
When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

author:Historical Practicalists

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="5" > preface</h1>

In 1979, Peng Zhen returned to Beijing to join the work force, and when asked by a reporter about Chairman Mao, Peng Zhen said: "Without Chairman Mao, we would not have been able to establish the People's Republic of China in 1949. ”

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Pictured| Peng Zhen talks to Chairman Mao

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="8" > Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write the school motto</h1>

In June 1929, Comrade Peng Zhen, acting secretary of the provincial party committee of Shunzhi (shuntianfu and directly subordinate provinces, that is, Beijing and Hebei), was arrested and imprisoned in Tianjin due to the betrayal of traitors, and began a six-year prison life, when Peng Zhen was just 27 years old, but he was already a well-honed communist party member and one of the main founders of the communist party organization in Shanxi Province.

After being imprisoned, Peng Zhen, in order to save more comrades from danger, after undergoing severe torture, still insisted on organizing more than 30 arrested party members and cadres to retract confessions and confessions, put all the responsibility on himself, protected more than a dozen arrested party members, and was acquitted.

In order to strengthen the strength of the struggle in prison, Peng Zhen took the lead in organizing the CCP branch in the prison and was elected as the secretary of the branch. In response to the inhumane persecution in prison, Peng Zhen led the prison personnel on hunger strikes many times, and finally gained the right to read and study and buy things.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | Peng Zhen's old photo

In the course of the 21-day hunger strike, Peng Zhen and others suffered great physical damage, but they have since gained the opportunity to learn, and it is precisely this struggle that allows Peng Zhen to really calm down in prison and systematically study all the Marxist-Leninist works he can get, so that he has a deeper understanding and understanding of Marxism.

In August 1935, Peng Zhen was released after completing his sentence. After his release from prison, Peng Zhen was appointed secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and continued to carry out underground revolutionary causes in Northern China.

In April 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to convene a national congress in Yan'an, and the Party Central Committee asked the White District (an area controlled by counter-revolutionary forces) to also organize a delegation to attend the meeting. At this time, Peng Zhen, who was in charge of the establishment of the united front in Shanxi, was elected chairman of the delegation and led the delegation to Yan'an to attend the meeting, at which time Peng Zhen really met Chairman Mao for the first time.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Pictured| Peng Zhen and his wife Zhang Jieqing in Yan'an

The day after Peng Zhen arrived in Yan'an, Liu Shaoqi took Peng Zhen with him to see Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao cordially asked where Peng Zhen was from, and when Peng Zhen replied that he was from Houma, Shanxi, Chairman Mao said: "Houma is a good place, and it was there that the Jin state in the Spring and Autumn Period was built there, and zhou Bofeng Hou during the Han Dynasty was also there." There are mountains and water, the terrain is flat but very dangerous, it is the hole road from Jin to Shaanxi, and it is also the key to enter Henan. ”

Peng Zhen did not expect that Chairman Mao had such a deep understanding of his hometown, and the reverence for Chairman Mao in his heart spontaneously arose.

In his speech, Peng Zhen said that in his work in the white areas, it is necessary to make full use of the form of the united front and extensively organize and mobilize the masses of the people to participate in the anti-Japanese armed movement; at the same time, in the antibody national united front, it is necessary to maintain the independence of our party, and if we cannot maintain our independence, our party's revolutionary leadership is in jeopardy.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Figure | member of the Jin-Cha-Ji Branch, from left: Cheng Zihua, Peng Zhen, Guan Xiangying, Nie Rongzhen

Peng Zhen's speech successfully attracted Chairman Mao's attention, and after this speech, Chairman Mao talked to him several times, and the two often exchanged views until a very late end, and it was precisely this exchange that made Peng Zhen completely draw a conclusion: "Chairman Mao is the well-deserved leader of the Communist Party of China." ”

It was also during this period that Peng Zhen officially began to use the name "Peng Zhen", Peng Zhen said: "This is taken from the meaning of the revolutionary truth represented by Peng Pan's Marxism and Mao Zedong. ”

In January 1939, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China abolished the Jin-Cha-Ji Sub-Bureau and established the Northern Sub-Bureau, which comprehensively led the work of the party, government and people in the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region, and Peng Zhen was entrusted with a heavy responsibility as the secretary of the Northern Bureau Sub-Bureau. After more than two years of development, comrades Peng Zhen, Nie Rongzhen, and other comrades, in accordance with the principles of the central authorities, creatively built a brand-new society in the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region in accordance with the model of a new democratic society and formed the rudiments of a new China.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | In 1940, Peng Zhen was in the Jin-Cha-Ji revolutionary base area

On January 25, 1941, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to let Peng Zhen come to Yan'an to participate in the "Seventh National Congress", due to the delay in the convening of the Seventh National Congress, Peng Zhen stayed in Yan'an, and under Chairman Mao's proposal, Peng Zhen became a member of the Organization and Management Committee of the Central Party School and served as the chief education officer of the Central Party School.

