
A piece of "meat" in the corner of the eye that is not painful or itchy can also lead to blindness?

author:Ophthalmology well-off

The long flesh on the body is not terrible, the terrible thing is that the eyes have "meat"!

What is this disease?

Pterygium (nǔ) flesh.

A piece of "meat" in the corner of the eye that is not painful or itchy can also lead to blindness?

Image source: Figureworm


It is triangular in shape and is good at clinging to the surface of the eyeball, and is named "pterygium" because it resembles the wings of an insect. As a common and frequent disease in ophthalmology, pterygium is more common in men than in women, and occurs more often than 20 to 30 years of age.

1. It is related to ultraviolet rays

The occurrence of pterygium is closely related to ultraviolet damage and is also associated with long-term field work, which is susceptible to wind and sand, dust, hot and cold stimuli and sun exposure.

2. Recognizable to the naked eye

The diagnosis of pterygium is simple, as long as you look in the mirror, the corpus is mostly triangular in the form of a triangle invading the cornea, the tip is inward, pointing to the pupil.

3. Common symptoms can be self-examined

(1) Foreign body sensation - it feels as if there is always something in the eyes;

(2) Eye redness - the eyes will be very red when they are not moving.

4. There are many hazards

When the corpus gradually grows into the dark eye, it will "erode" the cornea, which will lead to astigmatism and cause vision loss. Growing to the center of the cornea and obscuring the pupillary area can cause blindness.

What is more frightening is that this process is unconscious, painless and itchy, and when it is paid attention to, it often affects the visual function and produces blinding hazards.

Therefore, if you have abnormal appearance or visual impairment, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. There is currently no effective drug treatment for pterygium and can only be surgically removed.