
Wang Ruilai: "Poetry Can Make Everything Happen"——Poetry-Centered Zhou Bida Literary Achievement丨202108-71 (Total No. 1755)

author:Song history research information

Thank you to Teacher Wang Ruilai for giving the manuscript

The original article is published in the ninth series of "New Song Studies", October 2020

Please indicate the source when quoting

"Poetry can make everything happen"

——Zhou Bida's Theory of Literary Achievement Centered on Poetry

Wang Ruilai: "Poetry Can Make Everything Happen"——Poetry-Centered Zhou Bida Literary Achievement丨202108-71 (Total No. 1755)

Wen 丨 Wang Ruilai

Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Culture, Gakushuin University

Chair Professor of Sichuan University


Zhou Bida, the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty in the middle of the Southern Song Dynasty, has the largest collection of 200 surviving volumes of the Song Dynasty. However, his literary name is obscured by the political name, telling the literary history of the Song Dynasty, and it is almost not included in the field of researchers. Traditional scholars generally have a comprehensive talent, and the creation of poetry is also one of the ways to identify themselves. Poetry is one of the most representative literary genres. The hundreds of poems that survived in Zhou Bida can not only reflect the society of the Southern Song Dynasty, but also allow us to enter the heart of the author, and we can also observe the literary achievements. So far, however, this is a neglected corner. The wilderness that makes up the history of literature is not only a few lonely trees, but also patches of shrubs and grasses. In the history of the development of literature in the Song Dynasty, there should be a place for Zhou Bida.

Keywords: Zhou Bida, Southern Song Dynasty, poetry, politics, scholars

Bi Da was known to be known by Emperor Xiaozong and his order of the gentle style Chang Bo as the crown of the Nandu Backstage Cabinet, and also extremely refined the rich of the heavy name works of the negative generation of the rich from Yang Wanli Luyou who could not reach it


The "Outline of the Four Libraries" points out: "Bi Da was known as Emperor Xiaozong with articles, and his orders were gentle and elegant, and his style was Changbo, which was the crown of the Nandu Backstage Cabinet." The examination evidence is also extremely refined, and it is worth a generation of heavy names. The wealth of the works has not been matched by yang wanli and lu you. [1] However, Zhou Bida, who was an extremely popular courtier, although he was rich in literary fame in the contemporary world and 200 volumes of anthology circulated in later generations, the political name almost covered up the literary name. The weight of the writings is almost the same as that of Yang Wanli and Lu You, of which there are twelve volumes and hundreds of poems written, but at that time, everyone in the Southern Song Dynasty literary circles said You, Yang, Lu, and Fan, and no one said zhou bida. Most of the literary history narratives of later generations only focus on Zhou Bida's "Erlaotang Poetry", completely ignoring his literary achievements. After sorting out Zhou Bida's anthology, I felt that Zhou Bida not only possessed the basic qualities of the scholars and doctors of that era who could write poetry and be gifted, but also tasted and read his poems, but also had the brilliance of the Tang dynasty. However, the stars of the Southern Song Dynasty poetry circle flickered, and Zhou Bida was less eye-catching. Even Zhu Xi, who was more familiar with Zhou Bida, commented on the literary scene of the current world: "The literature of the current world takes Zhou Yigong alone, and the poetry of the current world takes Lu Fangweng alone." Gai Ergong's poetic temperament is thick and so it is also. [2] Zhu Xi only affirmed Zhou Bida's article. Lu You also commented on Zhou Bida's literary achievements: "Shi Guduo is a man of great stature, but he has written a theory and tilted one, and no one dares to shake his front, but the only one is the public." [3] Although this is also a general praise, it undoubtedly includes Zhou Bida's poetic achievements in the consciousness of the poet Lu You. Directly involved in zhou bida's poetry achievements, there is a remark by Xu Yi of the Song Dynasty: "Poetry is endowed with praise, fresh and feminine." [4] Unfortunately, looking around the contemporary era, there is very little research on Zhou Bida's poetry,[5] so by sorting out the anthology, combing it a little, and showing a little bit of the insights, in order to lead the jade with bricks.

I. "Immortality of Ten Thousand Miles of Meritorious Service"

The Song Dynasty was the unifying world of scholar-doctor politics, and under the impetus of the imperial examination system, scholars and scholars were universally respected and became the target of emulation. Therefore, as the head of the four peoples of the social spiritual aristocratic group, the Intellectuals of the Song Dynasty also had high self-confidence. As a member of the scholar-doctor, Zhou Bida's positive spirit of joining the WTO brought about by this self-confidence is also reflected in the poem. The "Xu Yuanmin Chayuan Xue Qing and Zi Zhong's elder brother's passage is quite similar to the present chengcheng envoy Jiaoguang Ciyun sending off and briefly describing Liu Wenqian" wrote: "Three years of law enforcement thoughts less rest, ten thousand miles of meritorious attempts immortal." [6] "Dr. Feng Changlin Huangzhong Uses Yellow Mandarin Food Lu Wu Si Zhi Lu Zhi Lu Fu Long Sentence Lin Invitation to The Second Rhyme" uses citrus as a metaphor to express the consciousness of joining the world: "Do not make the king ashamed, he is different from abandoning the side of the road." ”[7]

The Song Dynasty scholar had a strong sense of merit and fame, and Fan Zhongyan once proudly declared: "Sooner or later, Pei Du is also a student." [8] The "three immortals" mentioned by the ancients of Lide, Meritorious Service, and Fame became the explicit pursuit of the Song Dynasty scholars. Volume VII, "The Second Elegy of Wu Mingke, a Scholar of LongTu Ge Zhi", reads: "The breeze and the bright festival, the book of pay and khan." ”[9]

