
Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

author:Stories of monuments

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Northern Dynasty went through the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou Dynasties, with a total of five dynasties. During this period, a brilliant emperor destroyed the old enemy Northern Qi, unified the entire north, and pushed the national strength of Northern Zhou to the peak.

However, the emperor, who died young and unpaid, lived for only 36 years. On the eve of China's reunification, the emperor accidentally fell ill during the Northern Expedition to the Turks, and died shortly after returning to Luoyang, which wiped out his great cause of unification. The emperor's successor, on the basis of him, ended the Southern and Northern Dynasties and began the Sui and Tang dynasties that came to Chinese history.

Zhuangzhi died before he was paid, and the hero was tearful. This emperor who did not have time to show his grand plans and made the world sigh was The Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong.

Yuwen Yong was born in 543, two years later than Gao Changgong and four years longer than Gao Changgong. It is said that Yuwen Yong admired Gao Changgong very much, and when he lamented the rareness of famous generals, he once said, "Since ancient times, famous generals are like beautiful people", and the close ministers around him echoed, "Moreover, beauty is also known as a general".

Time flies, six years of misalignment, after the lanling king Gao Changgong died of drinking, there was no longer a barrier against foreign enemies, and Gao's Northern Qi embarked on the road of no return; Emperor Yuwen of Zhouwu died of illness during the Northern Expedition to the Turks, even if he destroyed Northern Qi and unified the north, he finally made a wedding dress for the Yang Sui Dynasty.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

Grottoes of the Northern Zhou Dynasty

Yuwen Yong was the fourth son of Yuwen Tai, a western Wei chancellor, who was intelligent and filial from an early age, very dignified, and deeply loved by his father. Yuwen Tai often praised Yuwen Yong, "The one who can realize my ambition in the future must be this son." Because his father was a western Wei vassal, Yuwen Yong had a smooth future, and at the age of twelve, he was given the title of Duke of Fucheng County.

When Yuwen Yong was fourteen years old, his third brother Yuwen Jue ascended the throne and established Northern Zhou, making Yuwen Yong a great general and leading his troops to guard Tongzhou. In the same year, Otsuka Zai Yuwen deposed the Xiaomin Emperor Yuwen Jue, and succeeded emperor Yuwen Yu as emperor, and Yuwen Yong was promoted to the position of grand general of the Pillar State, overseeing the military forces of Puzhou, and serving as the assassin of Puzhou.

When Yuwen Yong was sixteen years old, he entered the dynasty as the Grand Sikong, was enfeoffed as the Duke of Lu, and concurrently served as a grand master. Emperor Yuwen Yu of Zhou Ming, the eldest brother of Yuwen Yong, was very close to Yuwen Yong, and whenever there was any important matter in the imperial court, he consulted with Yuwen Yong. Yuwen Yong had a deep personality and was very far-sighted, and if it were not for Emperor Zhou Ming's questioning, he would never easily express his opinion. Emperor Yuwen Yu of Zhou Ming often praised Yuwen Yong, saying, "Brother Xian easily does not express his opinion, but his speech is targeted. ”

In 560, the chancellor Yuwen Hu poisoned the Zhou Ming Emperor Yuwen Yu and established Yuwen Yong as emperor, known as Emperor Wu of Zhou. When the seventeen-year-old Yuwen Yong had just ascended the throne, Yuwen Hu still controlled the imperial program and took charge of the military and political power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Yuwen Yong was forced to obey Yu Wen Hu in everything. Yuwen Yong was well aware of Yuwen Hu's power, and he was also well aware of this cousin's disposition, and even if he had a thousand resentments in his heart, he had to adopt the strategy of Taoguang and obscurity.

Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou understood very well that he was acting with Yuwen Hu, and on the surface he had to curry favor with his cousin, and feng Yuwen Hu was made Ōtsuka Zai, overseeing all chinese and foreign military forces. Emperor Xiaomin Yuwen Jue and Emperor Ming Yuwen Yu, the two brothers were killed within two years, and Yuwen Yong must deeply learn this bloody lesson. In the face of his cousin Yuwen Hu, Yuwen Yong was very generous and allowed his monopoly to be stubborn, but secretly he was accumulating strength and looking for an opportunity to kill the powerful minister Yuwen Hu.

