
Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

author:Spiritual Wealth Mentor Peng Wenguang
Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

1. Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia

Richard Buckminster Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983) American architect known as harmless monsters, half a century ago Fuller designed a day can build a "superlight building", a car that can dive and fly, a "King Kong cover" to save the city... He turned the American Pavilion into a Fuller ball at the 1967 Montreal World Expo, making lightweight circular domes popular around the world today, and his low-carbon concept inspired scientists and eventually won the Nobel Prize. He declared that the earth is a spaceship, and humans are astronauts of the earth spaceship, traveling in the universe at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per hour, and must know how to operate the earth correctly to survive.

Chinese name

Buckminster Fuller

Foreign name

Richard Buckminster Fuller

Place of birth

Massachusetts, USA

Date of birth

July 12, 1895

Date of death

July 1, 1983

Alien Fuller

Despite having 55 honorary doctorates and 26 patented inventions. Buckminster Fuller was an unlicensed architect,[2] a professor twice expelled from Harvard; he lived in the last century but thought about the next. This is also why today, thirty years after his death, he has not only not been forgotten, but has become more and more famous. The design concept he proposed half a century ago has been excavated by many museums for systematic review. In today's resource-scarce and global warming, people are shocked to find that this alien-like Dr. Fuller has left us such a huge legacy...

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

Architects, engineers, inventors, thinkers and poets, not five people, but just one person: he spent a great deal of time exploring new ideas, he also studied the abnormal connections between ideas in reality, and he described himself with words such as "a complete, futuristic- and scientifically designed explorer." Fuller is a big believer in technology, he says, and through technology people are able to do everything they need to do.

Fuller died in 1983 at the age of 87, and during his long life he discussed ideas about technology and human survival. He called this idea "dymaxion" (the one that maximizes energy and provides maximum strength with the least structure), and the word is derived from three words: Dynamic, which means dynamic, and Maximum, which means most, maximum, and ion, which is an atom or a set of atoms in an electrode.

Fuller explained the word dymaxion, the way to do more with very little energy, and everything he did was in accordance with this idea, he designed a dymaxion car, a dymaxion house and a dymaxion world map, but perhaps another of his inventions was more famous — measuring the dome, which is a circular building made of many straight materials.

Talk about Buckminster. Fuller meant to use many unfamiliar words, because Fuller himself invented many words to describe his thoughts and designs, and his designs always came ahead of his time, and they still are.

Naughty kids

Life background

Born in Milton, Massachusetts in 1895, Fuller could not see the outside world clearly as a child, because his eyes could not look straight ahead, so his world was full of a lot of unclear colors. When he was 4 years old, he put on glasses to correct his vision. Suddenly, he was able to see the shape of people's faces, he was able to see the stars in the sky and the leaves on the trees, and he never lost the joy of the beautiful world he had discovered.

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

Fuller in his youth

As a child, Fuller asked questions about anything, he was a man of very independent thoughts in his early days, and as he grew up, his appearance grew more and more strange, his head was large, he was less than 1.6 meters tall, and his legs were not the same length. This made him feel very melancholy: "I am a deformed phenomenon of nature, a person who is incompatible with society. He refused to accept the ideas and rules of others, and his family was an ancient family whose men had graduated from Harvard since 1760. Fuller was no exception to Harvard University, but after only half a year of study, he was expelled for stealing tuition to spend money and drinking. That fall, Fuller enrolled again, and soon after, being removed for the second time, he thought his time was better spent on interesting things than studying.

Major achievements

At the age of 21, Fuller joined the U.S. Navy and fought in World War I. In the Navy, he learned all the nautical knowledge, mathematics, mechanics, communications and electronic engines, and he loved the modern world of technology. Soon after he joined the Navy, he designed a new type of rescue facility. During training, he helped rescue the lives of some pilots. Fuller's record in the Navy earned him the opportunity to train for a short time at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. It was there that he developed these two ideas for the first time, and this recuperation was very important to him. When he was studying warships, Fuller realized that warships weigh much lighter than buildings and can be much lighter, and he determined that better designs could also help humans do more and use less material.

A bleak life


In 1917. Buck. Fuller married Anne, their daughter Alexandra, born a year later, Buck, like an intellectual, was a very emotional person, he loved his daughter very much, she was a miracle of his world, however, Alexandra was very ill, the medicine capable of treating her had not yet been invented, and she died at the age of four.

