
At the age of four, Kong Rong, who let the pear, was eventually killed by Cao Cao for the crime of filial piety

author:Yi Heng Cultural Garden

Kong Rong, Ziwenju, the twentieth grandson of Confucius, a famous literary scholar at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an". ("Seven Sons of Jian'an": Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Cang, Xu Gan, Ruan Yu, Ying Yue, Liu Zhen)

At the age of four, Kong Rong, who let the pear, was eventually killed by Cao Cao for the crime of filial piety

(Portrait of Kong Rong)

We have learned the story of Kong Rong's pear in our primary school textbooks, and there is also a saying in the "Three Character Classic" that "melting four years old can make pears". Generations of Chinese parents have used this to educate their children, and they must know how to be courteous and humble from an early age. However, this story is not true and may just be a legend. Because this story is not recorded in the main history, including the Book of the Later Han Dynasty and the Biography of Kong Rong. The story of Kong Rong's pear was first seen in the "New Language of the World" during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when it was two hundred years after Kong Rong's death. Think about it, who can remember what happened two hundred years ago?

Since the story is not necessarily true, why has it been widely disseminated throughout the ages? This is actually a teaching in a political sense. It doesn't matter whether this story is true or not, what matters is that it instills in people the idea that they should suppress their desires from elementary school, learn Confucian etiquette, and observe the order of honor and inferiority. In other words, it does not matter whether the story is true or false, but the truth conveyed is important. This is the meaning of its long-term dissemination.

At the age of four, Kong Rong, who let the pear, was eventually killed by Cao Cao for the crime of filial piety

(Kong Rong let the pear)

When Kong Rong was 13 years old, his father Kong Zhou died, and Kong Rong was unable to help himself and needed help to stand up. When Kong Rong was 16 years old, the Marquis of Zhongchang secretly ordered the prefectures and counties to arrest the famous scholar Zhang Jian. Zhang Jian and Kong Rong's brother Kong Bao were friends, so he fled to Kong Bao's house, Kong Bao was not there, and Kong Rong opened the door for him. Zhang Jian saw that Kong Rong was young and did not dare to tell his situation. Kong Rong saw that Zhang Jian was very embarrassed, so he said, "Although my brother has not returned from outside, can't I be your host?" "He made a strong claim to leave Zhang Jian at home. Later, Zhang Jian was discovered in the Kong family, and Kong Bao and Kong Rong were arrested and imprisoned. But I don't know whose sin I should condemn. Kong Rong said: "It is I who shelter and hide Zhang Jian, and I am guilty." Kong Chu said, "Zhang Jian came to me, not my brother's sin, but my sin." The official asked their mother, who said, "The older man bears the household chores, and I am responsible for the crime." The county could not decide, asked the imperial court, and finally convicted Kong Bao.

From the above stories such as letting Pear go at the age of four, grieving the death of his father, and fighting to die after taking In Zhang Jian, it can be seen that Kong Rong is a person who is courteous and filial piety and pays attention to ethics and common feelings. But in the end, how did Kong Rong die? Kong Rong was executed by Cao Cao for filial piety, and his entire family was involved.

Why did the four-year-old let the hole of the pear grow up but not filial piety? Or even rumors that he killed his mother? Cao Cao was also a corporal of Li Xian, so why did he have to kill Kong Rong?

Everyone who reads history knows that Cao Cao was actually a very talented person, a corporal of Li Xian, inclusive, and not a person with a small temperament, and a large number of literati and strategists gathered under his account. For example, Chen Lin, who was also the "Seventh Son of Jian'an", wrote a text to scold Cao Cao, and Cao Cao did not kill him. Why were it that Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, and other fellow advisers of Cao Cao were respected by Cao Cao and were able to die well, while Kong Rong, You Heng, and Yang Xiu were executed by Cao Cao? Because they have one thing in common, that is, they are right with Cao everywhere, and they are contradictory everywhere, not only sneering in public, but also stabbing knives in the back. They are all full of trolls, except for spraying every day, that is, spraying. This kind of practice is unbearable for any normal person, no matter how magnanimous and generous, not to mention Cao Cao, who "blackmailed the Son of Heaven and ordered the princes".

At the age of four, Kong Rong, who let the pear, was eventually killed by Cao Cao for the crime of filial piety

(Cao Cao sculpture)

When Kong Rong was ten years old, because of his quick speech, he won the favor of Yin Libin of Henan and became his guest of honor. Someone told Chen Wei, the doctor of Taizhong, about Kong Rong's funny story, and Chen Wei said: "Madame is small and smart, and it is not necessarily strange that she is big." (The Book of the Later Han Dynasty) means that people who were too smart when they were young may not be brilliant when they grow up. Unexpectedly, Kong Rong sneered after listening: "Listening to you say this, I'm afraid you were very smart when you were a child." The crowd laughed at it as a childlike remark. In fact, Chen Wei's words became a slur. Kong Rong's arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, bookish, and shaky personality laid the groundwork for his tragic life from an early age.

