
Talk about the origin and characteristics of oolong tea

author:Keep the tea aroma quiet

Oolong tea, in the six major tea species called green tea. Semi-fermentation is a distinctive category among the six major tea categories in China.

Oolong tea is a tea of excellent quality after being harvested, dried, dried, shaken, killed, kneaded, roasted and other processes.

The predecessor of oolong tea is Beiyuan tea, and Beiyuan tea is the earliest tribute tea in Fujian. According to the "Min Tong Zhi", at the end of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Tinghui hired workers to open up mountainous areas to grow tea in the Phoenix Mountain, initially as a research paste tea, Song Taizong Taiping Xingguo ii year (977) has produced dragon and phoenix tea, Song Zhenzong (998) after the transformation of small group tea, become the world's famous dragon group phoenix cake.

The pharmacological effect of oolong tea is prominently manifested in the decomposition of fat, weight loss and bodybuilding. In Japan, it is called "beauty tea", "bodybuilding tea", etc.

The above is encyclopedic information

Talk about the origin and characteristics of oolong tea

Oolong tea is mainly produced in southern Fujian, northern Fujian and Guangdong.

Minnan oolong tea is most famous for Anxi Tieguanyin, when making this tea, caffeine evaporates with the moisture, forming a layer of white frost on the surface, called "sand green frost" and with seven bubbles with afterscent is relished by tea friends.

Northern Fujian oolong tea is most famous for Wuyi Dahongpao, high-quality Dahongpao is praised as "rock bone flower fragrance, rock rhyme thick" before drinking, giving people the feeling of noble tea, and after drinking, many people will feel slightly disappointed, there is a gap. The reason is that because the Da Hong Pao fire cultivation process is exquisite, the public can usually drink the commodity Da Hong Pao, often of average quality, due to heavy fire cultivation, smoke, burnt taste is slightly stronger.

Guangdong Phoenix single bush tea and Fujian oolong are slightly niche compared to each other, and have not yet been well known by most people. If it is said that the most famous tea friends in Guangdong Phoenix single bush should belong to the Song species, it cannot be said to be famous, but they all want to taste it. The most prominent thing about Guangdong Phoenix single bush is the aroma, and the production process of single plant picking single plant, as well as the correct brewing method can be brewed at least 15 times or more.

Talk about the origin and characteristics of oolong tea

Of course, there is also a kind of oolong tea, which cannot be written at present, and the production is frozen-top oolong, and oriental beauty.

The above part is a personal opinion, if there is a different opinion can leave a message to discuss, if there is infringement can contact me to delete.

Another word, some clichés, oolong tea do not drink on an empty stomach, easy to cause stomach discomfort.

I am quietly guarding the aroma of tea ~ because I love the phoenix single bush tea culture ~ so focus on the phoenix single bush tea industry ~ committed to let more people understand the phoenix single bush ~ fall in love with this bitter taste ~

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