Turn grief into strength

Buck. Fuller strongly blamed himself for being an asshole, and even though he did everything he could to save his daughter, he was overwhelmed by grief, and he began to drink heavily, while at the same time, he continued to work hard. Fuller was the manager of a company that produced lightweight building materials, however, he was not a successful businessman, the company began to decline, he was fired by the boss. It was in 1927 that his wife bore him another daughter, at a time when he had neither a job nor money. He felt that he had failed completely, because he could not even feed his family. Buck. Fuller walked aimlessly along Lake Michigan, desperately thinking of committing suicide by throwing himself into the lake. At the lake, a miracle happened: "I heard a voice in the darkness say to me, you have no right to commit suicide, you do not belong to yourself, but to the whole universe." "From that moment on, Buck. Fuller decided to survive, and he wanted to live the best he thought he could. He promised that he would spend the rest of his life studying design to make humanity live better on Earth, and this began his great period of creation.

Wizards of architecture

Flying house

In the 1920s, the first building he designed was like this: a hexahedron of a circular structure, made of aluminum and glass, and in the middle of the building was a steel structure of "central power column" that supported a network of cables overhead, and the "walls" of the building were also such cable grids, and the surface of the grid was covered with insulating double-layer transparent material. The building has many unique features, such as the ability to generate electricity from solar energy, and the water is clean and reusable. Doors with televisions, automatic vacuum systems, air conditioning and automatic opening and closing (none of which were invented at the time). At the same time, the building is also very lightweight, and the airship suspended in the air can hook the slings of the house and take it anywhere... In 1920, this architectural model was exhibited in Chicago, a sensation, but only a sensation. No one thinks that such a house can really be built, and Fuller is just a "harmless freak".

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

The Dymaxion house is installed at the Heery Fod Museum

For today's significance: Fuller advocates this kind of mass production, one day to build, immediately move in, no labor, all living facilities are mass-produced and attached to the "ultra-light building", in today's tight housing resources, people feel very yearning. This kind of building can also be sent to any corner of the world by airship at any time, which is a realistic version of "Flying House Tour".

Small special vehicles

In the 1930s, Fuller shifted its targets to the automotive industry. He designed a small special car, the shell is made of aluminum, has 3 wheels, the back of the single wheel can control the speed like a rudder, the top speed can reach 190 kilometers per hour, it can carry 12 passengers, and can rotate 180 ° in situ. Fuller also bizarrely designed a periscope for diving at the rear of the car, and said that the model could eventually fly in the air like a bird... Unfortunately, the first prototype car produced by Fuller was only three months old before it was crashed, and although the investigation showed that the responsibility for the accident was on the other side, it caused this amazing car to never be left in the spotlight. Because his designs were so different and so extreme, banks were reluctant to lend money for these projects. So the dymaxion house, a house that can be offered to everyone at a low price, has never been built. The dymaxion, a safe, pollution-free vehicle with little gasoline, has never been produced.

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

Small special vehicle designed by Fuller

For today's significance: "It's really hard to believe that he was able to design this small special car in the 1930s, with an engine equivalent to the engine of a lawn mower, incredibly efficient." At the same time, Detroit was creating stupid monsters who could have learned something useful by listening to Fuller's point of view. Environmentalist Ian McHaag said.

A new concept of low carbon

What makes people today feel even more precious is that all of Fuller's designs implement the concept of "low carbon". His belief was to "do more with less." "Our resources, the way we use them, and the designs we have, can only take care of 44 percent of humanity." Then the remaining 56 percent are destined to die early and suffer from poverty..." The solution to this problem is a design revolution that eliminates flashy designs, such as traditional flat-cut buildings.

Buck. Fuller did not give up on his idea of producing more with a small amount of material, he had the idea of designing for another kind of building, a building that was the most powerful building built with the smallest amount of material, and it looked perfectly shaped at first. Fuller's idea came from nature, which appeared in the shape of organic compounds and metals. The main part of its design is the four-sided cone, and to build such a building, many cones are connected to each other, and each piece is connected to each other to become an octahedron. After a series of experiments, the measuring dome was finally built, and industrialists began to recognize the value of this design. Today, there are about 100,000 measuring domes of all sizes in use worldwide. However, no one has done anything about Fuller's idea of measuring the Dome.

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

Fuller designed a flying house

Since there were no restrictions on size in the construction of measuring domes, Fuller suggested using survey domes to cover a city or an area to prevent harsh climate. A measuring dome may have complete control over the environment in the area it covers. Combining these, these two shapes result in a sturdy, lightweight, circular building. The building can be covered with any material, and it can stand upright indoors without any sound support. Fuller named the building the "Measuring Dome," which allows it to cover more space with less material than any building that has already been designed.

Living in the last century, Fuller not only anticipated the various environmental dilemmas encountered at that time, but even thought about the future – for example, if the earth's resources were completely depleted and the end of the world came, the question of what we should do: At that time, the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Hamburg, Germany, was conducting an interesting exhibition called "Climate Capsule", and Fuller's idea proposed in 1960 re-entered people's vision through this exhibition: a project called "Manhattan Dome". A large , " fuller ball" shell would be used to cover central Manhattan, and the city inside the enclosure would create a complete, self-sufficient metabolic system. The "big cover" can create a climate suitable for survival, provide the necessary ecological mechanisms, and have a complete way to deal with garbage and dirt. This is still a defensive cover, whether it is a solar storm or a nuclear bomb explosion, it can be blocked out by this "Kongo cover"...