When you are young, you are arrogant and arrogant, show off your talents, you are arrogant, and you can understand the speed of your tongue for a while, but you will be like this in your adult life, that is immature.

What Kong Rong represents is a literati who have a high self-esteem but have no achievements in reality. He will not solve practical problems, but will only do the utmost ridicule. Below, let's take a look at how Kong Rong sprayed Cao Cao, and the things he did that were out of the ordinary, and the out-of-line remarks he said.

First, it satirizes the Cao father and son for robbing Zhen Ji

Cao Cao attacked Yuan Shao, and when Cao Cao's army attacked Yuan Shao's city of Yicheng, because he saw that Yuan Xi's wife Zhen Mi (Yuan Shao's son) was in a beautiful posture, Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi all wanted to accept it, but Cao Pi was quick and took Zhen in advance, and Cao Cao had to give Zhen a promise to Cao Pi. Kong Rong wrote to Cao Cao, saying: "The King of Wu cut down the silk and gave himself a reward to the Duke of Zhou. not enlightened, after asking what classic. Right: 'Take it for granted.' (Book of the Later Han Dynasty) means that Kong Rong said that when King Wu cut down the silk, he snatched Dai Ji and gave it to the Duke of Zhou as his wife. Cao Cao was also a person who read poetry books, and he did not know where this allusion came from, so he asked Kong Rong. Kong Rong said: "Judging from today's situation, it is taken for granted that it is inferred. Not only did he imply sarcasm, but he also replied to Cao Cao in a contemptuous tone of "taking it for granted." Cao Cao was helpless and chose to endure.

At the age of four, Kong Rong, who let the pear, was eventually killed by Cao Cao for the crime of filial piety

(Zhen Mi played by Zhang Zhixi in "The League of Military Divisions")

Second, he ridiculed Cao Cao's prohibition of alcohol

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when there was constant war and famine, Cao Cao expressed his hope to ban alcohol and issued a ban on alcohol in order to save grain and pointed out that alcohol could destroy the country. However, Kong Rong wrote a letter against prohibition. "When the years are hungry and the soldiers are prosperous, the watch system is forbidden, the frequent books are disputed, and there are many insults and slow words." (The Book of the Later Han Dynasty) also sarcastically said: Women can also perish the country, why can't women? The language contains sarcastic ridicule of Cao Cao's lustfulness. There are opinions that are not well expressed, and always hurt people with insulting and sarcastic words. Cao Cao was naturally unhappy, but he still chose to endure.

Third, satirize Cao Cao's expedition

In 207 AD, Cao Cao's northern expedition against Wuhuan, Kong Rong once again ridiculed Cao Cao, saying that the great general expedition, depression overseas, in the past, Su Cautious did not pay tribute to Mu Kuya, Ding Zero stole Su Wu's cattle and sheep, you can fight together! After Wu Huan, he also mocked: 'The great general expedition, depression overseas. Xi Su was cautious not to pay tribute to The Ya, Ding Zero stole Su Wu cattle and sheep, but also a case. (Book of the Later Han Dynasty) satirizes Cao Cao's bullying of the weak. Cao Cao still chose to endure.

Fourth, he always made trouble behind Cao Cao's back and poured cold water

Kong Rong not only sneered at Cao Cao in public, but also always made bad mistakes behind his back and spread the saying that Cao Cao would be defeated.

As long as Cao Cao went out to fight, Kong Rong vigorously promoted Cao Cao's defeat in the middle of the dynasty. For example, when Cao Cao was recruiting Yuan Shao, Kong Rong sadly warned everyone in the middle of the court, everyone should write a letter to surrender to Yuan Shao, how could Cao Cao beat Yuan Shao.

In three years, Taizu broke Zhang Xiu, Dong fowl Lü Bu, Ding Xuzhou, and then rejected Yuan Shao. Kong Rong said: "Shaodi Guangbing is strong. Tian Feng, Xu You, and the wise men also conspired for it. Judgement, discipline, loyal ministers, let it go. Yan Liang, Wen Ugly, bravely crowned the three armies, unified their troops, is it difficult to overcome? (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

Every time he returned from the expedition, Cao Cao could receive many reports denouncing Kong Rong. Cao Cao was fighting desperately outside, but Kong Rong took Feng Lu and said bad things about himself. Although Cao Cao was resentful, he still chose to endure.

When Cao Cao was still the Marquis of Wuping, his fief was in Chen County, only three hundred miles away from Xu Capital. Kong Rong moved out of the Zhou Li and said, "The system of Wang Qi, within a thousand miles, not a feudal prince..." The implication is that Cao Cao's fiefdom is too close to the capital, so Cao Cao's family moved to a remote place.

