
KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

author:Shanghai Songjiang
KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

In the production workshop of Yuansheng Food, after the wagyu beef transported from Heilongjiang is thawed, it is made into round washi beef cakes after sorting, mixing, molding, and quick-freezing. Wagyu beef burger meatloaf, which is in short supply at KFC, is produced here. Since 1995, Songjiang Food Production Company Yuansheng Food has been a partner of KFC, developing classic products such as Colonel's Chicken Nuggets and New Orleans Grilled Chicken Wings. Yuansheng Food is also a supplier of many large chain catering brands such as Wang Pin and Xibei.

Why do many big-name catering companies "hold hands" yuansheng? With a 25-year development history, how can Yuansheng Food be timeless? "The secret lies in the direct supply of ingredients by the farm, the traceability of the whole industry chain, and the delicious and nutritious products." Hu Zhiding of Yuansheng Food Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. said.

KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

From pasture to table layout complete industrial chain

Yuansheng Group was founded in 1995, in the early days to professional breeding, slaughtering and cutting beef and mutton products, and later extended to cattle, sheep and chicken as the main raw materials, frying, barbecue and other conditioning processing. In particular, beef products have accumulated strong cutting and processing and application capabilities of parts of meat in Chinese and Western cuisine over the years.

KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

Why are Wagyu beef burgers in short supply? The story begins with a cow. Washi beef is a globally recognized high-end snowflake beef, rich in single unsaturated fatty acids and a variety of trace elements, good taste and high nutritional value. In 2012, with the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture, Yuansheng Food introduced purebred Wagyu beef from Australia and New Zealand, an excellent cattle breed, and built its own pastures in Longjiang County, Heilongjiang, which has special geographical advantages, to breed, breed and improve, and to connect mature meat processing business with characteristic breeding.

"The introduction of Wagyu cattle has filled the gap of high-end cattle breeds in China, and the stock of our ranch can reach more than 30,000 heads." Hu Zhiding said that at this point, Yuansheng Food has completed the layout of the whole industrial chain from breeding, slaughtering and processing, deep processing, cold chain transportation to the people's table, and realized the linkage development of one, two and three industries.

KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

On the sales side, in addition to supplying meat products to a number of large chain catering brands, Yuansheng Food also cooperated with Carrefour supermarkets to list Wagyu series products and classic products of Internet celebrities in some Carrefour stores; online, it became the exclusive high-end snowflake beef supplier of Jingdong. Under the guidance of accelerating the "five-type economy" to become stronger and better, Yuansheng Food actively develops the traffic economy, intends to accelerate the construction of offline traffic platform, and plans to accurately lay out flagship boutiques offline on the basis of the current 2 physical stores in Shanghai to provide consumers with a physical shopping experience.

KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

From tasty to safe, food is traceable

As a food production enterprise, ensuring food safety is the foundation of the enterprise. To enter the production workshop of Yuansheng Food, it is necessary to be "fully armed". Workers wear white jumpsuits, high rain boots and two-layer head coverings, and masks and gloves are standard. Of the few production links in the Wagyu burger production line, at least three are gearing up for food safety. At the beginning of the decomposition of the meat block, by the manual identification, removal of foreign bodies; at the end of the assembly line, the frozen finished meatloaf to go through two gates, the first used to detect metal foreign matter, which is common in food production enterprises, in addition, Yuansheng Food is also equipped with an X-ray machine, that is, the second gate, again to detect whether the meatloaf is mixed with metal and other foreign bodies, once detected, the machine will automatically sort out the problem meatloaf.

KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!

To ensure food safety, it is important to trace the source. In the pasture of Yuansheng Food, each cow has a "chip" ID card, through electronic ear tags, Internet of Things and other technologies, so that each cow can be traced in the whole industry chain. "If we find any food safety problems, we can find the source of the problem within two hours at a certain point and trace it back to the end product customer." Yu Shujuan, assistant general manager of Yuansheng Food Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., said that the general food production enterprises cannot trace the source in 2 hours. Consumers can also check the source of meat through the QR code on the food packaging bag.

"The development of food production enterprises requires continuous iteration of products. Our research and development was originally considered from the taste point of view, and now more attention is paid to the source safety of ingredients and food nutrition. "Hu Zhiding said frankly that in recent years, the company's R & D investment has increased year by year, and last year it invested nearly 10 million yuan, which is not a small investment for a food production enterprise, and Longjiang Wagyu children's steak is developed in this context." In response to the nutritional needs of children's bodies, Yuansheng Food uses 24-month-old Wagyu beef to make a children's steak. ”

In order to ensure the taste of food, from the pasture to the factory to the table, the whole cold chain transportation. It is understood that Yuansheng Food is the first food production enterprise in China to introduce Heat Shrink vacuum technology packaging chilled beef from Australia and the United States, and the preservation technology is relatively mature.

Picture, text: Fu Jing

Editor: Peng Xiaoyi

KFC, Wang Pin, Xibei... These chain brands that you love to eat, the raw materials are from the enterprise of Songjiang!