Although Yuwen Hu had great power, he used inhuman and lacked military strategy, and the two battles were defeated, and his prestige and reputation plummeted. When Yuwen Yong was twenty-nine years old, he consulted with his half-brother, Yuwen Zhi the Prince of Wei, and resolved to eliminate Yuwen Hu. Yuwen Yong lured Yuwen Hu to the Hanren Hall, and when Yuwen Hu bent down to meet the Empress, he picked up the jade wat and slammed Yu Wenhu's head, and the fifty-nine-year-old Yuwen Hu fell to the ground in shock.

Yuwen Yong hurriedly ordered the eunuch to slash and kill with a knife, the eunuch was panicked, slashed several times, and did not hurt the point, thanks to Yuwen Ran straight out and helped kill Yuwen Hu. It seems that at the critical time, it is still necessary to rely on the brothers, because Yuwen Zhi is hidden in the bedroom of the empress, and the empress dowager is the birth mother of the two brothers. The destruction of Yuwen Hu and his henchmen was the first major event in Yuwen Yong's life, which not only enabled Yuwen Yong to avoid the old path of a short-lived emperor, but also saved Northern Zhou from the chaos of internal turmoil.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

Emperor Yuwen of Zhouwu

Yuwen Yong got rid of the troubles in his heart, and the power of Northern Zhou was really in his own hands, and he began a series of reform measures, on the basis of the foundation established by his father Yuwen Tai, and finally made the Northern Qi, which was originally backward, weak and strong. Yuwen Hu lived in OtsukaZai for a long time and monopolized the power of the imperial government, and after Yuwen Yong really took power, he weakened the power of Otsuka Zai. Yuwen Yong stipulated that the six provinces did not always have to obey the orders of the heavenly official Otsuka Zai, and tried to weaken the power of Otsuka Zai in order to strengthen the power of the emperor, and changed the non-commissioned officers of the army to attendants, so that the army was subordinate to the emperor.

When Yuwen Tai first created the Western Wei military system, there were 8 pillar generals in the central government, of which the Yuan Emperor only had a fictitious name, and Yuwen Tai was the supreme commander, of course, all of which supervised the Chinese and foreign military forces. The other 6 pillar states actually lead the fu soldiers. Specifically, each pillar state oversees two great generals, and each great general oversees two Kaifu generals, so that there are a total of 24 Kaifu troops. During the reign of Yuwen Hu, the number of pillar states and generals was increased, but the power of the pillar state and the great general was weakened, and the soldiers were divided with 24 Kaifu generals, and in fact Yuwen Hu was the supreme commander.

To be a veritable emperor, Yuwen Yong naturally had to command the military forces of the whole country, and for this reason he had to eradicate the soil that breeds power. In addition, Yuwen Yong also reformed the conscription system, abolished the ethnic restrictions on the source of soldiers, and all the men under his jurisdiction were soldiers, which greatly enriched the military strength of Northern Zhou. In addition, Yuwen Yong made clear and specific regulations to restrict the relationship between local administrators and their subordinates, so as to prevent local forces from developing into privatization.

In addition, on the basis of the "Six Edicts", Yuwen Yong added the "Criminal Book System". The "Six Edicts" began with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and were edicts issued by the emperor to the Thirteen Prefectures, stipulating the powers and responsibilities of the history of the assassination, as the standard for the imperial court to supervise and impeach local officials. Yuwen Yong's "Punishment Book System" formulated severe punishment to restrain arrogant and lawless landlords and corrupt officials and corrupt officials is very cruel, and it is said that "there is terror inside and outside, and people do not feel at ease."