Fifth, the mouth is unguarded, self-proclaimed saints, and the sensational "parental unkind theory" is published.

Kong Rong and You Heng are friends, and people who read history know what kind of person You Heng is, and You Heng compares himself to a talented man who is unparalleled in the world and has never been seen before or after, too arrogant, too paranoid, dares to beat a drum and scold Cao Cao naked in the court, and arrests who scolds whom. Kong Rong had more interactions with this kind of person, and the breath on his body became stronger and stronger.

Kong Rong and You Heng touted each other, You Heng praised Kong Rong as "Zhongni does not die", while Kong Rong praised You Heng as "Yan Huisheng". These two people were also too proud of themselves, and they had never seen such a boastful person. Others praised him as the rebirth of Kong Shengren, but in exchange for others, they must be afraid to say how dare they compare with Kong Shengren, and Kong Rong? It seemed that he really thought in his heart that he was the reincarnation of Kong Sage. This is also too self-important! As a result, Kong Rong's personality is exposed, he is too conceited and arrogant, and he has not correctly estimated his talents and position.

In short, Kong Rong is just like his friend You Heng, arrogant, mouthless, not very good at work, full of skill in spitting, and doing everything against Cao Cao.

While Cao Cao was basically pacifying the north, Kong Rong asked Cao Cao to return power to Emperor Xian of Han. Coinciding with the visit of Sun Quan's envoys, Kong Rong not only did not know how to restrain himself, but also complained to the envoys.

Kong Rong not only operated against Cao Cao everywhere, but also gave Cao Cao bad and cold water behind his back, but also formed high-profile associations and rallies.

This pile of piles and things finally angered Cao Cao and touched the bottom line of Cao Cao's patience. But Cao Cao still couldn't bear to kill him, after all, he was a descendant of Confucius.

However, kong Rong vigorously propagated remarks that challenged public ethics and the bottom line of society, such as "parents without grace" and "parent-child theory", which was intolerable in the Han Dynasty, which ruled the country with filial piety.

Kong Rong said, "What kind of relative should the Father be to the Son?" In terms of its original intention, it is actually lust! The son is to the mother, and the son is also reverent? For example, in the bottle, out is gone! This means that the father has no affection for the child, and the father gives birth to the child, but in fact, it is to vent his lust. And the child is like something in a bottle to the mother, and after it is born, it is detached, it does not matter, the mother is just a container for a child, there is no grace.

Kong Rong's remarks completely exceeded the bottom line of society and challenged the bottom line of ethics, even in today's open modern society, it can also be called a great rebellion, completely intolerable, not to mention the Han Dynasty that ruled the world with filial piety at that time.

Cao Cao did not tolerate Kong Rong this time, so he ordered Kong Rong's execution on the charge of filial piety.

For Cao Cao's killing of Kong Rong, the Book of Later Han records it like this:

Cao Cao was jealous, and Xi Fu was guilty of his crime, so he ordered the Xiangjun to conspire to sacrifice wine, and he played the song in vain: Shaofu KongRong, once in the North Sea, saw that the royal family was not quiet, and recruited disciples, wanted to misbehave, Yun "After my great sage, and seeing the destruction of the Song, those who have the world, why should they qing the golden sword." And with Sun Quan's envoys, slandering the imperial court. It was also melted into nine columns, not obeying the imperial ceremony, balding and micro-walking, and tang and abrupt officials. And before the white-clothed You Heng fell and said, Yun "The Father is to the Son, what kind of relatives should he have?" In its original meaning, it is actually the ear of lust. The son is to the mother, and the son is also reverent? For example, in the middle of the hermitage, out is out of the way. "It is more commendable than the balance. Heng Zhi Rong: "Zhongni does not die." Rong replied: "Yan Huisheng." "Great rebellion is not righteous, and it is advisable to be extremely harsh." Book playing, going to prison and abandoning the city. He was fifty-six. The wives were all cursed.

At the age of four, Kong Rong, who let the pear, was eventually killed by Cao Cao for the crime of filial piety

(Book of the Later Han Dynasty)

The New Languages of the World also record:

Kong Wenju had two sons, the eldest was six years old and the younger was five years old. Kong Rong was collected, and The Chinese and foreign countries were terrified. Shi Rong'er was nine years old, the younger was eight years old, and the second child was so nailed and played, and he had no appearance. The Messenger of Rong said, "If the sin ends in the body, can the second child get it all?" Er Xu Jinyue: "Don't adults see that under the nest, there are eggs again?" "Seek and receive.