The article is used for the times, not to make the world's thoughts, "Chen Ping Shu Xiang from the four years of literary writing purely linhui poems have the question of standing in the way of the road dare to use the Yang Si Ye Mian scholar's meaning of the rhyme as a gift" as a negative image of Sima Xiangru: "In addition, the article is really small, should not admire Shu Xiangru. [10] The reason for not wanting to be born was that he appointed himself as the master of the emperor. The second part of the "Second Song of Zhang Anguo" says: "Although people are old, ten thousand horses are not easy to chase." Fang is the Emperor's Master, dare to ask for a strike? ”[11]

The LingYange Pavilion of the Tang Dynasty also became the yearning of the Song Dynasty scholars. "Le Shun Zhi Si Li used Yang Yun to praise the music of the mountain to go to the river to rhyme again" wrote: "The hill will be from the chestnut, how dare the name of the merit dream lingyan? [12] Volume II, "Wang Jihai Zhengyan Father Xuanyi Shide Elegy" writes: "The third Confucian sect is alone and hidden, and the name of merit will be in my body?" [13] All of them are affirmations expressed by rhetorical questions, but in fact, they are "dreaming of smoke", hoping that "the merit is in my body".

The Southern Song Dynasty recreated the Song Dynasty, Zhongxing was the main theme of that era, and the first poem of Zhou Bida's collection of essays, "Sending Mr. Lu's Holy Repair House to the Spring Festival", echoed the melody of the times with a positive attitude of joining the world: "Good jiamou sacrifice danmu, ZTE Tianzi suddenly rises to peace." While echoing the melody of the times, and not forgetting to emphasize the political tradition of scholars since the Northern Song Dynasty, "Yongxin He Shengqing with the Six Maps of the Central Plains To Pass The Situation of the Ancient Famous Generals' Path Can Be Referred to as the Palms of the Palms" clearly says: "It should not be false to take the Yu, and Sheng Qi is afraid to use true Confucianism in the end." [14] Borrowing from the past and the present, he confidently declared that ZTE would also rely on scholars.

Most of the scholars and doctors who have actively joined the WTO have the feeling of worrying about the country and the people. Fan Zhongyan's spirit of "worrying first and then enjoying" in the Northern Song Dynasty also influenced later generations of scholars. Zhou Bida wrote in the second part of the "To the Government Yang Tunan Fu You Sentence Huiyuan Pavilion Stone Carvings to Ask for Evil Words to Send Four Poems" that "the master has enjoyed the pleasures of the garden for a long time, and it is advisable to worry about the world in his later years" is proof of this. [15] Zhou Bida also expressed in his poem the love of the people who do not exhaust themselves and fish. "Taihe Zai Zhao Jiayan Ru Mo made a big boat to cross and stop the rural winery on behalf of the loss of its lessons to draw two pictures of each inscription of the small poem" wrote: "The wine stall urged the money to open the door, and that can marry Zhu Chen." Donate a little to the official government and scatter it into the countryside. ”[16]

Zhou Bida's pen also describes the leisurely life of the officials and the people under the protection of good law. One of the "Farewell xinghuai zhengzhige to Jiangxi to raise two poems" reads: "The family law prepares agricultural and commercial letters, and the idle cases of the officials of the Taiwan government are rare." [17] Volume 1, "Sending Zhao Fuwen Yan Bo Li Hongzhou Three Songs", the third of which reads: "The public court officials scattered the documents quietly, and allowed me to dissolve the bed when he was not there. [18] Volume 43 "Taihe 丞㕔葺三亭一曰真清曰松竹一曰特秀曰江山一曰成蹊曰 Peach And Li and the Reading Platform Dragon Shouchi Sent Title Three Stacks" the third wrote: "The official has forgotten the opportunity and the people are happy, and the son now knows me and I know the fish." [19] These poems are not so much descriptions of reality as they are ideal expectations.

2. "Yin is full of idle grass and trees in the world, how can It be like Jiang Yue Yong Yi Gui?" ”

The spiritual composition of traditional Chinese scholars and doctors has both the side of Confucianism entering the world and the side of Lao Zhuang's thought. The two are suitable for regulation, so there are very few traditional scholars and doctors who commit suicide due to mental collapse. The spiritual world of the Song Dynasty doctors also has the same characteristics. For the scholar, the factors that form a negative birth, as well as setbacks from the career path. This is Zhou Bida's borrowing of scenery in "Crossing Wuzi Lake": "Never shilu has been evil, but it is the river god who is not worldly. [20] Zhou Bida suffered heavy political setbacks at the beginning of his career and after he became a scholar, so the sinister political circles made a scholar like Zhou Bida take fame and fortune very lightly and understand the world. "Sending Sons and Brothers to Jiangxi Twenty Rhymes" writes: "Words travel crowns and covers the dust, gathering and dispersing freely." [21] "Sending Si Nong Shaoqing Du Qi Xinhua out of Suining" believes that the destination of life is not a career path: "Life has a gathering and dispersion, and annunciation is not a eunuch." [22] Therefore, he was also unprepared for the promotion of the eunuch, as written in volume 2 of "Sending Feng Yuanzhong's Officials out of Qiongzhou": "The sun and the moon are hanging in the air, and they are not moved to move." ”[23]

Many of Zhou Bida's poems reflect his attitude towards life. The "Second Rhyme Li Shui Ling Li Yanping Qing Appreciation Map" wrote: "Vanity Fair, customs are becoming more and more deceitful. [24] The second part of the "Second Eulogy of the Zhongfeng Dafu Zhihui Youge to Shi Shaohe" reads: "Do not cultivate thousands of gold products, but seek ten acres of garden." [25] The words of the "Asaka Tso Persuasion Wine" are cloudy: "I have thanked the floating name and the floating profit, and I also know that I should live forever in the coming day." ”[26]

