
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin

author:Teacher Zhu 7513
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin
"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin

Xin Wei cried

(Original work)

The Tetralogy of Blood Luozhou City

Part IV

Zhu Sheng

"Xin Wei Weeping" 132

132. Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against jin

Gu Changde


The Jin soldiers killed and plundered until March 28 before rolling up the flag and withdrawing their troops. At this time, the Song reinforcements had advanced from the east and west to Puhuang. After inflicting a heavy blow on JinNan's invasion of the rear army and completing Yan Xiaodon's troops in Tangzhou (Tanghe County, Henan Province), the main warrior sent the Jinghu commandery and the envoy of Xiangyang Prefecture to Zhao Fang (陳方), who was in charge of the Jinghu Commandery and the Governor of Xiangyang Prefecture, to go to Ezhou to defend lingshan (Pengsiqiao Lingshan) for twenty miles, and sent his second sons Zhao Fan and Zhao Kui to continue the army. Xu Guo also sent his troops to bring Zhang Bao to the meeting.

At the same time, the Huaixi Road Terracotta Warriors and Horses Ling commanded Zhu Wenwei to garrison Taoshu Mountain (Wengmen Taoshu Mountain), fifty miles northeast of Luozhou City, huaidong road system deputy envoy and Jingdong, Hebei temperance Jia shi sent the Jingdong road governor, the leader of the loyal army Li Quan (later defected to Mongolia) and Zhai Chaozong led the troops to continue, Hu, Zhao and other departments from west to east, Zhu, Li and other departments from east to west, each according to the danger to invite the enemy.

On the twenty-eighth day, the Jin army withdrew north to Jiuchang (一作天長). Dozens of horses in the front team rode out of the mountain pepper, and Zhao Kui led Yang Dacheng and fourteen other horses to attack. The Jin army gradually increased to hundreds, and Zhao Kui's troops rushed to kill and defeated the enemy army, but most of the enemy troops rushed in and were surrounded. Zhao Fan and Hu Zaixing arrived, joined forces in a big battle, and at night, the siege was lifted.

On the twenty-ninth day, the reinforcements of all roads were divided into two routes, Zhao Fan commanded the left army, Hu Zaixing unified the right army, and Zhao Kui led a light horse to respond to the left and right. The Jin army also carried the mountain to two positions to be equal, but it did not move. Zhao Fan said: "The Jin people must want to use night battles to get lucky to win", told the army to prepare a big drum, and then issued an order: If the enemy army is not within fifty steps, it is not allowed to attack.

Hu Zaixing, who was known for his bravery, could no longer hold back, and hurriedly waved his division to meet the enemy, trapped by the enemy. Jin Bing even pressed towards Zhao Fanbu. Zhao Fan ordered the drum to be beaten, and all his troops rose up to fight, and Zhao Kui's troops ran up at the sound of the sound, killing thousands of enemies. The Jin soldiers also turned to the besieged troops to attack. Zhao Kui led Zhu Wenwei and others to charge the enemy position with fine horses, and the corpses of the Golden Soldiers were all over the field, and they held each other until late at night, and although the enemy's position had converged, the lineup was the same.

Zhao Fan and Zhao Kui will study and decide to select thousands of daredevils, and the dawn will fight on all sides, and the cries will shake the valley. The Jin army was not supported, and the road was taken and fled. The Song army took advantage of the victory to pursue, annihilated thousands of enemies, rescued more than 10,000 captured Ding Zhuang and women, and captured a large number of ordnance. Jin Jianjun and Da were captured, and the deputy commander-in-chief abandoned Andi to surrender. Li all continued to pursue until Huai shui. Some generals who flinched in the face of the enemy also pulled up their men and horses at this time, followed behind, shouted and clamored, and fished out the capital for merit and reward. In the name of recovery, they also went into the empty city, snatched the remaining belongings, and plundered along the way, so that the women's earrings were ripped off without waiting for the flesh to be pulled off, "more than one end than the kosher.".

At the end of the battle, Jia Shi angrily beheaded Xu Hua, who had fled the city, and told all the armies. From then on, "the generals will be afraid, and they will not obey their orders, and the momentum of Huaixi will be greatly enhanced." ”

Shi Shan Anzhen fled back to Fenjing (Kaifeng City, Henan Province) with two records of losses and losses. He used this record to crush Yan Xun's dream of expanding the territory and establishing a country in Jiangnan. The southern invading faction of the Jin Dynasty was once again attacked, and the Lian song faction took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

Because the servant An Zhen did not kill prisoners in the war of invading the Song Dynasty, but kept them as guides, and also dedicated more than seventy mouths of the Song Emperor's clan to the imperial court, he was accused of "conspiracy to rebel" by Shangshu Province, and Jin Xuanzong issued an edict accusing him of being alone with the Song clan and bending the whole door, showing his defiance to the enemy and revenge, and Yu Ji's whole body was used. In June, the servant An zhen was beheaded along with his three sons.