Emperor Yuwen Yong of the Zhou Dynasty was not only brilliant and strategic, but also decisive in killing, and if he had not died young, he would have become an emperor for thousands of years. Although Yuwen Yong's life was extremely frugal, he hoped to surpass the ancients in everything and burned the gorgeous palace built by Yuwen Hu. Yuwen Yong was the best at bearing hardships and standing hard work, and when he was on the battlefield during the conquest, he had to do everything himself, so the soldiers were also willing to serve the emperor with death.

Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou was very far-sighted and well aware of the principle that those who won the hearts and minds of the people won the world, so in the war years of war, Northern Zhou treated the common prisoners in a way that was indeed a chess game. All the people captured by Northern Qi and Northern Zhou were used as miscellaneous servants, but the northern Zhou captives of Northern Qi or Southern Dynasty did not use them as slaves, and all of them were exempted from becoming good people.

Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou was worthy of being a generation of heroes during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, resolute and resolute, unpredictable, strict in usage, forbidden in orders, and feared by all, and he was not in awe. Emperor Wu of Zhouwu yuwen restrained himself, cultivated the government of a rich country, strengthened the art of soldiers, abandoned extravagance, and removed hypocrisy. Emperor Wu of Zhou was shocked by the recent past and wasted manpower and financial resources to promote Buddhism, so he decided to order the three religions, with Confucianism first, Taoism second, and Buddhism last.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

In 574, the twenty-nine-year-old Yuwen Yong, at the risk of going to hell after death, issued an edict banning Buddhism and Taoism, destroying all the scriptures and statues related to them, and ordering all Buddhist monks and Taoists to return to the people. According to historical records, for a time, in the territory of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "the melting of the Buddha and the burning of the scriptures, the exorcism of monks and the breaking of the pagoda, and the Baosha Jialan were all secular houses, and the Shamen shizu was dressed in white." ”

Three years later, Emperor Wu of Zhou destroyed the Gaoqi regime and unified the north, and immediately implemented a policy of exterminating Buddhism on a larger scale, burning more than 40,000 monasteries and forcing 3 million monks and nuns to return to the world. Emperor Wu of Zhou's campaign to exterminate Buddhism reinstated the population equivalent to one-tenth of the total at that time into state households, and a large number of people occupied by monasteries began to pay taxes and serve the state, which was of self-evident significance to the feudal imperial court, which was in urgent need of military resources and financial resources.

The famous "Three Martial Extinctions of Buddhas" in history are, the Northern Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao extinguished the Buddha, the Northern Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong extinguished the Buddha, and the Tang Wuzong Li Yan extinguished the Buddha. Since Buddhism is a foreign culture, in the process of localization of Buddhism, it is inevitable to experience disputes and even disasters. Of course, the psychological pressure endured by the three martial emperors who destroyed the Buddha was certainly unparalleled. Northern Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao was killed by eunuchs at the age of 45, Northern Zhou Wu emperor Yuwen Yong died young at the age of 36, and Tang Wuzong Li Yan died of illness at the age of 32, and its causal relationship is unclear and unclear.

So, as a brilliant politician, why did Yuwen Yong destroy the Buddha?

To put it simply, because Yuwen Hu, specifically, the reasons for this are also very complicated.

When Yuwen Yong was seventeen years old, he was made emperor by Yuwen Yong, and before that, Yuwen Yong was obscure, and after that, Yuwen Yongtao was obscure. When Yuwen Yong was obscure, he watched the powerful minister Yuwen Hu poison their brothers for two years, And Yuwen Hu had great power in his hands, and Yuwen Yong dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. When Yuwen Yongtao was raising obscurity, Yuwen Hu was still in power and dictatorship, Yuwen Hu vigorously promoted Buddhism, and Yuwen Yong also admired Buddhism, and in the face of Yuwen Hu's flying and stumbling, this may be Yuwen Yong Mingzhe's last resort.

When Yuwen Hu was flying and flying, Buddhism was popular, and after Yuwen Yong killed Yuwen Hu, he had to do the opposite. In fact, it is the saying that we are all familiar with, and it was popular many years ago, "Whatever the enemy supports, we will oppose." It is further added that the antonym of "Love House and Wu" is "evil and other Xu" to illustrate that the truth is to hate a person, even the walls of the place where he lives. In this regard, Emperor Wu of Zhou wantonly destroyed the Buddha, and there was also a factor of anger towards Yuwen Hu.

