
Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

author:Qin Ling was white

When the time is not with me, go to the clouds.

The wind is not real, and the prosperity is falling.

The narrow road is poured over, and the donkey destroys the double.

He means to refine his rigidity and turn into a soft finger around his fingers.

A glimmer of light shone into the cell, and countless fine dust fluttered in the light. The tall figure in the dark corner walked step by step to the window and stopped and sighed.

He had been imprisoned by his relatives for several months, and his former comrades-in-arms had become enemies of life and death, and the sadder thing than this was that he knew that he would never have a chance to help Zhongyuan again.

I heard that the imperial court sent someone to coordinate, but I felt more and more close to the time of death. He abandoned Wen and lived half his life from Wu Rongma, and his heart was sentimental when he remembered the leaderless subordinates of the dragons.

Lu Chen, you can have a snack!

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

In 271, Liu Chan died.

Liu Bei pulled out the sign of the King of Jing in Zhongshan and created shu Han like a flat cake. His son responded to Cao Wei's call and died after eight years as a Prince of Anle.

Sima Yan turned over as his master and changed the head of Cao Wei to the Great Jin Dynasty. Referring to the reorganization experience of forty years ago, follow the example of how Cao Pi drove out emperor Xian of Han.

Sun Wu relied on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, tossed the masses in his jurisdiction and provoked the Jin Dynasty. Perennial embarrassment has led to internal and external difficulties, and we have to be prepared for active delisting.

The people of the Three Kingdoms were dying, and the essence of the Hao clan's rule had not changed in the slightest.

As the Guanglu doctor of the Jin Dynasty, Liu Fan took out his household registration to calm the field. His father joined the army of Xiangguo, and the crown princess had to call him uncle when she saw him.

The eldest son was learning to speak, and the daughter-in-law's belly was getting bigger and bigger every day. With such family conditions, there is no pressure to complete the three-child target.

Liu Fan hoped to have another son, because as long as he survived, there would be officials to do it. He often spoke through his daughter-in-law's belly to embryos soaked in amniotic fluid.

Kun'er, our family is also after King Jing of Zhongshan.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Liu Kun, caught up with a good era.

As a unified dynasty, the Jin Dynasty was not shot with one knife and one shot. The power of the Haomen Shi clan is intertwined, and they have joined hands with the Sima royal family to enter a new era.

The door valves that have not been split by knives and guns are like farmland that has not been ploughed and ploughed, and large areas of old land are slab and adhered, and it is difficult to grow towering trees with thick knots.

Since we can't crush you, let's share the benefits.

Emperor Wu of Jinwu redistributed the cake and divided the seals according to the nine post levels, and a large member of the first pin claimed fifty acres of fertile land, and each level was automatically reduced by five fiefs.

The three generations and nine clans inherited according to law, which made the royal family and the disciples of the door valve naturally proud. If you reincarnate into the grassroots mass ranks, your ancestors will carry hoes down to the ground to eat soil for generations.

The excess rebate stabilizes the hearts of the warriors, and even more protects the vast number of cold doors from the flames of war, and the gap between the two is difficult to cross by rolling up the sleeves and working hard.

Total profits are conserved, and good or bad often depends on the camp.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

After three generations of wealth, the nouveau riche will also be promoted to the rank of warrior.

Wealth and culture grew, gradually weaving a vast network of relationships. After generations of curing plates, they will eventually be firmly pressed on the loose soft soil.

The upper part is moistened by the sun and rain, and the lower part is supported by countless scattered soils. The warrior clan has all kinds of excellent resources, and the energy of becoming beautiful or evil is far beyond the cold door.

Zu Mai, who has the talent of the country, joined the army for xiangguo.

Father Fan, Qing Gao Chong Jian, positioned to Guanglu Doctor.

Brother Public Opinion, Junlang has talent, famous works at that time.

Liu Kun's growth environment is very good, eating and drinking with a golden rice bowl in one hand, shaking his head with a book in the other hand, and meeting and discussing the whole family when he encounters topics he does not understand.

