
Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

author:Sister Rong's flower language

#Town Garden Plant Treasure #Begonia flowers are known as the gods of flowers, and when they bloom, the colors are bright, delicate and moving, and they always give people a very beautiful feeling. Begonia flowers have woody begonias and herbaceous begonias, some flower lovers like to raise a pot of woody begonia bonsai at home, spring flowers, autumn fruits, it can be said that flowers and fruits are both appreciated, but also can be relieved. The key is that woody begonias are raised as bonsai, which will always give people a heavy cultural atmosphere, thereby enhancing the taste of the entire home. So how do we raise woody begonias in summer?

Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

1. Reasonable watering

Begonias planted in the garden are much more extensive to manage, as long as the soil is dried and watered once. And bonsai begonias, because the pots are relatively small, the begonias are relatively large, coupled with the dry summer weather, the amount of water evaporation is fast, so the need for more water.

In the summer we water the woody begonias, which can be watered once a morning or in the evening. Because the woody begonias at this time, after flowering in the spring, will produce a lot of fruit, so they need more water. We water the begonias, not in the high temperatures at noon.

When the weather is dry, it is also necessary to spray water frequently on the leaves and around the pots in order to increase the humidity of the air and make the woody begonias grow better. However, it needs to be raised in a well-ventilated environment, because of the high temperature in summer, if the soil is too wet, the woody begonia will also be prone to diseases and insect pests, so better ventilation can prevent the occurrence of high temperature, high humidity caused by diseases and insect pests.

Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

2. Strengthen pruning

Summer is a period of vigorous growth of woody begonias, during which time, if the woody begonias bear a lot of fruit, there will be fewer new branches. If there is no fruit, it will be easy to grow a lot of new branches. In this case, we need to prune the woody begonias.

Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

We prune the woody begonia, we need to cut off its newly grown branches, so that it can play a role in controlling the plant type, and second, it can also play a role in nutrient reflux, so that the branches of the woody begonia are more thick and powerful.

In addition, we can cut off the sick and dry branches in order to make the woody begonia more ventilated and transparent, the growth will be better, and the plant type will be more beautiful. Also, if the woody begonias have more fruits, they also need to thin the fruit to prevent the woody begonias from growing too much, resulting in too small fruits and poor quality.

Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

3. Proper fertilization

For the woody begonias that have already borne fruit, in the summer, it is also necessary to carry out appropriate fertilization, so that the begonia fruits can grow large and good. We fertilize the woody begonias, preferably organic fertilizers, so that the quality of the woody begonias will be better. However, indoor breeding of woody begonias, if you use organic fertilizer, easy to appear small black fly, in this case, we can use nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary fertilizer, every 20 to 30 days or so to apply a thin liquid fertilizer, but also to make the woody begonia grow large and red.

There is also in the expansion stage of woody begonia fruit, we can also spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate water-soluble fertilizer once every 7 to 10 days, a total of 2 to 3 sprays, which can play a role in promoting the early ripening of begonia fruits and making begonia fruits grow more rosy.

Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

4. Control of pests and diseases

In the summer heat, woody begonias are prone to pests and diseases, mainly red spiders. The reason why the red spider appears in the woody begonia is because there is too little watering in the summer heat, so we need to water properly.

If once the woody begonia appears red spider, we can use avermectin to spray, the specific use of the drug instructions can be used, generally 5 to 7 days to use once, continuous spray 2 to 3 times can be completely cured. When treating red spiders, you need to spray the back of the leaf when spraying, because the red spider will hide on the back of the leaf.

Raise woody begonias in the summer, and after 4 o'clock, the red fruit will be full of branches

In the summer, we raise woody begonias, as long as we do the above 4 points, there is a strong summer sun, as a potted plant to raise woody begonias, you can properly shade, prevent leaf sunburn, and then you can make the woody begonias grow strong, red fruits hanging all over the branches.

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