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

Manhattan Dome

Expo Fuller Ball

Fuller's most reliable and famous invention was born in the 1950s. He applied to the U.S. Patent Office for a patent to design the building's dome to be circular. He named it "Tennis Grid Top": "... A good indicator of the quality of a building structure is the weight of the structure needed to cover a square foot of ground. In a conventional wall top design, this number is often 2500 kg /m2, but the design of the 'tennis grid top' can be completed with about 4 kg / m2. I can create such a structure with a piece of plastic skin. "Such designs are everywhere in modern times. However, this architectural model, which did not require supports such as columns, beams, and vaults, was doubted by many people at the time. It was first used at a U.S. Air Force radar station inside the Arctic Circle. Many engineers bet the dome would soon be blown down by the wind, but at the end of the two-year test period, it was safe and sound. The American Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal World's Fair in Canada was designed by Fuller as a 20-story high-domed building, affectionately known as the "Fuller Ball". It was then that spherical architecture began to become popular around the world and has been in the ascendant. It was inexpensive and quick to build, with an Indian company building hundreds of round tents for Farmers in Africa for sustainable farming, and in the aftermath of Hurricane Catalina, victims lived in makeshift tents built according to Fuller's design principles.

Dr. Fuller Baidu Encyclopedia and its definition of wealth

Fuller designed the America Pavilion at the Montreal World Expo

The philosophical ideas contained in the "Fuller Ball" have an impact that transcends the field of architecture. Fuller's "most efficient" shape in the universe with hexagons and a small number of pentagons inspired the three chemists to assume that the cluster "C60", which contains 60 carbon atoms, contains 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons, with a carbon atom on each corner, such a carbon cluster ball is the same shape as a football. They called such a new carbon ball, C60, "Buckminster fullerene." Subsequently, three chemists began to demonstrate and experiment on this hypothesis, and finally won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discoveries.

Space Traveler

Buck. Most of Fuller's inventions did not earn him more money, most of what he earned was used to travel around the world, he transmitted his ideas about the life of humans living on this planet, he called this planet "Earth spaceship", he said, humans are astronauts of Earth spaceships, they travel around the sun at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per hour, the earth is like a huge mechanical device, this device can only save humanity if people living on earth know how to operate the earth correctly. He also wrote a book for this purpose called the Operation Manual for Earth Spacecraft[5]. The admonition that humans must live on Earth just as astronauts live on spaceships, they must use intelligently and repeatably everything earth has to offer. Buckminster. Fuller said that human beings can always feed and live for themselves by using natural resources in a planned and intelligent way. His thoughts led others to suspect that Fuller was an alien.

Dr. Fuller's definition of wealth

Dr. Fuller is the most important spiritual mentor for the international program Money & You, as well as the BSE Entrepreneur Business School in the United States. Born in 1895 and reborn in 1983, he is one of the world's most valuable masters, and many of his ideas and philosophies are the most important assets of our time and future generations. You can see many of Dr. Fuller's world-changing proposals on the's website.

Dr. Fuller on Money and WealthWhat is wealth?

Wealth consists of two parts: substance and abstraction—the power of the mind and the power of substance. Wealth contains substance, is material when it is gathered, radiates when it is dispersed, and is interchangeable. The energy of wealth cannot be reduced. Wealth contains abstract knowledge, you can't learn less, knowledge can only increase forever. This means that wealth will only increase.

Wealth: Our efforts to care for as many people as we can in the coming days. wealth, while preserving, nurturing, satisfying and educating them. Wealth, we have separated money from wealth. We think that money is wealth, and we are playing the money game while downgrading wealth.

Seventy percent of jobs don't create any wealth what creates real wealth for food, health, energy, housing, education and recreation.

In the universe, only humans know what time it is and think it's time to go to work. The absolute law, you have to decide whether you want to make money or want to figure things out. Because the two are mutually exclusive. The strict rule that profits should come from the practice of less and more, and the cost of raising is anti-evolutionary. If we move forward, those who insist on making "real wealth" will earn more.

Money is not equal to wealth, money is the exchange of numbers, wealth is the creation of value, most money games, can not really bring value, it can not create real wealth! In the process of creating wealth, each link must be able to add value to each other, rather than quarrel.

For example, a piece of copper mine in the valley can only be worth 50 yuan; but if the copper is refined, the pure copper can be worth 500 yuan, and this pure copper can be made into 10 high-grade handles for the gate, each can be worth 500 yuan, 10 can be worth 5000 yuan; and any one of the handles, inviting the top copper carving experts to create a pure copper artwork, it can be worth at least 50,000 yuan! This is the process of adding value to each link!