Everyone has different instincts, and most people are discouraged by compromise. Only by being freed from spiritual and material bondage can we have the basic conditions for conforming to natural nature.

Liu Kun is such a lucky person, generations have been widening the road for him, unlike Xiao Li, who works as a short-term worker next door, to earn a few extra cents to carry nine bags of rice at a time.

They are separated by only a wall, and news hotspots are never reported at the same time. On the contrary, Xiao Zu, who is thousands of miles away, is often called a rich new youth along with Liu Kun.

Kun is handsome and handsome, and Fan Yang Zuna is famous for his heroism.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

It is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles.

Liu You, after reading the family's books, ran to the capital with his birth certificate. With the double blessing of identity and talent, it soon became the top cultural and entertainment circle of the Jin Dynasty.

Liu Kun finished reading the books in his family collection and led people to let dogs and rabbits in the three districts and nine counties. Take a bite of rabbit meat and drink a sip of spirits, and when the mood is high, you don't have to repeat the words when you write poems.

Little brother, come to Beijing to mix with big brother!

Liu Kun walked into the capital of Luoyang, and all he could see was a magnificent luxury. It is said that Emperor Wu of Jin had tens of thousands of concubines, and Yangche Wangxing had exhausted several breeding sheep.

Liu You and his friends entertained their younger brother and prepared to collectively call them the Twenty-Four Friends of Jingu. Their eldest brother is Shi Chong, who has just defeated Uncle Guo in the Battle for Wealth.

The identities of these people are very similar, literary scholars, officials, rich people, horse ass spirits, can perfectly combine a variety of roles, probably also a unique product of the Jin Dynasty.

These are the best times and the worst times.

Jingu Yu belonged to the imperial literati group and was mainly responsible for touting Jia Mi on weekdays. Lao Jia's maternal grandfather was Jia Chong, and his aunt was the famous Jia Nanfeng.

Because the funds are too sufficient, the people can't spend it all the years of drunken dreams and dreams. Liu Kun reclined and opened his confused eyes, flirting with the dancing Hu Ji.

Rainbow beams illuminate the dawn, and the water is perfumed with fragrant lotus.

How fifteen less, with a smile before the wine mound.

The flowers will face themselves, and the people will pity each other.

Looking back to the millions, the price is heavy for the years.

Liu Kun is not a prodigal son, but a top-matching version of the playboy.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Twenty-six years old, engaged in the division.

Liu Kun did not need to participate in the national selection, and took a thick stack of introduction letters to become an official directly. His wife was the Qinghe Cui clan, and when he saw Sima Lun's son, he wanted to call him brother-in-law.

The marriage between the royal family and the gentry has continuously strengthened the solidification of the class. Liu Kun is fully qualified to lie flat, because his lying flat and lying earn almost the same.

Liu Kun went to work and lay with Zu Ti every night.

Zu Ti is Zu Na's younger brother, five years older than Liu Kun in the same office. The two giants are like-minded, eating and sleeping together.

The elderly may become calm, Zu Ti has always been a little vaguely worried, often said to Liu Kun: If the four seas are boiling and Haojie rises together, I and my feet should avoid zhongyuan ears.

Liu Kun understood Zu Ti's meaning, Sima Zheng's intelligence was worrying, Empress Jia Nanfeng did not let her eyebrows be raised, and the intensity of the chaos was even worse than that of the grandfathers.

The temple dispute will eventually make the whole people pay.

Zu Di: Xiao Liu, wake up!

Liu Kun: In the middle of the night, what's going on?

Zu Ti: You listen, what sound?

Liu Kun: This stupid chicken is blind and squawking!

Zu Di: This is not a bad voice also!

Liu Kun: Grab the stew soup at dawn and drink it!

(See Qinling Yibai. Zu Di)

Zu Di got up and got dressed, washed his face with cold water, and went to the courtyard to play with swords. Liu Kun couldn't sleep while lying in the bed, and he also carried a spear into the courtyard of Black Gollum.