After penetrating the world, Zhou Bida did not have a cold heart, but faced life with an optimistic attitude. "Li Ziquan shizhong repeatedly asked for the residence of The Jiangyue Pavilion Bath Yi Zhai Poetry Old Illness Failed to Make a Sitting Show and The Flower Concubine Poetry Even Work Impromptu Rhyme a So-Called One Color two Races" wrote: "Yin is idle in the world, how can Jiang Yue Yong Yi return? [27] The "Nephew of the Hezi BangHeng Clan, Changyan SihuYun", writes: "In time, the Emperor of The Joy of The Emperor was tired, and summoned the Yi Xiang to look back at Xiang Xiang. [28] The "PengWu Zhongchun Tongjia Xiaoji Old Rhyme" wrote: "Zun often has wine and why not get drunk, every thing is a fairy." [29] The Jiatai 癸海海日口 Zhan Sent Cheng Yonghe Chengcheng Brother writes: "Mo Si Le's affairs are decreasing year by year, and the spring flowers bloom day by day. ”[30]

In addition to the interaction of Confucianism and Taoism, Zhou Bi's great understanding of the world also comes from the influence of Buddhism. Volume II, "Ciyun Zou DeZhang Shu Supervisor Official She Furong Basho", writes: "Seeing the red and green meaning first, the plaything should be a material fan." Do you know that the weak quality is even more willowy, and the hands are overturned. The spring wind and autumn dew are slightly scattered, and the snow and green frost have been destroyed. The master learned the Tao for more than three years, and looked down on the official house. From the canal grass and trees to prosper and wither, only this mind is always at ease. The water's edge is more than a color, and the deer in the middle of the sun is the first evidence. Like Jehovah who is with him, he dreams of me living with my dreams. The big words are covered with sand, and they are sent to the neighbors in the early morning. Blunt roots also recur deep reflection, and what is not an empty flower in the world. [31] This poem is quite Zen.

III. "The wine glass allows me to be drunk, and the poetry tastes mellow"

Drinking high meetings is not only the communication method of the Song Dynasty scholars, but also the daily life, and there are many descriptions in Zhou Bida's poems. One of the "Theories of Creating Chess Colors" is that the flowers in the house of tomorrow will be played into two masterpieces" wrote: "The situation is full of chess and color, and the song is not drunk and happy." [32] Drinking is high, and there are many singers and dancers. In the same volume, "Hu Bangheng's Birthday Sends Two Bottles of Poetry to beiyuan Eight Treasures day note", it is written: "The guest said that he was full of crown xia, and he knew that he was thirsty for wine and was thinking about tea. "Drinking thirst for tea is something that people who drink regularly will experience." Volume 1 one of the "Second Rhyme Shen Shide Style Fugan Chuan Yongxuan's Second Rhyme" reads: "The wine glass allows me to be drunk, and the poetry tastes mellow." [33] There is no need to distinguish between poetry and wine, interactive taste, and what makes people intoxicated. The same volume and the same person's "Rhymes and Drinks Again": "Drinking Xingjiang River and Sea is narrow, and the air and clouds are thin." "Drinking like a whale, gushing like a river and a sea, the momentum of the clouds, how bold." In the poem of the same volume, "Ciyun Zhao Gong Zhi Appreciates the Ancient Style of the Pavilion of the Heart", there is also such a verse: "A drunken person can be expected, and the time of the king is reversed." "If it's better to be drunk, it can turn back time."

Drinking with an old friend who has been separated for many years is like this: "Don't leave your sideburns, meet a statue of the same." [34] Blessings are inseparable from wine, and Zhou Bida wrote about drinking in zhushou: "Carrying wine through the door wants to live a long life, and the wine glass has a limited life and an infinite life." [35] Zhou Bida described the appearance of drinking: "The feet are soft red dust, and the hands are floating in white." [36] Zhou Bida also wrote about drinking with the emperor: "Yu Qian was drunk before he drank, and Bao Mo's eyes were bright. [37] Getting drunk before drinking can be said to be motivated. Whether it is gaffe or not, in short, there are many drunken words. The second part of the "Second Eulogy of zhongfeng dafu zhihui yu ge to Shi Shaohe" reads: "I was once a guest of honor, and I often thought about drunken words. ”[38]

Zhou Bida loves wine and drinks almost every day. "Servant Camp Xiaopu Fang Two Months and Zhang Tanfu Performing the Map of the Village has the intention of giving up into a contemptuous sentence" writes: "There is no question to stay drunk at four o'clock, and He zeng did not blossom for a day." [39] The words of the "Asaka Tso Persuasion to Drink" also read: "From the fourth and eighth verses, the brothers were often drunk and drunk. [40] However, Zhou Bida was still relatively civilized in drinking with people: "Drinking with people measures Chen Sanya, and xingxiang poetry huai yong si niang." ”[41]

In Zhou Bida's pen, there were also scenes of ordinary people drinking: "Selling fish gets money to sell fine wine, and Weng's children and grandchildren pay for persuasion." [42] Weng's children and grandchildren persuaded the wine, and the music was harmonious. Zhou Bida even appeared in the verses of consolation to the sick. "Lu WuGuan Sick Mi Xun Servant Does Not Know Also Good Xie Neighborhood CiYun Self-Solution" wrote: "Throwing a cup snake goes by itself, and the quiet ear ants forgive me." [43] Presumably the poet Lu You was too sensitive to his illness, so Zhou Bida used the allusion of "Cup Bow Snake Shadow".

"Li Baidou wine hundred poems", many of Zhou Bida's poems were probably also composed in this state. "Hu's Fengqingtang poems use multiplication into brother rhymes": "Music and the townspeople pass on the grand event, the old drunken pen ren heng indulgence." [44] Zhou Bida, who had entered old age, was already overwhelmed by alcohol after falling ill in his old age, so he wrote: "The old poop festival is quiet, and the illness is fortunate to be green and empty." [45] The "Secondary Affairs In the Midst of Illness" wrote: "The old eyes are chaotic and the cicadas are scattered, and the joy is sighing. After years of not holding the cup, I have time to ask the head. [46] Although he could not drink, he still comforted himself with imaginary heavy drinking: "When you are old, you still drink and suck the river, and you still enjoy the day in the quiet." ”[47]

Fourth, "love is more than silent, and the joy is extremely wet"