In the early years of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, when the two emperors were killed one after another, Wei Yuansong wrote to Yuwen Yong, saying, "Even if you don't believe in Buddhism, Yao Shun is still prosperous, and the Southern Dynasty Qi and Liang believe in Buddhism, but instead they are destroyed, what is the use of believing in Buddhism?" According to what I said, as long as the people are beneficial to the country, the Buddha's heart will be permanent, the so-called Buddha's heart, based on great compassion, to comfort all sentient beings, the purpose is not to oppress the people of Li. Therefore, Wei Yuansong suggested that Yuwen Yong destroy the Buddha after he took power, which may be the reason for Yuwen Yong's destruction of the Buddha, just like the Northern Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao destroyed the Buddha, which was a bit of a counselor Cui Hao.

Who is Wei Yuansong? Wei Yuansong was a native of Shu County, who had been a little Shami when he was young, impatient and bitter, pretending to be wild, and the monks hated him, so they let him return to the people. After northern Zhou pacified Shu County, Wei Yuansong came to Chang'an, cleverly tongued, and specially predicted the future political situation. After Yuwen Yong ascended the throne, Wei Yuansong wrote to the emperor, maliciously slandering Buddhist jurisprudence, and actively united with Taoist priests to encourage the abolition of monasteries and monks and nuns, and the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong trusted Wei Yuansong very much, so he later destroyed the Buddha and destroyed the law. Compared with Cui Hao in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Wei Yuansong in the Northern Zhou Dynasty can be said to be a disaster for Buddhism.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Buddhism and Taoism were extremely prevalent, and the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong was unique, destroying the Buddha's broken path and destroying the Buddha's way. Yuwen Yong was indeed a Ming Emperor, and although he destroyed the Buddha and destroyed the Dao, he did not slaughter the monks, but the Northern Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao destroyed the Buddha, but he wantonly killed Buddhist monks. In fact, Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou wu also advocated religious thought, but when the development of religion conflicted with the operation of the state apparatus, as an emperor, he was able to soberly realize which was more important than the other, and then decisively choose not to stick to tradition, and what Emperor Zhou Wu did was really valuable.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

For a long time, the relationship between Northern Zhou and Northern Qi was mainly a war relationship, with both sides winning and losing each other and generally balanced their strength. However, since Yuwen Yong took power, the situation in Northern Zhou had changed greatly. First, after Emperor Wu's campaign to exterminate Buddhism, the country's economic strength began to grow; second, Northern Zhou recruited Han peasants as provincial soldiers, greatly expanding the ranks of fu soldiers, and the military superiority over Northern Qi began to take shape; third, the northern region was in good communication with the Turks and the Chen Dynasty, and the diplomatic strategy of the Northern Zhou was repeatedly successful.

However, Northern Qi was indeed in chaos, and since the death of Emperor Wenxuan Gao Yang, the country's comprehensive strength had deteriorated, the deposed emperor Gao Yin had been killed the following year, Emperor Xiaozhao had died of illness the following year, and Emperor Gao Zhan, although in power for four years, was absurd and indulgent, and as a result, he died of exhaustion. In the era of the reign of the later lord Gao Wei, he was absurd, betrayed officials, murdered famous generals, self-destructed the Great Wall, and fainted and lustful, but he also called himself "the son of heaven without worries".

At the same time, the thirty-two-year-old Yuwen Yong, seeing the chaotic situation in Northern Qi, decided to send troops to conquest and intend to destroy Northern Qi. In 575, Emperor Wu of Zhou personally commanded an army and prepared to besiege the city of Jin Yong in Luoyang. Jin Yong City is a Three Kingdoms building, in the northeast corner of Luoyang City, Jin Yong City is small but very strong, as a strategic place to defend Luoyang.

