
Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

author:Shangguan News

Today's little summer! Also encountered a high temperature orange warning, such weather, health care should be paid attention to quickly! Food, clothing, shelter and everything can not be neglected, let's take a look at it, how to maintain this festival?

The small summer season focuses on "nourishing the heart"

As the saying goes, small summer and big summer, steaming up and down. At this time, it is easy to feel the evil of summer heat and summer humidity, due to sweating, large consumption, heavy humidity, prone to symptoms such as weakness of the body, spleen and stomach disharmony. Therefore, in the summer season of health care should pay attention to two points: (1) to relieve the heat; (2) to nourish the heart.

Relieve heat: First of all, keep the temperature suitable. In the summer, to avoid direct sunlight and avoid high temperature activities, you can turn on the air conditioner appropriately, 26 ° C -27 ° C is appropriate; you can also increase the number of baths, participate in swimming and other sports, promote blood circulation, alleviate summer humidity, summer heat.

In addition, in terms of diet, you should eat more foods to relieve the heat and strengthen the spleen, such as using lotus leaves, lotus seeds, coix seeds and other soups or porridge to relieve dampness and relieve the heat, which is very suitable for eating during this festival.

Second, eat more melons and fruits. As the saying goes: "Eat buds in spring, eat melons in summer." "Melons and fruits have a high water content and are prone to sweating in summer, which can not only replenish the water we consume, but also supplement vitamins." It is worth noting that when eating melons and fruits, people with weak spleen and stomach should pay more attention.

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Red Food Helps "Nourish the Heart"

In the summer heat, people often feel upset and sleepless, dry and hot, hot palms, etc., and pay attention to meditation and nourishment.

Small summer nourishing heart red food is the most appropriate. Red beans are rich in iron, which not only benefits water and reduces swelling, but also is very suitable for women with insufficient blood to eat, and has the effect of replenishing blood.

Due to weather reasons, the summer period will cause blood pressure fluctuations in the human body, and the blood pressure is relatively stable in bed or squatting, but if you stand up too fast, it will cause a sharp decrease in blood pressure in the head and cause damage to the body. So don't be in a hurry when you get up, sit and stand up, it is best to move your limbs, it does not take too long, half a minute, and then slowly get up.

Combing the Five Classics:

Comb your hair with your fingers 3 to 5 times, each time not less than 3 minutes to 5 minutes, and it is best to do it 3 times before going to bed at night.

Chinese medicine believes that the head is the "head of the Yangs", combing the head "taking the five meridians" can stimulate the acupuncture points of the head, play a role in dredging the meridians, regulate nerve function, and prevent insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, etc. It is very comfortable to do so.

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and make up for sleep at noon

After the small summer season, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, which is easy to make people anxious and lack of energy. At this time, we must learn to stabilize emotions, and to sit still, supplement sleep and other ways to regulate, heart function maintenance is particularly important, should keep the mood comfortable, and slow down the qi and blood.

Summer heart fire, coupled with the heat of the day sweat more, and sweat as the fluid of the heart, so that the burden on the heart increased, must give the heart time to rest. Summer days are long and nights are short, sleep time is less at night, and proper naps are a supplement to energy and physical strength. It is recommended to fall asleep before 23:00 and do not exercise too early in the morning, so as not to affect the rest. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the lunch break, about half an hour, to maintain energy.

For people with weak body, poor sleep, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, special attention should be paid to creating a resting environment for themselves to avoid accidents.

Due to the irritation caused by the heat, easy to wake up at night, insomnia and other issues, we can add some floating wheat, sour date kernels and lilies to the daily diet, and the three herbs and foods of the same origin have the effect of calming the mind, especially suitable for the summer season.

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Exercise should be slow

In the hot summer, the exercise should be slow and not intense, to avoid excessive exercise, too long time, and can not sweat like rain, it is recommended that you can choose morning exercise, play tai chi, do eight dan jin exercises and so on.