Related to drinking, Zhou Bida also has many poems expressing family and friendship. Writing about the emotions of parting with friends, there is such a verse: "Cherish the white jade of the white jade, and the drunken one who talks about lovesickness." The cold road is far away from the wine awakening, and it is the time when the intestines of the emperor are broken. [48] When they were drunk and drunk, they could not care about their sadness, and the cold made them wake up, and at this moment, they gushed with a broken intestine.1 Similar expressions include "Send Liu Gongdu County to Jiangling": "Send spring lazy sentences, don't be afraid to pass on." [49] It can be said that there must be wine in the farewell, and drinking is even more hurtful. The feast was dispersed, and it hurt even more. "Sender Mao Dezi Deleted and Returned to Jiahe" wrote: "Don't drink and be inexhaustible, you will listen to the conversation with a clear dream." ”[50]

Remembering his deceased brother, he poured himself a drink: "Self-sour yellow flower wine, bitter heart and tears." I always love to sing geese, and I can't hear it since. [51] The story of the fish and geese passing on the book also gave the goose a symbolic meaning. Therefore, the chirping of geese that Ping Su loved to listen to could not be heard from then on. Even if there is no alcohol, parting is easy to hurt. Volume 1 of the "Arrival at Sutai To Send Ji Huai" reads: "Wu Yunmu cut off the King's thoughts of me, chu Shu Tianyao I remember the Jun." [52] The battle was neat and sincere. "Send Shen Shide Fugan back to the Dynasty" "The pool has swimming scales and clouds and geese, and the ruler book can send the deceased people not" is also the image of the fish and goose transmission book. [53]

The "Elegy of the Tang People" wrote: "The west wind looks at the flowers and tears, and the lonely small window screen." [54] In the autumn breeze, when the flowers shed tears, people went to the empty building, and even the window screens of the old master's room seemed to feel lonely." The scene described in these two sentences is an experience that almost everyone has experienced, but no one has expressed it so appropriately. Realistically portraying emotions or scenes that can be understood but cannot be expressed is precisely the brilliance of the poet.

Related to family affection, Zhou Bida's mourning poems are also very moving. For example, one of the "Xuanzhou Cai Ziping Ping Shangshu Shu Ren Ju Clan Elegy Two", "Lonely Boudoir Politics, Desolate Children's Love", [56] the same poem no. 2 "Only the tao is long and healthy, that knows that life has an end". There is also one of the same volume of "Bingbu Song Shangshu Yanzu Elegy Two", "Sang Yu Chu did not force, He Nailu Xianxi", and the second poem of "Plum Blossom Good Sentence, No Return". "The Elegy of Zhao Gong of Huaidong Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is not a direct expression of the chest, but a fusion of scenery into poetry: "Dancing double Yuhang Road, drizzle west wind always breaks the soul." ”[57]

All kinds of poems have no shortage of descriptions of natural scenery, but writing scenery into love, material and self-blending, is a high-level realm. Zhou Bida agreed with this realm. He wrote in the second part of the "Second Song of the New Juluo Changqing Guanlan Pavilion LanTang": "It is known that the grass and wood are not taken, and the false characters can be cherished." [58] This is also Zhou Bida's pursuit. "The Second Yun Tingxiu Pending Title Li Ji Fengyue Boundless Building" wrote: "Do you know that the wind and moon do not care about money, who is the master and who is the guest of the eye." [59] Whoever is the master and who is the guest is inseparable from me.

V. "Yin to the Clouds and Mountains and Twilight Smoke"

Writing scenery must also have feelings, Zhou Bida in one of the "Second Song of Guanlan Pavilion Lantang, The New Residence Luo Changqing", which advocates this way: "GuanShui must look at The Lan, and the fable sees the truth." [60] One of the "Lu Wuguan Compilation repairs the use of stone mustard to send Liu Shao mei libu Liu Drink with jinjiu Ergong are old neighbors also because of his poetry rhymes" describes winter: "The wind in the corner of the house wants snow in the sky, and the hao hao in the chest is born in spring." [61] The first sentence is the scene, and the next sentence is the emotion. The "Four Hours song of the Fisher Father" wrote about Yerba Buena: "Yerba Buena is as far away as the heavens, and there is no idle hatred to be miserable." [62] The same poem goes into the summer: "I still dance when I feel it, but I don't believe that there is a hot summer in the world." "Grass Tool Qu Bang Heng Waiter Lang Meng Fu That Matter New Poem Rhymes Are All Narrated When Sitting on the Language He Laughs Together" also rubs people's feelings and nature together: "Love moves before spring, and the years after the festival wither." [63] The "Second Yun Yang Wenfa Chengyi" wrote: "Sit and watch the first day of the ascension of the forest valley, and chant to the cloud mountain to merge the twilight smoke." [64] In this depiction of the landscape, the reader can truly feel the presence of man. These two poems are similar to the "mountain quiet day long" described by Zhou Bida's compatriot Luo Dajing in "Crane Forest Yulu". [65]

Even if it is purely written scenes, we can feel the meaning behind the poems, such as "Seeing the Middle Brother of pear blossoms in the Chongjiu Bamboo Garden": "Spring flowers are dust when they rain, and it is like late autumn that lasts for a long time." [66] There are also some poems that we will accept when we read them, such as "Zhouxing Yiyonghe Brothers", which reads: "The weather is cold and the clouds are still frozen, and the river is wide and there is no wind and waves." [67] The lack of wind and waves is due to the wide surface of the river. Some poems write scenes, but in fact, they write about the state of mind of the poet, the third of the "Three Songs of the Double Xiuting Pavilion left in the inscription Wenshi": "Chengbi xiu mei is fixed and self-curious, and only worries about the bitter noise outside the door." To know the place where the heart is clear, it is necessary to wait for the people to be on the moon. [68] Rain and snow often affect people's state of mind, but Zhou Bida has an optimistic understanding: "Cloudy and sunny, cold and hot, every day wins." [69] Poetry is like its person, and it is Zhou Bida who is as good as it is.