About Dr. Fuller's Law of Wealth

The more people i work for the more effective I become

The principle is disclosed by the decisions themselves

Law Three: Unity is complex, at least two Unity is Plural and at minimum TWOEven zero, O is a plural. Arrow in side zero and outside zero , yingyang , cold hot must have another thing to know the more objects exist, the more things will be known Up and down The words UP and DOWN have absolutely NO meaning The world is flat to have up and down: because your upper and his upper are not the same! For your upper is his lower! If you use the words UP and DOWN now, you are completely hooked bu the dark agesconspiracy! The proper words are IN and OUTOut is any directionIN is always point-able always specific outside is any direction, the inside is can be pointed out and by using the words IN and OUT you come into a COMPLETELY NEW WORLD You're going to TUNE In very much more then you're ever done before, TUN-ABILITY You're going to be able to do the tunable frequency of Sun set and sun rise is wrong before!!!

Law Four: Six Positive and Negative Degrees of Freedom Someone Wrote a book on this and influence NY Jail Management and New York Government save more then 10 billion 10 billion

1. Axial Rotation axis rotation

2. Orbital Rotation orbit rotation

3. Expansion/Contraction Breathing

4、Torque(twisting) 扭

5. Inside -OUT ( Inside Outing ) Inside out (Kiss)

6, Precession bias as long as you can understand and experience the bias effects before you did not understand now suddenly start to understand Things you've NEVER understand before you suddenly begun to understand once youunderstand - feel - Precession personally

The Society is continually thinking the 180o-ness and practically nothing to lose in this society that still thinks this way and almost nothing does it do

When we understand what bias is after many social behaviors that have not been understood are suddenly clearly understood, we can use it to achieve your results of Much of Social behaviors that have NEVER been understand become completely understandonce you understand / feel precession. Human want to know, tell me what is right what is wrong... World is a process of discovery.


Dr. Fuller's friend Randy introduced the definition of wealth.

There are two kinds of companies in the world that will make money, one is to make money with money, and the other is to focus on the fields of food, clothing, housing, energy education, etc., but there are 4 more principles:

1) You can work for more people, not that you have multiple bosses, it's that you want to work for more people, and you will become more efficient. (If you're only focused on your own family, surely the scope is very narrow, so, target a larger range of people), you'll have better feedback, don't be self-centered, don't just think of yourself, start serving other people, you'll have different ideas, and in the long run, you'll make more money.

To do this, you have to change your mentality, that is, to mention other people's work, to go to some educational institutions or self-study, to learn new things, especially to learn some alternative ideas (the same as we accept the mass of the Ministry of Education), these alternative ideas let us have learning outside the system, after this guidance, you know that only genius is your limitation, in the United States, many business schools are engaged in this way, they cultivate a lot of students, and then students learn these new things, to start a business, Serve more people... So, the United States gradually became richer.

2) When you think with your mind, what you haven't seen before will make you see, which is expansive, that is to say, when you have a clear vision, you have made a plan, you know that you see the goal you are looking for, so that you usually feel that it is a problem, it is no longer a problem, because you are very clear to focus on success, there are some people who do not have a clear picture, a successful picture, he will encounter a lot of problems. In fact, this is the law of attraction.

3) The diversity of the universe is a unity, so you have to be a balanced person, look at the world from a different perspective, you will get along better with other people, you will be more mellow, you will look at the implementation more realistically, not extreme, similar to yin and yang.

4) Learn the definition of wealth, which is different from the previous three principles and is in the business world. Let's do a test to know, ask 100 people, what wealth is, and then let everyone write it down, and then you will find that everyone writes differently, some people say money, some people say gold, some people say family, etc., so many people waste a lifetime of energy looking for an inaccurate and abnormal definition of wealth, I think it should be in how many days, the ability to provide support for how many people, and this support may be food, clothing, housing, energy education, etc. Being able to raise people to live better (not religiously, because he can't sustain life) is the true definition of wealth.

So, once you know what wealth is, you start working hard, how many people you support in how many days, once you work hard to a certain extent, after your ability is reached, you can learn what is really creating wealth, and you will not only create wealth for yourself at such a maximum time, but also create more wealth for society.

Traditional education will tell us that social resources are very limited, we have to compete, we will be unequal, so you and I will go to war, and finally we will take up arms to protect our families, to fight for limited resources, this is a vicious circle, on the contrary, if we follow our way of wealth creation, we will create more resources, coupled with the progress of science and technology, we can catch up with the speed of human growth and development.

The last sentence, you draw the picture of your dreams at the end of life, look at it every day, you will slowly find out, you will gradually have it, this is the power of dreams.

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