In order to highlight the characteristics of the Central Party School, Peng Zhen specially asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto for the Central Party School, and Chairman Mao asked Peng Zhen: "What content is good to write?" ”

Peng Zhen thought of a sentence that Chairman Mao said in a speech: "Facts" means all matters that exist objectively, and "seeking truth" means that we should study them. So Peng Zhen said: "Just write "seek truth from facts, not empty talk", which is what you often ask us to do. ”

Chairman Mao nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, we will seek truth from facts and not talk about it." Therefore, he wrote down these big words and became the motto of the Central Party School, which has been used to this day.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | a stone carving of Mao Zedong's inscription "Seeking Truth from Facts" engraved on the auditorium of the Central Party School in Yan'an

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="15" > fight in the northeast and create a base base</h1>

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the CPC Central Committee established the strategic principle of "developing to the north and defending to the south", and decided to establish the Northeast Bureau, with Comrade Peng Zhen as the secretary of the Northeast Bureau and concurrently serving as the political commissar of the Northeast Democratic United Army.

Before Peng Zhen set out for the northeast, Chairman Mao said meaningfully: "From the perspective of our party and the future of the Chinese revolution, the northeast is particularly important. If all the existing base areas are gone, as long as we have the northeast, then the solid foundation of the Chinese revolution will still be there. Of course, if the other base areas are not lost and we have the northeast again, the foundation of the Chinese revolution will be even more consolidated. ”

On September 18, Peng Zhen and others took the lead in arriving in Shenyang, when the northeast was under the military control of the Soviet army, there were many contradictions in all aspects, the situation was very complicated, and in addition, the party organization of our party in the northeast had been seriously damaged, some of the original party members had been sacrificed, some had been transferred to other places, and even a small number of party members who were still in the northeast had lost contact with our party for a long time.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | 1946, Peng Zhen with Feng Zhongyun (left) and Zhou Baozhong (right).

The day after Peng Zhen arrived in Shenyang, he immediately organized the first enlarged meeting of the Northeast Bureau and conveyed the strategic intentions of Chairman Mao and the central authorities, and Peng Zhen proposed that the task of the Northeast Bureau at present is to strive to control the northeast, organize troops to take over the city, control the lines of communication, meet a large number of cadres and troops who are about to enter the northeast, and completely smash the Kuomintang's conspiracy to seize the northeast.

Shortly after the meeting, Chairman Mao telegraphed Peng Zhen: "The northeast is the place where we must contend, and the two provinces of Rehe and Chahar must be completely under our control." The whole Party is united and is not afraid of anything. At the same time, Chairman Mao sent a telegram to the Central Committee, ordering Luo Ronghuan and Xiao Hua to lead the army into the northeast, and Lin Biao rushed to Rehe, the sooner the better.

As the large troops of our army continued to march to the northeast, on September 28, the Central Military Commission sent a telegram to the Northeast Bureau, pointing out: "The deployment of the northeast should be focused on the key cities and rural areas that rely on the Soviet Union, the DPRK, and Rehe, and establish a base point for protracted struggle." The troops entering the northeast quickly dispersed and developed, and only after the current rapid development will a large number of troops assemble for combat in the next period. ”

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Photo| In 1964, Peng Zhen inspected the Daqing oil field and talked with Wang Jinxi

In accordance with the instructions of the Central Military Commission, Peng Zhen seized the advantages of the Soviet Union in implementing military control in the cities and the People's Liberation Army taking the lead in exiting customs, quickly seized the opportunity to strengthen himself, and launched a tit-for-tat battle with the Kuomintang in the northeast.

At that time, the northeast was different from the base areas behind enemy lines such as north China and northern Shaanxi, and there were many large and medium-sized cities in the northeast, and there were more large industries, and railway transportation was very developed, which caused the phenomenon that the human, material, and financial resources in the northeast were very concentrated, especially in the southern Manchuria region where cities and railways were everywhere.

In the mountainous and remote areas of the northeast, due to the barbaric policies of the Japanese, the population is very sparse, the shortage of grain is serious, and the snow in winter is seriously closed to the mountains, so the bandits there and the puppet army of the Kuomintang And the Committee are everywhere, and the activities are very rampant.