As a famous military figure during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Yuwen Yong carefully deployed the Northern Zhou army, divided into the first three armies and the last three armies, appointed Yuwen Chun, Sima Zhinan, Da Xizhen as the commander-in-chief of the first three armies, and appointed Yu Wensheng, Hou Mochenqiong, and Yuwen Zhao as the commanders of the later three armies. In addition, Yang Jian, Xue Yuan, and Li Mu also led their armies to divide and advance, while Yuwen Yong led an army of 60,000 to Heyin, northeast of Mengjin in Luoyang.

Emperor Yuwen of Zhou wu was both literate and martial, and the Northern Zhou army under his command was strictly disciplined, and when men and horses entered the territory of Northern Qi, it was forbidden to cut down trees and trample on crops. Although the Northern Zhou army was quite popular, the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong had to return to the dynasty due to illness. The following year, Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou led a large army to cut down Qi, marched in several ways, first to conquer Pingyang, then to break through Jinyang, to attack the city of Yicheng, and to destroy Northern Qi. From then on, the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong occupied the Yellow River Valley and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, laying a solid foundation for the unification of the later Sui Dynasty.

After the destruction of the chaotic Northern Qi, Yuwen Yong would face the powerful Turks, whose ruling family was Ashina. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Turkic military leader was called Muzhan Khan, and the third Turkic Khan was Ashinayandu, and the history was called Muzhan Khan Ashinayandu. Know how strong this Turkic hero is? Treating the emperors of Northern Zhou and Northern Qi as his two filial sons, AshinaYan reigned for many years, and throughout his life he was only offered by the Central Plains, but he did not whip his head south to herd horses.

However, in 563 AD, Ashina Yan gathered 100,000 fine horses and joined the Northern Zhou general Yang Zhongshou to ride 10,000 horses and attack the Northern Qi town of Jinyang. At that time, it happened to encounter a huge blizzard, coupled with the strong resistance of Lanling Wang and other famous generals, Vaqi continued until the first month of the following year, and Ashina Yandu plundered back. At that time, the seventeen-year-old Yuwen Yong, with the support of Yuwen Hu, had only been the Emperor of Northern Zhou for two years.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

In 568, Yuwen Yong was twenty-five years old, had been emperor for eight years, and married the daughter of the Turkic Muzhan Khan Ashina Yandu. Yuwen Yong proposed marriage to Ashina, but at great expense, he sent emissaries to contact the Turks several times, and Muzhan Khan reluctantly agreed to marry his daughter to him. When Ashina arrived at the Northern Zhou capital Chang'an, the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong personally went out of the palace to greet him, and immediately appointed Ashina as empress, in order to gain the power of the Turks to destroy Northern Qi, a generation of British lords Yuwen Yong also really fought. Fortunately, Ashina not only had a beautiful appearance, but also had a legal demeanor, and Yuwen Yong respected and loved her. However, in addition to the excitement, Yuwen Yong was worried that the Ashina clan might be controlled by the Turks, so he deliberately alienated the Ashina clan.

Yuwen Yong's sister, Princess Chang, married the Northern Zhou general Dou Yi and gave birth to a clever and clever daughter, who was very popular with Yuwen Yong and raised her in the palace. One day, this six- or seven-year-old little beauty said to Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou Wu in a kiss, "And today there is no peace yet, uncle should think of Cangsheng and be kind to the empress." As long as we have the help of the Turks, then there is nothing to fear in Jiangnan and Kanto. Emperor Yuwen Yong of Zhou was greatly surprised, and quickly corrected himself, immediately accepting his niece's advice, and from then on his attitude towards Ashina's clan changed greatly.

Yuwen Yong, the niece of the four seats of surprise, grew up to be a heavenly and beautiful country, and her knowledge was extraordinary, and there was an endless stream of marriage proposers. Shenwu Gong Dou Yi set up a screen of sparrows, so that the young people who proposed marriage shot two arrows, and whoever could shoot the two eyes of the peacock painted on the screen would give his daughter to whom. The idiom "Bird Screen Selection", or "Jinping Shoots The Bird", is derived from this.