In a burst of whirring and hey, the first rays of the morning sun in the east broke through the clouds. The two looked at each other sweating, put away their weapons and laughed heartily.

God teammates or pig teammates are often not difficult to distinguish.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

In 300, Sima Lun usurped the throne as emperor.

Liu Kun was promoted to zhonglang and was responsible for advising the crown prince Sima Jun. The reason for jumping three levels in a row was very simple, Liu Kun saw Sima Xuan and wanted to call his brother-in-law.

Sima Wangye became emperor, and the other members of the imperial family were naturally unconvinced. Sima Ying, along with the other two princes, sent troops to oust the illegal emperor.

Liu Kun was appointed as the champion general, and went forward with 30,000 soldiers and horses to resist, only to be beaten by the other side to lose his armor and set fire to the suspension bridge to save his life.

Kun was defeated and returned, burning the river bridge to consolidate himself.

Sima Lun was defeated and killed, and Sima Ran took over the government.

King Ran of Qi assisted the government, and Kun was Shang Shu Zuo Cheng (尚書左丞).

Sima Ran was killed, and Sima Yu entered the capital.

Fanyang Wang Yuzhen Xuchang, cited as Sima (司馬).

The Rebellion of the Eight Kings caused turmoil in the dynasty, and those who had a stain on their resumes either died or were degraded. Liu Kun's father and son, by virtue of their talent and fame, were promoted and reused by various leaders.

The royal family and the gentry are solidified and the first to enjoy the dividends of peacetime. Once caught in the infighting between camps, the first to bear the brunt is also in line with yin and yang.

Liu Kun frequently changes his boss, and no one knows his true feelings in his heart. Perhaps in the thunder field of thunder at all times, it is particularly important to try to survive.

Liu Kun had not yet cleared his mind, and his father Liu Fan was appointed as the Assassin of Yuzhou.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Yuzhou has a history of thorns, and Liu Qiao is extremely unhappy about it.

Liu Shishi sent troops to attack Sima Xiao, and Sima Xiao ran away with Liu Kun. Liu Fan took his wife to the handover and was imprisoned by Liu Qiao as a prisoner.

When Liu Kun heard that his parents had been detained, his eyes were angry but powerless. Although he had no money, no soldiers and no territory, the train of thought in his mind became clearer.

Break into Yuzhou and save my father!

Liu Kun went to Jizhou to assassinate Shi Wenxian and asked him to give the position to Sima Xiao. Old Wen Er did not say a word to agree, who let Liu Kun be his nephew's uncle.

Sima Yu took over the affairs of Jizhou and asked Liu Kun to go to Youzhou with an official letter to borrow troops. The two joined forces to beat Liu Qiao to run away, and directly rushed into Yuzhou City to rescue Liu Fan.

Kun Nai said that Ji Prefecture stabbed Shi Wenxian and made way to give way to The Worm.

and Yu led Ji Prefecture, and left Kun Youzhou to ride eight hundred people.

Go south to Liu Qiao, and get his parents.

The people's hearts need constant encouragement, and the military hearts need victories one after another. Liu Kun and Sima Yu marched all the way into Chang'an to welcome Back Emperor Hui of Jin, who had been detained for two years.

The Sima Lun period was passively accepted, and the Sima Yu period took the initiative to attack. Liu Kun actively transformed under the chaotic situation, gradually consolidating the root vein of the force to turn the tide.

With the move to seal the Marquis of Guangwu, Yi 2,000 households.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

The Rebellion of the Eight Kings ended, and the land of China was in ruins.

The Jin Dynasty had thousands of acres of fertile land, but it helped to promote the compaction of large areas of soil. The fierce collision between the various plates creates a rich channel for the Wuhu aliens.

Taking advantage of the infighting among the royal family, the Xiongnu Xianbei poured into the Central Plains one after another to establish a state. Emperor Sima was like a group of moon arch stars, about to bend down to meet the lingering breath.

