
Why didn't Tan Si tong run away in the Wushu Transformation Law? - Tan Sitong knew that he would not die

author:Foggy sea night voyage

WeChat public number: fog sea night voyage


One morning in 1895, the readers of the Qing Empire slept and woke up to find that the sky had changed.

A large country of 400 million people was wept by the little man next door with a population of only 40 million.

The Beiyang Marine Division, known as the First Fleet of Asia, was beaten to death by the Uighurs, and the Xiang and Huai armies that had been rampaging for a while were driven all the way back home from Korea.

The foreign affairs movement, which once shouted that middle schools should be used for the body and Western studies, and had been vigorously operating for more than thirty years, had failed.

People of insight realize that Huaxia has reached the most dangerous time! If you don't strengthen yourself, china will die in ten years in a short period of time, or more than twenty or thirty years!

There were only three options in front of people at that time: change; sit and wait for destruction; and run away with the bucket!


For most people in China at that time, they did not care about this change.

Because the Uighurs had not yet reached their homes, they could continue to live in a step-by-step manner.

However, for the Han bureaucratic landlords, the situation was different. Through generations of hard work, they finally entered the ruling class and enjoyed the benefits of too much power.

It is difficult for the poor to adapt to suddenly living a good life, and the rich have to be alert to the risk of losing what they currently have.

For the bureaucratic landlords, what they are most concerned about is not whether the people are living well or not, nor whether the royal family is living well, but whether their families can mix well.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, who has the head information they need to plan for the future of the family.

After more than 200 years of slave rule in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, through the bloody battles of the Xiang Army and the Huai Army, the Han bureaucratic landlord class finally grasped the real power of this empire, and they could not give up.

The future has come, and change is necessary, which is the consensus of the Han bureaucratic landlords.

The difference is that the middle-aged and elderly among the Han bureaucratic landlords advocate peaceful change, that is, restoration; the young people are more fearless, they enjoy less, but their goals are grander, and what they want is not part of the Manchu Qing royal power, but all!

Like-minded people who are like-minded with these young people among the Han bureaucratic landlords are far away in the rivers and lakes. The local parties are made up of the lowest strata of society, and their desire for revolution is equally strong.


Restoration is the means, the realization of the ZH goal in the center of power is the core, and the rich country and the strong army are the ancillary products. The leaders of the Restoration Party were able to carry it clearly, so as soon as the restoration failed, they immediately took the bucket and ran away.

How to carry out the reform method? First, we need to design the blueprint. The most important thing is to reduce the power of the Manchu Qing dynasty, implement a constitutional monarchy, and transfer power to the Han bureaucratic landlords, which is the core; at the same time, it is necessary to introduce Western science and culture, education system, and develop the industrial and commercial economy.

But there was a young man who was very stubborn, and after the failure of the restoration and reform, he could obviously run, but he gave himself a guillotine.

This young man was born in a family of officials and eunuchs, and through the efforts of three generations in the official field, his father's generation finally mixed with the position of inspector of Hubei.

He was a second-generation official, but he had a hard time. Since childhood, her mother has been demanding and cultivated her stubborn character; her mother's brother and sister have died early, and they have been harshly reprimanded by their stepmothers and fathers in the family, and they rarely get the warmth of the family, prompting them to make friends with the warriors of the jianghu and are full of chivalry; they are full of poetry and books, rich in talent, but they have repeatedly failed to succeed, making them hate the imperial examination and lack of affection for the Manchu Qing dynasty.

The sad family experience was a fertile ground for cultivating him to oppose the "Three Principles" and "Five Constants", fiercely opposed the feudal family culture, questioned the legitimacy of the monarch's power, and the life experience of chivalry and anti-Qing restoration further weakened his feelings for the Manchu Qing royal family.

In his view, the essence of the world is "benevolence", "ether" is filled with the universe to constitute the world, filled with people's "mental power", there are "benevolence" in people's hearts, and benevolence can be transmitted through mental strength and ether, and can realize "Chinese and foreign communication", "upper and lower communication", "male and female internal and external communication", "human and self communication", that is, to achieve the equality of Chinese and foreign, superior and inferior, male and female, and self-e.

