
The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

author:Dafeng Daily

The wind is flat, the autumn harvest is fruitful, the old xun still exists, when the determination to forge ahead, dare to bear Shaohua's inches?

The sky is clear, the spring is warm, the new period is coming, we should forge ahead, Fang Bo Haoyu Qiankun.

Jiangsu Dafeng Senior High School, as a four-star high school, carries the ardent expectations of countless Dafeng people.

After an extraordinary 2020, we ushered in 2021 in the endeavor.

【Looking back】

Solid foundation and strong foundation to achieve wonderful achievements

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail
The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail
The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

The clubs and societies are full of activities

Fengzhong adheres to the school-running concept of "cultivating the whole person of the future", promotes the construction of the curriculum system of "new college entrance examination, new curriculum standards, and new teaching", vigorously promotes the construction of clubs, actively carries out club activities, and fully promotes the diversified growth and all-round development of students. Students cultivate, and role models come first. All teachers actively practice the concept of "letting learning lead", conduct classroom practice, write cases, papers, and conduct research on related topics. In the past two years, whether it is the quality training of students or the construction of the teaching team, remarkable achievements have been made. In 2019, Yuan Yuqiu was admitted to Peking University with a high score of 425 in total, the third place in Yancheng City, and the first place in similar schools; in 2020, Bloomberg was admitted to Tsinghua University through the Qiangji Program; in the past two years, nearly 500 students have entered 211 and 985 colleges and universities. Strength creates brilliance, and achievements add confidence. The achievements achieved by Fengzhong in the past two years are not only the results of the majority of teachers in planning the new college entrance examination and studying the new college entrance examination, but also the highlight of the school's lofty building, correct decision-making, scientific development and high execution.

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail
The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail
The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail
The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

The leadership team took the lead in setting an example

In recent years, Feng Middle School has frequently won good results in various competitions. Science education: In 2019, 11 people won the first prize in the Jiangsu Division of the National Biology Olympiad for Middle School Students. In the National Middle School Students League, 8 people won the first prize in mathematics in Jiangsu Province, 3 people won the first prize in physics, 6 people won the first prize in chemistry (of which Xu Chongxiao won the first prize in the country); and 11 people won the first prize in biology. In 2020, 5 students won the first prize of the 34th China Chemistry Olympiad (Jiangsu Division) and 11 students won the second prize. Humanistic education: In 2020, in the 17th "Ye Shengtao Cup" National New Essay Competition for Middle School Students, 4 students won the first prize. In the 26th National English Proficiency Competition for Secondary School Students, 20 students won the first prize in the country. In the 20th Jiangsu Provincial Reading and Writing (High School Group) On-site Essay Competition for Middle School Students, 2 students won the special prize and 1 student won the first prize. Senior Two (1) Class Chen Mufan won the first prize of the 19th Jiangsu Provincial English Oral Television Competition for Middle School Students, ranking 25th in the province and 1st in Yancheng. In terms of art and sports: In the 13th Jiangsu Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students, 2 students won the special prize of hard pen calligraphy; in the Yancheng Four-Star High School Table Tennis League, the Fengzhong men's table tennis team won the championship; in the Yancheng Primary and Secondary School Solo Singing, Solo and Solo Dance Competition, 4 people won the first prize.

Glory needs to be guarded, and teachers in Fengzhong will continue to work hard and never slacken off, and pursue the future of the stars and seas.

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

100-day oath ceremony for the college entrance examination


Shouzheng out of the new empowerment quality improvement

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

Teaching is oriented

Under the background of the new college entrance examination, Fengzhong people realized that they must be one step ahead in order to seize the commanding heights. All the teachers and students of Fengzhong do not forget their original intentions, adhere to exploration, keep the right and make new, and are committed to the effective improvement of the quality of running the school, and have broken out of an educational road with Fengzhong characteristics.

Deeply learn Nantong, and borrow his mountain stone. As the vanguard force of education in Jiangsu Province, Nantong has always been a model for Dafeng Middle School to learn from. In 2020, Fengzhong organized some teachers of the third grade of high school to study and exchange at Haian Middle School. Since then, many people from the leader of the senior high school preparation team have gone to Rugao Middle School to study on the job. This year, Dafeng Middle School will further deepen the "in-depth learning of Nantong". On March 18th, led by Vice Principal Ma Yu, a group of 6 people from the school went to Rugao Middle School to study the experience of the innovation class and understand the review situation of the second round of high school. On April 25, the school invited leading experts such as Zuo Bohua, principal of Rugao Middle School, to the school for field investigation and guidance. After many "going out, please come in" investigation and study, Fengzhong has continuously enriched and continuously improved its existing school-running concepts, so that it has thought, thought, and innovated, laying a solid foundation for Fengzhong to achieve more excellent results.

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

The leader of the teaching and research team made a keynote speech

Strong research activities, in response to the new college entrance examination. The new college entrance examination is the core issue of the teaching and research of Fengzhong in the past two years. In order to welcome the new college entrance examination, Fengzhong has carried out a series of teaching and research activities based on the background of "three new": the first grade of the high school has carried out the research experience exchange activity of the eight provinces joint examination adaptation paper with the theme of "evaluation, sharing and empowerment". All the members of each lesson preparation group write their experiences, start from the teaching characteristics of the basic grade, summarize the rules, and learn lessons. Under the organization of the leaders of the lesson preparation team, the teachers shared their experiences and jointly formulated a new teaching plan to create a new "strategy" for the first year of high school students to meet the new college entrance examination. The second grade of high school has made every effort to study new changes, strengthen the "three new" research without relaxing, and carried out a series of activities around the new college entrance examination policy and the new high examination paper. All teachers made college entrance examination papers under the new curriculum standards, the adaptation papers of the eight provinces joint examination, and carried out the "High School New College Entrance Examination Research Salon" activity with the theme of "Feeling and Sharing". After the end of the eight provincial joint examinations, the first model and the second model of the third grade, all teachers do a good job in the examination papers, study the changes in the test questions, and in the process of doing the questions and research, understand the implementation and changes of the knowledge and ability points of the college entrance examination in the examination papers, and write out the corresponding experience exchanges and discussions, and keep up with the pace of the new college entrance examination in terms of concepts and actions. In addition, the three grades also carried out the new college entrance examination proposition competition, carried out the study of the "China College Entrance Examination Evaluation System" and "China College Entrance Examination Evaluation System Instructions" activities, and strived to make everyone understand the requirements of the new college entrance examination, and further improved the understanding and response ability of all teachers to the new college entrance examination.

