
Hollow annotations of several texts (word translations)

author:Lao Xie Language Hall
Hollow annotations of several texts (word translations)

(18 Spring Exams, True Questions)

(1) Mulberry, the word is deep. Father Chong, who had a deep sense of foresight, was in power by The King of Hejian (yóng) (also known as "in power", "in power", "in power"), and introduced (recommendation; "lifting" and "entering") (of) as Sima (司馬). Chong Zhi Zhi Will Be Defeated / Ten Days of Employment / Call Sickness (False Illness) And Seek Retirement. Yu Renxiao lost his father in the fourteenth year of his life, destroyed the rites, and used rice and grains every day (the usage is the same as "with", conjunction, used) 糁 (sǎn mixed, mixed) quinoa, and his sister (advice; also has the meaning of "understanding, knowing") said: "Ru destroys the barren so, it will be destroyed, the extinction is not filial piety, it is advisable to suppress self-sufficiency." Yu Yue: "Quinoa mixed rice, enough to win (can bear, can endure; "can") mourning." ”

(2) Yu Youyuan is in the north of the house, the melons and fruits are first ripe, and some people have overstepped the wall and stolen them. Yu used the garden aid (fence) to have many thorns, fearing that he would be wounded and damaged by stealing people and frightening them, but he made the slave open the way for it. and the melon that has been stolen (backed) will come out, and see the Tao Tongli, but send the stolen melon, and prostrate the head to ask for sin. Yu Nai was overjoyed, and he did his best to do so.

(3) Taste the line, boarding against the hotel (inn), the same guest lost his breast (fǔ jerky), suspected of being a thief. Yu was silent and undressed. The master said: "This house has lost fish, broilers, chickens and ducks, most of them are stolen by foxes, so why should you be suspicious?" "But he sought the Lord among the mounds, and he got it." The guest asked for the return of clothes, and Yu threw it away (looking back, looking back).

(4) Yu Zhu's brothers (as officials) ascended to the throne in shi le's world, and Xian (du) ascended to the throne, but Yu Shame (intention to move, to ... For shame) subjects (famous to move, to be courtiers) are not of the same kind, yin desire to avoid the land of Haidong, will Ding Mother worry, so stop. Mourning the bones are standing, and the lu (named Zuo dong, Tsukuro residence) is located on the side of the tomb. Five years later, Shi Le thought it was the Wucheng Order. Yu traveled to the Yellow River, went to haiwei, and took up his post happily. The son of the father of the imperial court, who was named Yu, would be able to make a meritorious contribution to Haidai, and send the Dongguan people Hua Ting to give Yu Ningshuo the general and the Qingzhou Assassin History. Yu Yue: "The name of the merit is not Wu Zhiye." "Although there have been false dynasties, but there is no hesitation, the world is so high (intentional, to ... For the high, respected, admired) of.

(Excerpt from book of Jin, 58)

(21 Ermo Pudong District)

Murong Chuichuan

(Northern Wei) Cui Hong

(1) Murong Chui character Daoming, the fifth son of 皝 (皝) ( Mother Lan Shuyi. It is seven feet seven inches long, and the hand is hanging over the knee. He is very spoiled, and often says: "Here Kuoda is curious, and he can eventually break the family (people's family business), or he can become an adult." ”

(2) Jianxi ten years to (with... Identity) The great general of the Che Riding Defeat Huan Wen Yu Fangtou, the prestige of the Great Earthquake, the Taifu Shangyong King commented on the deep jealousy (jealousy), and went out of the run (escape, escape) Qin. Qin Wang Jian heard the hanging, great joy, suburb greeting, holding hands, the ceremony is very heavy. Wang Meng was fierce and evil, and persuaded Jian to kill him, but he did not obey. Thought to be the champion general, Feng Bin Du Hou, Li Jing Zhaoyin.