In 307, Emperor Huai of Jin succeeded to the throne with the era name Yongjia.

Liu Kun served as the Assassin of Hezhou, and was given the title of General of Zhenwei and General of the Xiongnu Zhonglang. The slogan of honor was shouted loudly, but the imperial court did not equip him with a soldier and a horse.

The state was almost an enclave, with the mighty Xiongnu Khanate to the south, the rising Xianbei Dynasty to the north, and the Duanbu Xianbei to the east.

and the state of the assassin history, equivalent to the Commander of the Mongolian Navy.

Even if Liu Kun had ten guts, he didn't dare to go to report alone. He recruited soldiers out of his own pocket and led a team of less than a thousand people to Jinyang.

The playboy, who was once intoxicated, was shocked by the ruins along the way. It turns out that the living environment outside the fifth ring road and bustling Kyoto are simply two worlds.

Kun on the road table:

The subjects are involved in the state frontier, witnessing the poverty, wandering and scattering, not surviving two of the ten, carrying the old to help the weak, and not stopping on the road.

And his presence, betraying his wife, giving up his life, dying in danger, white bones, wailing voices, sentimentality and anger.

Crowds of tens of thousands, Zhou Za four mountains, moving their feet to meet the plunder, open to witness Kou.

Babies guarded the poor city, were not allowed to be paid, and the cattle were exhausted, and there was no land tools.

When this is difficult, it is like a cycle of worry, not to mention sleeping and eating.

Now Shang Shang, please this state grain five million hu, silk five million horses, cotton five million pounds.

This year, Liu Kun was 37 years old.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Walking into Jinyang City, the situation was worse than along the road.

The remaining households were less than 20,000, and the thieves followed the crossing, and the road was blocked.

The temple was burned down, the zombies covered the ground, and its survivors were starving.

Thorns are in the forest, and jackals are full of roads.

Liu Kun led people to clean up, thoroughly clean up the barren grass and thorns in the city, bury the dead bones in the collapsed houses, and build office buildings and convenience markets.

The bandits took turns to rob, and Liu Kun lacked soldiers and horses and could only defend the city gate. Seeing the common people going out of the city to cultivate the land, they were warmly reminded to bring their shields and bows and arrows.

The thieves attacked each other, and the city gates were used as a battlefield, and the people were ploughing with their burdens.

There are many hostile forces in the surrounding areas, and Liu Kun sent people to lurk and spread rumors every three to five minutes, not only to provoke a fight between the Hu people, but also to enhance the friendliness and attract displaced people.

Once the rumors were discovered, and the Hu tribes joined forces to besiege Jinyang City. Liu Kun looked at the weak soldiers in the city, and his flesh and blood were fierce, but he did not dare to open the door to meet the battle.

The dawn of the moon was like daylight, and Liu Kun climbed the city tower with a hu fu in his hand. The cold wind lifts the streamer of the clothes, and the dashing posture is ethereal and independent.

As soon as the song broke into the ears, liver and intestines, the Hu soldiers surged with homesickness one after another. There was a sob from under the city, and the enemy commander withdrew from the battlefield while crying and cursing.

Surrounded by Hu Qi, the city was in dire straits.

Kun Nai climbed the stairs by the moon and roared, and when the thieves heard it, they all sighed sadly.

In the middle of the night, the thief is drooling, and there is a cut of the soil.

Xiang Xiao blew it again, and the thief abandoned the siege and left.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

A series of projects to benefit the people, Jinyang City restored the slightest vitality.

Liu Kun's fame is getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding displaced people drag their families to ask for shelter. Liu Fan heard that his son had a successful career and also led his family from Luoyang to Jinyang.

At a young age, everyone expected it, and Liu Kun's scholarly style gradually burst forth. He holds grand welcome ceremonies, but is not good at arranging people properly.

Kun is good at caressing, but shorter than control. In one day, although thousands of people returned, so did those who went.