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

Went to Nantong to study

While actively seeking internal breakthroughs, the school is also actively exchanging with the outside world, organizing and responding to many internal and external exchange activities: actively participating in the second round of review and seminar activities for various disciplines in Yancheng, and successfully undertaking the seminar activities of the second round of review in Yancheng City of biology; inviting experts on chemistry propositions of yangzhou university entrance examination and career planning guidance experts for college entrance examinations to give lectures; and making every effort to do a good job in the research activities organized by the Yancheng Municipal Education Bureau, and various top-notch measures have been highly affirmed by the leaders of the Municipal Bureau Actively assist the District Teacher Development Center to start the training of young teachers, key teachers do not hesitate to give guidance, and young teachers actively explore. As an old four-star high school, Toyonaka not only strengthens itself, but also takes the initiative to take the responsibility of helping the development of Dafeng education.


Climb high and write the chapter of the times

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

Peer-to-peer coaching hooks up with key students for pairing

Toyonaka is the toyonaka of endeavor, but also the rising toyon. Fengzhong people meet the challenge, have the courage to take responsibility, and write a new chapter with high goal pursuit, high-quality team and high-quality teaching on the occasion of the arrival of the new college entrance examination.

High goal pursuit. Fengzhong School takes Lide Shuren as the core, adheres to the concept of "cultivating the whole person of the future", adheres to the school motto of "Mingde is the Best", advocates and develops suitable education, aims at the goal of talent training in the new era, highlights the connotation construction and characteristic development, comprehensively improves the quality of education and teaching, and runs education that satisfies the people. With the focus of construction by innovating educational concepts, innovating forms of moral education, deepening classroom reform, highlighting characteristic education, innovating management systems, thick campus culture, and comprehensively enhancing connotations, we will build high-quality demonstration high schools with high-quality concepts, high-quality teams, high-quality courses, high-quality life, high-quality culture and high-quality management, domestic first-class and internationally influential high-quality demonstration high schools, and lead and drive ordinary high schools in the province to improve the quality of education and the quality of running schools.

Highly qualified team. In order to create a high-quality teaching team, Fengzhong optimizes the teaching team in accordance with the requirements of the provincial high-quality demonstration high school, takes into account the age structure, subject coverage, and personnel element allocation, and in addition to strengthening the existing construction of famous teacher studios such as Language, Mathematics, English and Physics, build more famous teacher studios or other forms of education and teaching research platforms, expand the demonstration and leadership ability in the region, and strive to have provincial special teachers and municipal famous teachers in each discipline. In the next few years, a team of teachers with reasonable age structure, comprehensive subject coverage, outstanding teaching performance, rich management experience and strong collaborative implementation ability will be established.

The good wind is the Dafeng Senior High School in Jiangsu Province, which is remembered as the sail

Training of young teachers

High quality teaching. The new college entrance examination has brought new evaluation methods, and education and teaching strategies and measures must also be changed accordingly. Toyonaka people put forward the overall goal of "not sparing a student, and striving for the clustering of students in high segments", and each grade develops corresponding measures around the overall goal and according to the characteristics of the grade segment. The first grade of high school pays close attention to the basics, puts forward the teaching requirements of "ultra-low-altitude flight", strives to consolidate the foundation, and does not let go of a student; in cooperation with off-campus training institutions, a strong foundation tutoring class has been established, which provides a platform for students with spare energy to further improve. The second year of high school insists on doing a good job in "two changes": First, the change of the strategy of excellent student promotion. The list of the top 15 students in the previous examinations is presented on the blackboard newspaper in the form of "Calling for You", which is convenient for teachers to click on the class; the class sets up "Lingquan Valley" to activate students' thinking and form a strong discussion atmosphere; guides the formulation of personal stage goals and sets up the "2020 Annual Celebrity List" to encourage the advanced; the second is the change in the focus of teacher assessment. From the original average score assessment to the high-segment assessment, the change of evaluation standards has prompted teachers to reposition the starting point of teaching, as well as the focus of class clicks and post-class approvals, and to achieve a complete change in teaching concepts. The third grade of high school actively takes effective measures: comprehensively start the evening office system for teachers in the intensive class, during the evening self-study period, all teachers in the intensive class answer questions and solve problems in the empty classroom, and point-to-point tutoring is linked to key students; adjust the pairing objects of key students in ordinary classes, continue to implement weekly pairing counseling measures; track key classes, key disciplines, and key students, supervise in real time, find differences against standards, and strive to achieve goals; carry out strong foundation counseling, focus on the cultivation of high-segmented students, consolidate and lay a solid foundation for eugenic groups, and make a big chassis. Strive for excellent students and high-segment students clustering.

Respond to the new college entrance examination and achieve a new future.

Toyonaka people are taking a new attitude, a positive attitude, and a state of hard work.

Once again standing on the starting line of the new era,

Forge ahead, work hard, and accumulate strength for the new college entrance examination,

Write a new chapter with feelings and ideals!