
Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last


The history of coffee cultivation in Yunnan is actually very long, but I personally believe that there has been a rapid development since 2019, which can be said to be a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

In this article, my original intention is to take you to understand the development history and current situation of Yunnan coffee. By the way, recommend some Yunnan coffee beans worth trying.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > coffee distribution</h1>

In the coffee growing industry, a coffee belt is formed from 25° north latitude to 25° south latitude, and coffee is grown in 79 countries and regions around the world. Among them, small-grain coffee (Arabica) is mainly concentrated in high-latitude and high-altitude cool areas, and medium-grain coffee (Robusta) is mainly concentrated in low-latitude, low-altitude, high-temperature and high-humidity areas.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

In addition to Taiwan, china in Asia also grows coffee beans in Yunnan, Hainan and other places. Among them Chinese mainland the main coffee producing area is in Yunnan.

PS: I don't know why China has to define small grain coffee, medium grain coffee, there is a welcome addition to know!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > the history of coffee in Yunnan</h1>

This is a simple chronology of the history of Coffee in Yunnan, and we can roughly see the fate of coffee and China from the chronology, which began 132 years ago.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

In this chronology of chinese coffee history, a separate addition is needed.

In the late 1980s, Nescafé established a joint venture in China and began to support the development of the local coffee industry in Yunnan by starting coffee planting projects, and Yunnan coffee rose again. Since 1992, Nestlé has established the Ministry of Coffee Agriculture to guide and study the improvement and cultivation of coffee in Yunnan, and to purchase coffee at prices in the US spot market.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Subsequently, Starbucks, Kraft and Mai all set up factories in Yunnan to purchase coffee beans. Although the problem of purchasing coffee beans can be directly solved, coffee farmers are facing the problem of price suppression, and coffee farmers have not actually received the benefits they deserve.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

In the first half of 2019, affected by the province's drought weather, the coffee in the main production areas was damaged to varying degrees, some coffee trunks died or only flowered and did not bear fruit, coupled with the continuous decline in coffee prices for many years, coffee farmers had no intention of managing, coffee production was affected to a certain extent, some coffee farmers could not see hope, and cut down all the coffee trees that could already hang fruit and planted other cash crops.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > an overview of coffee cultivation in Yunnan</h1>

Internationally grown coffee needs to meet altitude, climate, rainfall, wind, sunshine time, soil and other conditions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > basic planting conditions</h1>

The temperature is between 15-25°C and the temperature is warm, and the rainfall must be 1500-2000 mm throughout the year, and the rainfall time should be suitable for the flowering cycle of the coffee tree. Of course, in addition to the combination of seasons and rainfall, there must also be fertile soil. The most suitable soil for growing coffee is a well-drained, volcanic ash-containing fertile soil.

In addition, although daylight is an indispensable element for coffee growth and results, too strong sunlight will affect the growth of coffee trees, so each production area will usually plant some shade trees, generally planting bananas, mangoes and legumes and other plants with higher trunks.

For the Chinese environment, it needs to meet:

The altitude should be between 800 and 1200 meters.

It can also be planted below 800 meters, and the ideal planting should be between 800-1200 meters.

The average annual temperature is: 17 ~ 23 °C, the extreme minimum temperature can not be less than 0 °C for the planting standard, the general altitude increase of 100 meters, the temperature drop of 0.65 °C.

Arabica is a shallow root plant, requiring the soil to be fertile and loose, well-drained, the groundwater table is below 1 meter, the PH value of 5.5-6.5 is the most appropriate, less than 4.5 or greater than 7.8 can not be planted, in the place of high temperature to choose the north slope or shade slope, in the place of low temperature to choose the south slope or slope, the general coffee garden temperature should not exceed 25 degrees; the rainfall requirement is sufficient, the annual rainfall is more than 1000 mm, and the annual distribution is more uniform.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > Yunnan coffee varieties</h1>

Before 1991, Yunnan coffee mainly cultivated two classic high-quality coffee varieties, Typica and Bourbon, and then introduced the Catimor series of varieties (more resistant to viruses and higher yields) from Kenya. Due to the similar morphology and habits of the two varieties, the two varieties are mostly mixed and cultivated.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

The most widely cultivated in Yunnan is catimor, and there are a small number of typica and bourbon in the Baoshan area. Although they all belong to the Arabica species on a large scale, these varieties are still very different in nature.