Yan Xun also warned the ministers who guarded the border: "Each guarding the territory, helping the difficulties with one heart, and not starting a quarrel with detail and misleading the state affairs." ”

In March of the seventeenth year of Jiading (1224), after his son Yan Shouxu succeeded to the throne, he went a step further, sending envoys to the Song Dynasty to "make peace" and unveiling them on the border, announcing that the military and civilians would no longer invade the south.

Examination: First, Xu Waving's "Waving". Zhao youqiu's "Records of Xin Has Wept" mentions "Xu Hua" in nine places, of which seven are written as "waving" and two are written as "Hui". The "Biography of Song Shi Qin Ju" is "waving", and the "Biography of Jia Shi" is also "Hui". The majority of those who "wave" are the majority. And Xu waving the word Wanju, ancient names and words, the meaning is often connected to the genus, "a wave and ten thousand people gather", righteousness and righteousness belong, it seems appropriate to be defined as "waving".

Second, "long" and "long days". "Song Shi Hu Zaixing Biography, Zhao Kui Biography, Zhao Fan Biography" as "Jiuchang": "Li Quanchuan" as "Tianchang"; "Ning Zongji" as "Tianchang Town"; "Jia ShiChuan" as "Jiuchang Town", "Jiuchang" and "Tianchang" as abbreviations respectively, the remaining question is whether the Gold Breaking Army Department is "Long Long" or "Tianchang"? Zhonghua Bookstore's "History of the Song Dynasty" volume 417 is based on the "Ningzong Ji" and the "Outline of the Two Dynasties" volume 16. It is a mistake to suspect that "long", "long day", and "mountain pepper" is the mistake of "whole pepper". For a long time, the mountain pepper is the day long, full pepper.

First, Tianchang is in eastern Anhui, close to the Yangtze River, and more than a thousand miles away from Puchun in the east, and the Jin army must cross the Huai River in the north, and Tianchang is not on its retreat line; moreover, the Jin army invaded the south for more than a month, and it was undersupplied, and it was a sleepy army, and it must not deliberately detour thousands of miles when retreating, and trapped itself in the desperate situation of passive beating.

Second, although it is a common thing for the army to attack the east and the west, the Jin army has both light horses and infantry, and there are many treasures plundered along the way, and the action will not be very fast, and the thousand-mile journey will take several days to run wildly day and night. However, the "Ning Zongji" said that "the Jin people retired from the division, and Hu Zaixing invited the attack, and was defeated by Tianchang Town." Jia Yin ("The Biography of Zhao Kui" as Gengyin mistake. Gengyin was the fifth day of the first month of March, when the city of Pu was not destroyed), and it was defeated. It was the defeat of the Jin army within two consecutive days, and the retreat of the Jin army on the same day was defeated in Tianchang. Relying on two feet, how can you walk more than a thousand miles a day?

Third, the Anqing and Wuwei between Puchun and Tianchang were all heavily guarded by the Southern Song Dynasty, how could the Jin army fly without wings?

Fourth, the "Biography of Zhao Kui" said: "When the Jin people trapped the spring for a long time, thousands rode out of the mountain pepper. "The whole pepper is about three hundred miles away from the sky. Since the Golden Army is in the sky, how can it appear in quanjiao in an instant? On the eve of the withdrawal of the Jin army, Zhu Wenwei's troops were stationed at Peach Mountain in Puchun, and the Rexing Department was stationed at Puchun Lingshan. On the day of the Retreat of the Jin Army, it joined forces with Zhao Fan and Zhao Kui to attack in the territory of Puchun or in the neighboring county of Pu. There is a long mountain in the north, more than a hundred miles away from the city of Zhou in the south, from where you can enter Anhui Duhuai, just as the Jin army retreats. The Song army invited the Jin army to attack the Long Or Pu Chun for a long time, calling it "Tianchang" a mistake.