A thousand came and eight hundred left, and Liu Kun didn't care about their whereabouts. He admired Xu Run's musical level, and based on this, he let Lao Liu do the Jinyang Order.

We all have personality flaws and most of the time we wear new shoes and go the old way. Liu Kun occasionally wants to change himself, and it is also difficult to get rid of the inertial force of solidification.

However, he is extravagant and arrogant, and he is fond of sound and color, although he is temporarily self-correcting, and he is reverted to indulgence.

Xu Run supported Liu Kun and expressed his opinions on matters large and small. Ling Husheng is a straight-tempered and fierce general, and he is not accustomed to the style of old Xu's two-sided and three-bladed sword.

Ling Husheng weighed the overall situation and repeatedly suggested that Liu Kun remove Liu Run from his post. Lao Liu also wanted to get rid of Ling Husheng, and directly spread rumors that he was colluding with foreign forces.

In order to defend Jinyang, Liu Kun did not hesitate to send his son to Daiguo as a hostage. Hearing the word rebellion blow up on the spot, he wanted to kill Ling Husheng without investigation.

Liu Kun's mother, on crutches, came trembling and came to persuade her son: Ru can't carry forward the scriptures, drive Haojie, and concentrate on winning over herself to be at ease, so how can she be helped! If so, the curse will be upon me.

The people who know you best under the heavens will always be your parents.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Liu Kun killed Ling Husheng, and Ling Husheng's son defected to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong, as Emperor Zhao of Han, was extremely valuable in the information provided by Ling Huni. He sent his son to lead troops to sneak into Jinyang, specifically picking out areas with weak defenses.

Liu Kun was beaten and ran away in a hurry, and on the way to escape, he heard that his parents had been captured again. Before he could reorganize his soldiers and horses, Liu Fan and his wife were beheaded by the Han army in the street.

Seven years ago, he rescued his parents.

Seven years later, he pit his parents to death.

Liu Kun knelt down and cried with a headache, and got up to dry his tears to find a substitute for revenge. Tuoba Yilu, the Daiwang, was very interesting, and together with Liu Kun sent an army to attack Han Zhao.

Although he has won one victory after another, it is impossible to kill Liu Cong. Yi Lu patted Liu Kun's shoulder, left some daily necessities and returned home with his soldiers and horses.

Yi Lu thought that Cong was not perishable, and left the cattle and sheep and horses behind.

Liu Kun was already homeless, and the painstakingly managed city of Jinyang was destroyed by the war. After sacrificing the deceased relatives and soldiers, they moved into the small Yangyi City to recruit the old department.

As soon as he returned to China to change his clothes, he was stabbed to death by his son on the bed. Civil unrest broke out during the change of power, and Liu Kun's son did not dare to continue to be a hostage.

Liu Zun may be very charismatic, abducting 30,000 people and horses to go home to find his father. With the savings of his eldest son, Liu Kun went from having nothing to being strong and strong.

Kun zi obeyed the prefect of Lu, and everyone attached himself to it. And yes, Shuai Lu crowd of 30,000 people, horses, cattle and sheep 100,000, Xi Lai Gui Kun, Kun Yu is the revival.

This year, Liu Kun was 45 years old.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

In 315, Emperor Huan of Jin succeeded to the throne, and Liu Kun was made a general.

Liu Kun submitted a recital to the imperial court, denouncing the wolf ambitions of the Han Zhao clique. Liu Cong and Shi Le, the two wang hegemons, also raised the battle knife of slaughtering the Jin Dynasty.

Leping Taishou was violently beaten by Shi Le, and wrote to Liu Kun every day to ask for support. His subordinates bitterly advised the leaders not to send troops first, because the soldiers and horses of the daiguo had not yet received ideological education.

In public or private, Liu Kun wanted to fight with Han Zhao.

Emotions break through the cage of reason, and they will only end up in the end of the sky. According to the terrain, Shi Le waited for work and ate all of Liu Kun's belongings in one bite.