Under such circumstances, Peng Zhen focused his work on southern Manchuria, which can rapidly strengthen the strength of our party; at the same time, he implemented the central policy of vigorously dispersing, dispatched cadres and troops to the remote areas in the northeast, carried out work separately, mobilized the masses of the people to the greatest extent possible, and formed a broader united front, thus enabling the party to initially establish a broad base of the masses of the people in the northeast.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | Peng Zhen

After more than a month of hard work, various localities in the northeast have rapidly established organs and units under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, vigorously improved the miserable situation in which party organizations have been seriously damaged in the northeast, and the red flag of the Communist Party of China has been firmly planted on the vast land in the northeast, providing a great guarantee for our party to create the northeast liberated areas.

In June 1946, with the continuous development of the situation in the northeast and the imminent outbreak of war in the northeast, in order to strengthen the leadership of unification, the central authorities decided to reorganize the northeast bureau, with Lin Biao as the secretary of the northeast bureau, the commander and political commissar of the northeast democratic coalition army, and Peng Zhen, Luo Ronghuan, Gao Gang, and Chen Yun as the deputy secretaries and deputy political commissars of the northeast bureau, forming the standing committee of the northeast bureau, and Peng Allah responsible for urban work.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="20" > the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee</h1>

In November 1948, Chairman Mao sent a telegram to the leading comrades of the Party Central Committee, demanding that within a maximum period of one month, they must be ready to take over the cadres who took over the party and government organs in Beiping, Tangshan, Tianjin, Zhangjiakou and other places.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Pictured| Chairman Mao and Peng Zhen above the Tian'an City Tower

In December 1948, the Pingjin Campaign had already begun, and in order to achieve a rapid takeover, Chairman Mao once again called Peng Zhen and other central leading comrades to prepare for the takeover of cadres and organs and units at any time, and went to Beiping and Tianjin to prepare for the takeover.

At the same time, Chairman Mao once again stressed the importance of Beiping and Tianjin in his telegram, and Chairman Mao specifically instructed: The results of this takeover work must not lag behind Shenyang and Jinan. On the same day, Chairman Mao officially announced the appointment of Peng Zhen as the secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, with full responsibility for the takeover of Beiping City.

In 1949, Peiping was peacefully liberated, but the situation in Beiping City was very chaotic, spies and spies of various forces were rampant in Beiping, and all kinds of sabotage, assassination, and assassination operations appeared in an endless stream, and what was even more rampant was that they even extended their hands to Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, and several major cases could occur in Beiping City at that time.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | Peng Zhen with Premier Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun, and Yang Shangkun

As the first secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, Peng Zhen first took the public security work in Beiping as the central task of taking over Beiping City.

Peng Zhen issued an order to the organs taking over: "After entering Peiping, first, quickly eliminate all kinds of chaotic phenomena and stabilize social order; second, take over according to the system, receive and control from top to bottom and intact, take over first, and then carry out unified and step-by-step management; third, resolutely eliminate the remnants of counter-revolution, first eliminate the hidden armed enemy and destroy the enemy's secret service organization." ”

In order to further deepen the social order work, Peng Zhen also put forward a very famous battle slogan: "We must make the social order and political situation in Beijing like glass plates and crystal stones." This means that the Beijing public security department must have a clear and clear understanding of all kinds of social security situations in Beijing, and like crystal stones, what kind of bubbles and impurities are in it can be clearly understood.

Under the leadership of Peng Zhen, public order in Beijing has been greatly improved in a very short period of time, and very remarkable results have been achieved, starting from October 1950 to the end of 1952, Beijing suppressed more than 3,000 counter-revolutionaries, providing a strong guarantee for the long-term peace and stability of society.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

In the early days of the founding of New China, there were still quite a few brothels in the eight hutongs in Beijing, and the party Central Committee resolutely cracked down on this unhealthy social atmosphere, and Peng Zhen personally went to the bad hutongs to carry out on-the-spot investigations; after learning the real situation of the brothels, Peng Zhen resolutely and forcibly banned and shut down all brothels.

Soon after the takeover of Beijing began, Peng Zhen proposed the establishment of a special Beijing urban planning agency to develop a better new Beijing while taking into account the protection of important cultural relics of Beijing as the ancient capital of the Three Dynasties.