Typica: The most classic Arabica species, many commercially improved varieties are derived from this type. It has excellent taste and is recognized as a specialty coffee variety, but the yield is extremely low and susceptible to rust, requiring more manpower to manage. Native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan, it is the most widely cultivated coffee variant in the Western Hemisphere. The plants are robust but not light tolerant and produce higher in Hawaii. The top leaf of the tin pickup truck is red copper color, called red top coffee.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Bourbon: This variety is derived from tin pickup trucks and was grown by the French in 1708 on the island of Bourbon (now known as Reunion). Bourbon also has a beautiful aroma and rich taste, compared to the tin card in terms of yield and growth, suitable for planting in the area of 1200-2000 meters, but the resistance to disease and insects is weak, and it is more sensitive to strong winds and heavy precipitation. Bourbon is the second most popular variant of small-grain coffee after the tin pickup. The main branches initially grow upwards at 45 degrees with the main trunk, droop with fruit load, and the lateral branches are denser, with more results and higher yields. But the berries are smaller and ripen more slowly. The young leaves of the Bourbon top bud are green and called green top coffee.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Catimor: Katim is not a pure Arabica lineage, it is a hybrid of the Timur species (belonging to the Robista species) and the caturra (a variant of the Bourra species), so catimor has 25% Robista ancestry, and its Robista ancestry also determines its taste defects: the aroma is not rich enough, and the overall taste is bitter, prone to astringency and more irritating musty taste.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

All planted in the Pu'er region of Yunnan is the catimor variety, Baoshan City as early as the 1950s introduced the tin pickup (typica) and bourbon (old varieties), locals called "old varieties", because the old varieties of disease resistance and yield are relatively low, and the management is more labor-intensive, coupled with the market purchase price does not have much advantage, in recent years, brown farmers have changed to new varieties of catimor (catimor).

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > the main coffee producing area in Yunnan</h1>

Yunnan is the largest coffee growing area in China, mainly planted in Pu'er, Xishuangbanna, Wenshan, Baoshan, Dehong, Lincang and other places.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Image source: Yunnan Coffee Industry Association

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > Lincang</h1>

Lincang City is located in the southwest of Yunnan Province, the Tropic of Cancer runs through the south, east of Pu'er, north of Dali, west of Baoshan, southwest of Myanmar border, because of the border with the Lancang River, is a bright pearl in the southwest border of the motherland. The average annual temperature in Lincang is between 16.8 °C and 17.2 °C, and the dry and wet seasons are obvious, and the sunshine is sufficient.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" > Dehong</h1>

The birthplace of Chinese coffee, the region is 1,000 to 1,600 meters above sea level and covers 2,000 hectares of coffee plantations. What's more, most of the coffee is organically grown here, making it one of the highest quality coffees in the world.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > Pu'er</h1>

In 2012, Pu'er planted 43,433 hectares and harvested 18,000 hectares of coffee, producing 36,500 tons of coffee per year, of which 24,700 tons of coffee were exported. The Pu'er coffee industry has 70 registered enterprises, 30,000 households and about 1 million people. Known as the "City of Thousand Years of Tea", Pu'er Tea is an important coffee producing area in China, with the largest planting area, the highest yield and the best quality, and is also an important distribution center for international coffee business.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > Baoshan</h1>

Small-grain coffee is the most famous coffee in Baoshan, which took its first steps in the late 1950s and soon received positive feedback from London, recognized as the "National Coffee Crown" at the 1980 National Coffee Conference, and in December 2010, Baoshan Small-grain Coffee was certified A and passed the China National Standards Administration process, which is considered to reflect China's national geographical indication products.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > the grading method of Yunnan coffee</h1>

