
Fu Zhiping and Li Shanlan of Xiaoling Village Committee of Xiaoling Village, Basuo Town, Dongfang City, Hainan Province, and the People's Court of Longhua District of Haikou City, Hainan Province, call you to fulfill!

author:Executive Board of Longhua District Court

In accordance with the provisions of Article 255 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, information on the failure of the person subject to enforcement to perform the obligations determined in the legal documents is hereby published. The public is welcome to provide clues to the enforcement court about their property, and to report on their high consumption, transfer or concealment of property, evasion of enforcement, and other such conduct. Contact number: .

Fu Zhiping and Li Shanlan of Xiaoling Village Committee of Xiaoling Village, Basuo Town, Dongfang City, Hainan Province, and the People's Court of Longhua District of Haikou City, Hainan Province, call you to fulfill!

Fu Zhiping

Execution Case No.: (2021) Qiong 0106 No

Name of Executor:

Birth period: Year, month and day


Fu Zhiping and Li Shanlan of Xiaoling Village Committee of Xiaoling Village, Basuo Town, Dongfang City, Hainan Province, and the People's Court of Longhua District of Haikou City, Hainan Province, call you to fulfill!

Lee Sun-lan

Enforcement court: Longhua District People's Court, Haikou City, Hainan Province

Basis of execution:

Obligations determined by effective legal documents: RMB and interest

Place of domicile (domicile):

Source of the case: In a case of dispute between the applicant for enforcement and the person subject to enforcement, the people's court has made an effective judgment on the person subject to enforcement and the judgment to the applicant for enforcement in RMB and interest. After the above-mentioned legal documents take effect, the person subject to enforcement fails to perform his legal obligations as scheduled, and the person applying for enforcement applies to the court for compulsory enforcement. The People's Court of Longhua District of Haikou City served the enforcement notice and the order to report the property by mail to the person subject to enforcement, but the person subject to enforcement failed to declare the property to the court within the time limit and did not perform the obligations specified in the effective legal documents. This court shall include him in the list of restricted consumption in accordance with the law, and request the above-mentioned persons subject to enforcement to promptly go to the Longhua District People's Court of Haikou City to perform their statutory obligations, otherwise they will bear the corresponding legal consequences.

Contact reporting telephone: Judge, 0898-