
Hunan boosts the mechanization of Turpan grape production and promotes growers to save costs and increase income

author:China News Network
Hunan boosts the mechanization of Turpan grape production and promotes growers to save costs and increase income

Usman Abula overhauls agricultural machinery. Photo by Deng Xia

Turpan, August 9 (China News Network) -- In the grape town of Gaochang District, Turpan City, Xinjiang, villager Wusman Abula smiled happily when he saw the bunches of grapes hanging from the trellis: "After the mechanization of the vineyard, not only does the labor intensity be reduced, but the cost per mu can be reduced by at least 600 yuan. ”

"Post-85" Usman has been growing grapes for more than 10 years. He told reporters that in the past, when using manpower, only grapes buried in the mound (burying the vines in the ground to let them overwinter safely), opening the piers (digging out the vines and re-erecting the grape racks) required labor costs of about 1,000 yuan per mu of land per year, and the labor intensity was large and the work efficiency was low, two people could only open a mound at most one mu a day, and it was easy to delay the agricultural time when there was not enough manpower. "Now using mechanical operations, not only the work efficiency is greatly improved, but more importantly, a lot of costs are reduced." Usman said that using machinery, about 10 acres of grape fields can be opened in a day, and the cost per acre is only 150 yuan.

"Agricultural machinery has brought us tangible benefits. This benefit was brought to us by the Hunan Provincial Task Force for Aiding Xinjiang and brought to us by Director Zeng Jie. Usman said.

Hunan boosts the mechanization of Turpan grape production and promotes growers to save costs and increase income

Zeng Jie (first from the right), a cadre from Hunan Aid to Xinjiang, inspects the growth of grapes. Photo by Deng Xia

Zeng Jie mentioned by Wusman is a cadre of the ninth batch of Hunan Provincial Task Force for Aiding Xinjiang, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Turpan Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau. Before coming to Turpan, Zeng Jie was a cadre of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hunan Province, and he knew that grapes were the "business card" of Turpan, not only with a large planting area, but also as one of the main sources of income for local farmers. But soon after coming to Turpan, he quickly found that grape production here is still in a relatively extensive stage, the degree of mechanization is too low, and it is extremely incompatible with the development requirements of modern agriculture.

"If farmers want to increase their income, they must improve the mechanization of grape growing." Zeng Jie believes that mechanized production can be taken as a breakthrough in agricultural assistance to Xinjiang, and the pilot demonstration project of mechanization technology in the main link of grape production can be implemented in Turpan. Zeng Jie said that he reported his ideas to the leaders of the Xinjiang Aid Task Force, which was quickly supported and approved by the project. After that, the task force made special reports to the relevant departments of the state and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hunan Province, and actively sought support.

Kung Fu pays off. Soon, the task force not only won a batch of agricultural machinery funds for Turpan, but also received national policy support, and grape burial machines, trenching machines, etc. were included in the scope of national agricultural machinery purchase subsidies, reducing the cost of agricultural machinery purchased by farmers.

"Even if there is a subsidy for buying agricultural machinery, the average farmer has to pay a large amount of money to buy a large machine for a few acres of land, and when the farmer is busy, he can only work there for a few hours, and he can only leave it idle, which is neither realistic nor cost-effective." Zeng Jie said.

"During the visit, we learned that Usman had the idea of buying agricultural machinery and creating an agricultural machinery cooperative." Zeng Jie said that Wusman is a "post-85", active ideology, and a communist party member, especially he has established an agricultural cooperative in the village in 2019, providing agricultural technical support and services for more than 100 farmers, and has a certain influence in the village.

The task force believes that Usman is suitable for the first person to "eat crabs". In September 2020, the ninth batch of Hunan Provincial Aid To Xinjiang Task Force and the Turpan Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau helped Wusman establish the Turpan No. 1 Red Pomegranate Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Braque Village, Grape Town, in accordance with the model of 40% investment in Hunan Agricultural Machinery Aid to Xinjiang, 30% subsidy for the purchase of national agricultural machinery, and 30% investment in cooperatives.

Hunan boosts the mechanization of Turpan grape production and promotes growers to save costs and increase income

Agricultural machinery parked in the co-op's new hangar shed. Photo by Deng Xia

"This is the first 'red pomegranate' brand agricultural machinery cooperative supported and built in Turpan City." Zeng Jie introduced that "red pomegranate" is a brand of Hunan aid to Xinjiang, which means that the members of the cooperative are hugging together like red pomegranate seeds, uniting and cooperating, and the centralized application of new equipment and new technologies plays a group effect. In that year, Usman purchased a number of agricultural machinery such as tractors, grape burial machines, and spraying machines to provide full agricultural machinery services for the village and surrounding grape growers.

"The vineyards of the 114 farmers of the cooperative have all been mechanically buried and opened, saving more than 700,000 yuan in production costs for growers." Usman said that after seeing the efficiency of agricultural machinery, villagers have joined the cooperative. At present, the cooperative has 15 sets of agricultural machinery and equipment for grape opening, plant protection, transfer, buried vines and other links, which can directly provide mechanized operation services for 2,000 acres of vineyards.

Zeng Jie said that the support of the Hunan Xinjiang Aid Task Force for agricultural machinery cooperatives is not "one-time", and this year they have built a hangar shed for the cooperative's supporting funds to aid Xinjiang, so that agricultural machinery has a "new home". "At present, the task force has set up 5 red pomegranate agricultural machinery cooperatives in Turpan City, demonstrating and driving mechanization to cover 20,000 acres of vineyards, which has a strong leading and promoting role in the mechanized production of Turpan grapes."

"With the support of good policies and the help of the Xinjiang Aid Task Force, our agricultural machinery cooperative is becoming more and more popular with the villagers, because it is not only easier for everyone to grow grapes now, but importantly, it is a lot of fees to be reduced, which directly increases everyone's income." Everyone believes that in the future, not only will the grapes we plant will become sweeter and sweeter, but the days will become more and more prosperous. Usman said that the cooperative will provide more mechanized services for villagers in the future, leading everyone to increase their income and become rich together. (End)

Source: China News Network