The news of the total annihilation of the army came out, causing panic in the people of the state. Coinciding with the drought that was rare in a hundred years, Liu Kun's remnants of the army were defeated and food became a problem.

There was no army, and the earth was terrified. Seeking and drought, Kun poor can not be defended.

Liu Kun was cornered for the second time, and his second son could not get soldiers and horses from nowhere. Youzhou Thorn Shi reached out in time to help, hoping to join forces with Liu Kun to support the Jin Room.

Youzhou Stabbed History Duan Pi, another identity is the Liaoxi Xianbei Zuoxian King. Their family used Jicheng as a base, and for several generations they held official positions in the Jin Dynasty.

Liu Kun and Duan Piqiu were like-minded, and followed the old method to form a family of children and daughters (Pi Kun saw it, and they respected each other very much, and married Kun, about brothers).

They ate and lived in the war room, trying to negotiate the most secure march plan. Before he could clear his mind, Liu Cong attacked Chang'an and killed Emperor Huan of Jin.

The Western Jin Dynasty, dead.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

In 317, Sima Rui founded the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The rumors that the king and the horse were in the world were well known in the old land of Eastern Wu. The migratory magnates in the north formed a three-legged stand with the southern landlords and royal families.

Half of the country and mountains fought happily, allowing the northern homeland to be ten rooms and nine empty. Liu Kun and Zu Ti were awarded spiritual rewards, and the soldiers, horses, grain, and grass had to be solved by themselves.

Liu Kun didn't care about this, he just wanted to kill Han Zhao Shuangxiong as soon as possible.

Lao Duan elected Liu Kun as the governor of Dadu and persuaded his cousin to send troops to assist. The three of them swore an oath to heaven for the alliance, and as a result, the little cousin stole a kickback from Shi Le.

The number of soldiers and horses was sharply reduced by 50%, and the plan to practice eighteen times was abolished on the spot. Emperor Yuan of Jin heard that the project was aborted and sent someone to send a sabre to encourage Liu Kun.

Liu Kun said indignantly: "Be careful to bow down and admire yourself, and cut off the second prisoner."

Duan Pilei went home to attend his brother's funeral, and Liu Kun asked his second son to follow him. In the middle of the road, he was attacked by his little cousin, and the old Duan single-handedly killed the ambush circle.

Liu Qun's psychological quality was worrying, and he expressed his willingness to cooperate just after being captured. After the little cousin's coercion and inducement, he wrote a letter to persuade his father to wait for the opportunity to kill the old Duan.

Liu Kun thought of rescuing her son, but she didn't know that her son was in the pit.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Duan Pilei intercepted the secret letter, and after reading it, he called out to Liu Kun.

Old Duan: The meaning is not doubtful, it is a white public ear.

Liu Kun: Allied with the Gong, Zhi Awarded the Royal Family, Relying on The Might, the Shame of the Shuxue Country. If the book of Mita is written, he will not bear the righteousness of a son in the end.

The old Duan clan was engaged in a split, and Liu Kun naturally understood Duan Piling's intentions. He stated his mind to his face and prepared to return to the garrison of the small town of Beifu.

Old Duan believed that Liu Kun would not rebel, but he could not stand up to the analysis of the interests of the military division. If you are not of my race, your heart will be different, and this sentence will be equal to each other among all races.

It is said that I am a hu yi ear, so those who can serve the jin people are afraid of my people. Now that my flesh and bones are in trouble, it is the day of his good intentions, and if there is a blessing to rise, my people will be exhausted.

You don't want to seize power, and your subordinates don't necessarily think so.

Reason breaks through the cage of emotion, and it will only end up with regret and sorrow. Duan Pili forcibly seized Liu Kun's saber and locked him in a room and was not allowed to enter or leave.

Five feet to see the narrow and cramped, Liu Kun was full of thoughts of grand ambitions. The pride of going to Jinyang to take office in that year has become more and more fierce after ten years of conquest.

