
Beans and it is born a pair, under the meal under the wine to relieve hunger, rather than eat meat to eat it, cool off the spleen

author:Scarlett's kitchenette
Beans and it is born a pair, under the meal under the wine to relieve hunger, rather than eat meat to eat it, cool off the spleen
Beans and it is born a pair, under the meal under the wine to relieve hunger, rather than eat meat to eat it, cool off the spleen

Although it is already autumn, it is still in the middle of three volts, the high temperature makes people's appetite become very poor, the big fish and meat are too greasy and easy to catch fire, so the cool and refreshing dishes have become the protagonists on our table. In the summer, a lot of fresh seasonal vegetables are on the market, beans, hollow cabbage, loofah, cucumber, etc., people have a special love for green vegetables, and among these seasonal vegetables, I prefer to eat beans.

Carob is a rich vegetable in summer, as the saying goes, "eat in season", carob is a very nutritious vegetable, carob is rich in a large number of plant protein and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals and other nutrients, often eat with a healthy spleen and stomach, enhance disease resistance, nourish the spirit, cool down and damp and other effects. Beans are also rich in dietary fiber, and can be eaten often in the summer to relieve greasy scraping oil. Summer to eat beans at the right time, delicious and cheap, a pound is only about 2 yuan, every time I encounter it I never hesitate to buy 1, whether it is stir-fried, or cold mix, or stew, etc., are very delicious.

Every summer, beans are a regular on my table, and the cooking methods of beans are diverse, such as stir-fried beans, dried sautéed beans, beans stewed noodles, beans with roasted meat, sesame sauce mixed with beans and so on. Today Xiaobian again to share with you a simple and delicious method of bean carob--- tempeh mud carp fried beans, tempeh mud carp salty and delicious, delicious and appetizing, will be with a fragrant and crisp bean carob together to fry, fish fresh vegetables fragrant, meat collocation, simple and convenient, fragrant and non-greasy, under the rice under the wine and relief, rather do not eat meat to eat it, let's take a look at the specific methods.

【Tempeh mud carp fried beans】

Ingredients: 1 handful of beans canned tempeh mud carp 1/2 can oil and salt to taste

Production:1. 2. Prepare the raw materials; 3. Tear the mud carp from the canned tempeh into small pieces and set aside; 4. Boil the pot water, add a little salt and oil; Blanch the beans in a pot until nine are ripe and set aside; Heat the pan with the right amount of oil, add the minced garlic and stir-fry; 6. Add the canned tempeh fillets and tempeh into the pot and sauté twice; Add the blanched beans into the pot and stir-fry a few times; 8. Finally add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir-fry evenly;

Beans and it is born a pair, under the meal under the wine to relieve hunger, rather than eat meat to eat it, cool off the spleen

9. Serve on the tray.

Beans and it is born a pair, under the meal under the wine to relieve hunger, rather than eat meat to eat it, cool off the spleen

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Tip: 1 The canned mud carp is whole, tear it into small pieces before cooking; Add a little salt and oil when blanching vegetables to maintain the emerald green color of the vegetables; Beans must be fried and eaten, and eating undercooked beans will be poisoned.

Beans and it is born a pair, under the meal under the wine to relieve hunger, rather than eat meat to eat it, cool off the spleen

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