
Face a sudden power outage and water outage! How should we respond?

author:Progressive Achen

In recent days, residents in many places in the northeast have suffered sudden power outages without prior notice, and even some people's homes have dangerous accidents of gas poisoning. I would like to say that, first of all, please believe in the strength of our motherland, such a situation will certainly become less and less in the future. But in the face of such power outages in the Northeast for some time to come, what should we do at home to prepare? Let's explore this article together.

Face a sudden power outage and water outage! How should we respond?

1. Equipped with emergency lights

Emergency lights, flashlights or desk lamps with charging functions. Because if there is a sudden power outage at night, having a light source will greatly enhance our sense of security. If the contents of the house are more cluttered, there may be a danger of tripping around in the dark room. To avoid such hazards, it is important to prepare emergency lights at home.

Face a sudden power outage and water outage! How should we respond?

2. Pay attention to gas use and important electrical power supply problems

In recent days, there have been news of the danger of gas leakage caused by power outages. Therefore, when the power outage comes, you must be alert to the use of gas in your own kitchen. Prevent dangerous situations due to gas. As well as the sudden power failure of important electrical power supplies, sudden power transmission will damage electrical appliances. We can manually cut off the power supply of these important electrical appliances during the power outage, and then connect themselves after the power is transmitted to ensure the safety of the use of electrical appliances.

2. Prepare the charging treasure in advance

Mobile phones are an important tool for modern people to contact the outside world, so it is especially important to have a charging treasure with sufficient power in the home in the case of a sudden power outage. Staying connected to the outside world can both give us a better sense of security and pass the time with our phones during power outages. And now many table lamps on the market support USB charging, and the charging treasure can additionally solve the problem of lighting.

Face a sudden power outage and water outage! How should we respond?

3. Have plenty of drinking water and food at home

Prevent problems before they occur, and prepare plenty of drinking water and simple food. Blackouts only add some trouble to our lives, but water outages affect our normal lives. Experiencing this sudden power outage and water outage has sounded the alarm for our reserve consciousness. Prepare enough drinking water at home to ensure that the whole family has enough drinking water to drink during the hourly period of water stoppage. Preparing some extra compressed biscuits or self-heating food can eat hot meals in the case of long-term water and power outages, and can also greatly enhance our inner sense of security during power outages.

Face a sudden power outage and water outage! How should we respond?

4. Some extra attention to the dangers

This sudden power outage also has a dangerous situation in some areas where people are locked in elevators. In order to avoid such a dangerous situation, if you are not a friend who lives on a high floor and is easily mobile, try to reduce the number of elevator rides unnecessarily. Climbing stairs is also one of the ways that we modern people can increase their exercise. If you really live in the high-rise, and the legs and feet are inconvenient friends, you must go up and down quickly when taking the elevator, reduce the time spent in the elevator, in order to reduce the occurrence of danger.

Face a sudden power outage and water outage! How should we respond?

In short, the power outage will bring us too much inconvenience, what we have to do is to be safe and have a sense of safety. Protecting yourself and your family is the most important thing. Believe in our motherland, such a sudden situation will surely decrease with the reaction. This article hopes to remind friends, make full preparations, do not panic when encountering power outages, you can greatly protect our safety!

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