
Shelley Lyric Poetry Complete Edition: The Complete Edition of Shelley Lyric Poems in the West Wind Collection: Introduction to the Contents of the West Wind Collection · · ·

author:Civilized wisdom

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Shelley Lyric Poems Complete Edition: West Wind Collection</h1>

Shelley Lyric Poetry Complete Edition: The Complete Edition of Shelley Lyric Poems in the West Wind Collection: Introduction to the Contents of the West Wind Collection · · ·

Author: [English] Shelley

Publisher: Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House

Translator: Jiang Feng

Publication year: 2014-12

Number of pages: 328

Pricing: 36.00

Binding: Hardcover

Series: Shelley Lyric Poems

ISBN: 9787530214022

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" >Introduction· · · ·</h1>

The West Wind Collection, the second in the series, contains 92 lyric poems written by Shelley from 1814 to 1820. With profound meanings, harmonious phonology, bright rhythms, and strong fighting spirits, these poems are the largest and most passionate poems of his life. And "Ode to the West Wind" and "To the Skylark" are two extremely immortal world-renowned masterpieces of Shelley's period.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > Author Profile · ·</h1>

Author: Shelley: English Romantic poet. Born into the nobility. Deeply influenced by the ideas of Rousseau and Godwin and others. He was expelled from Oxford University in 1881 for publishing "The Inevitability of Atheism." Soon after, he went to Dublin to join the Irish people's national independence movement. In May 1814, he met Godwin's sixteen-year-old daughter Mary and fell in love with him at first sight. In August 1816, he met Byron on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland. In 1818 the family moved to Italy. During his four years in Italy, he not only wrote the world-famous Ode to the West Wind, To the Lark and The Clouds, but also wrote a series of long works that showed his truly great talent. In July 1822 Shelley and his friend ChengLians took a yacht to welcome L. Hunt and his family, who had been invited to Italy to help Byron start the journal. On the way back, the storm suddenly overturned the ship and unfortunately drowned.

Translator: Jiang Feng, born in 1929. The Department of Foreign Chinese And Speech at Tsinghua University studies English, French, Russian and English literature. In 1949, he joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army, experienced the war to liberate central and southern China, and served as a journalist, political instructor and researcher, and published a large number of works. After liberation, he has been engaged in literary creation and translation. His translations...

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