Suzhou and Zhejiang, but they flatten the balls and take a name called "Nanpan Balls". The southern pan-fried balls are flat, and there is a kind of round, called four hi balls, that is, four balls are served together, generally made at the wedding banquet, and eaten during the New Year. There is also a kind of ball in Beijing, which is said by the Shandong master, called "Shandong balls", and the meat filling is cooked with staghorn vegetables and coriander. Very few people seem to do it now. In the north, vegetarian balls are fried, and my favorite vegetarian balls are fried with mung bean flour, which bites hard and has a starch and fat oil aroma. Mung bean balls can also make soup, Beijing morning shop sells ball soup, with hemp sauce, leek flowers, green onions, burn cakes, is also flavor. Another type of vegetarian ball is to rub shredded carrots, noodle starch and spice powder to taste.

Yangzhou has a famous Yangzhou lion head, which is very exquisite. There are beef balls in Shantou. Hubei famous vegetable pearl balls, look crystal clear, there are wrapped glutinous rice, there are wrapped sago, sago balls are more like pearls. Hunan has magical pig blood pills. There are also fried tofu balls in Shandong cuisine, the outer layer is crisp and charred, and the inside is still soft and tender, and the knife-tip balls of Sichuan Guangyuan are also made of tofu, called balls, but they are not round.

Sweden also has balls, stuffed with beef, fried onions and white peppers, served with potatoes, lingonberry sauce and pickled cucumbers. India has curry balls, Vietnamese lemongrass balls, Japan has skewers, and Italian switzerland eats them with balls dipped in cheese sauce. Various spices are placed in the balls in the Yunnan region of China. Think about it, it seems that any ingredient can be made into balls to eat.

There was an old gentleman in Beijing who had passed away. It is Mr. Jin Yongquan of Jinyang Restaurant. Mr. Kim's best skill is making fish mushrooms. The old man has studied the fish mushroom dish for a lifetime, as well as various ingredients to make mushrooms. The ingredients are subdivided from coarse to filling, mushroom, gum, and tassel, which is simply one kind of delicacy. There are watery balls, some oiled, some eggs, some just egg whites, and some eggs that are soaked. There are all kinds of methods. The old gentleman's best job is to add water. The general standard for adding water is one pound of fish mushroom plus six or two water, but Mr. Jin can add one pound of two or two water. If the average person adds so much water, the fish mushroom will be dried. Mr. Jin added so much water to the fish mushroom light on the slippery surface, like a piece of Go. Mr. Jin told me that to make fish mushroom dishes, you can't use live fish, you must put the slaughtered fish in the refrigerator for one night, and use it the next day; in the summer, put a basin with ice under the bowl of fish mushrooms to cool down. There is also a fish made of fish mushrooms that are "black carp thick".

I stuffed the mozzarella cheese into the dry croquettes, bit open the balls, and the cheese pulled out the long silk, and ate it more flavorfully, especially the children ate and played, which was really fun.

Speaking of children's happiness, I think of "cherry balls". Engraved in my heart is the classic quote of my grandfather in "Cherry Pills": "Even if no one in the world is partial to small pills, I am the most, the most, the most, the most partial to the small pills." ”

——Pills, sub--

Little Big Dong Old Beijing dried croquettes

——Pills, sub--

Da Dong Old Beijing dried croquettes

——Pills, sub--

Da Dong Radish lamb balls

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Dry croaker balls image source network

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Yangzhou Lion Head

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——Pills, sub--
——Pills, sub--

Pearl Balls Image Source Network

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Big Dong

Spokesperson for Peking duck

Spokesperson of Beijing Roast Duck

Global Ambassador for Alba White Truffle

Ambassador of Alba White Truffles of the World

Xinjiang Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Honorary Prefecture Citizen Honor

Honorable Citizen of Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture

Vice President of China Cuisine Association

DaDong elected as the Vice-chairman of “Chinese Cuisine Association”

Chairman of the World Federation of Chinese Cuisine Celebrity Chefs Association

Chairman of “Famous Chefs Committee of the World Association of Chinese Cuisine”.

Founder of Da Dong Yi Yi Cuisine

Creator of DaDong Yijing Cuisine

Chairman of Da Dong Catering Investment Co., Ltd

Chairman, DaDong Food & Beverage Investment Co., Ltd.

Specially appointed expert of vocational education in Beijing

Specialist, Career Training Program (Beijing)