VI. "Reading and Purifying Karma"

The difference between Song poetry and Tang poetry is that it is one of the poems that are discussed, and some of Zhou Bida's discourse poems also have such characteristics. "Sending Guanglu Temple To Li Deyuan to ask for a shrine" specifically describes the practice of asking questions day and night: "The door is closed and the day is insufficient, and the bonfire lamp is illuminated at night to discuss the heart song." [70] The volume "On the third day of the first month, Hu Jiheng and Bo Xin Zhongwei Uncle Xian Kun zhong Ouyang House Li Dake and Zi Yonghe came to rain in the small set of Stacked Pavilions with Jin Ding Yu Zhou to persuade the wine to see Merlin drama say fate five say drama wish the six jun Meng ci before the rhyme of the good chapter each of the old things to thank each article as a thank you" is also written all night long: "Tan Feng is not afraid of staying straight all night, Yan Xining resigns day by day. ”[71]

The "Reading Purification Karma, Illness and Heart Violation" of the Zhongshu Zhonggu Privy Rhymes of the Second Fold zhonggu Shumi rhyme Laiyang Cao Qinchen Yanruo Library,[72] and the "Lu Ji Qin Shaoqing An Shu Tang Ci Zhu Xi Zhen Yun" of "So Far Compiled Jane Incense, Not The Room Youlan",[73] both project a love of learning. Related to learning, let's see how Zhou Bida can describe a person's obesity, and the "Ciyun Yang Wenfa Undertaking" is written like this: "Cai Si Chun River under the Se boat, the abdomen of the Tibetan scripture history is more convenient." [74] The description of the full belly is presumably not annoying to say that it is fat.

Related to daily activities, Zhou Bida's poems also contain many descriptions of books and school books. The "Frozen Head Wang's Yifangtang" wrote: "A smell of condensed incense is like entering the Zhilan Room." The situation will be a hundred feet building, with a high storage of 30,000 yuan. [75] In the same volume, "Ciyun Sun Congzhi Shilang Sent The Title of New Yu Zhou's Use of Virtue Hall", it is written: "Ande was a guest of the church, and a total of 30,000 shaft toothpicks were woven. ”

The collection of books is often related to school books. In his later years, Zhou Bida published the Northern Song Dynasty's large-scale books "Wenyuan Yinghua" and Ouyang Xiu's anthology, and also printed his own anthologies in clay movable type, and the engraving and school books were remarkable, and the poems also described the proofreading he was engaged in. The second part of the "Second Song of the New Juluo Changqing Guanlan Pavilion Lan Tang" reads: "Tang Ao collects 30,000 scrolls, and the school fish and lu divide the roots and silver." [76] "Yulu" and "Genyin" are similar in shape, and there are often errors in transcription and engraving, so these two words become synonymous with the closeness and error in collation. In "En xu feng zi middle brother resend the rhyming poem of the subject", Zhou Bida used the word "root silver" again: "This is the real cause of reading, and it has always been the wrong root silver." [77] The "Sending Shen Shide Fugan back to the Dynasty" also directly mentions the proofreading: "Huai Ting Gong embroidered Yu Shi, Yun Ge lead yellow to be schooled." [78] In the past, one person was a schoolmaster and two people were a chicken, so it was called a school chicken. The similar graffiti fluid used in the school book is lead yellow.

VII. "Poetry can make everything happen"

Talking about poetry in poetry is probably the habit and natural flow of the people who wrote poetry in ancient and modern times. Zhou Bida not only has the "Erlaotang Poetry" to tell the story of poetry, but also in his poems there are also poems and psalmic exchanges that can be seen everywhere, which are worth picking out to attract attention.

If it is said that "Sending Hongjing Lushe People to the North Envoy" "from the beginning of the pen of three thousand mu, can defeat the army of 100,000 men" is the power of speaking words,[79] then "Bingbu Wang Zhongxing Shangshu HuiShi Shu Recently Zhishe Next Door On Poetry Saying Chess Drama Rhymes for Xie Shangshu Recently Recorded Old Poems for The Sake of Giving and Combining", it brings the role of poetry to the height of being able to express all things in the world: "Poetry can make everything, and chess can dispel all worries." ”[80]

The second part of the "Second Rhyme King Zhongmo Zhongning Singing Two Songs" reveals Zhou Bida's love for good poetry: "There are not many other days like the next year, and every good sentence is happy." [81] The Ciyun Zhangmao Xian Xie Tea describes the good poem you just read with new tea: "The new poem has a taste and knows what it is, and Shuangjing Chun comes to try the white buds." [82] "Wuhu Zai Shen Covenant Duan Jie Hui Poem Compilation Rhymes for Xie" talks about rhetorical refinement sentences: "Since the ancient poet Gui Grinding, try to see the "Qi'ao" verse. [83] The "Sending Yu Gong Teaching Liang to Be Able to Produce a Couple of Scholars" talks about the importance of the calendar to writing poetry: "Only when a thousand mountains are full of poetry can we be rich, and the ten thousand valleys are in the history of the pen. [84] In the same year, Yang Jinzhong showed that the Various Thesa of Qianlin were all based on the old Du Xiang period, but Tong Minde said that he did not conform to the study of Dongpo, who was not a poet who did not know the poet, used this meaning to become a bad language, and an opinion for the birthday celebration was in the last chapter, and it was also said that there should also be a teacher: "Often fear that Swen has no pillar, and there is a teacher who pushes the best sentence alone." ”[85]

Poetry and painting are closely related, and Zhou Bida also discussed poetry and painting in the poem. "And the Seventh Brother Qiupu Rhyme" wrote: "The sentence is good for that rong painting, and it is high but salty." [86] That is to say, there are some wonderful verses that cannot be expressed in a figurative picture. "Titled Cold Figure II" wrote: "Imami painting is cold and begging, and the heart is difficult to shape." [87] Heart-to-heart painting is indeed difficult to shape. "Title Liu Ne Painting Zhao Han Wang Han Wei Gong Wen Lu Company Ma Wen Gong Ouyang Wen Zhong Gong Wang Jing Gong Su Wen Zhong Gong Huang Tai Shi Statue" wrote: "Xun Ye articles are all to the body, and the spirit is not easy to write Danqing. [88] The shape seems to be easy, the god seems to be difficult, and the spiritual essence of the characters is difficult to draw, and I am afraid that it still needs to be described in words.

