
Take you to understand the first dish of the Manchu han whole table: Longjing bamboo thorn

author:A foodie who loves to draw

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > the first way: Longjing bamboo </h1>sun

Take you to understand the first dish of the Manchu han whole table: Longjing bamboo thorn

Longjing bamboo thorn

Main ingredients: 16 dried bamboo thorns. Ingredients: 100 g of fish velvet, 32 peas, a little water hair vegetables, a little minced cooked ham, a little rapeseed, a little bean sprouts, 2 egg whites.

Seasoning: 10 grams of cooking wine, 1.99 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of dried corn flour, 1250 grams of clear soup, 5 grams of cooked lard

Preparation Method:

1. Put the bamboo thorns in a basin, soak in warm water for 30 minutes, rinse several times with water. If the color of the bamboo thorn is too black, you can add a little fine salt and knead it a few times, rinse it with water.

2. Place the upper half of the bamboo thorn about 2 inches long (the rest is not used) on a flat dish and sprinkle some dried corn flour on the stem roots.

3. Pour the egg whites into a flat dish and use chopsticks to whip them up in a snow-white foam. Place the fish velvet in a bowl, add a little sautéed wine, salt, and cooked lard, stir vigorously, then add egg white and corn flour and stir to form a paste.

4. Squeeze the fish paste into the body of the Longjing fish that is about 8 minutes long, put it on the part of the bamboo seed sprinkled with corn flour, use two peas to make eyes on both sides of the fish head, and sprinkle some hair vegetables, minced ham and rapeseed on the back, that is, The Longjing bamboo shoots. Make 16 of them according to the above method, steam them in the upper drawer, remove them, and place them in a sea bowl.

5. Sit in another pot, pour in the clear soup, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, add cooking wine, fine salt, and pour it into a sea bowl.

Therapeutic effects of Bamboo Thorn:

  Nourish qi and nourish yin, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and dampness; mainly treat lung deficiency cough, laryngitis, dysentery, vaginal discharge, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other diseases.

Later, the remaining 107 dishes of the Manchu Han feast were updated

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