The appearance of green beans is required to be shiny (light blue or light green), fresh in smell, free of odors such as sour and odorous, round or oval.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Katim AAA

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > common grading standard for domestic coffee</h1>

There are five stages according to the sieve hole 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0 mm:

Grade 1: 6.5 mm or more, full and complete particles

Grade II: 6.0-6.4 mm, full and evenly aligned

Grade 3: 5.3-5.9 mm, fuller and slightly less homogeneous

Grade IV: 5.0-5.4 mm, with incomplete meters, more than 75% complete

Grade 5: 5.0 mm or less, with incomplete meters, more than 30% complete

Color: with luster, light blue, light green, light white as well. Dark brown and dark orange:

First level: light blue, light green, light white, light yellow, uniform color

Grade II: light blue, light green, light white, light yellow, slightly worse color

Three levels: light blue, light green, light white, light yellow, worse color

Grade 4: slightly yellow, a little brown

Level 5: Color and flower miscellaneous

Clarity: No impurities or a small amount of impurities as well:

Grade 1: More than 70% of the silver skin is removed, and there are no impurities

Grade II: More than 65% of the silver skin is removed, and there are no impurities

Grade 3: More than 60% of the silver skin is removed, and there are no impurities

Odor: Fermentation deteriorates, light red, brown is sour, sour or other odor is not good.

Moisture: The moisture content does not exceed 12%.

The above standards are a classification framework and requirements, and by the YCE period, combined with the SCA and CQI systems, a new grading system was planned for small grain coffees treated with traditional water washing methods. As shown in the following figure:

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

This standard was revised on November 1, 2019 and implemented on December 1, 2019. Now YCE's traditional washed coffee green beans are graded and quoted according to this standard.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

This standard was revised on November 1, 2019 and implemented on December 1, 2019. Now YCE's traditional washed coffee green beans are graded and quoted according to this standard.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="66" > the growth process of coffee</h1>

To give you a brief introduction to the simple process of coffee from seed to harvest. Experience the difficulties of coffee farmers.

Yunnan small grain coffee can grow into a fruiting coffee tree in about 4 years.

Coffee is a short-sunlight plant. Coffee has the characteristics of multiple flowering phenomena and concentrated flowering periods. Small-grain coffee flowers in Yunnan from February to July and from March to May. The flowering of coffee is greatly affected by the climate, especially the amount of rain and temperature. Coffee flowers have a short lifespan, only 2 to 3 days. Small-grain coffee generally blooms at 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning and blooms at 5 to 7 o'clock.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Coffee cherries take longer to develop. Small-grain coffee pecies take 8 to 10 months to mature, usually in October to December of the same year. The amount of rainfall has a greater impact on fruit development, and climatic conditions directly affect the development of fruits.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="71" > the first phase: the construction of greenhouses</h1>

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

After the greenhouse is built, start sowing and wait for the seeds to germinate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="73" > the second stage: seedlings</h1>

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

When the bean sprouts grow, they are transplanted to cultivate individually, and some saplings with good growth conditions are rooted and planted.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="75" > the third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention</h1>

At this stage, the pest control of coffee tree seedlings in the next year and the roots of seedlings are mainly carried out

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" > The fourth stage: planting</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="78" > land selection and reclamation</h1>

Altitude: between 800-1200 meters, annual rainfall is greater than 1250 mm, the average annual temperature is 19-21 °C, and there is no frost and still wind in winter.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Slope: less than 25°, soil depth of less than 1 meter, and loose and fertile, cation exchange greater than 10me% ;P H value 5.5-6.5;

Water source: Sufficient water source and transportation.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="82" > value</h1>

Fixing time: The best time is june-July.

Criteria for valued seedlings: When the seedlings in the nursery grow to 4-5 conifers, they can be set in the nursery.

Valuation method: determine the plant spacing according to the cultivar planted (typically 1.2 meters in Kartim), and then dig the fixed value hole (30x30x30cm) along the center line of the terrace (i.e. the center line of the fixed value ditch)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="86" > Fifth stage: harvesting</h1>

Yunnan coffee trees are generally planted on slopes similar to the "terraced" form, layer by layer, so the terrain is not suitable for mechanical entry and harvesting, so they are harvested by manual means.