In addition to poetry and painting, some of Zhou Bida's poems also reflect some phenomena in literary history and the understanding of these phenomena. For example, the Xikun tribute to the Northern Song Dynasty is repeatedly mentioned when it is written to the descendants of Qian Weiyan, the commander of the Xikun remuneration school. This is the "Qian Wen Ji Ju Zhuangyuan went to spring with Yang Ji Zhou Zi Zhi Rhymes To Give Yu Rui Poetry Old Zhi Jiu Ji Feng Reward Now Cheng rank Man Also Dynasty Thought That Rao" in "Hua Lai Bei Gu No New Singing, Poetry to Xi Kun Has a Hometown",[89] and Volume IV "Deer Ming Feast Sits Last Qian Shou Yun" "Taiping Story Xi Kun Ti, Referring to the Japanese Emperor's Ten Thousand Oral Transmissions". [90] The latter sentence can be said to be a positive positive evaluation of the Xikun body.

Talking about poetry in the poem, Zhou Bida not only reviews history, but also tells about the exchanges of the poetry society in the world. "Hu Ji has a poem about the group from the collection of autumn springs to use mountain fruits to help the feast to make a second stack" wrote: "Near poetry through the Spectrum Jiangxi Society, the new plummer is born in the autumn. [91] The Jiangxi poetry school formed by the Jiangxi Poetry Society had an important influence on the history of Southern Song Dynasty literature, appearing in the pen of Zhou Bida, and the era should be relatively early in terms of period. There is also a poem "Liu Xiancai Zhongjun Shows His Father Drunken Poetry Collection Suo Contemptuous Sentence" that reads: "Stomping to Zhuxi, the sick eyes were dizzy and scratched the golden basket." The breeze is full of dust, and the old inscription is made up. Jiuxian Mountain people live in the north of the water, and the present-day Zhi poetry society continues to Jiangxi. Drunken groans who can write, as if Lin Lang knows Kei. [92] The inheritance of Zhou Bi's capitalization of the Jiangxi Poetry Society here is also noteworthy. The relationship between Zhou Bida and the Jiangxi Poetry Society, and Zhou Bida's discussion of the Jiangxi Poetry Society as an important historical material of literature and history, do not seem to have received sufficient attention. To be sure, Zhou Bida actively participated in the activities of the Jiangxi Poetry Society in his later years. This can be seen from the evaluation of the people at that time: "The pure heart of the public is like Du Zhengxian, the Boji is exquisite if Su Zirong, and as for the scarf cane shoes and the Baoshe Gull Alliance, then the Luoyang Qi Ying is placed together." ”[93]

Zhou Bida also talked about the dissemination of his works through commercial media in his poems, "Zhongjia ZhiZheng Shi Shu Shang Shu Wang Brother Pet and Contemptuous Sentences and Sending Suitable Xuan Records Poems and Other White Lotte Words also Honored to Use lotte Things Rhymes" wrote: "Near the shore lian shu duo Jia Ke, set the new sentence HaiDong transmission." [94] Considering the fact that the Imperial Fact Garden, which was engraved in Jianyang in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, was circulated to Japan within four or five years of its publication, I have reason to speculate that the "Haidong" here may refer to Japan. [95] At that time, the spread of books and the developed commodity economy played an important role in promoting them, and the Jia Ke of Lianshu was the disseminator. Judging from this content, Zhou Bida's poems also have the significance of poetic history.


Zhu Xi only valued Zhou Bida's remarks, which would mislead later generations about Zhou Bida's literary achievements, making people think that Zhou Bida's poetry was inferior to the text. In fact, Zhou Bida is also very accomplished in poetry, and his views on poetry creation, in addition to being more concentrated in the "Erlaotang Poetry", also have some expositions in his collection. Zhou Bida wrote in the "Preface to the Collected Writings of the Residents of Qixi": "It is difficult to climb the article, and it is difficult for poetry to be suppressed in it. In Zhou Bida's view, among various literary genres, poetry has a very sacred status. In this preface, he goes on to quote Liu Yuxi and Sikong Tu to support this understanding: "Liu Mengde knows, the subtlety of the heart, the hair is the text, the text is wonderful, and the chant is the poem." The poetry is difficult, and the poetry is particularly difficult. [96] Compared with the text, poetry is very sacred and sublime, which shows the importance that Zhou Bida attaches to the literary style of poetry.

Sun Yi of the Song Dynasty has a dialogue with Zhou Bida on poetry:

Yu Shaoxi (Rui Lai pressed, when it was Qingyuan's mistake. Ding Wei looked forward to it in March, served a banquet in the Chunhua Building, and heard the great chancellor Yiguo Zhou Gong talking about sprinkling, and he was tireless all day long. As for the poem, it is said: "There must be a police policy to write a sentence, not a generality." "Because of the arch, please know: "Ru Xianggong 'Yiding Chang Fire Luck, Sanherui Royal' is guangyao born in Dinghai, Shouhuang Dingwei, Shou Kang Dingdi, its stem is both a ding, and its branch is also a three-in-one; 'Bachelor's Policy Consultation Bachelor's Policy', Gong Ziyun 'Guan Zhi also calls for Bachelor's', 'Secretary Officer Test Secretary Officer', Shi Gong takes the secretary ShaoJian Zhi Han Yuan, fa strategy test Wang Zhongheng, and send Cheng The same year's old poems also, 'Before and after Gu Zhan is shy and leaning on the jade, and the branch stem leads from the even Lianzhu' These three old poems are also. Gong Zi Zhuyun 'Cheng Cheng Brother was born in Yi Mi, and Yu Bing Wu, Cheng Zhai Ding Wei', without a word, it is exhausted. Gong smiled and said, "Yes also." Such as elegy is also difficult to compose. Reply: "I would like to hear it." Gong Yue: "Emperor Gaozong Ding Haisheng, in the same year as Yizu, one is the lord of Kaiji, the other is the king of Zhongxing, the second emperor of heaven, merit and long, is it not accidental?" After Emperor Gaozong celebrated the eighty holy birthdays, he did not go to the Immortals, but empress dowager Cining was no different. The poem of Emperor Gaozong of Bang is said to be 'Born in the same year as Yizu, Qingshou bicining.' People remember Geng Gengzhao, the heavens fall nine nine years', just said to be also. If the emblem temple elegy, it is particularly difficult to order, and it is also difficult to word. Alone is Tang Cheng Xiang Jin Zhi Thinking of retreating from the clouds 'Yu Ji from Wuye, QiMu Qi Ji Shan', the most important thing. Gai used Shunshi to form Huizong patrol and did not return to his intentions, and the ZiGong funeral society, and used Yushi to describe it, all of which were gentle and straight. This is really the poet Samadhi. ”[97]

This not short dialogue not only quotes Zhou Bida's poems, but also relays Zhou Bida's views on poetry, such as "if you need a police policy, you should write a sentence" and "gentle and straight". Since there are poems of Zhou Bida and poems of Zhou Bida reviews, it is possible to observe Zhou Bida's views more intuitively. How to compose poetry, through this precious record, we can see that Zhou Bida has a profound understanding. And zhou bida's poetry creation, which we examined from various angles earlier, can be said to be the practice of his poetry theory.

Ye Shi, who was at the same time as Zhou Bida, once relayed the criticism of Tang poetry by his friend Wang Wei: "Uncle Mu did not like Tang poetry, saying that he was humble and weak. In recent years, Tang poetry has become popular, and everyone who hears it is suspicious. The husband fights with each other, the perversion of extremely external objects, and the Tang people are also good at it; on the contrary, it is not enough to determine the end of their aspirations, and the Tang people are short. Ye Shi agreed with Wang Feng's opinion, saying, "Uncle Mu's comments can be ignored?" [98] Wang's criticism of Tang poetry in turn reflects the characteristics of Song poetry. From the science of science to Taoism, the flow of attention to zhizhi gewu will inevitably affect the poetry creation of the Song people. The characteristic of Song poetry's heavy discussion is not to make the poem taste as boring as chewing wax, but to let the poet focus more on exploring the inner world, observing the daily world, and alluding philosophy to poetry. Although the Song people mostly admired Tang poetry, the basic path of Song poetry creation was indeed "to seek from within". This can also be summarized from Zhou Bida's poetry creation and the exposition that "if you need a police policy, you should write a sentence".

In addition to the records of the "Compilation of The Book of The Fulfillment of the Zhai Dynasty", the more concentrated reflection of Zhou Bida's literary insights is also known as the "Erlaotang Poetry". The hundreds of poems created by Zhou Bida in his lifetime, included in the voluminous "Zhou Bida Anthology", are the practice of his understanding of poetry theory. Wandering on this treasure mountain, we can take Zhou Bida's poems as the primary object of examining his literary achievements. Therefore, feeling in the heart, resonating with the times, combined with the background of the times, from Zhou Bida's poems, I read the contents of entering the world, being born, drinking, friendship, writing scenes, reading books, discussing poetry, and so on. A little bit of a brief combing, as described above.

Zhou Bida, who lived in the middle of the southern Song Dynasty, with his status and literary name, must have had a great influence on the literary activities at that time and in the future. Zhu Xi's "unique zhou yigong in the contemporary literature" should not only be Zhu Xi's personal opinion, but represent the general recognition at that time. A writer is either longer than a writer or a poet, and although there will be a certain temperature difference, it is the work of the same person after all, and the impact must not stop at one end. Looking at Zhou Bida's poems in this way, it can also be inferred that it will have a certain impact on the literary creation of the government and the opposition in the present and later generations, and this aspect is also a topic that needs to be explored in the future.


[1] [Qing] Yong Yao et al., General Catalogue of the Four Libraries, Beijing: Zhonghua Bookstore, 1965.

[2] [Song] Luo Dajing: "Crane Forest Yulu" (鹤林玉露), vol. 5, Zhou Wenlu Poems. Wang Ruilai, Beijing: Zhonghua Bookstore, 1983.

[3] [Song] Lu You's Weinan Anthology, vol. 15, Preface to the Zhou Yi Gongwen Collection. Ma Yazhong, Tu Xiaoma Annotated Edition, Hangzhou: Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2015.

[4] [Song] Xu Yi: Preface to the Continuation of Pingyuan, in the preface of the Zhou Bida Anthology, published by Qing Ouyang.

[5] Regarding the research on Zhou Bida's poetry in the existing thematic collection, the main ones are Huang Wenping's "Research on Zhou Bida's Poetry", Master's Thesis of Nanchang University, 2008; Xu Shanshan's "Zhou Bida Hanyuan Poetry and the Cultural Mentality of southern Song Dynasty Poets", Chinese Cultural Studies, No. 2, 2013; Gu Yuedong's "Comparative Study of Zhou Bida and Fan Chengda's Poetry Creation", Journal of Yulin University, No. 1, 2015; Fu Shaolei and Zheng Xinghua's "New Exploration of Zhou Bidahanyuan's Poetry", Cultural and Educational Materials, No. 4, 2016.

[6] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VII.

[7] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[8] Fan Wenzheng Gongji, vol. 4, "YiYun Answers Liang Jianyun Judgment Sees And Sends", Wang Ruilai dianxue "Fan Zhongyun Collection", "Confucian Collection", vol. 204, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2012.

[9] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gong collection, vol. VII.

[10] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[11] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[12] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[13] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[14] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 3.