Guess who is the dragon-riding son-in-law who shot the screen sparrow? When Tang Gaozu Li Yuan finally appeared, he only shot two arrows, and he hit the peacock's two eyes. Therefore, Yuwen Yong's niece married the young Man Li Yuan. Later, Li Yuan rebelled successfully and became the founding emperor, and Yuwen Yong's niece also became Empress Dou. Later, Li Yuan, the emperor of Tang Gaozu, had four sons and a daughter with the empress, one of whom was Li Shimin of Tang Taizong.

Before Empress Ashina, Yuwen Yong had a concubine named Li Ezi. The Western Wei general Yu Jin attacked Jiangling in Southern Liang, killed the Liangyuan emperor Xiao Xuan, and captured more than 100,000 civilians from Jiangling to the Western Wei capital Chang'an, where Li Ezi's entire family was among them. After Li Ezi arrived in Chang'an, Yuwen Tai, a western Wei chancellor, felt that Li Ezi was good-looking, so he gave her to his fourth son, Yuwen Yong, as a concubine. Later, Li Ezi was favored by Yuwen Yong and gave birth to a son Yuwen Yun (宇文赟) (yūn) for Yuwen Yong, and later a second son, Yuwen Zan.

In addition to the above two women, Yuwen Yong spent his life, are there any other women? The answer is yes. According to historical records, 厍汗姬, Sheng Yuwen Zhen and Yuwen Yun; Feng Ji, Sheng Yu Wen Chong; Xue Shi Woman, Sheng Yu Wen Dui; Zheng Ji, Sheng Yu Wen Yuan. The ancient text "姬" is the good name of "concubine", Yuwen Yong had seven sons, and the historical record has its own birth mother, but these few have no story.

Emperor Yuwen yong of Zhouwu also had three daughters, including Princess Qingdu, who married Yan Bi (pí), the Duke of Shibao County. Princess Qingdu said that she was married, but in fact, she did not insult her mother's family, but she escaped political persecution. The father of Gong Yan Bi of Shibao County was the General of the Shangzhu State of northern Zhou, and Yan Bi himself, in the Sui Dynasty, was a young supervisor in the temple, and in the Tang Dynasty, was the prime minister and famous painter.

The greatest credit of Yan Bi and Princess Qingdu was that they gave birth to two famous sons, namely Yan Lide and Yan Liben, both great artists of the Tang Dynasty, Yan Bi, Yan Lide, Yan Liben father and son were all famous for their craftsmanship and painting.

Yan Bi's eldest son, Yan Lide, was a famous architect, arts and crafts artist and painter of the Tang Dynasty, and was commissioned to build the Tang Gaozu Mountain Mausoleum, supervise the construction of the Two Palaces of Cuiwei and Yuhua, build the ZhaoLing Tomb, and preside over the construction of the Guo and City Towers outside the Tang Chang'an City. Yan Lide has a deep knowledge of craftsmanship and painting, once presided over the design of the costumes used by the empress, his paintings are known for figures, trees, stones, animals, painting talents and his brother Yan Liben, but unfortunately Yan Lide's paintings have been lost.

Yan Bi's second son, Yan Liben, entered the army by virtue of his family's door and followed Li Shimin the Prince of Qin, and the official Shangshu and Zhongshu Ling of the Ministry of Works. Yan Liben drew the "Zhaoling Liujun" and "Ling yan ge" heroes, supervised the repair of the Cuiwei Palace, and praised Danqing. Yan Liben is good at craftsmanship, full of ingenuity, gong seal lishu, good at painting and architecture. Songzan Gampo sent envoys to Chang'an to ask for marriage and welcomed Princess Wencheng into Tibet, and Tang Taizong ordered Yan Liben to compose a famous painting "Buyuan Tu", which depicted Tubo Zangpu Songzan Gampo inviting Princess Shangwencheng to make Lu Dongzan come to Chang'an to see Emperor Taizong.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

In 578, Yuwen Yong led an army divided into five provinces and carried out the Northern Expedition to the Turks. On the way to the Turks, the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong fell ill and died on the same day he returned to Luoyang, at the age of thirty-six, and succeeded to the throne by his eldest son Yuwen Yun.