The advantage of manual harvesting is that it can be harvested with all red fruits, and the quality can be guaranteed.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Therefore, the manual harvesting efficiency is very low, and the coffee farmers are also very hard.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="90" > Stage 6: Processing</h1>

At the end of the harvest, it is to process the green coffee beans, choose different treatment methods, the general Yunnan washing method is more, in the past two years, there are many special treatment methods such as red wine treatment, anaerobic treatment, etc.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="92" > the development status of coffee in Yunnan</h1>

The development of the coffee industry in Yunnan has excellent planting conditions, the industrial development has a long history, and the whole industrial chain system of coffee is relatively complete. However, in the world, Yunnan coffee exports are still in the upstream of the industrial chain, and in the future, it is necessary to achieve industrial upgrading, implement standardized production, improve coffee quality, and increase brand building and publicity.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, in 2018, the total area of coffee in the country was 1.8405 million mu, ranking 21st in the world, of which Yunnan coffee area accounted for 99.22% of the country, Hainan accounted for 0.37%, and Sichuan accounted for 0.16%. In 2019, the coffee planting area in Yunnan Province reached 1.5673 million mu, an increase of 4.88% year-on-year, accounting for more than 99% of the planting area of the national coffee industry.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Image source: Prospective Industry Research Institute

From the perspective of the province, in 2019, the coffee planting area in the province was 1.5673 million mu, mainly distributed in 31 counties (districts and cities) of 8 prefectures and cities such as Pu'er City, Lincang City, Baoshan City, Dehong Prefecture and Xishuangbanna Prefecture. Among them, Pu'er City is 785,000 mu, Lincang City is 422,500 mu, Baoshan City is 136,500 mu, Dehong Prefecture is 113,000 mu, and Xishuangbanna Prefecture is 94,700 mu.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Source: Yunnan Coffee Association

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="98" > yield</h1>

According to the statistics of the past years, the total output of coffee in the province increased steadily from 2001 to 2009, the total output of coffee in the province showed a rapid growth trend from 2010 to 2016, and from 2016 to 2018, the total output of coffee in the province decreased due to the impact of market prices.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Development Trend of Total Coffee Production in Yunnan Province (2001-2018)

In the first half of 2019, due to the impact of the province's drought weather and other factors, the province's coffee production is expected to be about 130,000 tons.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="102" > price case</h1>

In the first half of 2019, the average price of coffee in Yunnan Province was about 13 yuan / kg, down 12% from the previous year, still below the cost price of 15.00 yuan / kg, nearly 50% less than the highest price in 2011 (25.29 yuan / kg), the lowest price since 2011; from November to December, coffee prices showed an upward trend, Nestlé Yunnan quoted 17 to 20 yuan / kg, and it is expected that coffee prices will rise in 2019/2020.

I reviewed the coffee bean offer of Yunnan International Coffee Trading Center on December 1, 2020:

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Here's a chart of the coffee quote for August 25, 2021:

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

It can be seen that whether or not the epidemic has affected the market situation, it is obvious that the same level of coffee green beans have increased significantly. Although it is not a year-on-year data, it can also be seen that there are obvious changes, and the forecast is more accurate.

The global green coffee market price did increase slightly this year. According to my personal judgment, the market price of green coffee beans will still increase slightly next year.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="108" > the change in industrial development</h1>

The development of the coffee industry in Yunnan can be said to be difficult. In the early years, because there was no experience in large-scale planting, many coffee farmers were the first or consecutive years of low quality and low yield. It caused many domestic users to misunderstand Yunnan small grain coffee in the early years. However, it is also true that the quality is relatively poor, at that time, Yunnan coffee beans were all acquired by instant companies such as Nestle to make instant coffee.

After that, Yunnan Province began to introduce supportive policies to improve the technology of seedling, planting and treatment. The quality and output are improving year by year.