(3) Jian Jian was defeated at Huainan, and the army was alone (preserved), and Jian ran with more than a thousand horses. Shizi Bao said to Yu: "The country is in mourning, the imperial program is abolished, and the cause of Long Zhongxing is built, and the merit of Shaokang is built." It is advisable (should) to accept the emperor's will and take it because of (taking advantage of the opportunity). "He has given his life with all his heart, and if he (how) he harms him." "It is the soldier who is strong. Hanging down to Shi Chi, he said to Jian: "Wang Shi is unfavorable, the people of the northern realm, or therefore light and heavy (partial meaning compound word, "light", contempt), please follow the edict of Ning Shuo." "Promise. Quan Yi said: "The famous general of the hanging claws, now Han Xin and Bai Qi." And Shihao Dongxia, who is not subordinate to others, is (recently, not long ago) to avoid disasters and return to sincerity, not to muddle. Fear of the champion's trumpet, not full of his ambition, column (through "crack") land hundreds of miles, less than enough (so that... Satisfied) its heart. And the eagle is also hanging, and hunger is attached to others, and the full will be exalted, and in the face of wind and dust, there will be a lofty ambition. Jian Yue: "Qing Yan is also true, but he has already promised it." Piff believes in the Lord of all multiplications. Wing Yue: "Your Majesty attaches great importance to small letters and ignores the society, the subjects see the past and do not see their return, and the changes in the Kanto are bowing their heads." "The consequences are as they are.

(4) In the first month of the first year of the first year, (Murong Chui) dynasty (made ... At The Qingyang Palace, qin jianyuan was changed to Yan Yuannian and prince Bao was made prince of Yan. Thirteen years, the capital of Zhongshan. In the first month of the first year of Jianxing, the group of officials advised him to bow down the title of Zheng Zun. Xin Di (辛卯), the usurpation of the emperor in the southern suburbs / amnesty / change Yuan Jianxing / Li Zibao as crown prince. In the summer of April, Xue Yu was in shanggu zhiyang, seventy-two years old, emperor Wucheng of the temple, the ancestor of the temple.

(Excerpted from the "Sixteen Kingdoms Spring and Autumn Biography , Volume XI" has been deleted)

(21 Yimo Chongming District)

(1) Zhang Yangmeng, Zi Taiheng, a native of Zezhou. Wanli five years into the soldier. Elect Shu Jishi, the former official Ke Zuo to the matter. Less responsible for the name / Ming Xi tianxia affairs / in the speech / generous and good to build white. With the floods and droughts in the north and south, the three things of governing (punishing) the adulterous people, the compassion (Gu Nian, compassion) the displaced people, and the love of the rich people, Di Jia (praise) accepted it. Jin Yidu commanded Luo Xiuying (seeking) You Shu, Bingbu Shangshu Wang Shu Ge (shelved) could not do it, lost the right to rejoice (the magnate) to go, Xiu Jing (yín) Yuan (metaphorically to win the relationship, A Shang Drill Camp) to get it. Yang Meng's hair (exposing) its condition, and the facts (records, records) are passed on. Yushi GaoWeisong and other words and deeds were dismissed, and Yang Meng and his colleagues (those who served in the same official office, colleagues) discussed salvation, and fu te punished (defending people's grievances). Disobedience (disobedience, disobedience) will, take the money.

(2) Relocation engineering departments are given to the matter. Du Yushi Panji tamed the river workers, and Yang Meng said: "In the past twenty years, the river has been in trouble. When it is decided, it is plugged, when it is silted, when it is dredged (dredged), and when it is completed (completed, completed) it is discussed. If the husband is decided, he will entrust the natural disaster and not take on (bear, bear) his blame (sin, fault), and the junsai will be rewarded by the person. And the report is not long, afraid of the aftermath (worry, worry), eager to thank the matter (resignation), and the successor to the recurrence of the trouble. The reason for this is that he was soon appointed. The husband and official will soon take office, and there are three disadvantages: after the first time is different, the people have their own dissent, and the merits and sins are difficult to carry out (execution). Please follow the example of the border ministers, increase the rank (俸禄) for a long time, and the Si duty (position, official position) is dedicated and can be responsible (required) successfully. "The emperor is deeply aware.

(3) There are 2,400 horses of Zhaolu Anjin silk. Before long, the number of resurrections increased by five thousand. Yang Meng led the same officials to fight, and said: "Ever preach the post, the one who has the title (played on the inscription) is the inner minister, the one who intends the will (drafting the holy will), and the one who copies the letter is the subject." The lower part of the present path, not ancestral. "Not from. Chu (出京) is the right to participate in the politics of Henan. He was summoned as a servant shaoqing and moved to the left vice capital Yushi.

