
Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal


Hope is a tough crutch, patience is a travel bag, carry them, and one can embark on the eternal journey , Russell

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal

Hope is a wonderful faith, a seed waiting to germinate.

Hope is beautiful, but like the sun, it seems to rise only on the horizon of reality.

Eating a bowl of noodles on an isolated island is a pipe dream. However, the movie "King's Crusoe" tells a miraculous story in which the seeds of "hope" sprout on a desert island.

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal

The debt-ridden Mr. Kim was overwhelmed, threw himself into the river and failed to do so, drifting on a desert island and waking up, like a modern version of "Robinson".

In order to eat a bowl of fragrant fried sauce noodles, he hung a bag of fried sauce noodle condiments he had picked up from the garbage heap high on the tree like a god. Like a beacon of hope, he was guided on a long road to realizing his "dream".

He scooped out corn seeds from bird droppings, opened up land for farming, made scarecrows to expel birds, worked day by day, hoped for the seeds to germinate, cared for the growth of seedlings, and waited for the corn to mature.

After painstakingly harvesting the corn, I began to grind the flour, and the noodles were finally made into noodles. He held the bowl of noodles with tears in his eyes, and ate the bowl of the most delicious fried sauce noodles in the world with a handful of snot and tears.

Such a bowl of noodles is like the birth of a new life, and its name is "Hope".

The evolutionary history of this bowl of noodles validates the great driving force of Hope in chasing its dreams.

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal

Squeezed into the bus, shuttled through the subway station, running in the workplace, we are in a hurry every day, although the wind and dust, but the steps are light and the spirit is flying, because of the hope.

If the footsteps are heavy and depressed, it must be that the partner of "Hope" has no companions, and we are just mechanically stepping on the ticking of the clock and walking through the time of each day. Such a life is lustrous.

If memory can be implanted, the non-existent "past" is established, and we will be entangled with the "past" and thus enter a new role, "life" in a new life.

The movie "Moon" tells a sad story of "hope" being lost.

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal

Bell is a clone, an astronaut on a mission to the moon. He was implanted with a memory, the warmth of his beautiful wife, lovely children and a family of three, as a story was placed in his memory.

The room was littered with pictures of his wife and daughter, with whom he seemed to live, looking forward to the moment when he would return home at the end of his mission.

He "misses" his family, longs to "go home", and in the loneliness of being alone in space, this seems to become a belief, a concern, which gives great significance to his life. Hope is like a warm light illuminating life.

A "chance" connection, a real-time call to the "home", found that the man has passed away, he is just an outsider who has nothing to do with the so-called "wife" and "daughter". The man who thinks he's connected to you by blood and is worried about your stomach has no idea you exist. The longing for his "family" was just wishful thinking in his lonely world. He hung up the phone in a panic, like a blow to the head that was beaten back to the cold reality.

The truth threw him mercilessly into the wasteland of the spirit, and he fell into extremely cold loneliness, and his body was rapidly decaying, heading for destruction.

A life without hope is like the candle of life being extinguished.

Tagore said: To learn from children, they never doubt the hope of the future.

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal

On a physiological level, hope, as a positive emotion, stimulates the brain to secrete dopamine, a neurotransmitter that transmits excited messages that will make people radiant and radiant.

In terms of psychology, hope is an expectation for the future that helps to cultivate creativity, psychological resilience, healthy personality, and well-being.

From an evolutionary perspective, when the brain foresees that a certain behavior will bring benefits to itself, it will secrete dopamine, causing the human body to expect and eager to carry out this action. Thus, in the long-term evolution, the brain controls the entire organism in this way to fight for profit, winning in the cruel competition for survival in nature.

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal

Ignorant children look up at the stars and are full of longing for the unknown world; Xinxin students smell the chicken dancing and work hard; spirited young people sleep at night, for the ideal of wind and rain; the old man is busy learning photography, cooking, gardening, full of "the sunset is infinitely good, why fear the near dusk" passion.

Everything is "hopeful".

With "hope", life has a taste.

Shelley said: If you are troubled, please use hope to heal. The greatest happiness of mankind is that hope is in the arms.

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