Considering the danger of death and the great shame is not snow, it is also known that Yi Di is difficult to ambush, and he hopes to lose and write sincerely, just in case.

Every time he saw the general, he spoke generously, mourned his poverty, and wanted to lead the part to be listed in the thief base.

Si was unsuccessful in his plot and was detained by Pi Lei.

Liu Kun knew that there was no way to live, and wrote two five-word poems in a row to express his heart. He and Lu Chen exchanged literature over the air, hoping to make his subordinates stand tall.

Xiao Lu received his uncle's poems, and would only make sentences according to the literal meaning. For Liu Kun's ambitions and uncompromising indignation, he always maintained an attitude of not blindly mixing.

The first chapter of the Emperor's Great Ambition, not what the human subjects said.

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Kun was loyal to the Jin Dynasty and was known for his high expectations, and was detained for a long time, and sighed in anger from near and far.

The later general Han Drama could not bear it anymore and gathered his colleagues to prepare to rescue Liu Kun. They plotted against Duan Pi's men and built siege equipment for mass destruction.

Old Han's daughter found the clue and ran to report to her husband at the first time. Although her identity was only a concubine, her husband was the eldest son of Duan Piling.

With the father-in-law to kill the father-in-law, the pit father once again pits a new height.

Duan Piluo went around killing the rebels and imprisoned Liu Kun in a large prison under strict supervision. When he was undecided about what to do, Wang Dun's emissaries crossed the Yangtze River to conduct research.

As a member of the Jiangdong Shi clan, the Wang family is elevating the Jin Yuan Emperor step by step. If they want to solidify the largest plate, they must cut down the towering giant trees around them.

Wang Dunmi sent Pi Lu to kill Kun, and Pi Lu was afraid of the crowd against himself, so he claimed that he had an edict to collect Kun.

Liu Kun heard that the imperial court had come, and did not interrogate his own representatives and did not want to make mud. He and his subordinates fought for their lives in the north, trying to give the imperial court in the south a new life.

Now the imperial court wanted to kill him, and the family also wanted to kill him. Thinking of his parents who were killed by himself, Liu Kun couldn't help but burst into tears: there is life in death, but hatred and shame are not snow, and there is no way to see the second relative.

This world is ridiculous enough!

Liu Kun: The supporting actor of the idiom "smell the chicken dancing", from the playboy struggle to the destruction of the family

Qin Ling Yibai came to visit with native honey and saw Liu Kun reclining in the corner of the cell.

Yibai: Do you regret it?

Liu Kun: What do you regret?

One White: If you choose to lie flat.

Liu Kun: That can only be drunk and dreaming of death.

Yibai: Well, Yongjia Nandu does not affect either.

Liu Kun: Have you ever met Zu Ti?

Yibai: He is struggling alone in Henan.

Liu Kun: I am waiting for Dan, the Zhi Owl is rebellious, and I am often afraid that my ancestors will whip me first.

Yibai: He is the protagonist of the dancing chicken.

Liu Kun: Haha, is my sense of existence so weak?

Ichibai: What if you had to choose again?

Liu Kun:...

Liu Kun had not finished drinking the honey water, and Duan Piling sent someone to send a white silk. The soldiers put it around his neck and used all their strength to strangle Liu Kun.

The upright figure on the upper floor of the moonlight slowly collapsed in the dark cell. There was no melodious huzzle, only a grunt squeezed out of the throat.

At the age of forty-eight, four sons and nephews were killed.

Liu Kun's death was unknown, and the imperial court sent a large number of rewards to appease Duan Piluo. In the face of Shi Le's aggressive military front, he also counted on the humble gangster to guard the Jin Dynasty.

Two years later, Lao Duan took his belongings into Shi Le's arms. The Court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty decided to restore Liu Kun's reputation, and Emperor Yuan of Jin personally issued an edict posthumously awarding him the title of Taiwei.

The following year, the much-suspected Zu Di died of grief, and there was no longer half of the Land of the Jin Dynasty south of the Yellow River.

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