"Xin Has Wept Records", "Song Shi Ning Zongji, Li Chengzhi Biography, Qin Ju Biography, Zhao Fang Biography, Zhao Kui Biography, Zhao Fan Biography, Hu Zaixing Biography, Jia Shi Chuan, Li Quan Biography", "Jin Shi Xingzong Ji, Servant Scattered An Zhen Biography", "Bai Mao Tang Collection: Reconstruction of the Martyrs' Temple Order", "Feng Zhi Yi Wen Zhi Reading (Weeping Record)", "Character Zhi Shangyi Zhu Wenwei Biography", "Cai Meibiao et al. (General History of China)" Part IV, Chapter 2, Section 7 (4) and Chapter 5, Section 3 (3), 1981 Fifth Issue " The Golden Age of Qin Juniper's Great-Grandson", visiting manuscripts

On the seventh day of March, the Jin Dynasty moved the Huangzhou Division into the city, combining 100,000 troops, the situation was critical, and the defensive battle entered the second stage of resisting the enemy and defending the city. Li Chengzhi, Qin Ju, and others ascended the city in armor day and night, commanding the battle, and although there was a huge disparity between the masses, they repeatedly destroyed the strong enemy. This is because the Song army is intimidated by the people. At the beginning of qin ju and Li Chengzhi's work together, with puzhou located on the frontier, that is, they jointly agreed and implemented the defensive policy of "building the city and gathering grain and uniting the militia" in turn, feeding enough soldiers, winning the trust of the people, and using the people to resist the enemy. If we grasp the hearts and minds of the people, we will have the power of incalculable courage.

When the news of the Jin soldiers' invasion of the south began to come, the Puchun Yijia went to the disaster first, and the militia accounted for more than two-thirds of the total number of defenders of the city, and in the battle, they cooperated with the main force, caught secret spies, captured You Yong, and made many military achievements. In the face of the enemy soldiers approaching the city, the Guangji militia of two hundred broke through the siege, rushed into the city, and shared the heavy responsibility of defense. The captive women fled the tiger's den one after another and went to the city to report the enemy situation. Even the senders and merchants also agreed to die for defending the city, never abandoning the city, taking the initiative to join the camp, building war equipment, and transporting weapons. On the day when the Jin army attacked the enemy in the northwest regimental building, the enemy who attacked the northwest regimental building once crowded the crowd to the half of the city, the situation was critical, the people Fang Tong stepped forward, put boulders on their heads, threw them under the city, when several people were killed, the defenders and soldiers shouted in unison, and the remaining enemies fled for their lives.

Of course, the trust and dependence of feudal officials on the people was still limited, and they valued the selected militia, but the volunteers automatically organized by the people were suspicious and mixed, placed outside the city, and did not give money and food, so that they were later scattered by the enemy's horses. However, when the Yijia kills the enemy every time it makes meritorious contributions, it is still rewarded.

On the contrary, the Jin soldiers were in the army, and the commander drove the soldiers to death, and there were poor supplies, although there were many soldiers but the morale was not high. The soldier carrying the siege equipment saw the goose cart being burned by the fire ox fired by the Song army, but he stood at a distance and looked at it.

The soldiers who dug the tunnels, seeing Song Bing in the tunnels, asked for food in a lower voice: I was forced by the order of Xiang Gong, and I had no choice, just digging and digging, if I really want to dig, the city has fallen early. If you have wine and food, please me, and I will not dig. ”

But after all, the Golden Soldiers besieged an isolated city with no reinforcements from outside with a crowd of 100,000 people, and they took turns to attack day and night, the ladders were standing in all directions, the artillery was bombarded, and there was almost no foothold in the city; with the addition of the tunnels dug, they increased day by day. However, the military and civilians guarding the city had limited manpower, had no time to rest, and were extremely poor. At the critical juncture, some people proposed that Huangzhou had been lost, and the isolated city was difficult to defend, so it was better to abandon the city and run away, and part of the strength could be retained.

Li Chengzhi and Qin Ju were bitter about Chen's interests, and if they did not defend the city, they would not be alone in Anqing and would not be embarrassed to protect, even if Jiang Fang would also fall into the hands of the enemy, and there would be endless troubles in the future. Regardless of life and death, defending the frontier is the duty of my generation, so I inspire the soldiers and soldiers to stick to the end. The whole city's military and civilians worked hard, and all of them enthusiastically entered the city with one hundred.

