
Su Wu Twelve: Little Love

author:Uncle Uncle Pure

The first time I knew Xiao Ai, it was in the dance buddy group, the group said how beautiful she was, how good she was, how good she danced and was very good at sand, how many dancers lined up to ask her out. But I pride myself on being a decent gentleman, and I still disdain places like dance halls. That day, we had dinner and ate, and we all drank too much, and everyone coaxed and said that they would go to experience the Su Dance together. At this time, I found that I was usually dressed in a suit and leather, and I was taken by everyone, and I changed faster than anyone, and I also argued strongly: "I just go with you, I don't play that." ”

A group of people took a taxi to the dance hall for the time being, and several people bought tickets and stored bags in one go under the leadership of the old driver. Then walk into the infield of the dance hall, first the eyes are dark, you can't see anything, and then you slowly adapt. I vaguely remember that the dance music that day was a song by Teresa Teng, and the corridors on both sides of the dance hall were a large dance floor, and I vaguely saw many men and women hugging together. I have been in the group for more than a year, and I have done my homework, when the lights are on, the dancers will stand on both sides of the aisles waiting for the dancers to choose, and then enter the dance floor together when the lights are black. I straightened my chest, knowing that at this time I had to pretend to be sophisticated, and it was humiliating to be looked down upon by the dancers, and it was a long time before I knew that the dancers' eyes were reading all over the world, and no one could escape. There is no money, it is a man or a dog, lying there naked, at a glance.

My brothers in the same group all picked the dancers, and quipped to me, "You can't see so many beautiful women, are you not good?", "There is no good looking", I argued, at this time a dancer wearing very thin clothes, leaning on the pillars of the dance hall printed into my eyes, I walked up to her and said, "Just you, hurry." Saying that, she pulled her to the dance floor, she looked down and smiled, took my hand and said lightly, "Look at you, so anxious, wait until the lights go dark, I will make you comfortable." I was stunned, "What makes me comfortable?" She just smiled, "First time, huh?" Young age, do not learn well. My face turned red as soon as I brushed it, I wanted to argue, and I was afraid of being poked through by another word, and then I was even more humiliated, so I changed the topic, "You are not big!" She pulled me deep into the dance floor and put me on top of her chest, "I'm bigger than you, you have to call my sister." I felt even more humiliated, "Less coming, aunt." She stared at me very seriously and said, "You are twenty-one or twenty-two years old, and I am five years older than you." She paused and smiled, "I'll be angry when I call Auntie." ”

Her voice was nice. Suddenly, she unzipped my pants, and I subconsciously dodged for a moment, and she was also stunned, and then she thought of something, "Then you can do it yourself." "I had a heart to die, and I consoled myself that we weren't making some kind of deal, but a couple I'd known for a long time doing something very normal.

"What's your name?" I asked her. She had a surprised expression on her face again, and it was estimated that there were not many novices who came here, and it was even less common for people who would ask such strange questions, but she still answered quickly, "Little love." ”

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