
Ornamental fish are sick, what conditions need to be soaked in yellow powder, and what other drugs can be used?

author:Fish farming veteran

Hello aquarists, I am a fish farmer, and everyone can easily raise water, happy and happy to raise fish, please pay attention to aquarists!

Hello fish farming, can you soak potassium permanganate when the surface of the ornamental fish is rotten, how long is it soaked, can it be soaked many times?

Is it better to soak yellow powder or potassium permanganate?

The above is a question from an aquarist.

Ornamental fish are sick, what conditions need to be soaked in yellow powder, and what other drugs can be used?

First of all, the fish farming veteran does not understand professional drug knowledge, nor is he willing to search online, and then copy at length.

I just follow my own understanding and operation steps to share with all aquarists, right or wrong, all in personal understanding, at least I can guarantee that the following is my own truthful operation process.

The yellow powder I understand is mainly about sterilization and anti-inflammatory, and most of it is aimed at the inflammation that appears on the surface of the body

The main ingredient of yellow powder is furacillin, there is also a kind of Japanese yellow powder, the main ingredient is sodium furanbenzoate, according to the reaction of aquarists, Japanese yellow powder, its medicinal properties are not so stimulating, more gentle, not harmful to the nitrification system.

In practical application, all those involved in ornamental fish body surface ulceration, inflammation, red blood filaments, body surface spots, some bacterial gill disease, scale disease, etc., in short, the body surface is injured, bacteria, can be used to yellow powder to soak, anti-inflammatory.

At least I think that the irritation of this thing is much milder than potassium permanganate, and even said that the more serious the body surface ulcer, the more inappropriate it is to use potassium permanganate and other irritating drugs for long-term soaking.

Ornamental fish are sick, what conditions need to be soaked in yellow powder, and what other drugs can be used?

And can be soaked, there is methylene blue, it is generally believed that methylene blue also has the effect of killing body surface worms.

As for the amount of these two drugs, one is to see the instructions, the other is to determine the time of soaking according to the shade of color, and also refer to the degree of ulceration on the surface of the ornamental fish.

Some fish farming masters also give a specific dosage, about three grams of hectolitres of water, the steeping time is up to three days, and then it needs to be moderately changed, which depends on the flexible use of individuals.

Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, mainly for the removal of ornamental fish body surface worms, clean up the body surface of ornamental fish, should not be soaked for a long time, multiple times

Regarding the use of potassium permanganate, I generally quarantine the body surface of ornamental fish regularly, or ornamental fish frequently rub the tank, the body surface impurities are too much, suspect that there may be micro-insects on the body surface, in some cases, in the process of raising colorful angelfish, it is also used for gill quarantine, this dosage is not so easy to grasp, mainly look at the color, and then the fish tank disinfection, empty tank disinfection.

Ornamental fish are sick, what conditions need to be soaked in yellow powder, and what other drugs can be used?

Potassium permanganate for fish diseases, hl water two to three grams, although it is a relatively normal dosage, but it also involves a soaking time, as well as the tolerance of ornamental fish.

Moreover, this strong oxidant, for the body surface serious trauma, decay is very heavy, red and swollen serious, if the whole tank soaking, may continue to hurt the ornamental fish body surface, and then get the result is that although the seriously injured parts have been temporarily cleaned and suppressed, and other body surface mucosa will also be damaged, a little more than worth the loss.

If only some of the affected areas are more serious, not the overall large ulceration, it is better to use potassium permanganate water, it is better to wipe alone, so that it will not hurt other parts.

If you feel that the body surface of the ornamental fish is a bit of a problem, but it is still uncertain, the ornamental fish continue to rub the tank, shrink the fins, no obvious trauma, in this case, the big red potassium permanganate soaked for ten minutes, it is no problem at all, scaleless fish or some small ornamental fish, high-grade fish with caution.

Ornamental fish are sick, what conditions need to be soaked in yellow powder, and what other drugs can be used?

Potassium permanganate soaks the body of the fish, which is not suitable for turning over the past soaking, generally, once can be.

In addition, the high concentration of potassium permanganate can indeed remove some nematodes, protein worms, etc., is a strong oxidant, there are fish in the fish tank, not suitable for excessive concentration, and then need to be immediately reduced, can be a small amount, moderate water change.

Any drug, to the advantages and disadvantages of both positive and negative aspects, yellow powder can also soak dead fish, potassium permanganate is the same, but there is also the possibility of curing fish diseases, in short, or the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Finally, many aquarists treat ornamental fish, and they can't find it until the ornamental fish is in danger.

If it is to that point, it may be that what drug is also a death, not necessarily the problem of yellow powder or potassium permanganate, and some aquarists, after taking the drug, do not pay attention to the reaction of ornamental fish, dead fish is also very normal.

Ornamental fish are sick, what conditions need to be soaked in yellow powder, and what other drugs can be used?

Ornamental fish drugs turn over and over are actually just a few, one is sterilization and anti-inflammatory, one is a strong oxidant, one is a body surface insecticidal drug, one is a drug for treating the intestine and insecticides in the body, which needs to be used according to different situations.

I am a veteran of fish farming, more ornamental fish problems please pay attention, thank you!

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