
Hu surname (92) | famous minister Hu Shining: when he retired, he did not plan for his children and grandchildren, but for the sake of his father and elderly in his hometown

author:Cover News

Huang Yong/Wen

Hu Shining was appointed from Liaodong in the degraded area, and successively served as an envoy to Huguang and the right capital Yushi, and to patrol Sichuan. On the way to Sichuan, the Zhengde Emperor died, and the Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houxi took the throne. He wrote a congratulatory note and recommended a group of talented and upright officials, hoping that the Jiajing Emperor would be important to them.

In Sichuan for two months, correct local wrong practices

In Sichuan, Hu Shining discovered that the locals under Songpan's jurisdiction ignored the king's law, and the government not only ignored it, but was very afraid, and even if the officers and soldiers wanted to pass through the territory, they had to pay them money to borrow the road. The locals killed the officers and soldiers, and the government did not dare to pursue them, and if the officers and soldiers killed the locals, they had to die.

Hu Shining could not tolerate such a thing, and he wrote to the imperial court, requesting that the generals be selected to increase the number of troops, stipulate the standards of reward and punishment, strictly deal with the crimes of concealing criminals, build beacon towers, and often send people to patrol to invigorate the military prestige of officers and soldiers, dredge roads in Sichuan, and punish officials who lay soft eggs. The imperial court accepted all of his suggestions and approved them.

Unfortunately, Hu Shining only stayed in Sichuan for two months, and the imperial court summoned him back to Beijing to serve as the right attendant of the official.

But before he could take office, his father died, and he had to go home to mourn.

In the appointment of Shoshu of the Bingbu Department, he proposed "three things to prepare for the side"

In the 4th year of Jiajing (1525), Hu Shining served as the left attendant of the military department. In addition to suggesting handling border affairs, Hu Shining also exhorted the Jiajing Emperor to believe in the superstitious alchemists and abuse drugs, and excerpted 3 chapters of lecture notes from the "Four Books and Five Classics" for the Jiajing Emperor to read.

In this year, Hu Shining's official position changed greatly, and he was initially transferred to the Nanjing Bureaucracy, then promoted to shangshu of the Nanjing Ministry of Works, entered Beijing to serve as the imperial history of the left capital, and finally promoted to shangshu of the Punishment Department.

Eunuch Gang Cong framed the Caoyun soldiers for robbing the imperial uniform, involving more than 2,000 people. Hu Shining suspected that the case was a false accusation made by Gang Cong, and after a serious trial, the truth finally came out and Gang Cong was brought to justice.

In the 7th year of Jiajing (1528), Hu Shining was transferred to the post of Shangshu of the Military Department, and added prince Shaobao, counselor of military aircraft affairs.

Hu Shining's greatest contribution to the post of Shangshu of the Military Department was to put forward the "three things of border preparation": armament, talent, and border reserves, that is, to strengthen military preparations, reuse military talents, and enrich the reserves of materials for border wars.

In view of the weak war environment in the northwestern border defense, he also put forward targeted measures: formulating strategies, strengthening supervision, expanding general powers, increasing armaments, reforming rewards and punishments, controlling soldiers, enriching border defense, eliminating the root causes, correcting mistakes, and loving talents.

Due to the correct strategy of Hu Shining's border operation, the northern border of the Ming Dynasty, which has been constantly suffering from foreign troubles, obtained a brief period of tranquility, which was Hu Shining's contribution to the national defense cause of the Ming Dynasty.

Hu surname (92) | famous minister Hu Shining: when he retired, he did not plan for his children and grandchildren, but for the sake of his father and elderly in his hometown

Portrait of Hu Shining (file photo)

When he retired, he still thought about the people in his hometown

In the 8th year of Jiajing (1529), Hu Shining disagreed with the political views of the powerful ministers, and his body became weaker and weaker, so he decided to resign and return to his hometown.

Before leaving, the Jiajing Emperor thanked Hu Shining for his life as a clean and honest official and rewarded him with many treasures. Hu Shining tried his best to resign, saying that this was all anointing by the people and did not dare to accept it.

The Jiajing Emperor said, I know you like to be poor, but don't you think about future generations? Hu Shining said that he did not plan for his children and grandchildren, but for the sake of his father and elderly in his hometown.

Hu Shining took the opportunity to propose that his hometown did not produce grain, and in order to pay for the grain, the people had to go to Wujiang, Jiangsu Province, a hundred miles away, to buy rice, which was very difficult, and hoped that it would be cut into rice in two silver. The Jiajing Emperor immediately allowed it, which greatly reduced the burden on the local people.

Half a year after Hu Shining returned to his hometown, Jiajing died in September of the 9th year (1530) sitting at home at the age of 63. The Jiajing Emperor gave him a sacrifice and posthumously gave him the title of Crown Prince Shaobao," with the courtesy name "Duanmin".

Hu Shining's son Hu Ji was quite capable of military ability

Hu Shining had two sons, Hu Chun and Hu Ji, and Hu Chun, because of Hu Shining's grace, was an official to the prefect of Zhaoqing Province, and his talent and character were good.

Hu Jixiao's mind was not smart, and Hu Shining, who was busy with government affairs, did not know much about him.

When Hu Shining was in Jiangxi, he once went out to beg for thieves, and the general went to the palace to see Hu Ji. Hu Ji pointed out the formation for them and carefully considered the advance and retreat and clutch of the troops.

After Hu Shining returned, he inspected the troops and was surprised to find that the troops had a new look. After learning the reason, Hu Shining said with emotion: "I have such a son, but I can't find out his talent, it really doesn't make sense!" ”

After that, Hu Shining kept Hu Ji with him and decided with him to use military strategy. The strategy decided by Hu Shining, when implemented, did not lose three out of ten, but Hu Ji could not lose one out of ten.

Hu Shining drafted a chapter to expose Zhu Chenhao, and Hu Ji painstakingly persuaded his father: "This is going to be a big disaster!" Hu Shining said in spite of his disregard: "I have promised the country with my body, where else can I manage anything else?" ”

After Hu Shining was imprisoned, Hu Ji died of illness because he missed his father.

【Next issue concern】

See the surname Hu (93).

【Special Thanks】

Mr. Hu Chuanhuai, an expert in literature and history of Pengxi County, Sichuan.

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