Cao Cao not only killed Kong Rong, but also Kong Rong's wife and son, and the family was cursed. Kong Rong's tongue was so fast that in the end, he not only harmed himself, but also tired his family. He died at his own expense, but his family was innocently implicated. It is also ironic that Kong Rong, who was famous for his courtesy and filial piety, was eventually killed for the crime of filial piety.

Cao Cao said in Kong Rong's guilt: "Although the city is wanton, it is still late. It seems that Cao Cao had long wanted to get rid of Kong Rong, but he just put up with it again and again.

As a descendant of Confucius, Kong Rong, who regarded himself very highly and was arrogant and proud, did he have real talent and practical learning? Does he deserve to be called a self-proclaimed saint reincarnated? From what he did and said in his life, it can be seen that he has some great ambitions, fame and reputation, hypocrisy and cruelty. In addition to sneering at Cao Cao, what he did was also chilling.

First, there is no ability to cure the world, and it is a matter of life

During his tenure in Beihai, Kong Rong rebelled against the Yellow Turban Army, but was besieged by the Yellow Turban Army. Because Beihai was unable to support itself alone, the strategist Zuo Chengzu advised Kong Rong to defect to Yuan Shao or Cao Cao to relieve the siege of Beihai. But instead of listening to the advice, Kong Rong killed Zuo Chengzu.

One day, Kong Rong saw a man crying and mourning on his father's grave, but there was no sadness on his face, thinking that he was not filial piety, so he killed him. In the name of filial piety, the grass takes the life of the people.

Known as renxiao, killing people is not soft. Kong Rong did have the ideal of supporting the Han Dynasty and calming the chaotic world, but he had no strategic ability, no ability to govern the chaotic world, and he had the enthusiasm of a scholar, but he was partial and self-sustaining to learn, arrogant and conceited, so there was no substantive achievement.

Second, selling fame and reputation, regardless of the lives of family members

When Kong Rong was doing the Beihai Phase, Yuan Tan came to attack with a large army and broke through the city, and there was already a street battle in the city. What is KeKong Rong doing? "Read a few books and talk and laugh freely." (Book of the Later Han Dynasty) As the governor of a city, he did not deploy effective defenses or retreats, did not command his soldiers to fight, but pretended to be calm and pretended to read. If there is a strategy to retreat from the enemy in the chest, it is also elegant to do so, but the city has been breached, what else to pretend? He did this only to maintain the demeanor of a celebrity. But since he cared so much about the reputation of shusheng, then he was martyred, but he took advantage of the night and under the escort of his relatives to quietly escape, without taking his wife and children with him. Ignoring his wife and children, he fled for his life very quickly. In the end, the family fell into the hands of the enemy. He abandoned his wife and children and escaped from the North Sea, and has lost the dignity and demeanor of a celebrity. Not only can not defend the family and defend the city, but also greedy for fear of death, where is the "talk and laugh freely" confidence? Isn't this a reputational fishing?

Third, regardless of reality, the heart is fierce

Taifu Ma Ri was ordered to go to Kanto and was humiliated and killed by Yuan Shu. Ma Riluo's body was brought back, and the imperial court wanted to bury it thickly, but Kong Rong stopped it, and also quoted the scriptures, counting the number of ma Riju who did not deserve a thick burial, thinking that he was not worthy of a thick burial. Ma Ribao was unwilling to attach himself to Yuan Shu and did not dishonor the integrity of the scholars, people were already dead, and it was not too much to give a decent funeral. But Kong Rong regards himself as a moral person and competes with the dead, which shows that his flaunted benevolence is false, will not adapt according to reality, and his heart is also fierce.

Because of Kong Rong's "theory of parental unkindness" and "theory of parent-child without relatives", as well as Cao Cao's murder of him on the charge of filial piety, folk rumors that Kong Rong "killed his mother", which is false, Kong Rong abandoned the lives of his wife and children regardless of the truth, and "killing his mother" was not done.

Kong Rong's death was due to his character, and the other was due to differences with Cao Cao's political views. In addition to personality factors, there is a deeper reason for Kong Rong's death, that is, the contradiction between Confucian ideals and Legalist thought, idealism and realism. Cao Cao was an external Confucian and an internal lawyer, while Kong Rong advocated strict adherence to Confucian etiquette. Different political views are indeed difficult to cooperate, which is also the fundamental reason why Kong Rong and Cao are right.

Kong Rong's death has given us some enlightenment, that is, to learn to correctly handle the contradiction between our ideals and reality. Ideals can exist, but they must be realistic, they must change with the changes of reality, and they must not blindly take books to set reality. When opinions are different, we must learn to express our opinions and suggestions correctly, and we cannot be willful and sneer at others. Only in this way can the ideal be landed, and only then can the learning take root and become a tool to change reality. Bookish arrogance and arrogance will not change anything, it will only cause others to resent.

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