The world will eventually move towards equality, so he is not cold about whether it is Manchu Qing rule, and his participation in the restoration and change of law is first, Kang Youwei's invitation, and second, the attitude of the Guangxu Emperor Ping waiting for people.

But that wasn't his goal. He was extremely disgusted that "the politics of the past two thousand years has been the politics of Qin Zheng, the ugly politics of robbing and exploiting the people, and the knowledge upheld by Chinese intellectuals over the past two thousand years has been the knowledge of Xunzi, something that hypocrites and selfish people love." ”

His goal is to change the whole society, to transform the world, to create a world of unity and a peaceful world. In that world: everyone can be free, there is no difference between countries, there is no war, there is no suspicion, there is no power, there is no law of the jungle between you and me; everyone is equal, there is no distinction between the noble and the inferior, the axioms are clear, the rich and the poor are balanced; thousands of miles, one family, the family is like a hostel; everyone lives together like brothers. The Father has no use for his kindness, the Son has no use for his filial piety, the brother forgets his friend, and the husband and wife forget their singing.

He was an idealist.


The area around the study hall where he lived as a child was originally a cemetery, known as haunted. "Reading at night, smelling the wind of poplar trumpets, and whistling ghosts in between." I was troubled by the coldness of "the fox sleeps on the grave at dusk, and returns to the children's laughing lights at night".

"Some people use their lives to heal their childhood, and some people use their childhood to heal their whole lives." At the age of twelve, his mother died suddenly, and his brothers and sisters died continuously for several days. He was miserable, and in the midst of the pain was born the detached conception of death.

"I am small and strong, I am suffering from the misfortune of the ordinary, the pain is unbearable for the living, the death is tired, and the pawn is not dead, because it is light life, thinking that the body is a shell, in addition to benefiting people, what is the pity." In his view, the shell of life is not a pity. After receiving Buddhism and Western learning, he gave birth to the idea of transcendent life.

He believes that the world is composed of "ether" and is omnipresent, and that when a person dies, he has a soul, and the soul can feel the thoughts of the living through the aether. In the future, human beings "use pure intellect, no force, pure soul, no physique ... You can live in water, you can live in fire, you can live in the wind, you can live in air, you can fly back and forth between the stars and the days, although the earth is completely destroyed, there is no damage, why can't there be any room! ”

Therefore, all laws are empty, there is no nostalgia, and we must have the spirit of "I will not go to hell, who will go to hell". He really didn't think so much about life and death!


Therefore, after the failure of the restoration and reform, why didn't Tan Sitong flee?

Because he does not think that his death is annihilation, nothingness, and emptiness, he fundamentally thinks that his death is only the death of the shell, and the soul will still float in the universe! His soul will still influence future generations to create a peaceful world.

Without understanding Tan Sitong's idealistic worldview, without understanding his yearning for a platonic spiritual life, and certainly not understanding his voluntary death!

Of course, not everyone thinks so. According to Liang Qichao, it was because Tan "had no reward for the Holy Lord" that he died generously, which is that the realist Ren Gong could not understand the idealist Tan Sitong.

Some people also believe that it was to avoid the father, Tan Jixun, the governor of Hubei at the time, from suffering from repeated disasters, that is, out of the concept of loyalty and filial piety. Nor is this the essential reason.

Although Tan Sitong was not afraid of death, what he feared most was that the "Taiping World" he envisioned could not come, and he was willing to use his own blood to awaken the revolutionary comrades! -- "All countries that change the law are made up of bloodshed, and today China has not heard of anyone who has shed blood because of the change of law, and the reason why this country is not prosperous." Yes, please start with the same heir! ”

Only by understanding the dual performance of Tan Sitong's ideal pursuit and the spirit of not fearing death can we understand the power of faith, the generosity of so many benevolent people who have killed themselves since ancient times, and the behavior of so many revolutionary heroes and moths to put out fire.

Pathetic! Tan Gong eternity! Magnificent! Ancient Tam Gong!

Tan Si did not see the "Taiping World" he pursued in the same lifetime.

But he had two students, one named Yang Changji and the other named Cai Yi. Yang Changji had a student named Mao Zedong, Cai Yi had a student named Zhu De, and the Taiping World was finally realized at their feet.

The so-called transmission of the spirit, there is no more so!


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