At present, there are more than 420 coffee enterprises in Yunnan Province, more than 290 enterprises engaged in primary processing, 1 national leading enterprise and 15 provincial leading enterprises, of which 7 enterprises with annual sales revenue of more than 100 million yuan (1 enterprise with more than 1 billion yuan). There are 12 coffee deep processing enterprises; the processing capacity of fresh fruits of coffee enterprises in the province exceeds 1 million tons, the initial processing capacity exceeds 150,000 tons, the deep processing capacity exceeds 30,000 tons, and the processing capacity of freeze-drying and spray-drying instant powder exceeds 30,000 tons.

The following figure shows the list of some key coffee enterprises in the province

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Supporting the upstream supply chain of coffee is only a small part of the coffee industry chain, and the back also includes the middle part of green bean roasting and downstream retail formats such as cafes. In order to better develop Yunnan coffee and launch this golden signboard of Yunnan coffee, Yunnan Province has also adopted an active market strategy.

Since 2018, the first "Pu'er International Specialty Coffee Expo" has been held to attract coffee practitioners and traders from home and abroad to taste Yunnan coffee.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

In order to promote Yunnan's specialty coffee, first of all, practitioners need to have knowledge and understanding of Yunnan coffee in order to return to the store to spread Yunnan coffee to consumers. Therefore, the "Yunnan Cup China Brewing Competition" was prepared. In this competition, the contestants need to use Yunnan beans for a brewing competition. And through the same refereeing system as WBRC and similar rules of the game, the players are scored. This further connects with international standards, so that more people can understand Yunnan coffee and drink delicious Yunnan coffee.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Solve the practitioners' cognition of Yunnan coffee. The next step is to promote the intermediate link, that is, the baker. In order to better promote Yunnan specialty coffee and improve the level of coffee roasting in China, under the guidance of the China Chamber of Commerce, the "China Yunnan Coffee Roasting Master Competition" (YRC) was held.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

According to the beans provided for the competition, the bakers can choose to carry out single baking, Italian blend baking, and SOE baking to compete. The third edition has already been held in 2021.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Judging Venue: Bolan Coffee Academy

The 3rd YRC, Beijing Division Judging Site. This is a cup and score of the participating coffee beans provided by the participating roasters.

The industry promotion of the entire industrial chain from upstream to downstream in China has been completed. In order to improve the competitiveness of the international market, with the approval of the relevant departments, Pu'er City established the Yunnan Intermational Coffee Exchange (YCE), to create Asia's largest coffee global procurement and supply platform, brand promotion platform information release platform.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Through the strategic cooperation with SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) and CQI (Coffee Society), a coffee quality testing standard system that is in line with international practices and the actual situation in Yunnan has been formulated, and a global coffee professional training system has been built.

However, according to the information I have so far, the official website of the current trading center can no longer be logged in. All the menu functions in the WeChat public account have been invalidated, leaving only the quotation and contact number of the price of green coffee beans for the day.

The reason for the failure is not clear for the time being, but the function on the menu of the official account is invalid because the fee is due and there is no renewal...

From 2020, the domestic cutting-edge coffee brands MANNER, SeeSaw, and Luckin have all begun to use Yunnan coffee beans to launch their own Yunnan coffee. Even Luckin is preparing to prepare its own coffee estate, through the comprehensive investment of capital and market, to improve the planting level of Yunnan coffee and meet the coffee beans of its own brand tone.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

I also believe that more domestic coffee brands will attach importance to Yunnan coffee and develop and promote Yunnan coffee. In the future, Yunnan coffee will definitely be accepted and loved by consumers like the current imported coffee.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="126" > Yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation</h1>

Briefly introduce the history and current situation of Yunnan coffee. Now recommend to you a few good Yunnan manors, coffee beans, coffee brands.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="128" > Yunnan Coffee Estate</h1>

If retail investors want to buy Yunnan coffee, in addition to buying from major coffee brands, they can also buy it directly from the Taobao store where the manor is located. Here are 2 recommended estates that I often buy:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="130" > old foundation estate</h1>

