
See each other and hate late, together for life

author:Northern scenery

The candle in the cave room should be the most festive thing in her life, but her heart is like a jumping candle, flickering, unable to be at peace. There is no way not to be nervous, the person who will be with him for the rest of his life, is a young talent studying in Japan, a fashionista who advocates free love and opposes arranged marriages, he can cave today, leave the bride behind tomorrow, and find his happiness again. There were so many examples of this that she didn't know what fate would be that would come to her.

His heart was equally troubled, he was young, he didn't want to be dragged down by his family so early, and even if he wanted to get married, he had to find a soul mate he liked, rather than being tied to a woman he never knew. However, his parents were expecting him to marry as soon as possible, and he could not bear to hurt the old man's heart, and could only reluctantly agree to it. Nor did he know what fate would befall him.

But no one expected that after just one night, everything would change. He did not expect that the bride he had always resisted was actually a talented woman who was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and it was simply sent by heaven according to the appearance of his dream lover, which made him ecstatic; she did not expect that the groom who had never met, handsome and erudite, and had so many common languages with herself, was simply the Prince Charming who appeared countless times in her dreams, making her laugh and wake up in her dreams.

Holding hands to look at each other, seeing each other and hating late, it is okay, although it is a little late, after all, it is not missed. Then there is nothing to say, only to indulge in the sweetness of the newlywed, like a butterfly.

Since then, her name has been deeply imprinted in his heart: Liu Yunqiu, read it again, his lips and teeth are fragrant; and his name has become the most important note in her life: Ouyang Yuqian, who spits out lightly, and is sweet from her mouth to her heart.

After the honeymoon, Ouyang Yuqian reluctantly bid farewell to his newlywed wife and ran for a future career. As a son of a high-ranking cadre, but also having experience in the west, people in the family hope that he will enter the political circles and become a high official of the Glorious Ancestors. However, he had a special love for drama, studied drama and acting in Shanghai, and slowly gained some fame. Parents are angry and anxious, in their eyes, drama is a profession that cannot be put on the table, how can they allow their sons to enter this line? They chanted in front of Liu Yunqiu every day, asking her to quickly write a letter to her husband and advise him to "change from evil to righteousness."

For the in-laws' imminent enemy, Liu Yunqiu does not think so, she does not care whether her husband's profession is noble, whether it can bring her wealth and comfort, she only knows that her husband likes drama and can get happiness in the play, so why not let him sing? It's just that the in-laws are bitter and under great pressure, she can only helplessly write to her husband and ask him if he can consider changing careers, Ouyang Yuqian's answer is extremely resolute: "100 bullets are not discouraged!" ”

This sentence made her know her husband's determination, never mentioned that he changed his career, and often wrote letters to encourage him. She said: "Even acting must be learned and have personality." This sentence, Ouyang Yuqian kept in mind, became the goal he pursued all his life.

Letters come and go, autumn to winter, in the blink of an eye, they have been married for 9 years, but these 9 years have gathered less and more, and their thoughts are like vines, which will tightly wrap the two of them. He thought about the reunion of husband and wife all the time, but the family rules were strict, and the wife was not allowed to leave easily, but nothing could dissuade him from reuniting. After gaining a foothold in Shanghai, he secretly took her to his side without his family. Just like the lone goose that fell alone finally flew to the side of their loved ones, from then on, they were no longer willing to be separated for a minute and a second.

At that time, his reputation in Shanghai was already in full swing, a handsome and talented man, what woman did not love? There are often some wives and ladies who are close to him, or ambiguous, or material temptation, or highly sought after. However, no matter how others greeted each other with a smile, Ouyang Yuqian always saw each other coldly, these flowers and plants, not worth one in ten thousand of Liu Yunqiu, one more look, is an insult to her.

Liu Yunqiu's side is also not lacking in suitors, she is such a striking talented woman, there are always people to write her hot love letters, and some people secretly stuff things into her bag, she strictly refuses, leaving no room. In her life, with Ouyang Yuqian, how could she allow others to intervene?

Behind every successful man, there is a capable woman, and she is his proudest Kennesuke, and his costume is sewn by her own hand, and every stitch is ingenious. She helped him sort out the script, helped him draw the stage set, helped him make all kinds of props, and even opened a drama school, and when he was too busy to attend class, she went to lecture on his behalf.

During the May Thirtieth Movement, Ouyang Yuqian wrote anti-imperialist leaflets and printed them at her own expense, while Liu Yunqiu took her son and ventured with him to the streets to distribute them; during the War of Resistance Against Japan, she joined him in the struggle in the mountains around Zhaoping and Huangyao; after the end of the War of Resistance, she re-established the art museum destroyed by the war with him. As long as he was wherever he was, no matter how dangerous, she followed closely; as long as he did something, no matter how difficult, she did not frown.

Such acquaintance, even if suffering is great, is also the envy of everyone's fairy companion. Their marriage has been praised by everyone like Tian Han and Mei Lanfang, and Ouyang Yuqian even wrote in the book "Since I Acted": "Although it is an old-fashioned marriage, the depth of love is not lost to free love, and there is more. Such words, spoken through his mouth, must have been the most beautiful love words in the world for her, right?

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