In order to be able to work hard to do a good job in this matter, Peng Zhen personally served as the director of the Planning Commission, invited Liang Sicheng, the top architect in China, and carried out the planning work of Beijing with some experts in the Soviet Union. With the efforts of everyone, the Palace Museum, the Yuanmingyuan, the Summer Palace, the Beihai and other famous national cultural relics have been preserved unharmed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="26" > comrade Mao Zedong will always be our chairman</h1>

In 1966, China entered a very special period, and Peng Zhen, then the mayor of Beijing, also suffered unfair treatment, and it was not until the end of 1978 that Peng Zhen was able to return to Beijing.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Photo | Deng Xiaoping, Peng Zhen (left) and Li Xiannian (right).

On the day peng zhen returned to Beijing from Shaanxi, many people spontaneously came to the Beijing airport to greet him, and the entire waiting hall was crowded with people. Due to the delay of the flight, the plane was late from two o'clock in the afternoon until five o'clock in the afternoon, when the sky began to darken.

When Peng Zhen and his wife Zhang Jieqing appeared in people's sight together, everyone was very excited, and many people shed tears. An attendant at the airport shouted excitedly: "Mayor Peng, we have been waiting for you for many years, and you are finally back!" ”

Peng Zhen was also very excited, his eye circles were moist, and after shaking hands with everyone one by one, Peng Zhen left in the car sent by the Central Organization Department. Before leaving, due to the relatively low Jim car sent by the Central Organization Department, Peng Zhen's figure was already very tall, coupled with his high age, it was very difficult to get on the car.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Figure | after Peng Zhen's comeback

Lu Zhengcao, who was on the side, couldn't look at it anymore, and he asked Peng Zhen to take his own car back, but Peng Zhen refused him, and Peng Zhen said, "No need, whatever car the organization sends me, I will take whatever car." In the end, Peng Zhen got into Jim's car and left the airport.

Peng Zhen, who had just returned to Beijing, had not yet been rehabilitated at this time, and temporarily lived in the Qianmen Hotel in Beijing, and for half a month in a row, old subordinates and old comrades-in-arms came to Peng Zhen's residence every day to visit him, and Chen Yun was also one of them.

Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, also came to see Peng Zhen, recalling: "Before, although I didn't know where he was and couldn't interact with him, my thoughts about him and my worries about him never stopped. I immediately went to visit him when I learned that he had returned to Beijing, and he was as optimistic and generous as before, saying that he had lived well, that he had not suffered anything, and that he was only worried about the future of the party and the country. ”

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Picture | Peng Zhen with foreign guests

After those difficult years have passed, the first major issue facing the whole Party and the people of the whole country is how to correctly understand and evaluate Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought. In the face of all kinds of erroneous ideas in society, Peng Zhen's reaction was unexpected; he never used his personal experience as the criterion for judging right and wrong, and whenever he talked about Chairman Mao, Peng Zhen would always talk about Chairman Mao's merits first.

Shortly after Peng Zhen returned to Beijing, he was interviewed by a reporter, in which Peng Zhen said: "Without Chairman Mao, we would not have been able to establish the People's Republic of China in 1949, Comrade Mao Zedong is our leader, we must take a comprehensive view of Comrade Mao Zedong, in my mind, Comrade Mao Zedong will always be our chairman." ”

After Peng Zhen's comeback, the central authorities decided that he should preside over the work of building the legal system; after experiencing that catastrophe, the overall situation of the development of the party and the country was very urgent to the needs of legal system building.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Pictured| Peng Allah held the meeting

In February 1979, at the first meeting of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Peng Zhen proposed to speed up the implementation of the Seven Laws, and Peng Zhen said: "I am 78 years old, but I also want to be half a "coolie." We must have a spirit of "coolie," otherwise how can we come up with seven laws in just three months. ”

In the three months of time, everyone in the working group worked day and night, starting at 8 o'clock in the morning, working until 1 or 2 o'clock at night to rest, and then sending all the revised manuscripts to Peng Zhen's home.

Peng Zhen revised the manuscript sent overnight, and the next morning, he sent all the manuscripts back, Peng Zhen revised very seriously and carefully, and some places will add many articles, which is really not easy for a 78-year-old man.

When Peng Zhen returned to Beijing in 1979, a waiter excitedly said: Mayor Peng, we hope that you have been for a long time foreword Peng Zhen asked Chairman Mao to write a school motto to fight in the northeast, to create a base base Comrade Mao Zedong, the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, will always be our chairman's conclusion

Pictured| Peng Zhen with his family

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="32" > conclusion</h1>

In 1997, the 95-year-old Peng Zhen was critically ill, and on his deathbed, he said to the people around him: "I have no regrets in this life, we want to bid farewell happily, and I hope that you will continue to fight for the party and the people!" ”

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