(4) The right attendant of the Relocation Department. When he then used the division (using the army to fight) Korea, he was ordered to feed the Mongolian Governor. Shi Ning (calmed down, ended), to a son official. Thirty years later, Shang Shu Chen Rui called him a sick beggar and commanded the Mongolian Bureau (agent) to do things. Will raise Meng also has a disease in the accusation, stubborn words. Xia Ziyang impeached him for his illness, so he resigned and died at home. At the beginning of the apocalypse, give Yi Min. (With deletions)

(21 Ermo Jiading District)

(1) Han Qi, zizhi gui, a native of Anyang, Xiangzhou. Qi Feng bone is different, weak crown lifting jinshi, the name is second. He will be appointed as a supervisor, a general judge in Zizhou, and a member of the Zhi (current duty, on duty) Jixian Yuan, and the prison left treasury. Shi Fanggui (to... For the sake of nobility, attach importance to) high science, many ways to go to (hold) prominent positions, Qi du stagnation (yuān) library, the crowd thinks that it is not appropriate, Qi is free (as usual).

(2) Li Kaifeng Fu Pushing Official, Three Divisions Branch Judge, Worship (Conferred Official Position) Right Counselor. When the chancellor Wang Sui and Chen Yaozuo, han yi and Shi Zhongzhong, the governors of the government, jianming (i.e., Jianbai, made suggestions) in Zhongshuhan, Qi Lianshu (sub-article statement) their transgressions (faults, faults), and the four of them resigned on the same day (deposed). Please also stop the internal surrender (referring to the emperor's direct appointment of officials), or luck. Everything is inconvenient, not to be spoken of, every time there is a clear gain and loss, a correct discipline, pro-loyalty, and far evil as an emergency, more than seventy people before and after. Wang Zeng was a xiang, saying: "If the person who speaks today is not radical (too blunt), then (the reason for the table) is more afraid, how can he make up for the virtue?" As the king said, it can be said to be cut (blunt, sincere) and not pedantic. "Zeng Wenwang (prestige, fame) Fang Chong, Han Soo prize and (praise, approval), Qi Wenqi, yi self-confidence."

(3) Benefit and benefit hunger (famine) for the sake of volume appeasement. At different times, the county governors were in a hurry, and the city offered embroidery and embroidery things that were not straight, and Qi gave them to slow down the adjustment, expelling the greedy and the incompetent, eliminating hundreds of redundant servants, and living and hungry people with 1.9 million.

(4) Zhao Yuanhao rebelled, Qi Shi returned from Shu, and was well aware of the situation in the Western Division, that is, he was appointed as a pacification envoy in Shaanxi. Yuan Haojie (relying on, relying on) khitan as a helper, forcibly soliciting (blackmailing) tirelessly, prime minister Yan Shu and other disgusting (nasty) soldiers (war), and taking everything from it. Qi Chen is inconvenient, and the article (sub-article statement) should (should) be the first seven things, followed by the eight things that chen saves the drawbacks (drawbacks). It is said: "The deeds of the number, the slander will follow, willing to entrust (entrust, entrust) the counts and auxiliaries, listen (resign, listen) to their comments (arrange disposal)." "Tissika (appreciated, praised) Na. When the two houses played the work together, Qi Bi said everything, although the matter belonged to the Zhongshu, it also referred to Chen Shi, the same column (colleagues, colleagues) or displeasure, the emperor knew it, "Han Qi is straight. ”

(5) Qi fleas (through "early") are famous, know the heroic, and are not seen in the face of events (through "present") Yu Se. Commentators compare Zhou Bo with thickness, and political affairs are better than Yao Chong. It is a bachelor pro (coming) side, nian fu (just, only) thirty, the world has been called Han Gong. Jiahu and ZhiPingjian will make a big decision to reassure the society. When it was, the imperial court had many deaths, and qi was in danger, and he knew everything. Or admonition: "The public office is sincerely (indeed) good, and in case it falls (metaphorical mistake), it is not self-preservation, and the family is afraid that there will be nowhere to go." Qi sighed, "What is it?" People do their best to do things to the king / death and life to (with) / As for success or failure / Heaven also / Can you hesitate (in advance) worry about its bad (success) / Quit (stop) do not do it. "The hearer is ashamed.