[15] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[16] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43.

[17] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[18] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[19] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43.

[20] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 5.

[21] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[22] The poem is published in The Collected Works of Wenzhong of Zhou Yiguo, Vol. II.

[23] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gong collection, vol. 2.

[24] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[25] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 6.

[26] It is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 185.

[27] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 41.

[28] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 5.

[29] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 42.

[30] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43.

[31] The poem is published in zhou yiguo wenzhong gongji, vol. 2.

[32] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[33] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[34] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. 3, "Sending Rui Guoqi To Cao Guangdong".

[35] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. 5, "Professor Yang Jinzhong's Birthday in the Same Year".

[36] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong GongJi, Vol. VII, "Bingbu Wang Zhongxing Shang Shu HuiShi Shu Shu

[37] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. VI, "The Late Autumn Qu Feast of the Courtiers and the Imperial System" (臣恭和御制 Late Autumn Qu Feast) Is a poem written into the blasphemy of the Heavenly Wei Chen's Fearless War Fear of Sin".

[38] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 6.

[39] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 41.

[40] In Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 185.

[41] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43, "Four Rhymes answering Jiangxi Mei".

[42] The Collected Works of Wenzhong of Zhou Yiguo, Vol. 2, The Song of the Four Hours of the Fisher Father.

[43] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[44] The poem is published in zhou yiguo wenzhong gongji, vol. 42.

[45] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. 2, "The Second Rhyme rui Cao GuoQi Recalls the Second Song of the Shangyuan Dynasty last year".

[46] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 3.

[47] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 41, "On March 28, the peony medicine bloomed in front of the Chunhua Building to recruit the second brother of Ou Ge and the second brother of the Qi Nian.

[48] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. 1, Remembering Hu Jihuai in the Dao.

[49] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VIII.

[50] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[51] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. 2, Nine Days of Weeping Son, Soft Brother.

[52] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[53] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[54] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[55] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, Vol. 1, "Sending Sons and Brothers to Jiangxi Twenty Rhymes".

[56] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VI.

[57] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VII.

[58] The poem is published in The Collected Works of Wenzhong of Zhou Yiguo, vol. 2.

[59] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 41.

[60] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[61] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[62] The poem is published in The Collected Works of Wenzhong of Zhou Yiguo, Vol. II.

[63] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 5.

[64] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[65] Volume 4 of the Crane Forest Yulu( Vol. 4" of the "Mountain Quiet Day Long" reads: "Tang Zi Xi Shiyun: The mountain is as quiet as the ancients, and the day is as long as a small year. In the deep mountains of the Yu family, at the turn of every spring and summer, the moss is full of steps, the flowers are full of paths, the doors are not peeled, the pine shadows are jagged, and the birds are up and down. Take a nap and take a first step, swirl the mountain spring, pick up pine branches, and cook bitter tea and sip it. Feel free to read "Zhou Yi", "Guo Feng", "Zuo Shi Biography", "Departure from Sorrow", "Taishi Gongshu" and several articles of Tao Dushi and Han Suwen. Calmly walking on the mountain path, caressing pine bamboo, and living with the musk calves in the long forest and abundant grass. Sit in the fountain and rinse your teeth and feet. Under the bamboo window, the mountain wife and child make bamboo shoots and ferns, provide wheat and rice, and gladly fill up. Between the pen windows, several crosses are made according to the size, and the collection of Fa posts, inkblots, and scrolls is displayed. When xing arrives, he recites a small poem, or a paragraph or two of grass jade dew. Cook another cup of bitter tea, walk out of the creek, meet the gardener Xiyou, ask Sang Ma, say japonica rice, measure the rain of the school, explore the number of festivals, and talk with the drama. After returning to the cane and under the firewood gate, the sunset is on the mountain, purple and green, changing in an instant, and it is pleasing to the eye. The sound of the ox back flute, two or two returns, and the moon seals the creek before the stream. This sentence of the flavor is wonderful. However, this sentence is wonderful, and those who know its magic are few. He led the yellow arm and hunted in the field of sound and profit, but when he saw the dust of the head of the gungun horse, the shadow of the hurried colt, the uchiha knew the wonder of this sentence! If one can truly know this wonderful thing, then Dongpo's so-called meditation without anything is two days, and if he lives for seventy years, he will be one hundred and forty, and he will gain a lot!"

[66] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 3.

[67] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[68] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[69] Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 5, He Neng Fan Sheren Nongpu Tang Yun.

[70] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[71] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43.

[72] The poem is published in The Collected Works of Wenzhong of Zhou Yiguo, Vol. III.

[73] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[74] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[75] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 41.

[76] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[77] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 3.

[78] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[79] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 2.

[80] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VII.

[81] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 1.

[82] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43.

[83] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 4.

[84] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VI.

[85] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 5.

[86] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. VIII.

[87] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 3.

[88] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 43.

[89] The poem is published in the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 41.

[90] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. IV.

[91] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 3.

[92] The poem is published in zhou yiguo wenzhong gongji, vol. 42.

[93] The ritual text written by Wu Hunter, the chief of the Huguang River, The Capital of Jingxi, is contained in the appendix volume 1 of the Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji.

[94] The poem is published in Zhou Yiguo Wenzhong Gongji, vol. 42.

[95] See Wang Ruilai, "Miscellaneous Examinations of the Factual Class of the Song Dynasty", Journal of Ancient Book Collation and Research, No. 5, 1990.

[96] The Zhou Bi Da Preface is found in Volume 54 of the Zhou Bi Da Anthology and at the beginning of the Collected Works of the Residents of Qixi.

[97] [Song] Sun Yi: "Shu Zhai Shi'er Compilation", vol. 10, "Poetry sayings and Zhou Yigong Commentaries", Beijing: Zhonghua Bookstore, Hou Tijian, Guan Zhengbing Dian Schoolbook, 2014.

[98] [Song] Ye Shi's Collected Works of Water Hearts, vol. 12, Preface to The Poems of Wang Mushu.

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