This shop is a shop that I often visit. Mainly the owner of the manor sells his own coffee beans, and the shop is in Baoshan Lujiangba. The price is cheap and the owner is nice. This shop is mainly for the sale of green beans, there is a generation of baking services, you can directly let the store bake the beans and then send them to you.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Later, many people said that they wanted to buy roasted beans directly, so the boss opened a delicate bean shop: Zhou Coffee

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

You can buy roasted cooked beans directly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="134" > Gaosheng Specialty Coffee Estate</h1>

The estate is also in Baoshan, and the main sales of green beans are traditional Katim washed beans and other yunnan raw beans treated.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

This shop recommends their coffee flowers, coffee peel tea to buy together to brew water to drink, a different flavor.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Their family also has a shop that specializes in buying cooked beans: Gao Sheng Manor Food Flagship Store, if you are interested, you can try it!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="138" > coffee bean recommendation</h1>

Yunnan coffee beans do not know how many people have drunk at present? You can leave a message to discuss and discuss, here are 2 of my personal recommendations:

Red wine No. 1 sunbathing: red wine aroma is obvious, low temperature state sweetness is very good, there is red wine acidity, slight mango flavor. The cold extract is delicious

Drunken Orchid: Moderately roasted beans with flavors of oranges, guavas, and white wine. The sweetness and afterglow are not bad

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

If you're interested in beans, see if there's a chance for people to taste the products I bake.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="143" > coffee brand</h1>

There are many enterprises in Yunnan that do coffee, but not many do terminal retail. Here are a few examples of local brands:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="145" ></h1>

China Coffee can be regarded as the leader of Yunnan Coffee Company, and it is also an old brand. The composition of the Chinese coffee is more complicated, at present, there are 3 brands under the Chinese coffee, and many friends may have seen or even bought it to drink, which are the parent company China Coffee, the main cost-effective brand Xin Lu, and the main high-end (high-quality) products of the black diamond.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

Xin Lu can be regarded as upstream and downstream at the limit of cost performance, and all products are extremely cost-effective. For a small amount of money for a good cup of coffee, Xin Lu is a good choice.

What China Coffee makes is very traditional Yunnan coffee and instant coffee products. Good value for money and cheap.

Black Diamond mainly makes coffee beans with an SCA score of 85+, so the quality of the beans is OK. There are even times when there are a lot of good deals.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="150" > Hougu coffee</h1>

Founded in 2007, Hougu Coffee is still mainly engaged in the production and sales of various types of instant coffee. At the same time, there are now some hanging ear coffees for sale. The feature is that it is cheap! Really cheap... But I haven't tried it, interested friends, you can try it.

Chinese coffee looks at Yunnan, this is our own "coffee kingdom" coffee distribution Yunnan coffee history Yunnan coffee planting overview of the basic planting conditions Yunnan coffee varieties Yunnan coffee main production area Lincang Dehong Prefecture Pu'er Baoshan Yunnan coffee grading method domestic coffee commonly used grading standards for coffee growth process First stage: construction greenhouse second stage: seedling third stage: seedling stage epidemic prevention fourth stage: planting land selection and reclamation of the value of the fifth stage: harvesting the sixth stage: Dealing with the development status of Yunnan coffee, the production situation, the price situation, the change of industrial development, the yunnan high-quality coffee recommendation Yunnan coffee estate old foundation manor Gao Sheng specialty coffee estate coffee beans recommended coffee brand in the coffee Hougu coffee last

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="152" > last</h1>

Finally, these 2 brands are the most common domestic coffee bean companies, and it is very rare to have a whole industry chain. At present, I have little contact with this type of business, and more direct contact with the green bean dealer, because I am a baker, and many beans are directly obtained from the green bean dealer or the owner of the estate.

As a consumer, it is possible to understand the brand of terminal retail, and I hope that you can try our own coffee more, it can be said that the current coffee quality is really not bad, but also cheap. Enough for daily drinking.

I hope that the coffee in Yunnan, China can develop better and better, and occupy a place in the international market!