3. Translate the line sentence in paragraph (3) into modern Chinese. (6 minutes)

Different times / counties / governors / assigned / urgent, the city / offering / embroidery of all things / not straight, Qi for the slow adjustment / to give it, to chase away the corrupt and incompetent officials, to eliminate hundreds of redundant labor, live hungry people 1.9 million. (Cockle, exempt.) Give it to the people the money and goods that are exempted. )

In the past, counties and counties urged frequent and urgent taxes, and the city did not pay money for various items such as silk fabrics, so Han Qi slowed down the tax reduction to compensate for this money, expelled greedy, cruel and incompetent officials, cut hundreds of unnecessary labor, and saved 1.9 million hungry people.

(21 Ermo Fengxian District)

Zhang Fuzhai biography

(Qing) Liu Daxun

(1) Mr. Fuzhai, surnamed Zhang, Huarong ren also. Mr. Young is a good genus (write, write, concatenate) text. After entering the school, during the rebellion of Wu Rebellion, rugged (verb, fleeing) bing ge (war), and brother Summoning Xiu Negative (Back) Mother cycle to the rock valley, breathless.

(2) Kangxi Yi ugly, Cheng Jinshi, know the Jinjiang of Fujian, and have good governance. Shangguan recommended Shu (上疏), and Mr. Shangshu (上疏) recommended him, and The husband was raised as a mother and an old beggar. The people could not stay, and tens of thousands of people who wept and sent to Luoyang Bridge. After serving for twenty years, it is the Golden Creek of Jiangxi. On the occasion of the apology (bad harvest), the gentleman asked Gu to get more than 7,000 stones, multi-party loans (relief), and full (preservation) life (saving) many people. There will be a superior official who relies on the nobles as a ruler, and the counties to which they belong will be coerced to go out (coerced to return to his door), and will be blamed for the generous (gifts). The gentleman could not bear to comply, so he dissolved the group (Ju xie silk, untied the seal silk, said to resign from the official position) returned. The people of Jinxi panliu wept and sent ru Jinjiangye.

(3) When in Jinjiang, there were Jia people who complained about their stepmother's reproach (harsh demand) instead of raising their father. His father (to, to) the county sued. Jia Ren paid bribes to Mr. Yu and begged for poverty. Everyone is vying to see it, Tianfang Han, Jia Renyi (to... Wear) his father with new clothes, and himself with (worn- and worn-out) clothes, in the form of cold hunger and pity, and said: "Whoever has clothes is to serve the Father." The gentleman (deliberately) glared at his father, saying, "The son is cold like this, and (you) do not sympathize with the evil of (compassion)?" "The servant came with a staff. Mr. Jia looked at (squinting) Jia Ren, the color was as usual, suddenly (suddenly) pointed to the Ling Zhi: "If (you) see that if the father will be subjected to the staff, and An (how) endure it, what is the word of filial piety (how can the charge of filial piety be resigned)?" "That is, he threw the man with a great rod, and his father wept from the side." The gentleman paid his father a bribe: "Eyang Er (you) for more than a year." "Everybody is happy.

(4) The people are endowed, and they cannot lose for a long time, and those who lose are very much. The gentleman knew that his son was also donated to redeem him.

(5) Jinjiang humanities are more prosperous than Thayi. Sir, then Yi exhorted his father and brother / to teach his children / he was a little handsome / pro-plus guest courtesy. Thus the boy of Jinjiang tried to reach ten thousand people.

(6) Mr. Jinxi's return without gold, not walking outdoors. And Hua Rong is next to the cave court, humble (low) and heavy. In the last year of the Ming Dynasty, the people were in exile. At the beginning of the state, the original amount was given to the original amount of six mu per ten mu, which was slightly increased later, and under the order of the Qing Zhang, the county official pointed out that it was a deception and would be paid in full. Sir: "I have no property of a person, and the people of Guli are invincible (can bear, can endure) the disease." "Because of the county official Bai (told, prayed) his deeds, saying that this is all the lake shore desert, ten times eight nine immersed in water, the people are ignorant, do not know the example of help please peace. For example, in the rural land (inferior fields) of Yizhun Lake, one mu of grain stops at one liter. Mr. County Official Letter is an elder, aware of the truth of the foolish people, without him, as Mr. Said. Huarong people have been profitable to this day.