From the seventh to the fifteenth day of the first month, in nine days, not only blocked the enemy's strong enemy day and night, but also went down to the city five times to break the enemy to attack and defend. In the last few days, the casualties of the vans, the forbidden, and the militia became heavier and heavier, and Li Chengzhi released heavy prisoners to form a death squad, repeatedly hitting the enemy army. In order to defend the city, the women also went to the city to help in the battle. There was a shortage of drums, and children organized themselves to beat the drums in turn. Until the night of the fifteenth day, Chen Xing and others also led one hundred and fifty warriors to break into the enemy camp and kill many enemies.

Originally, after more than twenty days of fighting, the Jin soldiers had ambushed tens of thousands of corpses, and they were ready to retreat in two days. However, because a support soldier helped the soldiers and civilians defending the city, Puzhou was finally slaughtered.

It turned out that the civil and military officials of the Song court had long been divided into two factions: the main war (resistance war), the main war and the (compromise) for the invasion of the Jin army. These two factions, from the central to the local level, constitute an intricate relationship. From the day when the Jin army provoked Huainan, Li Chengzhi repeatedly sent envoys to ask for help, and the result was that "the wax pill was gone without news."

Feng Shizhi's soldiers, the former minister of the QuanDian Temple, were ordered to aid Huang Huang, Yang Feng Yin violated the law, and the soldiers did not move, and xu Jun's soldiers had arrived in Maogang, and the officials of Huangmei County led the people to burn incense and pray, demanding that they rush to the front line. Xu Jun said, "The imperial court only asked me to aid Huangzhou, not to aid Huangzhou. With a cold smile, he crossed the river.

The Wuding army commanded Xu Hui and often led troops to help on the seventh day of the first month, but entered the city without leaving the battle. On the night of the fourteenth day, he actually wanted to seize the door and run away, but was later dissuaded by Qin Ju and demanded more than 36,000 yuan of "military expenses" before he reluctantly stayed. On the afternoon of the sixteenth day, it rained heavily, and the fire cattle were all wet and could not burn. At the second change, another headwind blew, and the Jin army fired artillery and stone cannons fiercely, taking advantage of the situation to attack. At this moment, Xu Hua and Chang Chang immediately led his troops out of the city gate and shouted at the enemy: "You let me have a way to live, you enter the city by yourself, try to get the gold veil." "The area where they were guarded was empty, so the Jin army took advantage of the void and killed and plundered separately.

Li Chengzhi and Qin Ju rushed to Xinzhai to lead their generals to fight with the enemy in the alley, and from the west gate to the south gate, Sun Zhong, Jiang Shiwang, Chen Xing, Cao Quan, Qiu Bian, Li Bin, and Li Shiyun were martyred. Sun Zhong took a breath before his sacrifice and shouted in a loud voice: "Kill the enemy and repay the country!" ”

Li Chengzhi. Qin Ju and the others turned to the Cross Street of the Sub-City, and each of them risked the enemy with his own soldiers, and the casualties were slightly exhausted. Li Chengzhi rushed back to the guard office, called on his relatives to quickly throw water, and then drew his sword to kill himself. Qin Ju also hurried back to the judgment hall, ordering his subordinate Liu Di to set fire to the warehouses in the city, and then plunged into the fire.

The city is full of fire, blood, corpses everywhere! Zhao and Qi, who were hit by several arrows, escaped from the corpse pile and were ordered to return to pacify the exile, looking around, only to see "the official and civilian houses, the warehouse warehouse, all turned into ashes, and the skeletons were piled up." "More than forty people and most of their relatives, including Li Chengzhi, were killed on the same day by the state and county officials, and their bones were buried and could not be identified. Fortunately, the people who have returned from exile still survive.

Author's message

The four-part "Blood Luozhou City" was all released, and Xie Tiaoyou supported and read it.

After mr. Wang Shupu's research, after the reconstruction of Luozhou City, in 1262 AD, Wang Yi of Zhizhou in the Southern Song Dynasty arrived, and saw that the city of Zhou was destroyed by the wars between Jiading, Duanping (1234-1236), and Jiaxi (1237-1240), and in 1263, it was moved to rule on the Yangtze River, only forty-two years after the reconstruction of Luozhou City (1221-1263).

The relocated puzhou prefecture rule, after several changes, was built into the current puzhou city.

Since then, Luozhou City has gradually become barren, and for hundreds of years, it has been obliterated by the dust of history.

Today, the remains of Luozhou City have disappeared, leaving only the place name "Luozhou City". What is the "vicissitudes of the sea", the change of Luozhou City is an example.

"Xin Wei Weeping" 132 Appendix IV The Fourth Defense of Luozhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty Against Jin

Puchun County Zhusheng 2021, 10, 13,