Yuwen Yong endured hardships and hard work all his life, and his godson was severe, and even, he often physically punished the prince. However, after the death of Emperor Yuwen of Zhouwu and the ascension of his eldest son Yuwen Yun to the throne, he indulged in wine, indiscriminately tortured him, and killed his uncle Yuwen Xian the Prince of Qi, resulting in the decline of the clan power. Before the emperor had completed his work for a year, Yuwen Yun passed the throne to his son, and changed his era name to elephant, calling himself Emperor Tianyuan, his residence was called "Tiantai", and his subordinates called themselves "Tiantai", and the ministers had to eat fast for three days and then cleanse themselves for another day when they saw Emperor Tianyuan.

Originally, Yuwen Yun's empress was Yang Lihua, the eldest daughter of Emperor Yang Jian of Sui, however, the Northern Zhou Xuan Emperor Yuwen Yun was too greedy, and the national election of beautiful women to enrich the harem, resulting in four more empresses, standing side by side with Yang Lihua. Yang Lihua has a soft personality, no dispute, no jealousy, and several empresses and concubines also respect her.

Yuwen Yun fainted and tyrannical, moody, blamed Yang Lihua for no reason, and wanted to impose charges on her. However, Yang Lihua still behaved peacefully, her verbal attitude was the same as always, and there was no expression of asking for forgiveness, which made Yuwen Yun even more angry, so she gave Yang Lihua a capital offense and forced her to commit suicide. Yang Lihua's mother, lonely Garo, heard the news and hurried into the palace to intercede for her daughter, so that the prostration of the head was bleeding, and Yang Lihua was spared from death.

Many acts of injustice will kill themselves, Yuwen Yun coveted wine, became emperor for two years, and died of illness at the age of twenty-two. Yuwen Yun died, and his eldest son Yuwen Yan became emperor, with Yang Jian the Duke of Suiguo as an auxiliary chancellor, and all the officials obeyed the orders of Yang Jian, the grand chancellor of the left. At this time, the Northern Zhou Qi had been exhausted, and a few months later, Yuwen Yanchan was located in Yangjian, and Yuwen Yan himself moved to the other palace. Yang Jian ascended the throne, the Sui Dynasty was established, Northern Zhou fell, and soon after, the 9-year-old Yuwen Yan (also known as Yuwen Yan) was killed.

After Yuwen Yan was killed, Yang Jian pretended to be shocked, and again issued the news of his death, and then solemnly mourned, and was honored as Emperor Jing and buried in Gongling.

Li Ezi, Yuwen Yong's concubine, lost her son (Yuwen Yun) and grandson (Yuwen Yan) in her later years, so she became a nun and was given the title of Chang Sad. In 588, Li Ezi died at the age of fifty-three, and the Sui Dynasty buried her with the etiquette of a nun.

Ashina and Yuwen Yong lived together for nine years and never gave birth to a man and a half woman. After Yuwen Yong's death, Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou ascended the throne and honored his concubine Ashina as empress dowager. After Yuwen Yun's death, the Northern Zhou Jing Emperor Yuwen Xian ascended the throne, and Empress Dowager Ashina became Empress Dowager Tianyuan. In the following year after the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, ashina died at the age of thirty-two, and Emperor Wen of Sui ordered the official government to prepare a ceremonial book and bury her with Yuwen Yong in Xiaoling.

Heroic, far-sighted, wenzhi martial arts, untimely death, Yuwen Yong for whom hard work for whom

Tang Dynasty Yan Liben painting of Yuwen Yong

In his lifetime, he believed in love and went crazy, and now he is succeeding the dojo. Sit on the front creek to the road, for whom the hard work is busy for whom.

Heroic, far-sighted, hard work, died young, Yuwen Yong for whom to make a wedding dress?!

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