In addition, the summer noon temperature is the highest, the yang is the most abundant, it is recommended that you do not move for a long time under the hot sun at noon, and try to minimize going out, timely replenishment of water, so as to avoid a large amount of fluid loss and physical discomfort.

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Pay attention to sun protection

At this time, the weather ultraviolet rays are very strong, pay attention to sun protection, ultraviolet rays are the "first killer" that aggravates skin aging.

Physical sunscreen should be done, combined with chemical sunscreen, such as umbrellas, sunscreen clothing, sunscreen, etc. You can also wear sunglasses to prevent the sun from being too strong to stab your eyes.

At home, you can prepare huoxiang zhengqi oral liquid to prevent heat stroke, but in the case of driving, you should pay attention to choosing alcohol-free.

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

What to eat in the summer

lotus root

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

In daily life, there is a habit of "eating lotus in a small summer". Raw lotus root is cold, sweet and non-toxic. Cooked lotus root is warm, sweet and non-toxic. Chinese medicine calls it: "the main tonic nourishes the spirit and benefits the qi", and believes that the lotus root has the effect of clearing heat and cooling the blood, moisturizing the lungs and so on.

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is said that the lotus root is the "spiritual root", which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, clearing the heat and calming the spirit. Summer is a good time to eat lotus roots. On hot days, people are prone to irritability, drowsiness, and lack of energy, and can come to share lotus roots, such as cold mix lotus tablets, which can clear the heat and remove annoyance. Lotus root has a lot of carb water, rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium, a variety of vitamins, but lotus root is rich in dietary fiber, after the initial recovery of bloating should not be eaten prematurely.

Yellow eel

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

As the saying goes: small summer yellow eel race ginseng. Yellow eel has a high therapeutic value, and has the effect of tonifying qi, blindness, detoxification, communication, rheumatism, strengthening muscles and bones, and stopping hemorrhoids. Yellow eels are slightly warm and have a certain tonic effect, but those who have not recovered from colds or yin deficiency and internal heat should not eat yellow eels.

Mung bean sprouts

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Mung bean sprouts are cool and sweet, into the liver, kidneys, stomach, three jiaojing. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Antidote to alcohol poisoning, hot poisoning, and lisanjiao." "It can not only clear the heat, pass through the meridians, and detoxify, but also tonify the kidneys, diuretics, reduce swelling, nourish yin and aphrodisiac."

Lotus leaf porridge

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Chinese medicine believes that lotus leaves are flat, bitter and astringent, and belong to the liver, spleen and stomach meridians, which have the effect of clearing the heat and reducing dampness, sun, cooling the blood and stopping the bleeding.

However, the weak should not eat lotus leaves; anemia, hypoglycemia and pregnant women, lactating women should not eat lotus leaves.

The Fire Sutra in the melon fruit

Xiao Xia should "nourish the heart"! Come and get the health tips

Cucumber: Water

Cucumber can quench thirst, clear heat and water, eat raw has the effect of controlling blood lipids and whitening the skin, but people with cold spleen and stomach are best cooked.

Winter melon: longevity

Winter melon has anti-aging, weight loss and lipid-lowering effects. It is also a typical high-potassium and low-sodium vegetable, which is of great benefit to patients with hypertension and kidney disease.

Pumpkin: Nourishing

Pumpkin nourishes the spleen and stomach to replenish the qi, and is a warm supplement that can be eaten all year round. People with weak constitutions can eat more, but people who often have bloating eat less.

Loofah: Healthy spleen

Loofah tastes sweet and cool, can clear heat and dampness, cool blood, phlegm, hemostasis, help to smooth the spleen, phlegm and cough, but people with cold gastrointestinal tract eat less.

Bitter melon: Fire

Bitter melon clears heat and diarrhea, diuretic and invigorates blood, and can also enhance appetite, strengthen spleen and appetizer. Bitter melon is also rich in vitamin C, which can prevent scurvy and improve the body's resistance. However, its sex is cold, pregnant women and people with spleen and stomach deficiency eat less and fast raw food.

Responsible editor Yang Linyu

Source Pudong Release